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        일반논문 : 아쿠타가와류노스케의 「서방의 사람」 론: 「21 고향」을 중심으로

        임훈식 ( Hoon Sik Lim ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2015 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.27

        본 논문의 연구 목적은 아쿠타가와류노스케의 「서방의 사람」속의 제21장「고향」에 나타나 있는 아쿠타가와의 관념의 의미를 고찰하는 것이었다. 선교활동 중 예수는 자신의 고향인 나사렛에 들어가서도 복음을 전하려 했지만, 예수의성장과정을 잘 알고 있는 고향사람들은 그를 선지자(예언자)로 인정하지 않는다. 고향에서 비난과 배척을 당한 예수는「선지자는 고향에서는 존중받지 못한다」라고 말하고서는 고향을 떠나 다른 유대지방에서 선교하게 된다. 그런데 아쿠타가와가 예수의 고향에서의 냉대와 응수에 주목한 것은, 자신의 작품활동에 대한 당시 문단의 비평을 의식했기 때문이었다. 아쿠타가와는 문단에 등장한지 얼마 되지 않아서부터 사조(思潮)나 사상의 차이 때문에 특히 자연주의파로부터 심한 비판을 받았다. 예민한 신경으로 비평에 민감했던 아쿠타가와는 그들의 비판에 대해 야유가 숨겨진 작품으로 반격한 것이 寓意小說「MENSURA ZOILI」였다. 결국 아쿠타가와는 문단으로부터 비판받는 자신의 입장을, 고향에서 배척받았던 예수의입장을 빌려서 기술한 것이 「21 고향」이었던 것이다. 이것은 본문 끝에 포오(Edgar AllanPoe)에 관한 한 문장을 첨부하고 있는 것으로도 증명된다고 하겠다. 포오가 고국인 미국이아니라 프랑스에서 평가 받은 것처럼, 아쿠타가와는 자신도 현재는 고향인 토쿄에서 비판받고 있지만 언젠가는 평판이 좋아서 인기작가가 될 것으로 확신하고 있었던 것이다. 이상에서 살펴 보았듯이 아쿠타가와는 고향에서 배척 받은 예수와 포오를 빌려서, 문단의 비평에 대한 자신의 관념을 피력하고 있었음이 밝혀졌다. The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of Ryunosuke Akutagawa’s notion, represented in Chapter 21, ‘Hometown”, of his book The Man of the West. In missionary, although Jesus tried to spread the gospel at His hometown, Nazareth, people there who already knew how Jesus had been growing up did not accept Him as a prophet. Criticized and excluded from His hometown, Jesus left Nazareth, saying “[a] prophet is not without honor except in his own town and in his own home” (Matthew 13:57), and continued His missionary work at other Judean regions. However, the reason Akutagawa paid special attention to inhospitality and reaction toward Jesus in His hometown was that he was conscious of criticisms towards his works from literary world those days. Not long after Akutagawa’s appearance in literary world, Akutagawa received huge criticisms, especially from Naturalists, due to his differences in notion or the trend of thought. Since Akutagawa was so sensitive to such criticisms, he refuted them by writing an allegory MENSURA ZOILI, a work his ridicule toward such criticisms is hidden. After all, Akutagawa wrote the Chapter 21, ‘Hometown,’ by reflecting his situation of getting criticisms from literary world into Jesus’ exclusion from His own hometown; this seems to be verified by Akutagawa’s addition of one sentence about Edgar Allan Poe at the end of the chapter. As Poe received evaluation not from the United States, his home country, but from France, Akutagawa convinced that, although he was getting criticisms from his hometown, Tokyo, at that time, he could become a popular writer by getting good reputations from people. As studied thus far, it became evident that Akutagawa was expressing his own thoughts about criticisms from literary world by quoting Poe and Jesus, both of whom were excluded from their hometowns.

