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태아폐성숙의 평가를 위한 Fluorescence Polarization 검사의 유용성
정인배(IB Chung),김경철(GC Kim),박수희(SH Park),이영진(YJ Lee),한혁동(HD Han),김대현(TH Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.6
Accurate assessment of fetal lung maturity is essential in the management of high risk obstetric patients. New rapid techniques have been developed to Fluorescence Polarization Assay, and automated assay that measures the relative concentrations of surfactant and albumin in amniotic fluid. With the cutoff for maturity set at a surfactant/albumin value of 40 mg/g, the assay showed a sensitivity of 94.1%, a specificity of 79.2% and an efficiency of 82.9% for all samples. We found a value of 40 mg/g or greater predictive of fetal lung maturity in 97.7% of cases. This assay is promising as a rapid and accurate assay for assesing fetal lung maturity.
태아 발육지연의 진단 및 예후 평가방법으로서 도플러 제대동맥혈류측정의 효용성
정인배(IB Chung),박용원(YW Park),김태윤(TY Kim),김유곤(YK Kim),박찬규(CK Park) 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.1
The efficacy of Doppler Umbilical Artery Velocimetry(DUAV) in predicting intrauterine growth retardation(IUGR) and perinatal outcome was evaluated employing DUAV in 152 singleton pregnancies at risk for IUGR. The indications for DUAV included postterm(36.2%) and hypertensive disorder during pregnancy(32.2%). IUGR was subsquently documented at birth in 35 of theses cases, 50 and 31% of which were with hypertensive disorders during pregnancy and suspected IUGR, respectively. Poor perinatal outcomes such as smaller birthweight, shorter gestational age, higher incidence of 5-min apgar score below 7, neonatal ICU stay, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, and perinatal death were associated with the Absence of End Diastolic Velocity (AEDV) of umbilical artery flow. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of DUAV in detecting IUGR and predicting perinatal outcome, in respective order, were 40.0 and 58.8%; 88 and 77.8%; 50 and 71.4%, 83.1 and 66.7%. It appears from our results that DUAV may have the potential to detect IUGR in many complicated pregnancies at risk for IUGR and is a valuable adjunct in predicting perinatal outcomes of pregnancies with IUGR.
박용원(YW Park),정인배(IB Chung),김재욱(JU Kim),양영호(YH Yang),한은경(EK Han),박찬일(CI Park) 대한산부인과학회 1989 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.32 No.10
최근저자들은 제태기간 36주에 초음파진단에 의해 선천성 골형성부전증을 경험하였기에 문 헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이며, 이를 경험으로 많은 저자들이 보고한 바와 같이 임신 14주이후부터 숙련된 초음파 술자에 의한 의례적인 시행이 산전관리의 필수적 검사임을 강 조하지 않을 수 없다. osteogenesis imperfecta is a clinical , genetically biochemically radiologically heterogenous group of inherited connective tissue disorder characterized by bone fragility and other evidence of connective tissue involvement. One of these , the perinatal form on OI tyep II is rare disorder characterized by poorly ossified calvaria, beaded rib and short, bowed limbs. we recentrly exeprinced a case of OI type II diagnosed in utero by ultrasonography and confirmed by postnatal radiograph and autopsy. We present the case with the review of the literatures
김현규(HG Kim),정인배(IB Chung),김명철(MC Kim),최현일(HI Choi),권장연(JY Kwon),차동수(DS Cha) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.9
The prolonged pregnancy is one that persists for 42 weeks or more from the onset of the last menstrual period. We evaluated the intrapatum fetal heart rate changes, mode of delivery, birth weight and neonatal outcome in 108 prolonged pregnancies. There were 30.8% multiparous women and 97.2% cephalic presentation. Labor induction was tried in 46.7%. delivery was by cesarean section in 48.1% of the cases. Fetal heart rate alteration was indicated in 45.3% of operations, and 6.9% of the fetuses weighted >4.0 kg. There was one perinatal death on 41 weeks of gestational age.
박수희(SH Park),정인배(IB Chung),김경철(GC Kim),이영진(YJ Lee),한혁동(HD Han),차동수(DS Cha) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.6
Cyclopia is rare congenital craniofacial anomaly, in which the two orbits have merged to form a single, centrally located cavity with one eye. A proboscis-like structure is situated above the orbit. This report presents a case of cyclopia attributable to an unbalanced karyotype in a family with balanced reciprocal (3p:10q) translocation.
대량수혈로 인해 조절되지 않는 거대 후복막강출혈을 복강내 Radiotapes 폐색으로 조절한 1 예
김영국(YK Kim),박천식(CS Park),정인배(IB Chung),이영진(YJ Lee),한혁동(HD Han),차동수(DS Cha),김대현(TH Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.4
In traabdominal packing with radiotapes for surgically uncontrolled hemorrhage from retroperitoneal injuries exacerbated by the hypothermia, acidosis and caogulopathy regained popularity over the past decase. In this case, intraabdominal radiotapes packing was done for uncontrollable hemorrhage from retroperitoneal injury after cesarean section. As a result intraabdominal packing helped achieve hemostasis of coagulopathy due to massive transfusion in the face of surgically uncontrolled bleeding.
Assisted Reproductive Technology에 의하여 임신된 59예의 임상적 결과
신승철(SC Shin),한혁동(HD Han),정인배(IB Chung),한상원(SW Han),이영진(YJ Lee),차동수(DS Cha) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.8
Fifty-nine pregnancies conceived by assisted reproductive techniques (ART) from October 1989 to December 1992 in the Department of Obstetrics of Gynecology, Yonsei University, Wonju College of Medicine, resulted in 47 deliveries and 65 babies. There were 9(15.3%) clinical miscarriages and 3(5.1%) ectopic pregnancies when total pregnancies were considered. The most common complications of ART assisted pregnancies were vaginal bleeding (57.6%) and hypertension(6.4%). Cesarean section was the method of the delivery in 36(76.6%) of patients. Eight (12.3%) babies required admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. All babies except one of twins at 29 weeks of gestation survived. The congenital abnormality was not noted.
