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      • OLED 디스플레이용 유기용매를 이용한 전기수력학적 잉크젯 패터닝에 관한 연구

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),신동호(Dong-Ho Shin),Xuan Hung Nguyen,고한서(Han Seo Ko) 대한기계학회 2011 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2011 No.10

        An electrohydrodynamic (EHD) jet which is a revolutionary inkjet technology can produce much smaller droplets than nozzle sizes even for highly viscous liquid. Although there are many modes of the ejection mechanism from the EHD nozzle, a cone-jet mode, a pulse-jet mode and a micro-dripping mode have been analyzed by capturing the jetting phenomena using organic solvents as working fluids in this study to find out the optimum liquid for each mode at the required condition. Droplet ejection from the EHD inkjet nozzle depends on many factors such as an onset voltage, liquid conductivity, surface tension, viscosity, etc. Among the factors, the dielectric constant and the viscosity have been selected especially to investigate the effect on the stable jetting because they are dominant factors for the EHD jetting system. Also, the line patterning has been performed to analyze the effect of the factors for OLED.

      • Study on Variation of Onset Voltage by Electric Conductivity for Electrostatic Droplet Ejection

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),Nguyen Xuan Hung,김승배(Seung-Bae Kim),고한서(Han Seo Ko) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11

        An effect of applied electric potential and physico-chemical parameters on a droplet diameter has been analyzed numerically. Smaller droplets can be ejected from a nozzle by applying electrostatic potential between the nozzle and liquids. Although the droplets have been formed until the critical value of the electric potential, unstable liquid jets with multiple satellite droplets have been observed at higher electric potentials. The critical value of the electric potential is called as an onset voltage in this study. Equations for the onset voltage have been developed by many researchers. Since the developed equations are appropriate for only their cases, a numerical analysis has been performed in this study to calculate the droplet diameters and the onset voltages accurately by various functions such as a surface tension of liquid, a distance between a nozzle and electrode, an inside diameter of the nozzle, etc.

      • KCI등재후보

        공공미술에 나타난 조각의 장소특정성 활용방안연구

        이수홍 ( Soo Hong Lee ),김범수 ( Beom Soo Kim ) 한국영상미디어협회 2015 예술과 미디어 Vol.14 No.3

        글로벌리즘 시대, 각 나라의 도시공간들이 균질화되어 가는 추세 속에서 장소특정성(site-specific)은 특별한 의미를 지닌다. 장소 특정적 공공미술은 이러한 몰개성적인 도시공간에 활력을 불어넣고 그 도시만의 정체성을 부여한다. 이렇듯 공공미술에서 장소특정성의 개념이 중요하게 대두되면서 대표적인 공간예술인 동시에 장소적 맥락을 중요시하는 조각에 대한 집중적 논의가 전개되고 있다. 하지만 제대로 조율되지 않은 장소특정성에 대한 무분별한 개념의 확대와 혼용은 이에 대한 소모적 담론과 혼란만 가중시켰다. 본 연구는 이제까지 진행되어온 이전 장소 특정적 공공미술의 한계와 문제점을 되짚어보고 보다 한국사회에 적합한 통합적 패러다임으로서 공공미술이 기능하기 위해 어떠한 접근방식과 논의가 필요한가에 대한 의문에서 시작한다. 이러한 의문에 근거를 마련하고자 본 연구자는 우선 장소개념에 대한 재규정과 함께 20세기에 다양한 ‘대안적 장소’담론에서 자주 언급되는 질 들뢰즈(Gilles Deleuze)의 장소론에 등장하는 사건(event) 개념과 안느 수리오(Anne Souriau)의 디에제티크(diegetique)의 공간을 철학적 관점에서 접근함으로써 장소 특정적 미술이 각 시대에 나타난 장소 담론들과 어떠한 접점을 가질 수 있는지에 대해 집중 분석한다. 그리고 위 담론의 대표적 실천 사례인 리차드 세라의 <기울어진 호>와 독일의 뮌스터 조각프로젝트의 장, 단점과 특이사항을 분석함으로서 향후 우리나라 공공미술 프로젝트가 어떠한 방향으로 전개되어 나아가야 하는가에 대한 시사점을 제공하고자 했다. Due to the uniformity of urban spaces in the world caused by globalization, public arts play an important role providing vitality and identity in those non-characteristic cities. Hence, sculpture, highly related to the site specificity among public arts, has been highlighted and intensive discussion is going on. However, the expansion and misuse of the site specificity concept without a detailed discussion and calibration rather increase confusion and useless debates. Then, we can throw a question that what is needed for public arts to function as an integrated paradigm for the Korean society resolving this problem. To answer the question, in this study I first discuss the limit and the problem of the current site specific public arts and reset the concept of the site. Next, I analyze the possibility whether the site specific art can be connected to the concepts of ‘alternative space’ frequently referred in 20th century: the ‘event’from Gilles Deleuze, the ‘diegetique space’ from Anne Souriau. In addition, I analyze pros, cons, and features of ‘Tilted Arc’ by Richard Serra and ‘Sculpture Munster Project’ in German which are representative examples of the above ‘alternative space’ concepts. Based on those analyses, finally, I propose a way how the Korean public art projects should move on.

      • Study on Flow Structure inside Room Air Conditioner Using Visualization Technique

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),라선욱(Seon-Uk Na),강근(Geun Kang),고한서(Han Seo Ko) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.11

        Whole flow fields of a room air conditioner (RAC) have been visualized by a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique to analyze the flow structure with various inlet and outlet angles, and to control an eccentric vortex which affects an efficiency and noise of the RAC. A test model with 5 stages of a cross flow fan has been manufactured and a transparent acryl has been installed at the side of the test model for the PIV experiment. The inlet and outlet flows and the flow inside the cross flow fan have been analyzed by varying the inlet grill angles and outlet blade angles. The movement of the eccentric vortex has been investigated experimentally by developing the measurement technique for the inner flow field of the cross flow fan. From the visualization of the inner flows, the origins of the noise inside the RAC and the condensation points around the outlet parts of the cold air have been observed and the solution of the problems can be proposed in this study.

