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      • KCI등재

        기업의 클라우드 컴퓨팅 도입 의사결정에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        임성택(Seongtaek Rim),공다영(Dayoung Kong),심수진(Sujin Shim),한영춘(Youngchoon Han) 한국IT서비스학회 2012 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Cloud computing is provided on demand service via the internet, allowing users to pay for the service they actually use. Since cloud computing is emerging stage in industry, many companies and government consider adopting the cloud computing. Actually a variety of factors may influence on the adopting decision making of cloud computing. The objective of this study is to explore the significant factors affecting the adoption decision of enterprise cloud computing. A research model has been suggested based on TOE framework and outsourcing decision framework. Based on 302 data collected from managers in various industries, the major findings are following. First, the benefit factors of cloud computing service such as agility and cost reduction have direct and positive effects on adoption of the service. Second, lock-in as a risk factor of cloud computing service has a negative effect while security has not. Third, both internal and external environment factors have positive effects on adoption of the service.

      • 정보보호 관리체계 도입의 필요성 고찰

        강윤철(Kang, Youn-Chul),임성택(Rim, Seongtaek) 한국정보보호학회 2013 情報保護學會誌 Vol.23 No.4

        영업비밀 관련 또는 특허문제로 소송이 빈번하게 발생하는 요즘 특허 전쟁에 있어서도 해당 정보를 적절하게 보호하고 유지하기 위한 특허정보 관리체계에 있어서의 정보보안은 매우 중요한 요인으로 인식되고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 보안사고가 발생했을 경우, 이에 효과적으로 대응하기 위한 방안들에 대해 기업 전반에 걸쳐 인지될 필요성 또한 부각되고 있으며 이를 가능하게 해주는 방안으로 국제인증 기준이 떠오르고 있다. 각종 정보보호의 중요성에 따른 기업 관리시스템들이 이러한 인증체계를 도입 및 운영하고 있는 추세이며 이를 뒷받침 해주기 위해 특허법을 비롯하여 관련 컴플라이언스를 준수하기 위한 개인정보보호법(안전성 확보조치), 정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호 등에 관한 법률과 같은 정보보호 법률을 기준으로 제시할 수 있다. 사례 기업에서는 이 중 정보보호 국제인증의 대표격인 ISO27001을 바탕으로 현재 특허관련 기업에 필요한 정보보호관리체계를 정립 및 적용하였다. 해당 정보보호 관리 체계는 특허관련 업무분장에서 주요하게 다루어지지 않았던 기술적, 관리적, 물리적 보안에 대한 부적합사항을 충족시키고 특허정보보호업무, 감사업무, 검사업무, 전산운영 등 분산된 업무를 일관된 업무로 통합하는 효과적인 관리체계가 될 수 있음을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Service De나dml 서비스 품질이 조직의 업무 효율성 증대에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김동철(DongChul Kim),김광용(GwangYong Gim),임성택(SeongTaek Rim) 한국IT서비스학회 2009 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        This study is to guide to estimate service quality on ITSM operation based on ITIL(IT Infrastructure Library) ITIL v2 and v3 provide how to integrate framework of IT service and business process. It is widely used as ITSM operation base. As a latest IT trend, ITSM covers Hardware, Software, SaaS, Network, Call center Helpdesk, ASP portal and IT operation. Servicedesk is selected as target area where valid sampling is addressable and service change is rapid. Traditional Helpdesk was focusing on technical support to solve internal IT issues passively. But it was evolved into Service Desk which focus in process and provide integrated service from customer's business view point preventively and proactively. Accordingly outsourcing types business are normally performed by group of professional capability. Service quality is measured under the SLA(Service Level Agreement). This study utilized SERVQUAL model as service quality measuring tool developed by Parasuraman, Zeitaml and Berry to find critical factors to satisfy customer. And test was processed regarding effectiveness of IT organization and customer view point thru sampling. Though valid parameters can be changed by ITSM area under the SERVQUAL models, they naturally can be accepted as a index of service quality measurement after sampling test with acceptable significance. And I recommend to follow this study as a preparation before official SLA

      • KCI등재

        온라인 게임의 상호작용성이 사용자 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 게임 장르별 연구

        한영춘(Youngchoon Han),심수진(Sujin Shim),공다영(Dayoung Kong),황은희(Eunhee Hwang),임성택(Seongtaek Rim) 한국산업경영학회 2013 경영연구 Vol.28 No.1

