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        원주지역 여대생들의 이상식이습관과 식행동 및 정신건강의 관계에 관한 연구

        원향례 한국식생활문화학회 1995 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.10 No.4

        This study was made in order to find out the relationship between the psychological soundness and the eating attitude influenced by eating disorder, and the summary of the results are as follows; 1. Almost all of the surveyed girls were in the criteria of standard weight, however they regard themselves more obese than what their actual body shape normally shows. It shows that they want a further slimmer body shape than the standard one (p=0.0000). 2. Tangable relationship was observed between such variables as her own acknowledged body type, eating attitude influenced by eating disorder and the psychological soundness. The more the girls think themselves slim the higher the score of eating attitude becomes (p=0.0000) and the lower the anxiety score becomes (p=0.0044). 3. Significant relationships was found between the obesity and the eating attitude influenced by eating disorder (p=0.0001). For the underweighted girls the high score of eating attitude influenced by eating disorder was observed, and it shows the increasing degree of eating disorder risk for them.

      • 이상식이습관의 다양한 문화 형태

        원향례 상지대학교 1994 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Eating disorders were previously thought to be isolate to achievement-oriented upper and middle class individuals in Western countries. It now appears that these disorders may be increasing other sectors of society and in a number of diverse cultural settings. I review the studies that comprise the relevant cross-cultural research literature on eating disorders. And discuss the changing cultural factors that may be conttributing to the apparent increase in these disorders around the world and directions for future research on such factors.

      • 식습관과 건강상태와의 관련성

        元香禮 尙志大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between the food habit and the health status. For this purpose, 306 adult women in U.K were studied by the questionnaire sheet: one was for the food habit and the other was for health complaints. (The standarized questionnaire designed Todai Health Index) The Results obtained were as follows, 1) Higher mean score of the food habit was more associated with the ideal body weight. 2) In group with low food habit score than in with high food habit score, THI point in sufferings, digestive organs, straight-forwardness, depression and life irregularity were higher. 3) Persons with low food habit score showed a high tendency to eating away from home, eating instant foods and considered themselves having poor health status.

      • 식품영양 관련 전공 대학생과 비관련 전공 대학생의 영양지식과 식생활태도의 비교연구 : 식품영양 관련 교양 교과목 개설을 위한 기초 조사 A fundamental study for the establishment of food and nutrition course in college

        원향례 尙志大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        The survey of finding out the relationship between the eating behavior and the nutritional knowledge was made in Sangji University on two student groups; one is 196 studnets majoring food & nutrition relevant subjects and the other is 875 studnets majoring non-food & nutrition relevant subjects. The results are as follows; 1) The score of eating habits showed significant difference(P<0.05) in accordance with the majoring nutrition major studnets. Specially when it was considered item by item the score of eating habits was marked high in the intake of such foods as vegetable and fruit, dairy product, instant food(P<0.05), and balanced meal(P<0.01). 2) Depending on the major, significant difference was found in such eating habit items as diet principle(P<0.05), and frequency of no lunch(P<0.05). In other words, the students majoring food& nutrition relevant subjects acknowledged the diet in relation with the nutrition, and the studnets majoring non-food & nutrition relevant subjects acknowledged the diet as the way to get rid of hunger or as a customary behavior. The frequency of no lunch was high in the student group of majoring non-food & nutrition subjects responded with the high test score by answering healthy or relatively healthy. 3) The frequency of drinking and smoking was significantly low in the group of students majoring food & nutrition relevant subjects. 4) The total score of 20 questions regarding nutrition knowledge was high in the student group of majoring food & nutrition relevant subjects(P<0.05), and they showed high scores of right answer in 12 questions and there was no significant difference in 8 questions. Considering the students majoring food & nutrition relevant subjects recorded high score in such areas as eating habits, eating behavior, frequency of drinking & smoking, nutrition knowledge, and correct answer ratio about nutrition knowledge, we believe it will be greatly helpful for the studnets to obtain right eating behaviors food and eating attitude when the university opens the lecture of nutrition relevnt subjects as the cultural subjects. They can understand the nutrition well and obtain better knowledge through the college lecture rather than through the uncertain resources like mass media. In addition to this, we believe this is the effective way to maintain efficient health management by practicing right nutrition knowledge into their daily life.

