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        우형식 부산 외국어 대학교 2002 外大論叢 Vol.25-2 No.-

        韓國語と同樣に, 日本語にも數分類辭が存在する. 傳統的な日本語文法では助動詞と言う. 日本語の數分類辭は數詞の後で名詞の數量單位を表す接尾語で, 名詞指示物を意味の範??によって部類化する機能もある. 形熊的に日本語數分類辭は語彙の形式だが, 韓國語と比較すると膠着性が强い特徵がある. また, 語源的には固有語と漢字語が混在して數詞と統合する時, 制約になることもある. 意味的に日本語數分類辭の部類化の樣相は他の言語と同じように世界に對する人間の普遍的な認知領域によって人間性, 動物性, 植物性, 形象性, 機能性などに分けられる. 人間性の數分類辭は種によって分化するのが特徵である. また, 大型の動物を數える '頭(とう)'と小型の動物を數える '匹(ひき)'のように大きさも一つの基準として使い分けることが多い. 鳥類は '羽(わ)', 魚類は '尾(び)'を使う. 植物性の數分類辭は大部分 '株(かぶ')'を使う. 刑象性の數分類辭は名詞指示物の外形的な形によって分けられる. 日本語の場合一次元的なものは'本(本), 條(じょう), 筋(すじ), 棹(さお)' などに, 二次元的なものは '枚(まい), 面(めん), 張(はり)' などが, 三次元的なものは '粒(つぶ), 玉(たま), 顆(か), 丁(じょう)' などに使い分けられる. 特に'本'は範疇一連鎖的な擴張によって對應する名詞の範??が相當廣いという特徵がある. そして, 三次元形象性數分類辭の中には殘余的分類辭という特徵があると解析される '個(こ)'が特異な用法である. 機械性のは '台(だい), ??(そう), 隻(せき), 機(き)'などで, '台'の場合乘物を含めた大部分の機械類に使われる. その他, 建築物や, 衣類, 書籍, 藝術品などの部類によって違い形態が存在する. 日本語數分の中で '-つ'と '個(こ)' は普遍性の殘余的にも分けられる. これらは殘余的な性格は共通するが數量辭の統合と對象との呼應關係の用法は差がある. 分類辭は樣樣な解析ができる領域で, 該當言語に對した直觀が要求される分野だといえる. 本稿では制限的な範圍と接近方法で日本語の數分類辭の體系と用法を調べた. 本稿は日本語の數分類辭に接近する基礎的な資料として意義がある. 深度ある發見の爲にはもっと多い論議が必要だと考えられる.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 띄어쓰기의 성격과 운용 양상

        우형식(Woo, Hyeong-Shik) 동북아시아문화학회 2017 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.51

        This paper presents the observation that the word spacing has been applied in its own unique way in Korean writing system. The word spacing is one of the orthographic methods in order to write and read a text effectively, and is related to grammatical structure and writing system in a language. In particular, the word spacing is a matter of especial importance in Korean as compared with other languages(English, Chinese, and Japanese etc). It is because Korean language is very agglutinative morphologically and written by an alphabetic letters, Hangeul. The original plan of Korean modern orthographic regularities were established in Unified Plan of Hangeul Orthography which was made public in 1933. And the regularities were revised several times by an academic society(The Korean Language Society) and a government agency(Ministry of Education). However they exposed differences of view in many parts of the word spacing. It was the most difficult problem to make a definite scope of the word forms. The word spacing is related to the morphological structure of sentence such as distinguishing between inflectional affixes and bound words. The authorited writing system of Hangeul prescribes that the inflectional affixes and postpositions should be attached to the stem of the word. But there are many classes of bound words, for example bound noun and numeral unit noun, auxiliary verb, it was an important issue whether the bound words left a space to the previous form in Korean. Therefore, the regularities of word spacing of Korean orthography is related to syntactic and semantic causes as well as morphological motivations, so they are dispersed in the diverse fields of writing system of Hangeul. Moreover, the word spacing is affected by writing tradition and conception of native speakers, so it has become an issue whether the phrasal words like proper noun combined by nouns, jargon, given name and last name, unit of numerals should be attached or not each other.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국어 명사 후치 표현의 형태 범주와 기능

