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      • KCI등재

        다수살인(Multiple Homicide)에 대한 연구

        이승묵(Lee Seung Mug) 한국공안행정학회 2005 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.20 No.-

        다수살인은 우선 일반ㆍ단순살인과 구분되며, 이것은 크게 연쇄살인, 집단살인, 그리고 단기연속살인으로 구분된다. 일반살인과 다수살인을 구별하는 기준은 사망 피해자의 수에 있다. 피해자가 4명 이상일 때 다수살인으로 간주된다. 연쇄살인과 집단살인이 다수살인의 대표적인 예들이며, 단기연속살인은 다수살인의 혼성적 형태이다. 우리나라에서는 1970년대 이후 10여 건의 다수살인 사건들이 있었다. 이 중 절반이 단기연속살인에 해당하며, 2건은 집단살인, 그리고 나머지 3건은 연쇄살인에 속한다. 1990년대에는 범죄단체 구성원들에 의한 단기연속살인 사건들이 많았으며, 2000년대에 들어와서는 이와는 다른 형태로서 주로 단독범에 의한 연쇄살인 사건들이 주류였다. 이는 우리나라에서도 연쇄살인 사건들이 다수 살인의 주류로 변해가고 있음을 보여준다. 다수살인 사건들의 특징들 때문에 경찰의 초동수사와 증거 수집 과정에 많은 어려움이 있고, 특히 연쇄살인 사건들은 해결 가능성도 낮다. 이에 다수살인의 효과적인 수사와 증거 수집을 위한 정책대안으로 수사 기관들의 적극적인 수사 공조, 범죄 유전자 은행 설치, 그리고 강력범죄 전담부서 설치 등을 제시한다. Over the past decade the topic of multiple homicide has attracted increased attention in the field of criminology. Multiple homicide is distinguish from a regular homicide. Multiple homicide can be divided into three categories: serial killing, mass murdering, and killing spree. The standard to distinguish between a regular homicide and multiple homicide is the number of victims, that is, the numerical standard to be used to define multiple homicide. The bottom line for multiple homicide is four. If there are more than four victims, that case can be regarded as multiple homicide. Since the 1970s, in Korea there have been about ten multiple homicide incidents. Five of them are killing spree, two are mass murdering, and three are serial killing. In the 1990s, there were mostly killing spree which were committed by the members of crime groups. However, since 2000, there have been several serial killings committed by one murder and become the main current, which is different from the past. Whenever sensational multiple homicide occurs, our society and community is shook and terrified in terror and fear. Especially, after Mr. Yoo's serial killing spree from September, 2003 to July, 2004, the general public and mass media have criticized the police of the ability to investigate and prevent such crimes. Actually, by definition of multiple homicide, it is not easy for the police to deal with such crimes effectively. But the police can improve their ability and capability to investigate and prevent multiple homicide incidents through several alternatives. The alternatives may be to enhance the investigative cooperative relationship within the police organization and with other governmental entities, which may be called the "multiple-agency" cooperation; to establish the convicted DNA data bank; and to establish the serious crime unit which may dedicate to homicide and other serious crimes.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 Team Policing 사례 연구

        이승묵(Lee, Seung-Mug),주재진(Joo, Jae-Jin) 한국공안행정학회 2017 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.26 No.1