        본 연구는 온라인 게임 사용자의 몰입 및 충성도에 영향을 미치는 요인들의 효과를 분석하였다. 특히 상호작용성 관점에서 접근하여 게임 사용자의 몰입도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 커뮤니티 상호작용과 기계적 상호작용으로 구분하였다. 온라인 게임 커뮤니티 상호작용은 온라인 게임에 참여한 사용자간의 정보 교환 및 집단 형성을 통한 상호작용을 개념화한 것으로 커뮤니티 소속감, 커뮤니티 지원을 포함하였으며, 온라인 게임 서비스를 제공하는 시스템과 사용자의 상호작용인 기계적 상호작용 요인에는 사용자 목표, 사용자 조작성, 사용자 보상이 포함되었다. 또한 온라인 게임의 장르에 따라 이러한 요인들의 영향력이 달라질 것으로 보고 온라인 게임의 장르에 따른 영향력의 차이를 분석하였다. 연구 결과, 온라인 게임 사용자의 커뮤니티 소속감과 사용자 조작성, 사용자 보상이 게임 사용자의 몰입에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, 게임 장르에 따른 선행요인들의 조절효과를 검증한 결과 모든 상호작용 특성에 대해 조절 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 이는 게임 장르에 따라 게임에 몰입하는 요인이 서로 다름을 의미하므로 실무차원에서 게임 장르별로 특별한 상호작용 환경을 고려하여 제작에 반영해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of online game interactivity on user flow and loyalty. Based on the literature, the online game interactivity was divided into community interactivity and system interactivity. Community affinity and community support were included in the research model as the community interactivity while user goals, user manipulation, and user compensation were included as the system interactivity. In addition, the type of online games was introduced as a moderating variable to analyze the interaction effect between the online game interactivity and the user flow. The questionnaire survey was conducted and data were collected from college students in Daegu and Kyungbook areas. The results of PLS analysis provide the following findings. First, community affinity, user manipulation, and user compensation were found to be significantly related to online game user flow. Second, online game user flow was found to be significantly related to online game user loyalty. Third, the type of online game was found to have interaction effect for all independent variables.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷 사용자의 개인정보보호 행동의 차이에 관한 연구

        장초(Chao Zhang),만리리(Lili Wan),민대환(Daihwan Min),임성택(Seongtaek Rim) 한국IT서비스학회 2012 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Privacy-protective behavior can be classified into passive behavior and active behavior. Passive behavior includes refusal, misrepresentation, and removal, while word-of-mouth, complaint, and seeking for help belong to active behavior. Internet users in different countries may take different types of privacy-protective behavior because of cultural and social differences. This study analyzes the differences in Internet users’ privacy-protective behavior between Korea and China. Korean Internet users take refusal, complaint, and seeking to protect their privacy information, while misrepresentation is not an option for Korean Internet users. Chinese Internet users take refusal, complaint, seeking, and misrepresentation to protect their privacy information. In Korea, passive behavior (refusal) is chosen more often than active behavior (complaint and seeking for help), while in China active behavior(complaint and seeking for help) is preferred to passive behavior (refusal and misrepresentation). The differences of privacy-protective behavior in the two countries may provide some implications for online companies, if they want to avoid the business risk due to privacy concerns and to take appropriate steps to deal with privacy-protective behavior by Internet users.

      • An Innovation Theory of End-User Computing

        Rim,Seongtaek,Koo,Sang Hoe 高麗大學校 産業開發硏究所 1995 産業開發硏究 Vol.4 No.-

        EUC appears to be metamorphosing into a truly organizational computin environment where "every person is their own programmer"[Suttle, 1969]. Trends in hardware, software, and organizational computing maturity all contribute to the rapidly changing nature of end users and end user computing. Research in EUC innovation must contend with shifting computational sophistication of organizations, developments of new technologies that supercede their last research technology, and increasing integration of products that makes differentiation of product boundaries difficult. In 2000, most office workers in organizations will have their own machines, will be hooked to at least one network, and will access both personal and organizationally hooked to at least one network, and will access both personal and organizationally critical data. An increasing number of people will develop their own applications, and application development will become one more work activity for most white-collar and management jobs. These people will no longer be classified as "end users" because they will be significantly more sophisticated in computer use than that label implies. Personal computers, local area networks, office information systems, and other technologies have fueled the development of end user computing. These technologies were used during this decade by early adopter organizations who did not wait for all of the desired integration, ease of use, and functionality to use the technologies. Rathe, the users of the'80's became a market that has driven the development of other desirable capabilities. The decade of the 1990's will be one of adoption by the masses, in this case, white collar professionals. Then, in the first decade of the new century, clerical workers will again see their jobs transformed as thdy were in the 1970's, and executives might finally get to use the promised developments in artificial intelligence, expert systems, and executive decision systems. The model presented in the previous section is sufficiently complex to provide a research agenda for at least one entire career. Multiple methodlogies, longitudinal studies, and triangulation of results using different statistical and methodological techniques are all required. In addition, there is a final issue to consider. One assumption of all IS and innovation research is that the innovations are inherently useful, desirable, and good. Further extension of innovation theory and the model presented above is required to consider what should be automated, who benefits, and whether or not are real benefits gained from the use of EUC computing technologies. The implications for educators are more and different courses for the non-IS student. Introductory coures should include segments on application development, testing, security and backup to prepare the work-force for these responsibilities. Data base courses, for instance, might be less technical and available to non-IS majors. Courses with technical content should of course continue to be required of IS people. For organizations, self-examination is required for senior executives to decide if, and when, they want to support the use of information technologies, and which technologies to support. Education on IS and its enabling capabilities may be required to take advantage of the technologies in their own organizations.

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