        우형식(Woo, Hyeong-Shik) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2018 코기토 Vol.- No.85

        한국어에는 문장의 구성에서 명사 뒤에 붙어 선행 명사의 문법적 기능과 함께 특정한 의미를 표현하는 형태들이 있다. 여기에는 전통적으로 조사라 일컬어져 오는 의존 형태의 단일형과 그것의 결합형뿐만 아니라, 명사와 동사 등의 어휘적 형태와의 복합적인 구성도 포함된다. 근대 시기 서양인들이 그들의 목적과 언어적 관점에서 기술했던 한국어 문법에서도 이러한 명사 후치 표현이 주목을 받았다. 그들은 한국어의 이해와 습득 과정에서 다양한 형식의 명사 후치 표현을 인구어어의 전치사에 대응하는 것으로 해석하였으며, 그리하여 후치사를 한국어의 주요한 형태범주의 하나로 설정하였던 것이다. 서양인의 한국어 문법 기술에서 초기에는 후치사를 인구어의 전치사에 대응하여 주로 격을 표시하는 형태를 지칭하는 뜻으로 수용하였다. 그리고 그 이후에는 명사 후치 표현의 형태 범위를 확대하여 후치사를 독립 품사로 설정하고, 이를 바탕으로 격 표지를 포함하여 조사 결합형과 명사적 구성, 동사적 구성 등에 대해 기술하였다. 그러나 좀 더 세밀히 살펴보면, 이들에서 한국어 명사 후치 표현의 형태 범주에 대한 해석에서 차이가 있었다. 그것은 한국어의 격 표지를 명사의 곡용에 의한 격 어미로 해석하는 것과 명사 뒤에 붙어 의미를 보조하는 의존 형태를 첨사로 해석하는 것, 그리고 위치명사 등 관계적 의미를 지닌 명사에 의한 구성과 의미 보조적 기능을 하는 동사에 의한 구성 등에 대해 후치사의 관점에서 어떻게 해석하는가의 문제와 관련되는 것이었다. 한국어 명사 후치 표현과 관련한 문제들에 대한 서양인들 나름의 해석 은 해결되지 못한 부분도 많이 있으나, 한편으로 한국어 문법 연구에서 수용할 수 있는 것도 적지 않다. 그리하여 한국어 문법 연구에서는 그들의 후치사에 대한 기술을 수용하여 격이 명사의 굴절에 의한 어미로 실현된다고 해석하거나, 의미적인 기능을 하는 이른바 보조사를 첨사나 후치사로 처리하기도 하였다. 또한 명사 후치 표현은 언어유형론적 관점에서 후치 언어로서의 한국어의 특성에 대해 해석하거나 외국어로서의 한국어 교육에서 문법 항목을 설정하는 주요한 요인으로 다루어지기도 하였다. 이러한 관점에서 볼 때, 명사 후치 표현은 한국어의 문법적 특성을 반영하는 주요한 항목의 하나가 되는 것으로, 이에 대한 면밀한 분석이 요구됨을 이해할 수 있다. 이를 위해 서양인들이 그들의 필요와 관점에서 기술했던 한국어 문법 관련 자료를 분석하는 것은 매우 의미 있는 과제가 되는 것이다. The paper considers the morphological categories and functions of postnominals in Korean described in the Korean grammar books written by westerners. By analyzing their views and interpretations, I tried to seek the implication and historical values given to today’s research regarding postnominals in Korean. In westerner’s writings, the term ‘postposition’ begins to appear in the Rosny(1864), which addresses the form of case markers as against prepositions in European language. Since Dallet(1874), postpositions have been set as an independent part of speech, and they payed attention to various postnominals, particles, nominal and verbal constructions as well as case markers. However, even though they used the term ‘postpositions’ identically, there were differences in their interpretations of the morphological categories and functions of postnominals in Korean. We can divide their interpretations in three types broadly. Firstly, Dallet(1874), Ridel(1881) and Scott(1887) consider that cases are distinguished by declension endings, and postpositions include particles, nominal constructions and verbal constructions following nouns. Secondly, Underwood(1890) considers that postpositions include all kinds of word forms following nouns. Thirdly, Ramstedt(1939) addresses that cases are distinguished by declension endings, and postpositions include particles, nominal constructions and verbal constructions following nouns except particles. I think that the differences among their interpretations have been derived from their different points of view in categorizing various postnominals in Korean. Also, when dividing morphological categories, their different viewpoints regarding meanings and functions of postnominals provide various options to take. And these remain a lot of implications to the study of sentence structures in Korean. I can’t deny that westerners made a great impact to the history of the studies on Korean grammar. So it is necessary to do more researches on their descriptions regarding postnominals in Korean in the typological view of Korean grammar and Korean education for foreigners.