      • KCI등재

        芥川龍之介の作品にみる感傷主義 : 「羅生門」「秋」「西方の人」をめぐって

        林薰植(Lim Hoon-Sik) 동북아시아문화학회 2009 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.20

        In 「Rashomon」, one of Ryunosuke Akutagawa's first stories, a servant who has sentimentalism due to loss of his or her job judges an old woman's corpse-defilement behavior as 〈unforgivably evil〉. That is unreasonable and illogical judgment resulted from the servant's impulsive emotion full of sentimentalism. However, pressing hard the reason of her such an evil behavior, the servant realizes that her principle of survival is merely a sophistry of selfish excuse and hypocritical self-justification. Then finally, the servant acquires a selfish courage by taking advantage of her sentimental principle of survival. In other words, it is the servant's hypocritical action to justify his or her misdeeds by utilizing her principle. 「Autumn(Aki)」, written in a modern style during Akutagawa's mid-life, deals with the sisters' mutual conflict caused from the marriage progress with a man in between them. Realizing that Teruko, her younger sister, loves a man with who she wants to marry, Nobuko marries with different man as if she makes a concession for her sister with sentimental judgment. After that, Teruko sends a sentimental letter to Nobuko, expressing gratitude and an apology for her. However, when they meet together after one year, Nobuko still has affection to Teruko's man, and therefore younger sister is very jealous of her sister. Eventually, it turned out besides the sentimentality that Nobuko's marriage for her sister was hypocritical, gratitude as well as an apology in Teruko's letter was also hypocritical. In 「The Man of the West(Seihonohito)」, Akutagawa's last work, Jesus weeps as his friend Lazarus dies. On this part, Akutagawa states that Lazarus is resurrected by Jesus' sentimentalism, and it is contradiction that Jesus who does not take care of His Mother, Virgin Mary, expresses condolence for Lazarus' death. In order to comprehend this Jesus' sentimentalism full of contradiction, Akutagawa mentions that it is important to understand 〈Genius Egoism〉, which was a criticism to Jesus' hypocritical behavior. As considered above, by giving prominence about a hypocritical character inherent in human's sentimentality, Akutagawa felt displeasure about and disdained such 〈Hypocritical Sentimentalism〉, and tried to struggle against it.

      • KCI등재

        芥川龍之介におけるゲ-テとイエス : 「或阿梅の一生」と 「西方の人」をめぐって

        임훈식 ( Hoon Sik Lim ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2014 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.25

        本稿の硏究目的は、芥川龍之介にとってゲ-テとイエスはどういう存在であるかを、ゲ-テに焦点を合 わせると共にイエスにも照らしつつその意味を究めることにあった。自傳的な作品 「或阿梅の一生」と 「西方 の人」を中心として考察した結果、芥川は二人の人物を對照的な存在と把握していたことが分かった。 學生時代からゲ-テに傾倒していた芥川は、作家や政治家として精力的な活動ぶりを見せるゲ-テに 襁い憧れを感じた。デモ-ニッシュな<運命>に捕らわれずに、文芸面や政治家など、多方面ですぐれた 才能を發揮していたゲ-テは、芥川の目にはイエスよりも偉大な人物だったのである。と言うのは、芥川の 目に映ったイエスは<運命の子>として生まれ、生涯<運命>の支配を受けつつ人生の道を步んでいった からであった。したがって芥川は、ゲ-テは處世術に長ける人物と見たが、イエスは處世術の下手な人物であり人生での失敗者と見ていたのである。 要するに芥川は、ゲ-テからは 「超人」の樣子を見たのに比して、イエスからは人生の落伍者としての 「超阿梅」の實憤を見ていたことが分かった。このような芥川の視角には、芥川自身の過ぎし人生に對する觀 念が投影されていたのは言うまでもなかろう。つまり、ゲ-テは芥川自身の<願望の對象>であり、イエス は芥川の<悔恨の自話像>だったのである。 以上のような考察を通して、ゲ-テとイエスの人生の上には芥川自身の人生觀や運命觀が披瀝されて いたことが明らかになったと思う。 A purpose of this work is to study the meaning of the existences of Goethe and Jesus for Ryunosuke Akutagawa by focusing on Goethe and comparing Goethe with Jesus. After studying with emphasis on autobiographical works, The Man of the West and the Fool’s Life, it turned out that Akutagawa had realized Goethe and Jesus as the two contrasting figures. Akutagawa, who was devoted to Goethe, had strong admiration to Goethe’s vivid activities as an author and politician. Akutagawa considered Goethe as the greater being than Jesus, because Goethe showed amazing talents in various areas without being captured by the “destiny”, while he regarded Jesus as the one who was born as a “son of destiny” and lived His entire life governed by the “destiny”. In addition, Akutagawa thought Goethe knew how to get on well in the world, while he considered Jesus as the one unsuccessful in life due to His lack in worldly wisdom. After all, Akutagawa’s own notion about life is reflected in his such viewpoint. In summary, Goethe was the one on whom Akutagawa put his own hope, while Jesus was Akutagawa’s own portrait of repentance. Through this study, it turned out that Akutagawa’s viewpoints toward the life and destiny were represented in the lives of Goethe and Jesus.

