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      • 저온 플라즈마/촉매 복합 시스템을 이용한 유해가스물질들의 저감

        전상구(Sang Goo Jeon),신대현(Dae-Hyun Shin),문승현(Seung-Hyun Moon) 한국자동차공학회 2004 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Plasma/catalyst hybrid reactor was designed to overcome the limits of plasma and catalyst technologies. Two plasma/catalyst hybrid system was used to decompose VOCs(toluene) and NOx at the temperatur lower than 150℃, The first type is the system in which catalysts are installed in non-thermal plasma reactor. And the second type is the system in which a plasma and a catalyst reactor are connected in series. The catalysts prepared in this experiment was Pt/TiO₂ of powder type and Pd/ZrO₂, Pt/ZrO₂ and Pt/Al₂O₃) which were catalysts of honeycomb type. When plasma/catalyst hybrid reactor with Pt/TiO₂ decomposed the only toluene, it removed just more 10% than the only plasma reactor but the selectivity of CO₂ was remarkably elevated as compared with the only plasma reactor. In case of decomposing VOCs(toluene) and NOx, the conversion of toluene to CO₂ was nearly 100% and about 70% of NOx was removed.

      • KCI등재

        고온열처리가 고체산화물연료전지의 전극과Ag 페이스트의 계면에 미치는 특성 평가

        전상구 ( Sang Koo Jeon ),남승훈 ( Seung Hoon Nahm ),권오헌 ( Oh Heon Kwon ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2015 한국안전학회지 Vol.30 No.1

        In this study, interfacial characteristics between SOFC and Ag paste as current collector was estimated in the high temperature environment. The Ag paste was used to connect the unit cell of SOFC strongly with interconnector and provide the electrical conductivity between them. To confirm electrical conductivity, Ag paste was treated in the furnace at 800°C for 48 hours. The sheet resistance of Ag paste was measured to compare the resistance values before and after the heat treatment. Also, the four-point bending test was performed to measure the interfacial adhesion. The unit cell of SOFC and SiO2 wafer were diced and then attached by Ag paste. The SiO2 wafer had the center notch to initiate a crack from the tip of the notch. The modified stereomicroscope combined with the CCD camera and system for measuring the length was used to observe the fracture behavior. To compare the characteristics before heat treatment and after heat treatment, the specimen was exposed in the furnace at 800 °C for 48 hours and then the interfacial adhesion was evaluated. Finally, the interfacial adhesion energy quantitatively increases 1.78±0.07 J/m2 to 4.9±0.87 J/m2 between the cathode and Ag paste and also increase2.9±0.47 J/m2 to 5.12±1.01 J/m2 between the anode and Ag paste through the high temperature. Therefore, it is expected that Ag paste as current collector was appropriate for improving the structural stability in the stacked SOFC system if the electrical conductivity was more increased

      • KCI등재

        지방자치단체 간 매립지 분쟁에 관한 법적 고찰

        전상구 ( Sanggoo Jeon ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.5

        매립지에 대한 지방자치단체 사이의 분쟁과 갈등은 지방자치의 발전과 국토의 효율적 이용을 저해한다. 따라서 분쟁을 해결하기 위한 원인분석과 개선방안을 모색할 필요가 있다. 이를 위해, 본 연구는 매립지 귀속을 둘러싼 지방자치단체 사이의 분쟁에 대한 법적 판단의 과정에서 쟁점이 되었던 내용들을 중심으로 논의를 진행했다. 논의 결과, ⅰ) 매립지 귀속 분쟁의 재판관할권은 지방자치법의 개정에도 불구하고 헌법재판소와 대법원이 동시에 갖고 있으며, ⅱ) 행정안전부장관의 매립지 귀속 결정은 확인적 성격을 갖기 때문에 권한쟁의심판 적법요건의 충족에 근원적인 장애를 야기하기 않으며, ⅲ) 지방자치법에 매립지 귀속 결정의 실체적 기준이 없다는 사실은 바람직한 상황은 아니지만 불가피한 측면이 있으며, ⅳ) 헌법재판소와 대법원 등이 제시한 매립지 귀속의 실체적 기준은 그 자체로 불합리한 것은 아니지만 일부 개선이 필요하다는 점을 확인했다. Conflicts and disputes between local governments over the landfill sites hinder the development of local autonomy and the efficient use of national territory. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the cause and seek improvement measures to resolve disputes. To this end, this study conducted a legal considerations of landfill disputes between local governments. As a result, ⅰ) the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court have jurisdiction over disputes between local governments related to the attribution of landfill sites at the same time despite the revision of the Local Autonomy Act; and ⅱ) since the Minister of the Interior and Safety's decision to attribute the landfill site has a confirmatory nature, it does not cause a fundamental obstacle to the satisfaction of the legal requirements of the Constitutional Court's Adjudication on Competence Disputes; ⅲ) the fact that there is no substantive standard for determining the attribution of landfill sites in the Local Autonomy Act is not a desirable situation, but there is an inevitable aspect; and ⅳ) the substantive standards for the decision to belong to the landfill sites proposed by the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court are not unreasonable in themselves, but some improvements are needed.

