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      • KCI등재

        레저스포츠 참여자들의 참여동기와 스포츠 몰입이 심리적 행복감에 미치는 영향

        김준희(Jun Hee Kim),이무연(Mu Yen Lee) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2009 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine that influence of participation motives and sports commitment on psychological happiness for leisure sports participation and to provide a basic dates to life quality through leisure sports. The subjects analysed 486 participants from leisure sports participation in National Capital region. Data analysis was used by SPSS 15.0 windows version, used a independent t-test, one-way ANOVA. There were used Scheffe when were statistical significantly difference. And It was used person`s correlation and multiple regression to analyse that influence of participation motives and sports commitment on psychological happiness. Results are as follows, frist, female was higher than male on external commitment as sexual but cognitive commitment was high in male. It. was higher than fifty aged on none commitment, and fifty aged was higher than thirty aged. Fifty aged was higher than others on behavior commitment. The third, a career was shown different on none commitment, external commitment and enjoyment. There were shown statistical significantly difference on external commitment, cognitive commitment, behavior and psychological happiness. And participation of ball game was highest in commitment and psychological happiness. The fifth, none commitment effected on psychological happiness among participation motives of Leisure sports. The sixth, both cognitive and behavior commitment effected on psychological happiness among commitment of Leisure sports.

      • KCI등재

        무도종목 엘리트 운동선수들의 영양보조물 섭취실태 조사

        정미미 ( Mi Mi Jung ),천윤석 ( Yoon Seok Chun ),조현철 ( Hyun Chul Cho ),김종규 ( Jong Kyu Kim ),신승남 ( Seung Nam Shin ),이무연 ( Mu Yen Lee ) 대한무도학회 2009 대한무도학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구는 엘리트 무도종목(복싱, 유도, 태권도, 레슬링, 씨름, 펜싱, 검도) 운동선수들의 운동영양 보조물(비타민, 미네랄, 오메가 3, 항산화제, 인삼, 아미노산, 크레아틴, 한약 등) 섭취실태를 조사·분석 하여 경기결과에 영양보조물이 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 사전적 지식 없이 영양 보조물의 과다 복용으로 인한 부작용에 빠지는 오류를 사전에 예방 할 수 있는 자료를 선수, 일선지도자, 부모 등에게 제공하여 선수지도의 필수적인 교육 자료로 활용하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 목적을 달성하기 무도 종목(복싱, 유도, 태권도, 레슬링, 씨름, 펜싱, 검도) 운동선수들을 선정하여 중학생 161명, 고등학생 260명, 대학생 158명, 총 579명을 대상으로 면밀하게 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 학력에 따른 엘리트 무도 선수들의 운동영양보조물 섭취형태 유무의 비율은 중학생(31.7%), 고등학생(48.8%), 대학생(61.4%)의 순으로 나타나 대학 운동선수들의 영양 보조물 섭취 빈도가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 종목별 섭취빈도는 씨름(62.8%), 태권도(54.2%), 검도(52.0%), 유도(48.7%), 레스링(42.5%), 펜싱(35.5%), 복싱(32.2%)의 순으로 나타났다. 2. 학력에 따른 영양 보조물의 섭취형태는 중학생(한약:70.2%, 비타민:31.9%, 미네랄:17%, 인삼:10.6%, 크레아틴:8.5%, 아미노산:4.3%, 오메가:2.1%), 고등학생(한약:60.2%, 비타민:44.7%, 인삼:11.4%, 오메가:10.6%, 크레아틴:10.6%, 미네랄:8.9%, 아미노산:5.7%, 항산화제:0.8%)순으로 나타났으며, 대학생은(한약:75.0%, 비타민:55.4%, 인삼:22.8%, 크레아틴:16.3%, 아미노산:14.1%, 미네랄:6.5%, 오메가:4.3%)순으로 나타났다. 3. 학력에 따른 섭취동기 및 권유는 중학생(부모님:60.0%, 코치·감독:20.0%, 본인:12.0%, 선·후배:2%), 고등학생(부모님:68.8%, 코치·감독:13.4%, 본인:13.4%, 기타:2.7%, 선·후배:1.8%), 대학생(부모님:71.9%, 본인:11.5%, 선·후배:8.3%, 코치·감독:4.2%, 기타:4.2%)순으로 나타났으며, 전반적으로 부모님의 권유로 영양 보조물을 섭취하는 것으로 조사되었다. This research had an objective to investigate and analyze elite martial art (boxing, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, ssireum, fencing and kendo) athletes`intake status of exercise nutritional supplement (vitamin, mineral, omega 3, antioxidant, ginseng, amino acid, creatine, traditional Korean medicine, etc.) and see the impact of the nutritional supplements on match results, and to provide materials to prevent false effect by excessive intake of the supplements without previous knowledge to athletes, coaches and parents and use it as required educational material for teaching athletes. In order to achieve the objective, athletes of martial arts (boxing, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, ssireum, fencing and kendo), 161 middle school students, 260 high school students, 158 college students, total 579 were selected and meticulously analyzed. As a result, following conclusion is formulated. 1. Percentage of exercise nutritional supplement intake by elite martial art athletes by academic background is 31.7% for middle school students, 48.8% for high school students and 61.4% for college students, showing that college athletes have highest percentage of taking nutritional supplement. And by martial arts, it is shown that ssireum has 62.8%, taekwondo 54.2%, kendo 52.0%, judo 48.7%, wrestling 42.5%, fencing 35.5% and boxing 32.2%. 2. Type of nutritional supplement by academic background is as follows: for middle school students, 70.2% traditional Korean medicine, 31.9% vitamin, 17% mineral, 10.6% ginseng, 8.5% creatine, 4.3% amino acid, 2.1% omega; for high school students, 60.2% traditional Korean medicine, 44.7% vitamin, 11.4% ginseng, 10.6% omega, 10.6% creatine, 8.9% mineral, 5.7% amino acid, 0.8% antioxidant; and for college students, 75.0% traditional Korean medicine, 55.4% vitamin, 22.8% ginseng, 16.3% creatine, 14.1% amino acid, 6.5% mineral, and 4.3% omega. 3. Intake motivation and encouragement by academic background is: for middle school student, parents 60.0%, coach 20.0%, self 12.0% and peers 2%; high school student, parents 68.8%, coach 13.4%, self 13.4%, peers 1.8%, others 2.7%; for college students, parents 71.9%, self 11.5%, peers 8.3%, coach 4.2%, others 4.2%. In general, they take nutritional supplement after suggested by their parents.