      • 남자대학생의 이상식이행동의 경향과 영양지식과이 관련성 : 원주지역을 중심으로

        원향례 尙志大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        This study was made to find out the relationship between the tendency of eating attitude influenced by eating disorder and nutritional knowledge among male college students, and the summery of the results are as follows: 1. Male students perceived their own body shape properly and their body shape perceived by them was coincided with BMI. 2. EAT-26 score was high when they perceived themselves fat, and in the group of students perceiving themselves fat, the FI score was high and the FIII score was low. Contrary this, in the group of students perceiving themselves thin, the FIII score was high. 3. The higher the BMI the higher the tendency of eating attitude influenced by eating disorder. The higher the BMI and the F I score, and The lower BMI and the F III score. 4. There was no significant level corelation between perceived body shape and BMI and the average score of nutritional knowledge obtained out of the total questionnaire, however it showed significant level of corelation between protein, macronutrient and fat.

      • 이상 식이 습관에서 나타나는 미량 영양소 대사와 내분비계의 특징

        원향례 尙志大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Therefeeding diet therapy presently being used as one of the clinical treatments for the eating disorder patients majorly aims to the weight recovery and looks like a desirable treatment method in short term point of view. however in long term it may cause various physical disorders. Particulary it may cause the abnormal metabolic disorders of micro nutrients such as vitamin and mineral. which may lead eventually into the irrevocable sequelae. Thus well planned and controlled long ter research study for the various refeeding dic therapies which are effective on these physical conditions is required. It is hard to obtain eligible research data for eating disorder patients. and many research outcomes are inconsistent and contradictory each other due to the small sample size and the improper research methods. Thus it is also required a long term continuous research study for the nuritional variables which can be specifically and properly applied to the eating disorder patients.

      • 生體內 구리의 分布와 代謝에 關한 硏究

        元香禮 尙志大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The distribution of total body copper among the tissue varies with the species, age and copper status of the animal. The pituitary, thyroid, thymus, and prostate glands and the ovary and testis are examples of organs low in copper; the pancreas, skin, muscles, spleen, and bones represent tissues of intermediate cu concentration; and the liver, brain, kidneys, heart, and hair those of relatively high-cu concentration: Liver concentrations vary with the species and age of the animal, the chemical composition of the diet, and in various disease conditions. Some 60% or more of total red cell copper occurs as a nearly colorless copper protein. The normal range of concentration of copper in the blood of healthy animals can be given as 0.5∼1.5㎍/ml. Elevated plasma Cu levels coupled with normal erythrocyte Cu levels during human pregnancy are doumented. In the normal full-term newborn human infant serum Cu and ceruloplasmin levels are about one-third those of the normal adult range, these levels to rise gradually during the first week of life, fall to below adult levels at 2 months of age, rise to within the adult range at 3 months of age, and to rise still higher above the adult range at 8 months of age. Subnormal levels of dietary copper are reflected in subnormal blood Cu concentrations in all species studied. Moderate addition of copper to normal diets have little effect on blood cu levels. Elevated plasma Cu levels are characteristic of most acute and chronic infections. The copper content of milk varies with the species, stage of lactation, and Cu nuriture of the animal. The level of copper in the hair of man and other species has been studied as a potential index of the Cu status of individuals or groups. High individual variation, differences in sample preparation, and exogenous concentration have limited the usefulness of hair Cu determinations for this purpose. Copper is absorbed from the stomach and all portions of the small intestine, particularly the upper small intestine. The extent of this absorptioln is influenced by the amount and chemical form of the copper ingested, by .the dietary levels of several other metal ions and organic substances, and by the age of the animal. The copper reaching the liver, main sterage organ of the body for copper and a key organ in the metabolism of this element, is incorporated into the mitochondria, microsomes, nuclei, and soluble fraction of the parenchymal cells in proportions which vary with the age, strain, and the cu status of the animal. The copper is either stored in these sites or released for incorporation into erythrocuprein, ceruloplasmin, and the numerous Cu-containing enzymes of the cells. Ceruloplasmin is synthesized in the liver and secreted into the blood serum. Erythrocuprein is synthesized in normoblasts in the bone marrow. The liver also provides the major pathway of copper excretion via the bile. In all species, a high proportion of ingested copper appear in the feces. In man, Cu is excreted in the bile, throught the bowel, and in the urine. The biliary system is also the major pathway of cu excretion in pigs, dogs, mice and poultry. The amount of urinary cu in diesease (nephrotics) can be correlated with the high urinary excretion of zinc, iron and protein resulting from the firm binding of the metals to protein in the plasma.

      • KCI등재

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