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      • KCI등재

        脚力變化의 實驗的 硏究

        芮鍾二 陸軍士官學校 1976 한국군사학논집 Vol.15 No.-

        On the basis of the principle of lever in connection with knee joint, ankle joint, and structure of leg bone and muscles, this study aims to look into the following two problems : 1) The relation between leg - surength and knee angles in semi - erect -posture and lying - posture. 2) Specific angles associated with the maximum leg - strength in the two postures. Leg - strength variations were measured ing six classes of knee angles form 106 to 165 degrees with the interval of 10 degrees, and the angles of the maximum leg - strength were read on the goninometer. The reliability was checked at one knee-angle class(146-155) by test - retest method. Some of the ma or findings of this study are 1) The highest leg - strength scores are obtained when subjects' knee angles are between 146-165 degrees. 2) Leg - strength scores increase with the knee angles between 106-145 degrees. 3) Leg - strength scores are relatively constant within the range of 135-164 degrees.

      • KCI등재

        軍隊體育을 위한 標準 Circuit

        芮鍾二 陸軍士官學校 1983 한국군사학논집 Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to design a model of Circuit Training Program for soldiers in Korea Army. The study was carried out in two stages. They were the theoretical researches and some practiced tests with the help of Heart Checker. Nine soldiers in K.M.A. were selected randomly as a test group. They revealed that physical fitness of soldiers should be trained inendurance, strength and power and that the training must be focused on their legs, hands and backs(Table ⅰⅱ). As a conclusion of this study, the program is designed as following.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 고관절(股關節) · 슬관절(膝關節) · 거퇴관절(距腿關節)의 신전동작(伸展動作)시 2 - 관절근육(關節筋肉)의 길항작용(拮抗作用) 에 대한 IEMG 분석(分析)

        예종이(JongE.Yhe) 한국체육학회 1990 한국체육학회지 Vol.29 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to elucidate the antagonistic inhibition in double-joint leg muscles ; the Rectus femoris, the Biceps femoris, and the Gastrocnemius, during the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extension.Experiments were performed for measuring and analyzing the changes of the %IEMG of double joint leg muscles during voluntary isometric contractions by electromyogram.The results were as follow :1. The %IEMG of the Rectus femoris, Biceps femoris, and Gastrocnemius respectively were non-linear relation with the %MVC during the individual knee or hip or ankle joint extension.2. The %IEMG of the Rectus femoris, Biceps femoris and Gastrocnemius were considerably less than the ones for individual knee or hip or ankle joint extension, in case of the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extension or hip and knee joint extension.3. The %IEMG of the Rectus femoris was high than the ones for the simultaneous hip, knee, and ankle joint extension, in case of the simultaneous hip and knee joint extension, but the IEMG of the Biceps femoris was not difference.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 역도경기(力道競技)의 인상동작(引上動作)에 대한 운동력학적(運動力學的) 분석(分析)

        예종이(JongE.Yhe) 한국체육학회 1992 한국체육학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the change of the Kinetic parameters in the Snatch movements as the barbell weights generally increasing by 5 percent ranging from 85% to 100% of the maximum barbell weight for each athlete. Seven weightliftion ahtletes were selected as subjects in study.Each of them executed snatch with barbed weights from 85% MBW to 100% MBW of the maximum snatch record and the ground reaction forces of the left and right foot were measured by using force platform. It was possible to analyze the Resultant Ground Reaction forces of the left and right foot, and to measure the peak times, and to draw the force-time curves for each % MBW, by using the Quattro-pro soft program.The conclusions were as follows:1. The Vertical Ground Reaction Force was showed three peak point, and magnitude of 2nd peak point greater than 1st peak point about 22%.2. The Anterior Ground Reaction force was increased to the peak during the second pull.3. All lefters performed with a backward jump during the Lock Out phase, and the duration of the jump was remained approximately constant as the barbell weights were generally increased by 5% MBW.4. The Resultant values of the Latemal Ground Reaction Force was showed zero.5. The Peak times of the Vertical Ground Reaction force were remained approximately constant as the barbell weights were generally increased, from 85% MBW to 100% MBW by 5%, MBW.6. The 1st peak and 2nd peak values were rised steadily as barbell weight increased from 85% MBW to 95% MBW, the difference between 95% MBW and 100% MBW was not showed.7. The peak values of the Vertical Ground Reaction Forces relative to system weight were decreased steadily as barbell weight were generally increased from 85% MBW to 100% MBW, by 5% MBW.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 특수집단(特殊集團)의 신체충실도(身體充實度) 표준설계(標準設計) - 사관생도(士官生徒)를 대상(對象)으로 -