      • KCI등재

        실외용 농기계의 전장 보호 설계 기법과 신뢰성 시험 평가 방법

        임훈(Hoon Lim),윤병운(Byong Un Yun),방병주(Byoung Ju Bang) 대한전기학회 2021 전기학회논문지 P Vol.70 No.2

        This paper introduces the protection design method for electronic units of the self-propelled harvester, which is an agricultural machine used for field farming, among outdoor agricultural machines, and a reliability test evaluation method for it. The field farming work environment is an outdoor off-road surface that is generally divided into a ridge and a furrow. These off-road surfaces are mixed with various factors such as boulders, grass, and puddles, so shocks are constantly transmitted to the electrical equipment during movement and work, and dust is generated and moisture such as raindrops can penetrate into the interior of the electronic units the probability is very high. Typical external environmental factors that adversely affect the electronic units installed on the harvester body when the outdoor agricultural machine moves or works are impact, dust, and water. Therefore, this study proposes in detail a design technique that protects electronic units from the external environmental factors mentioned above and a reliability test evaluation method that can verify it.

      • KCI등재

        진동 오차 보상 기법을 적용한 동적 환경에서도 강인한 땅속작물 수확기용 무게 측정 알고리즘 설계

        임훈(Hoon Lim),서명국(Myoung-Kook Seo),주영훈(Young Hoon Joo),윤병운(Byong-Un Yun),방병주(Byoung-Ju Bang) 대한전기학회 2020 전기학회논문지 P Vol.69 No.1

        In this paper, we propose a system for weighing and verifying the weight of the crop in a stable and robustly in the dynamic environment where vibrations are generated during the harvesting of the field. At present, the method of measuring the weight of the harvest using a mechanical crop harvester is very inefficient. So in order to design the controller to improve the current problem, we derived the formula to reduce the vibration during weight measurement, applied the appropriate algorithm, and verified the performance of the controller through various experiments. Through this study, we are going to develop intelligent underground crop harvesting machines, simplify the process of weight measurement work, and increase the overall efficiency and convenience of field farming.

      • KCI등재

        외바퀴 로봇의 진행 방향 강인 제어

        임훈(Hoon Lim),황종명(Jong-Myung Hwang),안부환(Bu-Hwan Ahn),이장명(Jang-Myung Lee) 제어로봇시스템학회 2009 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.15 No.11

        A new control algorithm for the yaw motion control of a unicycle robot has been proposed in this paper. With the increase of life quality, there are various transportation systems such as segway and unicycle robot which provide not only transportation but also amusement. In most of the unicycle robots share the same technology in that the directions of roll and pitch are controlled by the balance controllers, allowing the robots to maintain balance for a long period by continuously moving forward and backward. However, one disadvantage of this technology is that it cannot provide the capability to the robots to avoid obstacles in their path way. This research focuses to provide the yawing function to the unicycle robot and to control the yaw motion to avoid the obstacles as desired. For the control of yawing motion, the yaw angle is adjusted to the inertia generated by the velocity and torque of a yawing motor which is installed in the center axes of the unicycle robot to keep the lateral control simple. Through the real experiments, the effective and robustness of the yawing control algorithm has been demonstrated.

