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        한국의 성문화(性文化) - 남성 성문화를 중심으로 -

        장필화(Chang Pilwha),조형(Cho Hyoung) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 1992 여성학논집 Vol.8 No.-

        Study on sexuality, though it was started only from the end of 1980s in Korea, has a limitation to understand(grasp) the whole culture if it restricted its scope to research on experience and recognition of one sex. From this point of view, this study has a purpose to explore the sexuality culture of Korean men neglected as an academic research up to the present. Therefore since it began in the circumstance of lack of similar precedent research, this study tried to examine the actual/real culture of men's sexuality through their own experiences and language from a feminist perspective. As for the methodology for this research, in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey were adopted. Through the process of in-depth interviews characerized as a preliminary survey, investigators could grap the general outline for Korean men's sexuality. Based on these interviews (14 men), questionnaire survey was implemented to get more generalized materials (data)(152 men). The total numbers for target men were 166. Their social background and age were men in their 20s to 40s engaged in clerical, professional and managerial sectors namely a new middle class. In addition to this, university/college male students were included as a future components of middle class. The findings and results of the survey can be summarized as follows : In chapter Ⅱ, men's recognition and experiences to sexuality were examined. There were largely three characteristics on men's recognition. First, men generally identified sexuality with sexaual intercourse which means confirmed possession of partner woman. Second, men have the dual norm of sexuality. Though they recognized sexual interest or need as equal for both sex, they expected woment to be passive contrary to their permissive attitude. And thirdly, women were primarily recognized as sexual object for men and divided into the chaste and the unchaste. This view on women based on that woman is fundamentally inferior to man. As for sexual experiences, we analyed the object as single and married men. Most of single men(67.5%) thought much of women's premarital chastity while only 35.1% of them did of men's. Also in real experience the rate of men's premarital experience reached 86.5% without significant difference by age, religion, and job. For married men, marital and extramarital sex were examined seperately. 62.6% of men agreed that marital sex is to have intimate relations. They(73.1%) usually played a leading role in sex. They revealed much more permissive attitude on men's extramarital sex than on women's. Really the rate of men's extramarital sex is 63.6% with significant difference by age. The older they were, the more they have sexual experience(***p<0.001). By job, sexual experience of managerical sectors are the most (75.7%), then clerical (57.9%) and professional (35.7%) sectors. There is no significant difference by religion. In chapter Ⅲ, how such sexuality culture formed and maintained were examined mainly through sexualization characteristics of men's orgarnizaton and sexual merchandization. In adolscent period men' s sexualization has been fromed through the informal mechanism such as magazine and pornography rather than the formal process. And 73.2% of those who had premarital sexual experience did it when they were under graduate student. Army experience in university was the major chance to get sexual experience, especially prostitution. Also, informal human relations are necessary to perform the efficiant company business. Here the sexuality played the role to provoke the intimate human relations. Socially prevalent sexual merchandization is the structural factor to promote men's culture. 63.6% of respondent experienced prostitution whose main opportunity was 'under the influence of liquor'(62.7%). For prostitution they had such a permissive attitude that it is necessary vice so should be tolerated or legalized. In review the results, the most characteristics on sexuality

      • KCI등재

        여성청소년 성재생산건강권 개념과 정책제언

        장필화(Pilwha Chang),이명선(Myoung Sun Lee),노지은(Jieun Roh),김성애(Sung Yae Kim) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2017 여성학논집 Vol.34 No.1