        경기지방경찰청 형사과는 2016년부터 치안수요가 많은 경기도 내 5개 경찰서 취약지역에 강력형사와 기동순찰대를 합동 배치, 지역별 특성에 맞추어 기능 간긴밀한 협업을 통한 Team policing 활성화로 범죄예방과 범인검거의 종합적인 치안서비스를 제공하고 있다. 물론 이 지역의 치안 최고 책임자가 ‘함께 만들어 가는 치안’을 강조하고, 한국 경찰의 패러다임 전환을 통해 기존의 경찰시스템을 변화시키기 위해 경찰전문성과 조직 유연성을 강조하는 Team Policing을 도입한다는 취지는 매우 의미 있는 일이고 환영받을 일이라고 판단된다. 지방자치 정치문화가 오랫동안 정착된 미국의 경찰활동은 해당 지방의 치안수 요와 요구에 따라 독특하게 발전하여 왔다. 하지만 실제 현장에서는 Team policing이 의도했던 목표를 달성하는 경우도 있었지만, 일부 지역에서는 “공공 홍보(public relations)”를 위한 도구로 전락되는 경우도 있었고, 또 이론적으로 제시된 목표를 다 달성하지 못했지만 부분적으로 이룬 경우도 있었다. 그러나 대부분은 Team policing을 수용하면서 기대했던 만큼의 목표와 효과는 거두지 못한 것으로 드러났다. 물론 우리나라와 같이 규모가 큰 국가경찰조직에도 광범위하고 장기적으로 적용된 사례가 없기 때문에 경찰활동에 대한 그 효과성과 효율성을 단정하고 판단 하기에는 다소 무리가 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 만약 국가경찰조직의 하부조직인 지방경찰청이나 경찰서에서 Team policing의 기본 철학과 원칙을 적극 활용하고자 한다면, 이를 경찰조직에 새로운 변화와 혁신을 가져오기 위한 시발점으로 삼을 수 있다. 즉 새로운 프로그램의 시범적 실행으로서 소규모 형태로 활용될 수는 있을 것이다.따라서 이 연구에서는 이제 막 시행된 한국형 Team policing의 성공적인 운영을 바라고, 앞으로 발생될 수 있는 문제점 해결에 시사점을 주고자 하는 차원에서 Team policing의 기본원칙과 내용이 적용되었던 1960년대 후반부터 1970년대 중반까지 미국의 주요 지방경찰의 Team policing 사례 분석을 통해, 그 동안 나타났던 문제점과 반응 및 평가에 대한 내용을 논의하고자 하였다. Since 2016, the Criminal Affairs Division of Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency has been placing detectives in charge of violent crime and patrol parties in five vulnerable areas of Gyeonggi-do with a lot of demands for public order and providing an integrated public order service for crime prevention and criminal arrest by activating interfunctional coordination-based Team Policing. Of course, it is thought that the slogan, ‘Public Order to Achieve Together’ emphasized by the top public order manager in this area and introducing ‘Team Policing’, which puts emphasis on police professionalism and organizational flexibility to change the paradigm of Korean police and the existing police system is very meaningful and deserve to be welcomed. Police activities in the US with well-established political culture of local governments have developed uniquely, according to the demands for public order in local communities. Although the goals intended by Team Policing have been achieved in some cases, it was degraded to a means for ‘public relations’ in some areas. Also, the goals were achieved partially in some cases. But it was revealed that most areas failed to achieve the goals and obtain the effects as much as they expected when accepting Team Policing. Of course, it is little hard to measure and conclude the effectiveness and the efficiency of police activities, since there is no broad and long-term case of application to a big national police organization like the police agencies in Korea. Nevertheless, Team Policing can be a trigger to bring new change and innovation to the police organization, if local police agencies or police stations, which are subordinate organizations of the national police agency, or the local police that is a local decentralized police organization, intend to use the basic philosophy and principles of Team Policing. In other words, this can be used on a small scale, as a trial project of a new program. Therefore, this study discussed the problems, responses and evaluations of Team Policing in major local police agencies of the US from the late 1960s to the middle 1970s that the basic principles and contents were applied, in order to successfully manage Korean Team Policing, which has just been launched, and provide implications for problems that may occur in future.

      • KCI등재

        Team Policing에 관한 연구: 구성요소와 시행 및 적용 시 쟁점을 중심으로

        이승묵 ( Lee Seung Mug ),주재진 ( Joo Jae Jin ) 한국경찰학회 2017 한국경찰학회보 Vol.19 No.2

        During the mid and late 1960s in the United States, the gap between local police departments and the communities had widened.Negative attitude and antagonism against police departments deepened.Such a social phenomenon might cause the police to get their jobs of crime prevention and control activities challenging and less effective. In particular, police image of being repressive and brutal toward minority communities became reinforced. The demand for a better relationship between local police and communities, therefore, was an inevitable calling. As a consequence, some police administrators attempted to overcome challenges and crisis by reforming their police departments and policing in order to deal with various local crime problems effectively. Numerous new experimental alternatives or policy changes among local police departments across the nation from the late 1960s to the middle of 1970s have been known as “team policing.” We study history because the past may provide insight and experience for the present and future. In addition, comparative or international research can provide an opportunity for us to expand our understanding into a broader aspect, to obtain new knowledge, and ultimately to increase the possibility of successful policy change and reform effort. “team police activity”in South Korea. However, such an interpretation can`t fully help understand “team policing.” It is imperative to study and learn historical, political, economic, and cultural backgrounds in order to understand a policy or concept. The previous introduction of team policing to South Korea was somehow limited and sporadic. The current study starts with the perception that previous literature or studies on this subject matter in South Korea have been shallow. For this study, therefore, several critical points of team policing, which have not been the subjects for debates and studies in depth, are discussed, including the explanation of its social and political backgrounds, its basic components, its processes of implementation and practice, and its issues and evaluations. The concept of “team policing”has been introduced as a “joint patrol”or “team police activity”in South Korea. However, such an interpretation can`t fully help understand “team policing.” It is imperative to study and learn historical, political, economic, and cultural backgrounds in order to understand a policy or concept. The previous introduction of team policing to South Korea was somehow limited and sporadic. The current study starts with the perception that previous literature or studies on this subject matter in South Korea have been shallow. For this study, therefore, several critical points of team policing, which have not been the subjects for debates and studies in depth, are discussed, including the explanation of its social and political backgrounds, its basic components, its processes of implementation and practice, and its issues and evaluations.

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