      • KCI등재

        영남지역 묘역식지석묘의 특징과 구산동지석묘의 성격

        이수홍(Soo Hong Lee) 부산고고학회 2023 고고광장 Vol.- No.32

        영남지역의 묘역식지석묘를 검토하고, 구산동지석묘의 특징과 성격에 대해 살펴보았다. 영남지역에는 현재까지 56곳의 유적에서 340여기의 묘역식지석묘가 조사되었다. 묘역식지석묘는 영남 각지에 분포한다. 청동기시대 전기의 늦은 시기에 출현하여 초기철기시대까지 지속적으로 축조되었다. 청동기시대 후기에는 거대한 묘역식지석묘가 군집을 이루어 축조된다. 이 시기는 거대한 묘역식지석묘가 계층화의 과정을 보여주지만, 아직 완전한 불평등사회로 진입한 것은 아니다. 초기철기시대가 되면 불평등사회로 진입하면서, 공동체를 위한 것이 아닌 1인을 위한 무덤이 축조되는데 무덤군에서 거대한 묘역식지석묘는 단 1기만 축조된다. 구산동지석묘는 그 규모에서 압도적인 거대함, 무덤군에서 1기만 촌재하는 묘역식 무덤, 상석이 묘역에 직교하고, 매장주체부가 목관(木棺)이며, 출토유물이 기존의 지석묘 출토유물과는 이질적인 옹(甕)과 두형토기(豆形土器)라는 특징이 있다. 초기철기시대에 축조된 것이 확실하며 무덤으로 축조되었다. 김해지역에 새로운 이주민의 정착이 늦어진 것은 구산동지석묘를 축조할 만큼 강력한 세력이 있었기 때문이다. 구산동지석묘는 초기철기시대 재지민이 축조한 최후의 군장묘이다. 청동기시대가 끝나는 전환기에 변화를 받아들이는 모습을 상징적으로 보여준다. 이후 청동기시대는 종언하고 새로운 시대가 개막한다. This study set out to review dolmens with a boundary in the Yeongnam region and examine the characteristics and nature of the Gusan-dong Dolmen. In the Yeongnam region, approximately 340 dolmens with a boundary were investigated at 56 relics. The distribution of dolmens with a boundary covers the entire Yeongnam region. They appeared in a relatively late period of the former part in the Bronze Age and continued to be constructed until the early Iron Age. Entering the latter part of the Bronze Age, large-scale dolmens with a boundary were built in clusters. This period witnessed the stratification process of such large-scale dolmens with a boundary, but they had not entered a completely unequal society yet. Entering the early Iron Age, they entered an unequal society and built graves for individuals rather than the community. Only a large-scale dolmen with a boundary was built for a grave group. The Gusan-dong Dolmen is characterized by its overwhelmingly vast size, its uniqueness as the only dolmen with a boundary in the grave group, its stone stable orthogonal to the grave boundary, its wooden coffin for the subject of burial, and its artifacts heterogeneous from the ones of the old dolmens including jars and pedestal vessel pottery. There is no doubt that the dolmen was built as a tomb in the early Iron Age. The settlement of new migrants in the Gimhae area was late because there was a force that was powerful enough to build the Gusan-dong Dolmen in the area. The Gusan-dong Dolmen was the last chief tomb built by local people in the early Iron Age, displaying their acceptance of changes during a transitional period at the end of the Bronze Age in a symbolic way. It marked the end of the Bronze Age and opened a new age.

      • 집적형 하이브리드 구동장치의 내부 유동 분석을 위한 리드밸브 특성 연구

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),현철봉(Cheol-Bong Hyun),구남서(Nam Seo Goo),조진호(Jin Ho Cho),고한서(Han Seo Ko) 대한기계학회 2013 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2013 No.12

        A self-contained hybrid actuator is a kind of a piston-cylinder device which is operated by a micro pump. The actuator is used for an air plane, a guided weapon, a vehicle, etc. since it has high actuating power and velocity although its size is small. The actuating velocity of the self-contained hybrid actuator is influenced by the actuating frequency of the pump. reed valve, and applied voltage. in this study, the influence of the actuating frequency and the reed valve on the actuating velocity was investigated by analyzing internal flow distribution. the FSI (Fluid Structure Interacting) of the ANSYS with the turbulent model of SST was used for the numerical analysis to calculate the internal flow by the pump frequency. Also, the effect of the shape and the thickness of the reed valve was studied. The output velocity form the numerical analysis increased with the actuating frequency initially, and the velocity decreased after 250Hz by the flow loss because the working fluid velocity could not follow the accelerating of the piezo pump. Also, the U-type reed valve showed higher output velocity than the original shape did because of creation of relatively small vortex.

      • 가시화 기법을 이용한 정전기적 액적 토출의 임계전압 분석

        이수홍(Soo-Hong Lee),X.H Nguyen,강운모(Woon-Mo Kang),김아란(Ah-Ran Kim),고한서(Han Seo Ko) 한국가시화정보학회 2010 한국가시화정보학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.11

        Surface tension, gravitational force and electric field intensity have an influence on the electrostatic droplet ejection. An onset voltage is a critical voltage at the moment of the mode change from a dripping to a micro dripping mode. Since the surface tension with the applied voltage is one of the most important factors for the droplet formation, the effect of the surface tension by the surfactant has been investigated for the onset voltage using the DI water with SDS.

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