        본 연구는 여성청소년 성재생산건강권을 지난 20여 년간 국제사회가 합의해온 여성의 인권과 발전, 여성 임파워먼트와 성평등에 기여하는 데 주요한 개념으로 가져오면서, 이러한 성재생산건강권을 보편적으로 보장하고 증진할 수 있도록 정부 정책이 포괄적인 전략을 제공해야 한다는 인식하에 한국의 여성청소년 성재생산건강권 관련 정책을 분석 하고 정책적 대안을 모색하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 문헌 조사 연구를 바탕으로 크게 세 가지 연구 내용으로 구성된다. 첫째, 여성청소년 성재생산건강권의 필요성과 개념을 이 해하기 위하여 국제사회에서의 여성청소년 성재생산건강권 논의에서 나온 주요 쟁점들 을 살펴보았다. 둘째, 「제4차 여성정책기본계획」(2013-2017), 「제5차 청소년정책기본계 획」(2013-2017), 「제3차 국민건강증진종합계획」(2011-2020) 등 국내 여성/청소년/건강 관련 주요 기본 계획에 나타난 여성청소년 성재생산건강권 관련 정책 방향과 주요 정책 내용 분석을 통해 그 의의와 한계를 분석하였다. 셋째, 여성청소년의 개인적, 사회적 인권으로서 건강권 및 성평등한 사회를 위한 보편적 접근권으로서 성재생산건강권을 위한 정책 제언으로 여성/청소년/건강으로 각 분리된 정책을 아우르는 여성청소년 성재생산 건강권을 명시하는 정책 관점 및 정책 개선의 필요성 등을 제시하였다. This study analyzes government policies connected to the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights(SRHR) of Korean adolescent girls and seeks new policy alternatives for the future. The study argues that government policies should provide a comprehensive strategy for universally guaranteeing and promoting SRHR for women and girls that have contributed over the past two decades to women s rights, development, empowerment and gender equality with full support from the international community. The study was based on literature research and consists of three main sections. First, in order to understand the necessity of SRHR for adolescent girls and how they are conceptualized, an overview is given of the major arguments appearing in discussions that have taken place in global society. Second, the significance and limitations of women,youth and health policy focusing on adolescent girls were analyzed through an analysis of policy directions appearing in basic governmental plans including the 4th Basic Plan for Women s Policy(2013-2017), the 5th Youth Political Action Plan(2013-2017) and the 3rd Health Plan 2020(2011-2020). Third, the study demonstrates the need for policy perspectives and new concept specifying SRHR policy for adolescent girls and encompassing separate policies for gender/youth/health. This will promotes the values of health rights and gender equality as individual and social rights as well as universal access to human rights.

      • KCI등재

        직장내 '성희롱'에 대한 이해와 대처방안의 모색 - 지침서 계발을 중심으로 -

        장필화(Chang Pilwha),김정희(Kim Jeonghee),안연선(An Yeanson),이명선(Lee Myoungseon),이미경(Lee Mikyung) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 1995 여성학논집 Vol.11 No.-

        This paper is the study of sexual harassement at work in Korea. The study subjects are as follows; (1) the conception of sexual harassement(the range and the standard of sexual harassement) (2) the concrete circumstances of sexual harassement at work; the damage and suffering result from sexual harassement at work (3) the structure in which sexual harassement has occured has been continued. (4) sexual harassement concerning measures which employees, employers, trade unions, states should take. For this study, we first looked into the preceding researches and on the basis of this study, we performed interview about 30 persons, which consist of white color and blue color workers, technicians and professionals. In addition to that, we sincerely considered the concerning professionals' advice and consultation in order to develop a Recommendation and a Code of Practice for action on the issue. 1. The conception of sexual harassement Sexual harassement at work is any conduct of a sexual nature unwanted by the recipient and gender stereotyped action. Sexual harassement occures at any time and space, but mainly results from power relationship at work. Sexually motivated sexual harassement includes the visual, the verbal, the physical contact, displaying pornographic images and sexual propositions. Sexual harassement on the basis of gender stereotype includes sexist verbals, conducts and the forced gender division of labour. Sexual harassements are also divided into hostile environment sexual harassement and quid pro qu sexual harassement by the motive and the result of that. And the view of sufferer is importantly considered in the judgement whether a conduct is sexual harassement or not. 2. The concerete circumstances of sexual harassement According to one research, women, who suffered sexual harassement, amount to 87 percent of the whole sample. This research says sexual harassement at work is widely spread. Turning a blind eye to sexual harassement costs time and money. Organizations should think seriously about the cumulative cost of replacing staff affected, paying sick leave to employees who miss work because of stress, and the implications of reduced individual and group productivity-all expensive drains on the morale and efficiency of workplace teams. 3. The structure and mechanism of sexual harassement at work Sexual harassement bases on the unequal power relationship. The power relationship includes powers resulting from hierarchy at work and socially-accorded gender power. Power relationship at work has occured and has been continued on the basis of un equal position and power between sexes, gender division of labour and sexual role joined with `women's work'. In this respect sexual harassement is sexism at work and bases on the sexist culture of our society. The sexist culture includes commodization of sex, stereotyped expect of feminity and masculinity and male chauvinism. 4. Prevention and procedures of sexual harassement at work The prevention and solution of sexual harassement at work require many sides approaches and endeavors. An employee is a basic unit of the prevention and solution of sexual harassement. First of all one should perceive sexual harassement obviously in order for work-place free of sexual harassement. So we compared the wrong streotyped/distorted sexual harassement with the real and proposed the guideline for prevention and precedures to solve the sexual harassement. It is recommended as a good practice that trade unions should come sexual harassement into question formulate and statements on sexual harassement in the workplace, in order to create a climate in which it is neither condoned nor ignored. Employers should observe Equal Employment Opportunity Law in order for work circumstances free of sexism and perform the sex education program. The program must include the managers as well as employers. It is recommended that the development

      • KCI등재

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