      • 자주식 수확기의 전장품 내구 설계 기법과 신뢰성 시험 방법

        임훈(Hoon Lim),서명국(Myoung Kook Seo),신희영(Hee Young Shin),윤병운(Byong Un Yun),방병주(Byoung Ju Bang) 대한기계학회 2021 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2021 No.4

        본 논문에서는 “임훈과 오현경 등(1~2)”의 연구 결과를 바탕으로 자주식 수확기의 내구 설계 기법에 대한 더 상세한 신뢰성 시험 및 평가 방법에 대해 제안한다. 충격, 먼지, 수분(빗방울 등)들로 인해 발생될 수 있는 PCB 기판 크렉, 전자부품 탈거, PCBA 소손 등의 사고를 사전에 방지하기 위해 전장품 보호 케이스 소재를 플라스틱에서 알루미늄으로 변경하고, 먼지나 수분의 침투를 막기 위해 방수 고무 링과 방수 커넥터 그리고 Hole 부분에 고무 패킹 등을 적용하였다. 또한 주제와 경화제를 사용한 몰딩 처리로 전장품을 외부 환경 요소 들로부터 보호하였다. 이러한 방법으로 전장품 내구 설계 기법을 정립하였고, 해당 전장품의 내구 신뢰성을 검증받기 위하여 충격 시험과 염수분무 시험을 진행하였다. 충격 시험은 KS C IEC 60068-2-27 과 ISO 16750-3을 근거로 하였고, 염수분무 시험은 KS C IEC 60068-2-11을 근거로 하였다. 충격 시험의 목적은 부품 및 기기에 발생하는 충격에 대한 내구성을 평가하는 시험으로 조건은 3 축 3 방향, 충격지속시간 6ms, 가속도 30G, 반정형파의 조건으로 시험하였다. 염수분무 시험의 목적은 금속 재료의 내식성 및 표면 부식 상태와 수분 침투에 대한 내구성을 평가하는 시험으로 조건은 염수농도 5%, 온도 35℃, 분무량 0.5~3 ㎖/8 ㎤, 시간 24hr의 조건으로 시험하였다. 두 가지 신뢰성 시험 결과 전장품에 이상 없음을 확인하였다. 향후에는 더 다양한 신뢰성 시험과 평가를 통해 전장품 내구성을 검증받고 향상하려고 한다. In this paper, we propose a more detailed reliability test and evaluation method for the durability design technique of self-propelled harvesters based on the research results of “Lim H and Oh H.K(1-2)”. In order to prevent accidents such as PCB cracking, removal of electronic parts, and PCBA damage that can be caused by shock, dust, and moisture (raindrops, etc.), the electronic component protective case is changed from plastic to aluminum, and prevents dust and moisture from occurring to prevent penetration, a waterproof rubber ring, a waterproof connector, and a rubber packing were applied to the hole. In addition, the electronic parts were protected from external environmental factors by molding treatment using the main ingredient and hardener. In this way, a durability design technique was established for electrical equipment, and impact tests and salt spray tests were conducted to verify the durability reliability of the electrical equipment. The impact test was based on KS C IEC 60068-2-27 and ISO 16750-3, and the salt spray test was based on KS C IEC 60068-2-11. The purpose of the impact test is to evaluate the durability against the impact that occurs in parts and devices conditions were tested under the conditions of 3-axis 3-direction, impact duration 6ms, acceleration 30G, and semi-square wave conditions. The purpose of the salt spray test is to evaluate the corrosion resistance of metal materials, the surface corrosion state, and the durability against moisture penetration the conditions are salt water concentration of 5%, temperature 35℃, spray volume 0.5~3 ㎖/80 ㎤, time 24hr tested. As a result of the two reliability tests, it was confirmed that there was no abnormality in the electrical equipment. In the future, we intend to verify and improve the durability of electrical equipment through more various reliability tests and evaluations.

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