      • VOC와 NOx의 동시제거를 위한 플라즈마/촉매의 복합시스템 개발

        전상구(Sang Goo Jeon),신대현(Dae-Hyun Shin),김광호(Kwang-Ho Kim),노남선(Nam-Sun Nho) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Plasma/catalyst hybrid reactor was designed to overcome the limits of plasma and catalyst technologies. Plasma/catalyst hybrid system in which a plasma and a catalyst reactor are connected in series was used to decompose VOCs(toluene) and NOx simultaneously at the temperature lower than 150℃. The catalyst prepared in this experiment was Pd/ZrO₂, Pt/ZrO₂ and Pt/Al₂O₃ which are catalysts of honeycomb type. Plasma/catalyst reactor showed better removal efficiency by utilization of full energy generated from plasma to catalyst than the only plasma reactor. When plasma/catalyst hybrid reactor with Pt/ZrO₂ and Pt/Al₂O₃ decomposed the VOCs(toluene) & NOx simultaneously, it removed nearly 100% of toluene and also the selectivity of CO₂ was remarkably elevated as compared with the only plasma reactor. In case of simultaneously decomposing VOCs(toluene) and NOx, about 80% of NOx was removed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Fluorinated Pd/Al2O3 촉매를 이용한 CFC-12 의 탈염소수소화 반응

        전상구(Sang Gu Jeon),설용건(Yong Gun Shul),이현주(Hyun Joo Lee),안병성(Byoung Sung Ahn) 한국화학공학회 1999 Korean Chemical Engineering Research(HWAHAK KONGHA Vol.37 No.1

        The hydrodechlorination of CFC-12(CFZCIz) has been studied with Pd/Al₂O₃ catalysts. The catalysts were fluorinated by HCFC-22(CHF₂Cl) or reduced by hydrogen before the reaction. And they were characterized by BET, XRD, and TEM before and after the reaction. The activities and selectivities to HFC-32(CH₂F₂) were compared in the fluorinated and the reduced catalysts. The fluorinated catalyst has shown better performance in activity and selectivity rather than the conventional reduced one, as well as in prevention of Pd sintering which causes deactivation of the catalyst. It is presumed that formation of Pd-F bond in the fluorination prevents sintering of Pd while the formation of AlF₃ from Al₂O₃. Also, Pd carbide was observed in the fluorinated catalyst and this carbide is thought to enhance the partial dehalogenation(dechlorination) in CFC-12.

