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      • KCI등재

        조류인플루엔자(AI) 발생으로 인한 보상제도의개선방안에 관한 연구

        유성희 ( Seong Hui Yoo ),이진흥 ( Jin Hong Lee ),김동련 ( Dong Ryun Kim ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2014 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.29

        Once every two or three years out breaking of Avian Influenza, which is one of plaguesthat prescribed by law involves huge social·economic impact in South Korea. Among them,there are a large number of economic problems that the government should pay compensationfor AI caused farmers and surrounding farms because of the farmers` compensation. The law for compensation for the disposal of poultry cannot be subject to the law ofthe agricultural and fisheries disaster insurance act of South Korea, the basic local governmentbecomes the subject of the compensation paid and failed to appropriate resources and thisproblem occurs. Moreover, through the problem of ‘do not ask’ disposal of poultry, whichis preventive disposal of poultry leaves out of consideration and executes by uniformly 3kmradius criteria about geographical geological factors and arising of mammals that are infectedby AI, necessity of study for realistic preventive measures is meaningful. Therefore, to understand imperfections in current law on compensation legislation, first,the case of infected poultry with AI should also be applied by the agricultural and fisheriesdisaster insurance act. Second, preventive disposal of poultry needs to adjust effectively the criteria to preventthe Second, preventive disposal of poultry needs to adjust effectively the criteria to preventthe spread of the AI with the minimum required. Third, the nation should enforce compensation for the disposal of poultry independently,but there is a need for legislative efforts in the local government to pay the cost of incineration,disinfection, etc. in accordance with implementation. Lastly, In accordance with the spread of AI to mammal that seen only in poultry so far,it is necessary to study preventive measures of AI that considers the various parameters,which can occur in the future.

      • KCI등재

        가축재해보험제도의 개선방안에 관한 고찰

        장교식(張 校 湜 Jang, Kyo-Sik),유성희(Yoo, Seong-Hui) 한국토지공법학회 2015 土地公法硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        지난 수 십년간 기상재해 및 가축 질병 등이 대대적으로 발생함에 따라 국가에서는 이에 따른 손해를 예방하고, 농가가 입은 피해를 보상하여 경영안정을 도모하고자 ‘가축재해보험’을 실시하고 있다. 이러한 ‘가축재해보험’은 가축 및 그 축사를 대상으로 하여 장래에 발생할 수 있는 위험을 분산시켜 축산업의 경영기반을 조성하는데 긍정적인 역할을 하고 있다. 그러나 국가적인 정책보험으로서의 제도라고 하기에는 일면 부족한 부분이 존재하고 있다. 선진적인 가축재해보험이라고 할 수 있는 일본의 ‘가축공제제도’와의 비교를 통하여 도출된 시사점을 비추어보았을 때, 우리나라의 ‘가축재해보험’은 법적 안정성의 확보나 가축진료비 보장과 구축체계에 문제점이 있다. 따라서 실질적으로 축산농가의 경영안정에 도움을 줄 수 있는 방향으로 개선해 나아가야 할 과제를 안고 있다고 보여진다. 이에 따라, 농어업재해보험법령을 정비하여 가축재해보험의 법적 근거를 명확히 하는 것이 필요하며, 가축전염병예방법상의 제3종 가축전염병을 살처분 대상에 포함시켜 이에 따른 손해에 대하여 보상을 확대하도록 하여야한다. 또한, 농어업재해보험법상의 사각지대인 가축의 질병관리와 질병예방을 보다 효과적으로 수행하기 위한 가축재해보험상 진료비보장제도가 도입되어야 한다. 그리고 거대 가축재해의 경우를 대비하여 국가가 통상적인 보험금에 대한 사항을 책임지고 손해를 보상할 수 있는 국가재보험제도를 가축에게도 확대 적용하여 가축보험의 진정한 목적인 가축질병예방 및 농가의 경영안정에 이바지할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. As meteorological disasters and animal diseases have been occurring for dozens of years, the state government implemented 'livestock disaster insurance' to prevent damages and stabilize farm management by compensating the damages of farmers. The livestock disaster insurance plays a positive role in strengthening the infrastructure for the management of the livestock industry by distributing the potential risks for livestock and farmers. However, the livestock disaster insurance is not sufficient as national policy insurance. In accordance with the results from the comparison with the 'livestock mutual aid system' in Japan which can be mentioned as advanced livestock disaster insurance, the 'livestock disaster insurance' of Korea had weaknesses in terms of legal stability and the system to secure coverage of medical expenses for livestock and its implementation. Accordingly, the livestock disaster insurance needs to be improved to practically help livestock farmers stabilize farm management. Furthermore, it is necessary to clarify the legal basis for livestock disaster insurance by reorganizing the Agricultural and Fishery Disaster Insurance Act and to expand the scope of compensation on the damages by including the Class 3 Infectious Diseases in Domestic Animals in the category of mass cull. Moreover, it is necessary to introduce the medical expense compensation system in the livestock disaster insurance to more effectively control and prevent diseases in domestic animals, a blind spot in the Agricultural and Fishery Disaster Insurance Act. To cope with a massive livestock disaster, the national reinsurance system in which a state compensates the damages with the responsibility on the general insurance money needs to be expanded to livestock. Accordingly, livestock insurance will contribute to stabilizing farm management and preventing livestock diseases in practical aspects.

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