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      • KCI등재

        Identification of microRNAs and their target transcripts in the migratory locust adult brain revealed their roles in the epigenetic regulation of polyphenisms

        정진교,Phuong Nguyen,김아영,최아영,유예수,이관석,고영호 한국응용곤충학회 2017 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.20 No.4

        To investigate the unknown epigenetic regulation mechanisms underlying polyphenisms by microRNAs (miRNAs) in migratory locusts, we performed small RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis using 12 different groups according to habitat, sex, and phase. We identified a total of 175 miRNA clusters from 12 small RNA-seq data sets using a bioinformatics tool designed for this study. We found differences among expressed mature miRNAs among groups. The numbers of miRNAs detected from each group ranged from 35 to 115. In addition, 8–35 habitat-, sex- and phase-specific miRNAs were identified. To investigate the in vivo functions of the miRNAs in polyphenisms, target mRNAs for sex- and phase-specific miRNAs were predicted. Gene Ontology analysis results for target mRNAs suggested that sex- and phase-specific miRNAs in the locust brains may be involved with the polyphenisms by regulating the expressions of target mRNAs in various physiological functions. Thus, further studies using the sex- and phase-specific miRNAs identified in this study may allow the development of migratory locust-specific control tools (e.g., male and female sterilization techniques) or management methods to prevent locust transition from solitary to gregarious phases.

      • KCI등재

        Coding and long non-coding RNAs regulating adult migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) brain polyphenism revealed via whole transcriptome analyses

        이관석,Phuong Nguyen,최아영,김아영,유예수,정진교,고영호 한국응용곤충학회 2018 Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology Vol.21 No.1

        The migratory locust, Locust migratoria is the most widely distributed and destructive grasshopper in the world. Adraft whole genome of this pest were recently reported. However, there have been no reports of coding and longnoncoding (LNC) RNAs, whose expression varies in adult locust brains depending on different habitats, phases,or sexes. Thus, an RNAeSeq analysis using 12 RNA seq data sets was performed in the present study. A total of10.973 LNC and 22,845 coding RNAs were assembled based on 12 transcriptome datasets. Among these RNAs,the number of differentially expressed coding RNAs between phases and sexes ranged from 43 to 269 and286–385, respectively. In addition, the number of differentially expressed LNC RNAs between phases and sexeswere ranged from 19 to 57 and 109–173, respectively. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis and KEGG pathwayanalyses showed that metabolic pathways, such as purine, pyruvate, inositol phosphate and amino acids metabolismwere significantly altered according to phases and sexes. Furthermore, the expression of 7 coding and 3LNC RNAs was verified using real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR. In this study, we identified habitat-,phase- and sex-specific coding and LNC RNAs. We further confirmed and analyzed 7 coding RNAs thathave been suggested to be involved in inositol metabolisms, the regulation of micro RNA expression and juvenilehormone synthesis and the induction of caste development and adult behavioral changes. Further studies usingLNC-RNAs would provide new insights into the molecular and cellular basis of polyphenisms in the migratorylocusts.

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