        芮鍾二(YheJong-E) 한국체육학회 1981 한국체육학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to design and propose a model or norm of the physical fitness Index for the Military cadets, and thus to evaluate the cadets’ phycical ability in a more appropriate way.We first analysed the data of physical standard which have been collected from the five-year records of 1,714 caders in view of such indexes as Rohrer’s index, Kaup’s index, Vervaeck’s index, and Pelidist’s index. Later we propose a more of our own based on the above analyses.The following is the conclusions of this study:(1) The three proposed norms appear in the Tables 6,7, and 8 respectively.(2) According to Rohrer’s Index, the standard of the cadets of C-class in their physical fitness is higher than that of the average college students by 7.89. This implies that given the same height, the military cadets are in a better physical fitness and development than the average college students.(3) The corelation betweeen the indexes has been verified to be highly reliable(minimum 0.63)

      • KCI우수등재

        「한국인(韓國人)의 체육(體育)및 체육인(體育人)에 대한 태도연구(態度硏究)」 - 대도제작(大度製作)을 중심(中心)으로 -

        芮鍾二(JongE.Yhe) 한국체육학회 1976 한국체육학회지 Vol.13 No.-

        This study, as one of the works which attempt to introduce Thurstones’s Equal-Appearing-Interval-Technique to the measurement of Psychological dispositions on a Favor-disfavor con-tinum, purports to investigate the prevailing attitudes toward physical culture and culturists about which the korean intellectuals do seemingly expose certain psychological conflicts under the typical korean situations in culture and social environment.The main purposes of this study are two-fold.1) The construction of attitude scales by means of the Thurstone’s method in regard to the two concepts, physical culture and culturists.2) A comparative study of different socio-psychological groups in terms of the attitude scores measured by the attitude scales constructed.By the concept of physical culture as used in this study is meant the physical culture viewed as an academic field encompassing both theories and practieces, and by the concept of physical culturists, all those who are engaged in physical culture in one way or another--e. g., physical educators, trainers, athletes, and others associated with them.The scale constructions are proceeded according to the Thurstone’s method from the initial stage of preparing questionaires (the numbers of questions concerning physical culture and culturists are 93 and 97, respectively) to the final construction of the scales(for the attitude scales constructed concerning physical culture and culturists, refer to Table-5 and Table-6, respectively).The reliability of the scales were checked according to the Test-Retest method and the Split-Half method(Table-7 represents the tested reliability of the scales). Some Problems for the scale construction, however, are in the fact that the scale values do not maintain consistently a perfect equal distance and the questions on the extreme disfavor side are not sufficient enough.Evaluation for the scale construction were entrusted to the 34 faculties of the Korea Military Academy whose majors include sociology, education, psychology, and other relevant disciplines. They are regarded as well qualified for the evaluations. The samples for this study are 3,943, selected in Seoul region by random method. They were in turn classified inte several groups according to age, sex, profession, and education.Some of the interesting findings of this study are: Generally speaking, the attitudes toward physical culture and culturists may be said to be favorable or positive--i.e., the attitude score(average value) for the physical culture is 4.70(see Table-8), and the score for the physical culturists, 5.27(see Table-9), both of which are lower than 6.0, a midpoint value on the scales. However, that the score for the physical culturists is higher than that for the physicla culture by 0.57(to be closer to the score 6.0) seems to tell us that the Korean intellectuals’ attitudes toward physical culturists are somewhat more disfavorable or negative than those toward physical culture. This result may represent certain psychological conflicts among the Korean intellectuals in their attitudes toward physical culture and culturists--that is, physical culture is one thing, and physical culturists, another.Any pioneering works are not, of course, without limitations. For a more meaning ful attitude score, not only the construction of more accurate scales but certain purposeful plan-ning for sample selection that may cover wider range of the psychological objects concerned would be necessary. Besides these, the following points may also be taken into account to increase validity of the research:1) A comparison of the relative attitudes toward physical culture and other disciplines.2) A more detailed classification of the physical culturists, and the corresponding scale construction and attitude survey.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 100m 출발시(出發時) 지면반력(地面反力)에 (地面反力) 관(寬)한 연구(硏究)

