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        비밸브 기능저하의 수술적 치료

        장진순 대한이비인후과학회 2014 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.57 No.4

        The nasal valve spans a minimal cross sectional area of the intake point inside the nose. Acting as a Starling’s resistor, it plays a pivotal role in controlling the inspiratory airflow. Nasal valve compromise, better known as nasal valve dysfunction, can be suspected when the patient complains of inspiratory nasal obstruction after trauma or surgery. If the patient has a history highly suspicious of nasal valve compromise, thorough physical examinations are mandatory in order to find the exact epicenter. The deformed L-strut septum and/or upper lateral cartilage are mainly responsible for the static internal nasal valve compromise. Characteristic findings include pinching of the middle vault and an inverted V deformity. Widening the nasal valve area is the most preferred therapy to correct statically narrowed nasal valve compromise. External valve compromise, on the other hand, is dynamically collapsible in many cases as evident during respiration. Typical sign, therefore, includes an inward collapse of alar and/or lateral wall upon inhalation. Treatment strategy, in this particular case, usually involves a cartilage addition to the deficient lateral wall or alar in order to stablize and provide rigidity to the lateral wall and also resist inspiratory negative force. However, surgeons should not be confused by the collapse as it may merely reflect the collapsibility of the structure rather than a genuine epicenter of nasal obstruction. Cartilage graft with or without suturing is the best therapeutic measure for patients with either static or dynamic nasal valve compromise when tackling nasal obstruction. It also enhances the structural integrity of the nasal valve. This review focuses on the various surgical techniques used in repairing nasal valve compromise to increase patency and restore breathing with an emphasis on each specific indication. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2014;57(4):214-25

      • KCI등재

        내시경과 회전식 흡입기의 조합을 이용한 아데노이드 절제술의6년간의 임상 경험

        장진순,노경국,김기준,정윤미,전병삼,전병훈 대한이비인후과학회 2007 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.50 No.1

        Background and Objectives:Because of its advantage over the conventional method, power-assisted adenoidectomy has become microdebrider to achieve the most successful outcome in patients with various configuration of adenoid vegetation. Subjects and Method:One hundred ninety-one patients who underwent adenoidectomy in the department of Otolaryngology at Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital from January 2000 to February 2006 were reviewed by charts and recorded video tapes for the techniques that we applied to these patients. Results:Four diferent combinations can be created from two diferent angles of endoscope and microdebrider;transnasal 0° (TN ), transnasal 0° endoscopic guided transoral adenoidectomy using curved microdebrider (TNTO), transoral 70° endoscopic guided transnasal adenoidectomy using straight microdebrider (TOTN) and transoral 70° endoscopic guided transoral adenoidectomy using curved microdebrider (TOTO). TOTO was the most frequent combination for simple adenoid vegetation. However, it is t combined technique was TNTN, which has inherent limitation to use in small sized nares and younger age. In this situation, TOTN is a better alternative to use. Conclusion:From six years of experience, we confirmed that endoscopic guided power-asisted adenoidectomy should be performed with proper combination of endoscope and microdebrider based on the location and configuration of adenoid vegetation. The most ideal combination we consistently applied for removal of adenoid is as follows;first, TNTO, secondly, TOTO. Lastly, TOTN could be useful in selected cases. ;50 :53-8)

      • 알레르기성 진균성 부비동염 : Review

        장진순 인제대학교 백병원 2002 仁濟醫學 Vol.23 No.2

        Over the past 2 decades, an improved understanding of the disease and underlying process has led to an evolution in the definition and treatment of allergic fungal sinusitis(AFS). It is now defined and believed to be an allergic reaction to environmental fungus, usually of the dematiaceous species. The identification of so called 'allergic fungal mucin' is the initial step in establishing an accurate diagnosis. The branching noninvasive fungal hyphae are identified within sheets of eosinophils and elongated eosinophilic bodies (Charcot-Leyden crystals), which represent the product of eosinophilic degradation mainly constitutes allergic fungal mucin. The various immunologic, histopathologic and radiographic features can aid in the diagnosis of the allergic fungal sinusitis. Diagnosis can be made by clinical presentations satisfying the following criteria : 1. chronic paranasal sinusitis revealed by CT 2. sinus mucosa should reveal the absence of an fungal invasion into tissue. 3. allergic fungal mucin with positive fungal histology or culture 4. nasal polyp 5. elevated level of total IgE and fungal specific IgE. Controversy still exists regarding the exact pathophysiology of this disease. Although not perfected, recent evidence supports the theory that AFS represents an immunologic, rather than infectious, disease process. However, its underlying pathophysiology still remains in controversy. Based on the assumption that it is an immmnologically mediated disease, a comprehensive management has been carried out until now. Multidisciplinary care incorporating medical, surgical, and immunologic treatments remains the most likely means of providing long-term disease control for AFS. In this article, the author reviews the allergic fungal sinusitis in the light of brief history of definition, epidemiology, clinical presenation, laboratory findings and the treatment strategy and regimen.

      • KCI등재

        국소마취 하의 구개편도 적출술의 효율성:전신마취 하의 구개편도 적출술과의 비교 분석

        장진순,전병훈,박시영,정범조 대한이비인후과학회 2002 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.45 No.7

        Background and Objectives:Tonsillectomy is one of the most comon surgical procedures in otolaryngologic field and it can be caried out under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The author compared tonsillectomy under local anesthesia to general anesthesia with respect to operation, anesthesia and recovery time as well as satisfaction of the patients. Subjects and Method: (25 patients) and a general anesthesia group (25 patients). Parameters such as time spent for anesthesia, operation, recovery time, episodes of cautery, initiation of normal daily life including normal diet, pain, and complication were compared betwen the two groups. Paired student t-tests were used for statistical analysis. Results:Among other parameters, local tonsillectomy was superior in terms of saving time during anesthesia, operation, recovery as well as hospital course compared to tonsillectomy under differ betwen the two groups. Conclusion:The author fels that local tonsillectomy should be advocated not only for time saving during operation, anesthesia and recovery but also for the satisfaction or compliance of the patients. In these respects, it is sugested that more active training should be provided to surgeons during their residency on tonsillectomy under local anesthesia. (Korean J Otolaryngol 2002;45:714-8)

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