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강재스트립 보강재에 설치된 횡방향지지부재의 지지저항 특성
홍기권(Ki-Kwon Hong),윤원일(Won-Il Yoon),한중근(Jung-Geun Han),조삼덕(Sam-Deok Cho),이광우(Kwang-Wu Lee) 한국토목섬유학회 2010 한국토목섬유학회 학술발표회 Vol.2010 No.4
This study describes pullout test results in order to analysis bearing resistance of a new reinforcement. The analysis results are indicated that pullout strength of all test cases is linearly increased according to increment of normal stress, and it is higher according to increment of a number of transverse members. These mean that the increment of bearing resistance, which has effect by normal stress and a number of transverse members, caused growth of total pullout resistance. The test results are compared with theoretical equations and then the failure mechanism of transverse members is evaluated. The behavior of transverse members is closed from punching failure to general failure.