        芮鍾二(JongEYhe) 한국체육학회 1985 한국체육학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the Kinetic factors for Sprint Starts.14 Sprinters were served as subjects and the Maximum Block Reaction forces, Impules, Block take-off Times and Force-Time curves were measured by using Force Platform.The results and conclusions were as follows :1. Block Reaction Forces were initiated both feet at the same time and Force-Time curves of the Front foot produced two Peaks point, however that of the Rear foot produced one Peak point.2. There were no significant different among sprint starts for the Maximum Block Reaction Forces and Impulses in Side-ward, Anterior-Posterior. Vertical direction, however the Front foot developed larger Maximum Block Reaction Forces and Impulses than the Rear foot in Sideward. Vertical direction respectively (p<0.05) but no significant different between the both feet in Anterior-Posterior direction.4. In cases of the Front foot, the Maximum Block Retraction Forces/Weight rates in Sideward, Anterior-Posterior, Vertical direction were respectively 11-13%, 86-89%, 112-117% and that of the Rear foot ware respectively 5-9%, 79-85%, 73-82%.5. The Front foot shown larger Impules than the Rear foot each of sprint (p<0.01), and Impules of the Vertical direction shown larger than that of the Anterior-Posterior in Front, Rear foot respectively.6. In cases of the Block Take-off Times, the Front foot was 0.32-0.37 second, the Rear foot was 0.19-0.21 second. The relationship between the 20m start-dash records and the Block Take-off Times shown high correlation (p<0.05).

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : 멀리뛰기의 퍼포먼스에 영향을 미치는 요인(要因)에 대한 생체력학적(生體力學的) 분석(分析)

        예종이(JongE.Yhe) 한국체육학회 1987 한국체육학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the kinetic and kinematic variables on the performance in the Long Jump.21 Long Jumpers were served as subjects. A single Force Platform was used to analyze kinetic variables and measured kinematic variables by using 16mm High-Speed Camera and Motion Analyzer.The results and conclusion were as follow:I. Kinetic Variables1. The Force-Time curve of the Vertical Ground Reaction Force produced two peak points at the take-off.2. The Maximum Vertical, Horizontal, and Sideward Ground Reaction Forces exerted 4.31 B.W., 1.25 B.W., and 0.25 B.W., at the Take-off, respectively.3. The Maximum Vertical and Horizontal Ground Reaction Forces were significantly correlated with the Record, respectivly(r=0.40 ; P<0.05 for the former, r=0.67 ; P<0.05 for the latter).4. The Vertical Impulse and Horizontal Impulse singificantly correlated with the Record, respectively(r=0.45 ; P<0.01 for the former, r=0.48;P<0.05 for the latter) and the Vertical Impulse was exerted 6 times larger than Horizontal Impulse and 12 times larger than sideward Impulse.II. Kinematic Variables1. The Approach Velocity of the last 1 stride before take-off was 8.4-9.4m/sec and the Resultant, Horizontal, and vertical velocities at the take-off were 7.3-7.8m/sec, and 2.0-2.6m/sec, respectively. Those 4 Velocity Variables significantly correlated with the Record (r=0.83 for the 1st, r=0.68 for the 2nd, r= 0.77 for the 3rd, and=0.77 for the 4th ; p<0.05)2. The Approach Horizontal Velocity was decreased about 17-20% at the Take-off.3. Nonsignificant correlations were found between the Height of C.G. at the Take-off or the Landing and the Record, respectively.4. The Angle of C.G. at the Take-off was 18.4-21.0˚ and significantly correlated with the Record(r=0.48 ; P<0.05). But, Inclinations of Leg at the Contact, Take-off, and Landing were nonsignificantly correlated with the Record, respectively.

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