      • KCI등재

        유럽연합에 있어서의 적극적 평등실현조치의 근거와 사법심사기준 : 유럽사법재판소의 판례를 중심으로

        전상구(Jeon Sang-Goo) 한국비교공법학회 2011 공법학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        평등관념의 보편화에도 불구하고, 사회현실에서의 평등이념의 실현은 아직도 요원하다. 실질적 평등을 실현하기 위해서는 국가의 적극적 개입을 통한 잠정적인 특단의 조치, 즉 소위 ‘적극적 평등실현조치’가 요청된다. 그런데 적극적 평등실현조치는 마치 양날을 가진 칼과 같아서 그러한 조치로 인하여 반사적으로 불이익을 받게 되는 집단에게 ‘역차별(reverse discrimination)’을 초래할 수 있다. 따라서 적극적 평등실현조치는 헌법상 허용될 수 있는 범위 안에서 이루어져야 한다. 한편, 어떠한 적극적 평등실현조치가 헌법상 허용되는지 여부는 평등원칙 및 관련헌법규정의 해석을 통하여 비로소 판단될 수 있다. 즉, 평등원칙 등의 헌법해석을 통하여 심사기준을 밝혀내고, 그러한 심사기준에 따라 합헌성 요건의 충족 여부를 심사함으로써 합헌성 여부를 판단할 수 있다. 그런데 평등원칙이라는 것 자체가 너무나 포괄적이고 추상적인 개념이어서 그것을 해석하여 심사기준을 정립하는 것은 쉬운 일이 아니다. 실제로 한국에서는 평등원칙에 대한 심사기준이 세밀하게 정립되어 있지 않다. 설령, 현재 한국에서 일반적인 평등원칙에 대한 심사기준이 정립되었다 하더라도 그 심사기준이 적극적 평등실현조치에 그대로 적용될 수 있을지는 여전히 의문으로 남는다. 현실이 이러하다면, 우리는 외국에서의 논의에 대해 조심스레 귀를 기울일 필요가 있다. 적극적 평등실현조치에 관한 논의와 사법적 심사가 활발히 이뤄진 미국이나 유럽연합의 이론과 판례는 여러모로 한국에 많은 시사점을 줄 수 있기 때문이다. 특히 본 논문은 그 동안 우리나라에 소개가 덜 된 유럽사법재판소(European Court of Justice: ECJ)의 판례를 사법적 심사기준의 관점에서 분석함으로써 우리나라에서의 적극적 평등실현조치의 허용범위 내지 사법적 심사기준을 정립하는데 있어서 도움을 얻고자 했다. ECJ 판례를 검토한 결과, 우리는 몇 가지 시사점을 발견할 수 있었다. 첫째, ECJ는 적극적 평등실현조치 그 자체의 정당성을 일관되게 긍정하고 있다는 점이다. 둘째, ECJ는 적극적 평등실현조치를 ‘개인적 권리(차별받지 않을 권리)의 예외’로 보아 엄격한 해석을 하고 있다는 점이다. 셋째, ECJ가 적극적 평등실현조치에 대한 심사기준으로 ‘비례성 원칙’을 도입하기 시작했다는 점이다. 넷째, ECJ가 심사기준의 다원화 가능성, 즉 적극적 평등실현조치의 대상 및 영역에 따라 심사강도가 달라질 수 있음을 조심스럽게 암시하고 있다는 점이다. In order to come true a substantial equality, the nation must forbid a discrimination first of all. But non-discrimination is not sufficient to come true a substantial equality for the minority who have historically suffered prejudice in employment and educational opportunities, we need affirmative action programs to give minority group a level playing field. However, though it have been used for a accomplishment of substantial equality as a powerful method, affirmative action is a double-edged sword with the potential to violate the rights of another group, so there is an argument as a 'reverse discrimination'. Therefore, the affirmative actions must be deliberately designed to observe the constitutional limit. In order to determine whether affirmative action has observed a constitutional limit, we must establish a standard of judicial review. A standard of judicial review can be proved in specific lawsuit case, but the Republic of Korea's short history of affirmative action spanning less than two decades has not yet given the Constitutional Court the opportunity to make an explicit decision about affirmative action. But the European Court of Justice(ECJ) has developed the jurisprudence of affirmative action amid heated controversy. Therefore, a cases of the ECJ will provides a suggestions to Korea as to a standard of judicial review. According to the ECJ's judgment, (1) ECJ affirms a justification of the affirmative action itself. (2) ECJ regards affirmative action as a derogation from an individual right, therefore, the affirmative action must be subject to strict scrutiny. (3) ECJ uses ‘the principles of proportionality’ as the standard of judicial review of the affirmative action. (4) If the object of the affirmative action is different, there is a possibility which ECJ will apply different standard of judicial review.

      • KCI등재

        힘센서를 이용한 나노구조체의 인장물성 측정

        전상구(Sang-Gu Jeon),장훈식(Hoon-Sik Jang),권오헌(Oh-Heon Kwon),남승훈(Seung Hoon Nahm) 대한기계학회 2010 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.34 No.2

        다양한 분야에 활용이 가능한 나노소자의 개발과 나노소자의 수명 및 신뢰성을 결정하기 위해서 나노구조체의 역학물성 측정은 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 다중벽탄소나노튜브(MWCNT)와 산화아연나노막대(ZnO nanorod)의 인장시험을 전자주사현미경(SEM) 내부에서 수행하였다. 챔버내부에 구축된 나노조작기 앞에 힘센서가 장착되었고, 나노조작기는 조이스틱과 컴퓨터로 제어 가능하도록 설계되었다. 반으로 자른 투과전자현미경(TEM)그리드 위에 분산된 나노구조체는 전자주사를 통하여 힘센서와 고정된 후 인장시험이 수행되었다. 인장시험 후 TEM과 SEM을 통하여 파단면을 측정하였고 MWCNT와 ZnO nanorod의 탄성계수는 0.98TPa, 55.85㎬로 각각 측정되었다. It is important to measure the mechanical properties of nanostructures because they are required to determine the lifetime and reliability of nanodevices developed for various fields. In this study, tensile tests for a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) and a ZnO nanorod were performed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The force sensor was a cantilever type and was mounted in front of a nanomanipulator placed in the chamber. The nanomanipulator was controlled using a joystick and personal computer. The nanostructures dispersed on the cut area of a transmission electron microscope (TEM) grid were gripped with the force sensor by exposing an electron beam in the SEM; the tensile tests were the performed. The in situ tensile loads of the nanostructure were obtained. After the tensile test, the cross-sectional areas of the nanostructures were observed by TEM and SEM. Based on the TEM and SEM results, the elastic modulus of the MWCNT and ZnO nanorod were calculated to be 0.98 TPa and 55.85 ㎬, respectively.

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