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      • KCI등재

        임신중 매독

        장은실(ES Chang),김석애(SA Kim),유한기(HK Yoo),강신명(SM Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1975 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.18 No.11

        The incidence of syphilis had been markedly decreased after the introduction of penicillin in the treatment of syphilis in 1943. Since 1958, however there has been an unmistakable upward trend in many parts of the world. As syphilis in pregnancy is injurious to mother nad fetus it is very important to prevent or treat syphilis in pregnancy. To detect syphilis in the early stage of pregnancy, antenatal care including the serological test for syphilis in pregnant women is necessary. During a period of 3 years and 8 months from May 1969 to December 1972, 7435 women were delivered at Ewha Womans University Hospital. Among them 6742 pregnant women were examined, of whom 81 (1.20%) had positive V.D.R.L and R.P.C.F. test. Only 4 (4.94%) among the 81 syphilitic patients took antenatal care, and remaining almost all the syphilitic patients found to be syphilis just before orat delivery. Whenever and wherever antenatal serological tests for syphils are carried out routinely, the incidence of congenital syphilis and obsteric complication such as abortion prematurity and stillbirth fall and remain low. Of the 81 syphilitic patients 17 and 16 patients delivered premature babies and stillbirths respectively and 6 perinatal deaths were developed.

      • KCI등재

        월경조절 ( Menstrual Regulation ) 220예

        김명숙(MS Kim),장은실(ES Chang),오영옥(YO Oh),우복희(BH Woo),안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1976 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.19 No.11

        1975년 3월1일부터 동년 11월30일까지 8개월간 이화대학교 부속병원 산부인과 외래에서 월 경조절법으로 시술받은 220명을 임상고찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 월경조절법으로 시술받은 환자의 연령은 대부분 25-39세 사이였다. 2. 월경조절법으로 시술받은 환자의 교육정도는 높앗고 고등교육이상의 학력군이 76.3%였 다. 3. 월경조절법을 시술받은 동기중 터울조절이 27.3%였다. 4. 조직검사결과 예정월경일 1주 지난환자중 46%가 임신이 아니였고, 2주 지난 환서에선 17%가 임신이 아니었다. 5. 전체합병증은 5.3%였고 이중 초기합병증은 1.3%였고, 후기합병증은 4.0%였으며 이중 실 패율은 0.5%였다. 이상과 같이 월경조절법은 마취없이 외래에서 간단히 합병증도 거의없이 시행할수 있는 새 로운 수태조절의 한 방법이다. 1. Age distribution of the most patients were 25-39 years old and median parity was 2.6 The single pergnant woman was only 2.6% 2. The educational level was generally high as colloege graduater were 45%, graduater of high school were 31.3% 3. The motivation of Menstrual regulation were spacing control in 27.3% and remains were preliminary stage of sterilization. 4. Histopathological examination fo aspirated material reveal that 46% of those in the first week of delayed menstruation were nonpregnant, 17% of those in the second weeks were nonpregnant and in the third weeks were 8%. 5. The overall complications were 5.3%. The early complications were severe uterine cramp in 1.3% the late complications were 4% the postinducted infection in 1.3% retention of products of conception in 2.2 6. The continution of pregnancy occurred in 0.5%

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        만삭산모에서 음향자극검사를 이용한 태아심음반응과 태아안녕의 평가

        김종덕 ( JD Kim ),장은실 ( ES Chang ),조성남 ( SN Cho ),강경석 ( GS Kang ),정유석 ( YS Jeong ),엄철 ( C Um ) 대한산부인과학회 1991 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.34 No.12

        Objective clinical evaluation of fetal health is primary goal of obstetrics care. Fetal acoustic stimulation test(AST) has recently received much attention in the literature. To improve the predictive value and to decrease the length of nonstress testing, there has been a wide spread introduction of different acoustic stimulation tests combined with nonstress testing in the assessment of fetal health. This study was undertaken to assess the clinical efficacy of AST on 70 nonmal term pregnant women who are anatomically singleton fetus with vertex presentation and normal amnionic fluid volume from Sep. 1, 1990 to Dec 31, 1990 at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chonbuk National University, Medical School. The results were as follows: 1. Fifty one (72.9%) fetuses had reactive fetal heart rate patterns during the control feriod but sixty three(90.0%) fetuses demonstrated reactive fetal heart patterns after vibratory acoustic stimulation. 2. Mean baseline fetal heart rate, mean frequency of accelerations > 15-beats/min, duration of 15-beat accelerations, precentage of acceleration time and mean frequency of fetal movement were significantly increased after vibratory acoustic stimulation(P<0.01). 3. Comparison of Perinatal outcome for reactive versus nonreactive acoustic stimulation showed significanly increases in the incidence of meconium staining of the amnionic flud, cesarean section for fetal indication, Apgar score<7 at 1, 5 minutes, umbilical artery pH<7.20(p<0.01) and newborn intense care unit admission(P<0.001) in the nonreactive group. 4. Predictive value of acoustic stimulation test in antepartum surveillance showed low prevalence rate (below 10%), high sensitivity and negative predictive value(above 90%) respectively. So acoustic stimulation test were considered as an excellent test than nonstress test for the evaluation of fetal well-being.

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