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      • KCI등재

        원격대학 성인학습자의 학습성과에 대한 자기인식 분석

        윤혜순(Yun Hyesun),김선희(Kim Sunny) 한국방송통신대학교 미래원격교육연구원 2011 평생학습사회 Vol.7 No.2

        This study aimed to examine how much performances adult students at a cyber university consider they have obtained with cyber-learning. To the end, adult students' learning performances closely related with their learning were analyzed by dividing them the performances into cognitive, affective, career and employment, and social domains. The result showed that adult learners regarded learning performances were very high. In particular, in cognitive and affective areas they showed very high performances. In the areas of career and employment, they perceived relatively low performances, but individual differences were large; therefore some individuals thought their performances were high. According to the analysis result of questionaire, increase in intellectual interest, importance of participating in lifelong education in ordinary life, and desire for sustaining lifelong learning opportunities, opportunities to enter higher-level schools showed high scores. This means that they have a lot of intellectual desires and aspirations for continuing education. Adult students diagnose their own learning performances, as well as cyber university can utilize as a basis for evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        창의적 체험활동 활성화를 촉진하는 학교 내외적 요인에 대한 사례연구

        김현철(Kim, Hyuncheol),윤혜순(Yun, Hyesun) 한국청소년정책연구원 2013 한국청소년연구 Vol.24 No.1

        학교 내의 자원이 한정되어 있어 창의적 체험활동의 활성화를 위해서는 지역사회자원이 원활하게 활용되어야 하지만, 교사의 업무가 가중되는 등의 문제를 해결하지 않으면 성공적인 안착이 어렵다. 이에 창의적 체험활동을 활발히 운영하고 있는 청담중학교 사례분석을 통해 창의적 체험활동의 활성화를 위해 학교가 내적으로 어떤 변화를 수반해야 하며, 지역사회와 어떻게 연계해야 하는지에 대한 실천적 해법을 제시하는 것이 연구 목적이다. 청담중학교는 교사 업무의 균등 배분, 교과교실제, 모든 교사의 담임화, 담임운영매뉴얼 및 창의적 체험활동 운영매뉴얼 제작 등 교육시스템의 변화를 시도하였으며, 체험활동을 차수 마다 반별로 순환식으로 운영하였다. 동시에 지역사회 기관과의 네트워크 구축을 통해 지역사회자원을 원활하게 연계하였다. 다양하고 전문적인 지역사회자원을 연계한 체험활동은 학생과 교사, 학부모의 학교만족도를 높이고, 창의적 체험활동에 대한 기대감을 갖게 하였으며, 창의적 체험활동이 학교문화로 정착할 수 있는 가능성과 지역사회와의 네트워크 구축을 통한 체험활동 활성화의 가능성을 보여주었다. 무엇보다 지역사회자원 연계를 위한 교사의 코디네이터로서의 역할이 주효했다. 그러나 교사의 코디네이터 역할은 교사의 업무 가중으로 인해 모든 학교에 적용하기에는 어려운 모델이다. 따라서 학교 외적으로 지역사회 코디네이터 기관이나 코디네이터의 역할이 절실히 요구된다. The purpose of this study is to investigate and determine which conditions best facilitate creative hands-on activities in schools. This will be done by analyzing a case study of the operation of a creative hands-on activity program in Cheongdam Middle School in Seoul. To successfully facilitate such hands-on activity programs, the resources of local communities should be actively connected and mobilized. However, this leads to increased workloads for teachers, and thus, necessitates the provision of effective measures that can secure the agreement of teachers. Such as the reduction of their workloads, and utilizing local resources are prime examples. Cheongdam Middle School has secured the agreement of its teachers by changing a series of educational systems. Such measures include the equal distribution of school tasks, the operation of subject-based classrooms, the appointment of all teachers as homeroom teachers, and the creation of operational manuals for homeroom teachers and creative hand-on activities. In doing so, it has enlivened creative hands-on activities. In addition, Cheongdam Middle School has enhanced the satisfaction of both students and parents by suggesting a model for creative and character-building educational programs, such as the provision of the opportunities for a variety of hands-on activities in connection with the resources in the local community. However, this does not mean that the issue of teachers increased workloads has been entirely resolved. Moreover, the demands by students for various hands-on activities in local communities are on the increase. Therefore, the need for greater liaison between coordinative institutions or coordinators in local communities and schools is rising and is the most important condition to resolve such issues.

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