자궁근종의 임상병리학적 연구 자궁근종의 임상병리학적 연구
이동연(DY Lee),권장연(JY Kwon),정인배(IB Chung),한상원(SW Han),이영진(YJ Lee),차동수(DS Cha),김대현(TH Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.11
Uterine myomas, which occur in one of every four to five women in reproductiv life, and the most common solid pelvic tumors in women. Nevertheless, etiology ad symptomatology remain poorly understood, and mangement are inconsisten .In an effort to improve understandin of these aspects of uterine myoma, we have reviewed and analysed the data results obtained from myoma patients at Wonju Christian Hospital during the years 1987 to 1990 During the period the incidence of myoma among 4,514 cases of major gynecologic surgery was 8.1%. The frequency of myoma was the highest in age group of 40-49 years The most frequent location and type were corpus(96.2%) and intramural (48.8)myoma respectively Abnormal electrocardiographic manifestations were noted in 11.2% The symptoms commonly found in decreasing order were pain or pressure symptoms(60.2%) abnormal uterine bleeding(59.9%)and palpable mass(11.9%). Hypermenorrhea was most frequently the primary infertility was 2.7% and secondary infertility was 4.1% And the subserosal and submucous type revealed relatively high incidence of infertility, 18.2% and 10.2% respectively. Mean hemoglobin level were 10.1% g/이 and less than 10g/이 was forund in 44.4% The most frequently associated diseases in myoma were chronic cervicitis (15.0%) ovarian cyst (14.2%) and pelvic inflammatory disease(11.4%) The majority of myomas were treated by the total abdominal hysterectomy (96.5%)
최교선(KS Choi),차동수(DS Cha),한상원(SW Han),정동원(DW Jung),정인배(IB Chung),이영진(YJ Lee),한혁동(HD Han) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.3
This study was planned to evaluate the clinical and histopathological status of the borderline malignant ovarian tumors, which were made on a series of 39 cases with borderline malignant ovarian tumor, who were admitted, operated and confirmed with postoperative histopathological study at department of obstetrics and gynecology, Yonsei Uviversity Wonju Christian Hospital, during the period of 1- years from 1985 Jan, to 1994 Dec. The result obtained were as follows: 1. The incidence of borderline malignant ovarian tumor among 143 cases of total group was 27.3%. 1. Age distribution revealed between 12 and 77 years old, mean age was 39.1 years old. 3. As for the parity distribution of borderline malignant ovarian tumor, nulliparity was most common(43.7%). 4. The most frequent chief complaint was palpable mass(71.7%), followed by abdominal pain(12.8%), abdominal distenstion(10.3%), vaginal bleeding(2.6%) and urinary frequency(2.6%). 5. Among the borderline malignant ovarian tumors by histopatholgical classfication, mucinous tumor was most frequently reveal in 19 cases(48.7%), serous tumor in 17 cases(43.6%), mixed tumor in 2 cases (5.1%), granulosa cell tumor in 1case(2.6%). 6. According to FIGO classification the patients were classified as: stage I a(71.8%), stage I b(2.6%), stage Ic(17.9%), stage III b(2.6%), stage III c(5.1%). 7. Right site was 56.4%, left site was 35.9%, and bilaterality was 7.7% in borderline malignant ovarian tumor. 8. Mean volume was 1242.20 cm^3 in borderline malignant ovarian tumor. 9. In the 39 cases of borderline malignant ovarian tumor, 18 cases were managed by conservative operation, the other 21 cases were managed by extripative operation and postperative chmotherapy was given in 19 cases.
체외수정 및 배아 이식후 제 16 일이내 임신군과 비임신군사이의 임상증상의 비교
박찬호(CH Park),한혁동(HD Han),홍민(M Hong),이영진(YJ Lee),정인배(IB Chung),차동수(DS Cha) 대한산부인과학회 1997 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.40 No.9
Following IVF & ET it is common to develop clinical symptoms according to pregnancy outcome until day of pregnancy test(post ET day 16). But surprisingly, the squalae of day-case IVF and ET have not been reported . This study was analyzed on clinical symptoms after ET between pregnancy group and non-pregnancy group in 157 IVF and ET cycles from september, 1995 to June, 1996 at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University, Wonju Christian Hospital. The results obtained were as follows : 1. The breast engorgement was reported by 36 of 46(78.3 %) of our patients in pregnancy group and 65 of 111(58.6 %) of our patients in non pregnancy group. The results of both group showed significant difference(p<0.05). In pregnancy group, highest incidence was noted at post ET day 4, which was continued until post ET day 16. In non-pregnancy group, highest incidence was noted from post ET day 4 to day 7, which diminished gradually over following 5 days and then nearly disappeared. 2. The vaginal bleeding was reported by 8 of 46(17.4 %) of our patients in pregnancy group and 35 of 111(31.5 %) of our patients in non-pregnancy group. The results of both group did not show significant difference(p>0.05). However in pregnancy group, vaginal bleeding was noted from post ET day 8, which its incidence was peaked at post ET day 10 and its pattern was vaginal spotting. In non-pregnancy group, vaginal bleeding was mens like pattern and its incidence was peaked at post ET day 15. 3. The itching sensation on vagina was reported only in pregnancy group(4.3 %) and the urticaria and itching sensation on skin was reported only in non-pregnancy group(5.4 %). The results of both group did not show significant difference(p>0.05).