      • KCI등재

        확장형 읽기 활동을 적용한 한국어 읽기 교육의 효과 연구

        우형식 ( Hyeong Shik Woo ),김수정 ( Su Jeong Kim ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2011 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.36 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to explore an extensive reading approach as a way of teaching reading in Korean language education, and then examine the effects of extensive reading instruction. For this goal, we firstly prepared the teaching-learning procedure for application of extensive reading, and explored the application of extensive reading in 28 learners class during 16 weeks. As a result of the study, the experimental(extensive reading) group was more effective than the control(intensive reading) group in the learners` reading comprehension, vocabulary ability and reading speed. Secondly, it was found that extensive reading was more effective for learners with low levels regarding their reading ability. Finally, extensive reading showed positive effects on reading attitude.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        매킨타이어(MacIntyre)의 한국어 문법 기술에 대한 분석

        우형식(Woo, Hyeongshik) 부산대학교 인문학연구소 2019 코기토 Vol.- No.88

        In this study, I performed an analysis of John MacIntyre(1837~1905)’s description of Korean grammar in MacIntyre(1879~1881). He focused on ‘T‘o’(토): reading signs added to classical Chinese phrases in their Korean translation, including case particles and conjugation forms in Korean. Observing the usage of ‘T‘o’, he views the Korean language is distinct from the Chinese language because of its own grammatical construction and agglutinative feature. The main contents are as follows. 1. ‘T‘o’ shows the unique feature of Korean language through its role as a syntactical device that marks the case, the mood, the tense, and the relation between phrases and sentences. 2. ‘T‘o’ is a particle to determine the case of noun which has a distinct form and usage for each case: the nominative; the genitive; the accusative; the dative; the ablative case. 3. Particles taken as ‘verbal T‘o’’ are incorporated to the endings of general verbs to express the punctuation and rhythm, mood and tense, interrogation, exclamation and so on. 4. In the Korean language, no morphological distinction for person and number appears but expressions of civility can vary according to the participants’ social position. 5. When it comes to ‘verbal T‘o’’, the morphological distinction for person seems to be divided into three different classes like inferior, equal and superior and each class is equivalent to common and middle, higher form. 6. All the basic forms of Korean verbs end with ‘ㄹ’. But as for conjugation endings, both of root forms as basic forms and abstract forms as variation do exist. 7. The mood of verbs with conjugation is classified into the indicative, the imperative, the infinitive, the conditional, the optative and so forth. 8. The tense of a verb in the indicative would be divided into present, past, future, and the future-perfect. 9. There are direct and indirect quotations as for the narrative form with ‘더’. Judging from the above, we can understand that MacIntyer made a close description about Korean case particles and verb conjugations as various grammatical forms in Korean language, based on ‘T‘o’ which emerges when Koreans read Chinese phrases. Because of the deeper interpretation of various grammatical forms of Korean language beyond a mere study, the value of MacIntyre(1879~1881) is much appreciated in the history of Korean grammar study.

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