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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        인천항 선거내 (船渠內) 식물성 플랑크톤의 추계동태에 대하여

        정영호(Yung Ho Chung),이경(Kyung Lee) 한국식물학회 1977 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.20 No.3

        A series of observations of phytoplankton were made at seven atations with two control stations in Inchon Dock to clarify the quantity, quality and standing crop of phytoplankton from Oct. to Now., 1976. Thirty seven species of phytoplankton, representing 18 genera, 36 species, 1 forma were taken in this research. Chaetoceros decipiens, Rhizosolenia delicatula, Hemiaulus sinensis, Chaetoceros affinis and Skeletonema costatum were the dominant species in this area during two months. By the ecological division, the neritic species occupied 86.5% of total phytoplankton composition. Standing crop of phytoplankton represented much variation: ranging from 263 to 1,614,832 cells/1. The maximum happened at station 1 on November.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        금강 공주부근의 식물성플랑크톤

        정영호(Yung Ho Chung),이경(Kyung Lee) 한국식물학회 1979 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.22 No.4

        Phytoplanktons and environmental conditions in the Geum River near Gongju were investigated at three stations in July, 1979. Fifty eight kinds of phytoplanktons were identified and of these, Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta in this area appeared more in the number of species than that in the Han River. The number of species of Chlorophyta was double or more at station 2 and station 3 which were situated near Gongju than at station 1, upperstream of Gongju and the number of species of phytoplankton was also higher at station 2 and station 3 than at station 1. In physicochemical conditions, water temperature at all of three stations was lower than air temperature and pH might have no significance among these stations. All of these stations were characterized as the slower flowing water type of downstream in diatom river community.

      • KCI등재후보

        오태천의 (五台川) 식물성 플랑크톤

        정영호,이경 ( Yung Ho Chung,Kyung Lee ) 한국하천호수학회 1982 생태와 환경 Vol.15 No.1·2

        Phytoplankton and environmental factors were investigated at Odae cheon from 20 July to 21 July, 1981. Seventy four species of phytoplanktons were identified. Of these, nine species which were all epiphytic and small in size were shown at all stations. The presence of Synedra ulna var. ramesi, Ceratoneis arcus var. amphioxys and Gomphonema constrictum var. capitata was a unique phenomenon in this studied area. Water body going down to lower stream, species number of phytoplankton increased except for the lowest station, station 6 and pH value increased gradually. But diatoms were found in abundance at all stations.

      • 漢江 中心水域의 硅藻類에 대한 季節的 消長과 分布에 따른 相關關係

        鄭英昊,李鏡 聖心女子大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        漢江 中心水域의 4개 정점에서 1980년 10월부터 1981년 12월까지 15개월간 硅藻類 現存量의 季節的 消長과 優占種들간의 分布에 따른 相關關係를 조사하였다. 現存量은 1월의 정점 4에서 900 cells/ℓ를 최소치로 하고 7월의 정점 2에서 1,478,600 cells/ℓ를 최대치로 하는 큰 변이를 보였으나 3월과 7월에 최고치를 나타내는 "Bimodal Pattern"을 나타내었다. 優占種에 있어서는 Melosira islandica subsp. helvetica가 全 季節을 통하여 주요 우점종으로 출현하였으나 冬季에는 Asterionella formosa가 주요 우점종으로 출현하였다. 그러나 정점 2에서는 Nitzschia acicularis가 주요 우점종으로 나타났다. 優占種들간의 상관관계에서는 정점 2에서만 주로 夏季에 출현하는 綠藻類인 Actinastrum hantzschii를 중심으로 하는 공간도형을 얻었다. 정점별로는 정점 2는 부착성이 있고 오염지수가 높은 種類들이 빈번히 출현하여 停滯性을 띄고 있으며 특히 夏季에는 오염될 소지가 있다. 반면에 정점 1, 정점 3, 정점 4는 流水의 성격을 띄고 있어 정점 2와는 구분되어 지나 夏季에는 下流 정점인 정점 3, 정점 4는 정점 2의 영향을 받고 있다. Diatom community was investigated in the Central area of the Han River from October, 1980 to December, 1981 at monthly interval. There was a general bimodal pattern showing maximum of diatom standing crop on March and July. The changes of dominant species indicated that Melosira islandica subsp. helvetica was a major dominant species during all the investigated periods and Asterionella formosa was during winter season at station 1, station 3 and station 4. It was particular that the major dominant species at station 2 was Nitzschia acicularis. According to the association analysis, the species constellation centred by Actinastrum hantzschii was obtained only at station 2. As the taxa which had a high pollution index and were epiphytic appeared frequently at station 2, the water body at station 2 was stagnant ; thereby apt to be polluted during summer. On the other hand, the flowing water type was observed at station 1, station 3 and station 4. But during summer, the water body at station 2 influenced that of station 3 and station 4 located in the lower stream of the investigated area.

      • KCI등재

        襄陽 南大川 水域의 植物플랑크톤

        鄭英昊,李鏡,盧景姬 한국환경생물학회 1987 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        江原道 襄陽郡의 南大川 水域인 五色川水域에서 3개 정점, 後川水域에서 4개 정점, 南大川 本流水域에서 3개 정점, 南大川 河口水域에서 2개 정점 도합 총 12개 정점을 선정하여 1987년 8월 7일부터 16일까지 植物플랑크톤 및 理化學的 環境要因에 대하여 조사하였다. 理化學的 環境要因中 기온은 19.0℃에서 27.5℃까지의 변이를 보였고 수온은 17.8℃에서 21.2℃까지의 변이를 나타내어 항상 기온이 수온보다 높은 일반적인 현상을 볼수 있었으며 pH는 6.4에서 6.8까지의 변이를 보여 대체로 약산성을 띄웠다. 採集된 試料에 의거하여 同定·分類된 식물플랑크톤은 3門, 3網, 4目, 8料, 19屬에 속하는 50種, 9變種, 1品種으로 구성되어 있었으며 黃色鞭毛藻植物門의 硅藻類가 가상 우세하게 출연하였다. 모든 정점에서 보편적으로 출현하는 종류들은 대부분 流水에 附着性을 지닌 小型의 硅藻類였으며, 現存量의 크기는 조사정점에 따른 차이는 있으나 그 크기 작은 편이었다. The phytoplanktons and environmental conditions were investigated at 12 stations on Namdae cheon in Yang-yang from 7th August to 16th August, 1987. On physicochemical factors, the water temperature of all stations were lower than the air temperature and pH value were weakly acidic at all stations. Total 60 kinds of phytopianktons were identified, which were composed of 3 phyla, 3 classes, 4 orders, 8 families, 19 genera, 50 species, 9 varieties and 1 form. The major component of phytopianktons in the investigated area were benthic diatoms as well as other upper streams of watersheds. The sire of diatom standing crops were small at all stations but they varied with investigated stations.

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