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        민속무용과 예술

        양종승(Yang Jong-sung),한양명(토론자) 비교민속학회 2002 비교민속학 Vol.23 No.-

        The dances of Korea, require more than mere physical and technical training. A true dancer of the Korean dance needs to elevate one's spiritually to the religious plane. There are three components of the Korean dance movement ; 발디딤새(feet movements), 손놀림새(arm movements), and 몸굴림새(body movement). These three components have to work together in order to create the form of dance. Korean dances expresses introvertness through physical movements. The motions are rooted in the inner realm and thus physical mobility is not great. However, the controlled motions reflect strong human will because the dancer is dancing from the emotional surges within. Korean shamanism involves the worship of gods and of the spirits of ancestors and is one of the dominant Korean belief systems today. Dancing in shamanism is one of the skills the shaman. Shamanisitic dancing is called 'god dancing'(shin ch'um) and helps to encourage and show the necessary ecstatic state for receiving the spirits. Not many different steps are involved, but every dance is done according to definite slow, medium, or fast rhythms. Keosang ch'um, a type of dancing that begins very slowly and ten picks up tempo until the mudang is dancing very fast.

      • KCI등재

        강신무ㆍ세습무 유형론에 따른 무속연구 검토

        양종승(Yang Jong-Sung) 한국무속학회 2004 한국무속학 Vol.0 No.8

        본 글은 한국 무속의 연구사적 맥락 속에서 강신무ㆍ세습무 용어 대두 및 유형론 발단에 대한 것으로서, 김태곤과 최길성의 논지를 다룬 것이다. 이것은 우리나라 무속 개시에 대해 불가피하게 설명되고 있는 무당의 형식과 기능 그리고 지역적 특성에 따른 접근방식과 얽혀있는 논의이기 때문에 그에 따른 분석적 내용이 검토되어져야 한다. 김태곤에 따르면, 한국 무당은 원래부터 모두가 강신무였지만 시간의 흐름에 따라 주류였던 강신무가 남쪽으로 이동하면서 지역적 문화적 특성으로 인해 일부가 세습무로 변화되었고, 그것이 남부지역에 몰려있는 세습무다. 최길성은 북쪽지역에 강신무가 있었지만 또 한편으로 남쪽지역에는 세습무가 자리 잡고 있었다고 한다. 두 연구자 주장에서의 강신무ㆍ세습무 상정은 강신성과 세습성이라는 이른바 무당이 갖는 아주 본질적이고 기초적인 습성을 구체화하여 이를 기초로 현상학적으로 파악되어지는 지역적 특성에 적용하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 두 용어 쓰임에는 한국무속의 개시에 관한 자연발생설 내지는 북방유입설과 북방유입설 및 남방문화 교차설에 대한 논의에 깊숙하게 얽혀 있기 때문에 이와 관련된 제반 문제를 묵인한 상황속에서의 강신무ㆍ세습무 용어 쓰임과 개념 설명은 혼돈될 수밖에 없는 실정이다. This study is an examination of Korean shamanism focusing on the theories of Kim Tae-kon and Choi Kil-song, which distinguishes Gangsinmu (possessed shaman) and Saeseupmu (hereditary shaman). This study is also examines the origin of the Korean shamanism, which is related to the two categories of Gangsinmu and Saeseupmu. One way, Gangsinmu and Saeseupmu are classified is on the basis of the religious and ritualistic traditions concerning the following: religious possession, the maintenance of a shamanic shrine, the dynamic by which the shaman conveys the message from God during the shamanic ritual, and the presence of a social system of organized customers for the shaman. Gangsinmu and Saeseupmu are also distinguished in the methodology of ritual, including the differentiation of shamanic dance, music, and costume. However, the Korean shamans have acquired both a possessed form and hereditary sources in both categories. According to the Kim Tae-kon’s theory, Korean shamans are actually all possessed shamans (Gangsinmu), but historically have been changed into the hereditary shamans(Saeseupmu) during the movement from north to the south. Therefore, today the majority of hereditary shamans are found in the southern part of Korea and the possessed shamans still remain in the north. However, northern Korean shamans are somehow connected with Siberian shamanism. Finally, Korean shamans share one common origin and are divided into the categories of Gangsinmu and Saesepmu today. On the other hand, according to the Choe Kil-song’s theory, regarding the origins of Korean shamanism, possessed shamans existed in the north and hereditary shamans existed in the south. But the northern shamans had been influenced by Siberian shamanism and the southern shamans had been influenced by South East Asia. The southern shamans form is even older than northern one. The different historical constructs for the Gangsinmu (possessed shaman) and Saeseupmu (hereditary shaman) by the two Korean shamanism scholars, Kim and Choe, have become strongly involved with the division of northern and southern shaman forms. The use of these two terms, Gangsinmu (possessed shaman) and Saeseupmu (hereditary shaman,) are instrumental to the approach of finding the origin of Korean shamanism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        무속과 정치