      • 최대근력부하와 폭발적 근력부하에 의한 신경-근피로와 그 회복과정 비교 분석

        유관호,이무연,이승훈,김민섭,육조영,임정일,임완기,김대경 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.5

        The result which was gained from this study is as follows. From the conclusion of this study it was confirmed that resistant motion at high level strength brings about rise in density of lactate in blood at the same time decline of muscular power and generates acute fatigue of nerve-muscle accompanied by decline in electrical activity of muscle. On the other hand explosive loading produced fatigue at body center and decline in nervine-muscular activity particularly for men, In case of women explosive load did not produce fatigue in the same level as men and they were also quicker in recovery after exercise. Based on 2 types of loading method used in this study there was clearly difference in the process of restoration from resistant motion. For greater decline in muscular power and electromyogram activity more longer period of recovery was require.

      • 당뇨병환자의 운동요법에 관한 효과분석

        김승영,마정순,이무연 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.4

        Exercises therapy as well as diet therapy, is fundamental in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, however, its methods and effects of long term physical exercises therapy have not yet been clarified. The present study has been designed to evaluated the effects of a long term physical training in diabetic patients with fasting hyperglycemia. Ten non-insulin dependent diabetic patients participated in a 6-month training program consisting of 30-min. of jogging, performed 3 times per week (Exercises group). The exercises intensity represented 40% of estimated Vo2max. The following results were obtained: 1) More significant improvement of glucose tolerance and plasma insulin response to glucose load was observed in exercise group as compared with the patients treated with mild caloric restriction alone(Diet group). 2) The significant increase in plasma HDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio was observed only in exercise group. 3) The reduction of body weight in exercise group was significantly greater than that in diet group. 4) The training program also resulted in an improvement of cardiovascular response to treadmill exercise test. 5) The significant improvement of physical fitness, especially in endurance, was also found in trained diabetics. In conclusion, exercise therapy is useful as an adjunct to diet to improve metabolic control in patients with diabetes mellitus. For making the exercise therapy more effective its program must be individualized.

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