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        日本語の要約作文の課題 -韓國人學習者の要約調査を中心に-

        정윤정 ( Yun Jung Chong ) 한국일본어교육학회 2015 日本語敎育 Vol.0 No.74

        This research examines a group of thirty three Korean college students learning Japanese, and analyzes their competence in written summarization. This study makes evident the following three issues. First, few of the research participants were able to accurately interpret the sentence constructions of the original text and concisely recreate them in a summary composition. Second, the research participants often had difficulty selecting the appropriate “Communicative Units” (CU) relevant to the central meaning of the original text. Finally, study participants showed a marked difficulty in interpreting ironic usage in the original text. Such errors frequently gave rise to vague conclusions in participants’ summaries and caused the content of their compositions to deviate from the meaning of the original text. Since summarization skills require the student to make active use of their comprehension abilities while writing, it is regarded as an efficient method for improving both a learner’s comprehension and expressive abilities at the same time. For this reason, this method promises a great many benefits both to Japanese learners and to the field of Japanese education in general.

      • KCI등재

        文章構造を意識した日本語作文敎育 -國語敎師と日本語敎師の作文評價の分析から-

        정윤정 ( Chong Yun-jung ) 한국일어교육학회 2017 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.40

        テクノロジ一の發展は人?のコミュニケ一ションのあり方を變え、「書く」という表現力そのものが問われるようになった。パソコンやスマホなどが身近なものになった今日は、電話で「話す」機會より、電子メ一ルやSNSなどで表現する機會が急增している。IT時代にこそ、分かりやすく簡潔に書いて傳える能力が重要になってきているのである。「要約作文」は、エッセイなどの作文とは違って、要点を「まとめる力」を養成できるものとして、新たなコミュニケ一ション能力を養える作文敎育といえよう。 本硏究は、韓國人日本語學習者の要約作文の用例を用いて、國語敎師と日本語敎師による評價の調査結果について考察する。韓國人日本語學習者が作文を書く際に、文章構造にはどのような特徵があるのか、專門家による評價の分析觀点を明らかにし、「文章構造を意識した日本語作文」への提案を試みたい。 國語敎師と日本語敎師による評價の分析から、開始部·展開部·終了部の3段構成がバランスよくなされている要約文は、評價も高い傾向がある反面、開始部·展開部·終了部の一部あるいは全てが欠如していると、評價は低くなる傾向がある。韓國人學習者は文章構造の意識を持っていないか、あるいは、意識は持っているとしても、文章の中でどのような動きをするのかが分からないため、書く表現も不十分になってしまったといえよう。今後の課題としては、文章構造を意識した日本語作文を敎育現場で實踐できる敎育方法を開發していきたい。 Technology has changed the way people communicate. Written communication is preferred to verbal communication. As emails and instant messages are more frequently used than phone calls in this fast-paced era, it is important to write a main idea quickly in a brief and condensed version. Summary writing is a great way to develop such writing competence. This study aims to analyze (a) the summaries written by Korean students who learn Japanese as a foreign language and (b) the summary writing evaluation by teachers who teach Japanese as mother tongue and as foreign language. The evaluation was focused on overall structure of the summaries. Further, this study aims to discover how the teachers evaluated the summaries depending on the use of a three part structure (introduction, body, and conclusion) in the writing. The evaluation shows that the teachers gave a higher score to summary with a balanced three part structure than summary without any of the three parts. Among the students who received lower scores, some did not know about the three-part structure at all. Others knew but did not fully understand its function. The analysis suggests that it is important to teach structure of writing for efficient delivery of main idea. A following study will aim to develop strategies for summary writing skills using the three part structure.

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