        양종승(Yang Jong-sung),황루시(토론자) 비교민속학회 2004 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.26

        The shamans are designated as living national treasure by Korean government under the institutional law of cultural protection policy. Because the shamans' rituals, which are called KUT(shamanistic ritual), have influenced the way of Korean traditional performing arts forms in many ways. The government wants to support the transmission of their artistic forms. But shamans' religious faith is not concerned. Therefore, the shamanistic ritual performed by a shaman designated as living national treasure has been changed into shaped form, a standardization of the performance form. After the designated form of shamanistic ritual as important intangible cultural property by government, is has used as merchandising and tourism resource by government. In the traditional society, shaman was law class and denied by society. Therefore treatment of shaman in the modern society as useful as tourism resources are changed their social position for them However, the function: of shamanistic ritual of religious faith is lose.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        전북의 독경

        양종승(Yang Jong-Sung) 한국무속학회 2006 한국무속학 Vol.0 No.12

        독경은 경바치(경쟁이)라고 하는 남자 법사가 경당(經堂) 앞에 앉아 장구 또는 북과 괭꽈리 또는 징을 동시에 연주하면서 경문을 읊는 무속의례이다. 본 칠성풀이 독경 사설은 전북 남원 거주의 한칠동 법사가 자신 소유의 삼신당 굿당에서 필자를 위해 연희한 것이다. 칠성풀이는 칠성님을 모셔 수명장수를 기원하고 안가태평을 축원하기 위한 것으로서, 짧게는 시간 반이 걸리고 넉넉하게 하면 두 시간 정도가 걸린다. 칠설풀이 내용은 천상계에서 온 칠성님과 지하계에서 온 매화부인의 결합으로 태어난 지상계의 일곱 형제 이야기로 꾸며진다. Dokkyeong is a shamanic chanting ritual performed on drum and gong by male shamans. This new collection of shamanic chanting material tells the story of Chilseongpuri, which originated from North Jeolla Province. This performance has been transmitted by Han Chil-dong, a famous male shaman who is designated for the Chilseongpuri performance. The story of Chilseongpuri performed is serving the spirit of the Big Dipper and asks for peace and longevity. This story’s performance lasts no more than two hours. The story is about a union between the spirit of the Big Dipper, who comes down from heaven, and a maehwa lady, who gives birth to seven babies that live on the Earth.

      • KCI등재

        서울 강북지역 벌리도당굿과 북한산도당굿 현지조사

        양종승(Yang Jong-sung) 한국무속학회 2002 한국무속학 Vol.0 No.5

        본 조사는 1986년 여름과 1987년 여름 그리고 1997년 봄과 여름 서울 강북구 번동의 벌리 도당굿과 수유동의 북한산 도당굿을 중심으로 이루어진 무속현지 조사 내용이다. 본 조사 내용은 당시의 기준으로 작성하였으며 그 이후의 변화 내용은 삽입하지 않았다. 벌리 도당굿은 개관, 제보자 그리고 제차를 북한산 도당굿은 개관, 제보자, 도당 터, 당집, 당나무와 도당신 등에 관련된 것들이다. 이들 자료는 조사 당시 필요한 부분만을 기록하였던 것이기 때문에, 이를 보고서로 내놓기 미흡하기 이룰 때 없으나, 이 마저도 그 흔적이 사라지고 있는 현실을 감안하여 부득이 정리하게 된것이다. This research was based on the Bulli(벌리) and Bukhansan(북한산) Village shamanistic rituals of the Soungbuk-gu area in Seoul. This research was conducted during the summer of 1987 and the spring and fall of 1997. The focus in researching these shamanistic rituals was a general survey of the rituals, informants, the ritual site, the spirit of the shamanistic tree, spirit of the shamanistic god, and so on.

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