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      • 교육사회학 연구의 신조류와 전망

        윤종래 順天大學校 師範大學 附屬 科學敎育硏究所 1994 科學과 敎育 Vol.2 No.-

        The definition of education is dependent on the social context. There had been various on the nature of education. Especially in the case of the nature of education itself, it was inevitably required the sociological theory is analysis to explore the function of education, then structure of sociological theory is adopted to search for the relationship between society and education. So it needed to review the development in sociology, the sociology of education and the interaction between them. In this respect this article is accomplished. There would be the distinction amongst sociological theories by paradigm-"normative" paradigm vs. "interpretative" paradigm. The former is concerned with the positive, rigorous methodology, the latter is concerned with the subjectivity, interaction and the conflict etc. It must be noted that the interpretative paradigm was emerged from the reaction to normative paradigm and it is based on phenomenology , symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology. The sociology of education is now faced with the new direction-the interpretative approach. According to this approach the subjects of the sociology of education are altered. Equality and inequality , school organization and educational knowledge are aeged under the new perspectives. The cultural relativism and the sociology of knowledge are penetrated into the discipline. So it is possible to say that the exiting sociology of education is faced with the research crisis. But it is sure that the new directions give an available framework of analysis to the given approach. The ambiguity, the tiny base and the legitimation problems are crucial in the new perspectives. Futhermore the concepts of ideology and social control make the new perspectives more difficult. The controversy between structural functionalism and conflict theory in the United States, the conflict between the "old" sociology of education and the "new" sociology of education in Britain are distinctive trends in the education research. In Britain the sociology of curriculum and the educational knowledge are main issues, while the school organization and the problem of equality are arguing in the United States. The contributions of the new approach are much, despite its "problematic" attitude and the fragilities have much ambiguity, microcosmic and esoteric character. It is most important to discuss whether the new approach emerged from the multidimensional western society is completely accepted in more simple Korean society or not.

      • 意思決定스타일에 따른 組織內 人間管理

        尹鍾來,朴英美 순천대학교 사회과학연구소 1995 社會科學硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        In recent, we are anticipated to act and live as organizational men. To know what has been happening in organization, we must understand the nature of individuals who are the elements of it. And as citizens affected by organization, understanding the operations of organizations is helpful. Recently several organization analysists have contributed to the refinement of the model of organizational men. The nature of individuals has been a critical field for organization analysists as well as personnel managers. In general, humans are understood by complex man. In this study, we deal with the individuals personally involved in some aspect of the decision making process, and address the possible strategies for personnel managers. The objectives of this study are to classify the types of public personnel through decision making, and to identify the personnel management strategies with decision making styles. For these purposes, the major issues dealt in prior empirical and theoretical research are reviewed. By so doing, we find out significant differences among decision making styles and seek the personnel management strategies. This study provides a new perspective to the personnel managers.

      • 權力, 權威, 指導性의 行政哲學的 硏究

        尹鍾來 順天大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        Administrative philosophy is raised from the reflection of the existing public administration emphasizing the scientific knowledge of administrative policy and performance late in the 1960's. That is, administrative philosophy starts from the outbreak in the establishment of administrative direction resulting from the administrative exclusion of metaphysical ethics and value. Public administration should accompany the value-intentional, ethics-intentional, philosophical frame work. This thesis in an attempt to examine the possibility of such an administrative philosophy through the study of power, authority and leadership. According to Hodgkinson administration is a general form of human behaviours to establish the purpose through organization and to achieve it. In addition philosophy is not any given body of doctrine, nor specific epistemology but the process of valuing. Thus administration is a philosophy in action, and administrator is a philosopher in action. In this sense, in administration does exist the dimension unaccountable by measure approach, that is power, authority and leadership. In the study of power, the existing public administration was interested only in the personal relations and functions of power, showing indifference to with what sense of value and philosophy the administrator exercises the power. The approach of power from the standpoint of administrative philosophy should analyze the administrative language because power is exercised hidden by delicate language game. Administrative language connotes the value and philosophy of the man who exercises power, Thus the administrative philosophy approach discloses the administrator's sense of value through the analysis of administrative language. Besides, administrative philosophy approach to authority in contrast to the existing public administration study emphasizing the aspect of acceptance of authority, inquired into the cause of antiauthoritarian mood such as the challenge to authority, and thereby prevents the authority from being damaged as well as makes the growth and maintenance of organization possible. The Study of leadership has developed from trait approach until the beginning of 1950's through behavioral approach from the beginning of 1950's till the middle of 1960's to situational approach after the end of 1960's. As a result of this study, the type of leadership is classified into the first-dimensional, the second-dimensional, the third-dimensional leadership according to the dimension indicating direction and width. These basic patterns, though there are some differences, are classified according to initiating structure, consideration and situation. These elements became an important variable in the study of leader's behaviours from C.I.Blarnard, P.Hersey to K.M.Blanchard. However, Effective leadership is possible through the sound judgements and disposition of the leader himself. Especially, administration is a moral action and what is most needed in modern society is a new dimension of moral leadership. Since the administrator judges the disputes on value between the members in organization and decides the language game of organization, he should have more strong sense of responsibility and internal morality than other members. Here as a basis of four dimensional study on leadership, the internal morality of the leader himself, besides initiating structure, consideration, situational factors considered so far in the study of leadership, should be considered. Likewise the administrative philosopy approach to leadership forms four dimensional pattern of leadership through the study of internal study of the leader himself. The results of this study are as follows:Since the administrative philosophy is still an unexplored field, I can only suggest that in what direction power, authority and leadership should be studied. Thus for the appearance of administrative philosophy as a basis for administrative profession, the collective efforts of administrator, theorist, philosopher, social scientist should be made. The build-up of administrative philosophy to improve the quality of organizational life is an urgent challengeable task.

