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      • KCI등재

        유엔아동권리협약 국가보고서를 통해 본 남북한 아동권리 내용 비교

        김석향(Seok Hyang Kim),정익중(Ick Joong Chung),김미주(Mi Ju Kim),오은찬(Eun Chan Oh) 한국아동복지학회 2016 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.54

        이 연구의 목적은 유엔아동권리협약을 준거틀로 삼아 유엔아동권리협약국가보고서에 나타나는 남북한의 아동권리 내용은 무엇인지, 이런 내용은 각 보고서의 작성 시기별로 어떤 변화양상을 보이는지, 내용분석법을 통해 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 위해 협약 제1조 아동의 정의에서 남북한 당국이 연령기준을 어떻게 정하고 있는지, 협약 4대 일반원칙으로 알려진 "무차별", "아동 최상의 이익", "생명, 생존, 발달의 보장", "아동 의사존중"에서 남북한의 아동권리를 인식하는 방식과 태도를 분석하였다. 그 결과 남북한 모두아동권리 내용에 있어 "불균형"적으로 나타났다. 남북한의 "특수성"에 따라 아동권리 내용의 차이점도 나타난다. 또한 남북한 모두 보고서를 지속적으로 제출하며 아동권리 이해 수준이 시기별로 "발전"하는 면모를 보였다. 남북한은 물리적 통일을 넘어 분단 기간 달라진 사회문화적 통일도 함께 이루어내야 한다. 이 과정에서 아동에 대한 인식 역시 아동권리 관점에서 새롭게 정립해야 할 것이다. 이 연구는 남북한의 아동권리 내용을 이해하고, 통일한국의 아동권리 증진방안 모색하기 위한 중요한 기초자료가 될 것으로 기대한다. Using the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child(UNCRC) as a frame of reference, this study examined South and North Korean children"s rights as reported in the UNCRC and the pattern of changes in the reports depending on the period in which the reports were written. For this purpose, we reviewed Article 1 of the Convention to see what age range the South and North Korean governments, respectively, specify to define a child. We also analyzed the method and attitude of how each Korean government acknowledges the rights of children in the four general principles of the Convention("non-discrimination", "the best interests of the child", "the right to life, survival, and development" and "respect for the views of the child"). The results showed that there was asymmetric content between South and North Korea in the four general principles of the Convention. Both South and North Korea lack a sense of respect for the views of children. There were also differences in the rights of children depending on the distinct characteristics of each Korea. In South Korea, it is important to guarantee the rights of multicultural children and provide a plan for child safety. On the other hand, North Korea has emphasized that they provide the necessities of life and free education to children. Both Koreas have continuously submitted their reports and showed improvement in understanding the rights of children in each report. We conclude that it is essential for South and North Korea to build common ground in their respective contents on children and to establish a foundation of normative standards in the path to prepare for reunification. Moreover, we also conclude that South and North Korea should work collaboratively to reach mutual consent to achieve these goals.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 가정외보호 아동정책에 대한 탐색적 분석

        김석향 ( Kim Seok Hyang ),정익중 ( Chung Ick Joong ),김미주 ( Kim Mi Ju ),오은찬 ( Oh Eun Chan ) 한국청소년복지학회 2017 청소년복지연구 Vol.19 No.1

        Based on the analytical framework for social welfare policy (Gilbert & Terrell, 1998), this exploratory research aims to understand North Korean children in out-of-home care, to formulate policies, and to analyze their management process. North Korea asserts that comprehensive welfare benefits are being widely provided to all who require protection under out-of-home care policies, emphasizing their ideology of universality. That is, children in need of protection are paid in kind and given a priority of the allocation. There happens the disparity between principles of the regime and the reality in North Korea. Namely, in principle, the payroll system of North Korea is conducted through the cooperation with the central government, local government agencies, and social cooperative organizations and the costs of the corresponding resources are paid by the national budget, local government budget, and social welfare fees. However, in reality, North Korea is given by international community assistance due to its severe economy. Therefore, these social welfare benefits are still unstable and unsustainable. Policies for North Korean children in out-of-home care needs to be thoroughly assessed and to be promptly executed because there is a gap between existing policies and their execution.

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