      • 南沙群島 領有權 紛爭과 中國의 海軍力 增强政策

        尹鍾來,崔鎭泰 순천대학교 사회과학연구소 1996 社會科學硏究 Vol.8 No.-

        Coincident with the end of the Cold War, the international society has paid increasing attention towards the arms reduction. However, China's clear intention for naval supremacy in the Asia-Pacific region has caused a great concerns from many states including the Republic of Korea. Among the top priorities is buildup of naval capabilities to safeguard China's expanding maritime interests. It is in the maritime arena that China sees manu of its interests at risky today, in particular territorial disputes in the South and East China Seas including Spratly Islands. Chinese Navy at present lacks the ocean-going capabilities to control the disputes. But major efforts are being made to correct this. Since the 1980s, the navy has adopted an offshore defense strategy to replace a more narrow and passive coastal defense strategy that was drawn up during Mao Tse-Tung rule when the main fear was a seaborne invasion of China. The offshore defense strategy is intended to effectively control territorial waters extending to the boundaries of China's 200 mile exclusive economic zone(EEZ) and more than 1,000 miles into the China Sea to include the Spratly Islands. This strategy is directed primarily against Vietnam and other Southeast Asian states who has claimed the Spratly Islands as their territory. The extent of Chinaese maritime regime is now being codified into law by the Chinese government. The National People's Congress in April 1992 passed a law on its territorial waters that claimed all of the Spratly Islands and control over much of its adjacent waters. This sent shock-waves around the region as neighboring littoral states speculated whether this would see a more belligerent Chinese policy to back up its claims. The purpose of this research is to examine the origin and development of the disputes over the Spratly Islands to understand the background of the Chinese naval power improvement policy. In addition, the current capabilities of the Chnese navy and prospects on the Chinaese naval policy will be presented. Finally, what should be done by the Republic of korea will be examined to respond to the possible maritime disputes in the future.

      • 人力開發과 人事行政 : 人力政策을 中心으로

        尹鍾來 順天大學校 1986 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.5 No.-

        Considering manpower development policy with it's various political problems, it's long term policy should be "persuit of harmony and balance". In the respect of adjustment of demand supply, following process should be considered. First plans should be arrang? with understanding of Korean's way of thought. Second what he is taught in school should ? connected with his occupation. Third as one of the most basic fact of planning is information ? credibility should be considered to be important. Finally it should be considered that the success of manpower formation policy is depend on teacher's quality and spirits and conti? support of administration for them with the reasonable use and distribution. From these contents and ? of education must be improved and the efficiency of manpower formation will be increased. ? by industrial-educational cooperation system friction unemployment will be decreased.

      • 靑少年 指導의 周邊的 理解

        尹鐘來 順天大學校 1984 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.3 No.-

        It is obvious that the home, school and the surroundings in which the juvenile lead their life will have a great influence on their achievment in their youth. Accordingly the measure for guiding the youth can not but be the proposal to home, school and society. It is very often heard that the home is mostly responsible for juvenile delinquency, and hence it is often proposed that parents should have deep concern and affection for them. In a family the most important is making the loving ties between grand-parents, parents and their children. Attention should also be given to the fact that most of the youth of trouble making are struglers in their study. The lack of their achievement in study gives them the dissatisfaction and frustration which motivate them to abandon themselves to despair. Thus in a curriculum of the school the education for the whole man should be emphasized. In consideration of the fact that the juvenile delinquency in the present day is mostly caused not by poverty aut by material affluence, the educational institution for giving knowledgs to the students in te past should be changed into that for giving the true meaninng of life to the students. For relizing this education authorities should make a decisive inverstment in deucation. Furthermore, the establishment of a national research institude be examined, and the welfare facilites for the youth expanded, and parivate oranization for guidance of the youth supported. Great efforts should also be made to guarantee the equal opportunity for the activity of the youth.

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