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        웹 2.0 기반의 도서관 정보서비스

        양병훈,Yang, Byeong-Hoon 한국과학기술정보연구원 과학기술정보센터 2008 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.39 No.1

        최근 도서관 홈페이지를 통한 정보탐색행위가 다른 사이트들에 비해 낮은 편이다. 이를 해결하기 도서관에서는 웹 2.0 기반으로 도서관 홈페이지를 개선하고 있는 중이다. 본 연구는 웹 2.0의 대표적인 웹사이트와 웹 2.0 트랜드를 도입하고 있는 국내외 도서관 홈페이지를 분석하여 새로운 도서관 서비스를 방안을 찾아보고자 하였다. 그 결과 AJAX, RSS, Open API, MashUp, Wikis, 블로그와 같은 기술들을 도서관 홈페이지 적용하면, 도서관 홈페이지가 이용자 중심으로 변화할 수 있다는 사실이 다. 그러나 정보를 전달하는 도구나 서비스가 새롭게 개발하는 것도 중요하지만, 더 중요한 것은 이용자들에게 전달할 정보를 생산하는 일이다. 즉 새로운 정보전달도구를 통하여 이용자들이 도서관 정보를 활용할 수 있도록 안내하는 정보를 생산하여 이용자들의 정보욕구를 촉진하는 일을 병행하는 일이 보다 더 쉬워졌다. 이것은 나아가 도서관으로 하여금 정보생산자로서 그 역할을 확대하는 계기가 될 것이다. Most people choose Internet search engine first more than the library for their information search in these days. Many users do not know library homepage's content. How to improve the users in library homepage? This study aims to suggest the direction of library homepage service in Web 2.0. For this study the author analyzed library homepage that is introducing some representative Web 2.0 and other Web 2.0 sites. AJAX, RSS, Open API, MashUp, Wikis, Blog are the main technologies in Web 2.0. Those technologies become a tool that can do user centered library homepage. But, more important thing is information production that introduce to users. Web 2.0 suggests good information transfer for users. It needs to produce the information that stimulates the library user. It means that Web 2.0 give a good opportunity for libraries as an information production.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        ISSR 표지에 의한 우리나라 야생 차나무집단의 유전다양성

        양병훈(Byeong-Hoon Yang),홍용표(Yong-Pyo Hong),이갑연(Kab-Yeon Lee),정병춘(Byeong-Choon Jeong),박용구(Young-Goo Park) 한국차학회 2010 한국차학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        To monitor the traces of Korean wild tea (Camellia sinensis) populations, ISSR markers (4 ISSR primers) were analyzed in 38 populations (10 individuals per population) in Korea. A total of 32 ISSR amplicons were counted using 4 primers. Shannon’s index (S.I.) indicating genetic diversity ranged from 0.201 (Mt. Baekyoung) to 0.442 (Mt. Gunyu) with a mean of 0.343. Although the level of genetic diversity was relatively low compared to other woody plants, population differentiation was somewhat pronounced that a relatively high level of genetic differentiation among populations was found (13.28%). At least 9 groups originating from an independent progenitor population could be postulated on the basis of topology of UPGMA. As expected from the introduced and cultivated tree species, genetic relationships among the populations did not coincide with geographic affinity.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        남한지역 구상나무와 분비나무 집단에서의 nSSR 표지 유전 변이

        홍용표 ( Yong Pyo Hong ),안지영 ( Ji Young Ahn ),김영미 ( Young Mi Kim ),양병훈 ( Byeong Hoon Yang ),송정호 ( Jeong Ho Song ) 한국산림과학회 2011 한국산림과학회지 Vol.100 No.4

        To estimate level of genetic variation and genetic differentiation among populations of 3 populations in Abies koreana and 5 populations in Abies nephrolepis, 5 nSSR markers were analyzed. Except 1 locus where too many alleles were observed excessively, population genetic parameters were recalculated with 4 loci. Mean expected heterozygosities (H(e)) were 0.292 in A. koreana and 0.220 in A. nephrolepis, respectively. In both species, positive fixation coefficient was estimated (F=0.065 for A. koreana and F=0.095 for A. nephrolepis), which suggests that there is an excess of homozygotes relative to Hardy-Weinberg expectations within populations. Relatively high degree of population differentiation was observed in A. koreana (F(ST)=0.063). compared to that of A. nephrolepis (F(ST)=0.039). From 3-level Hierarchical estimation of F-staticstics, only 4.9% of the genetic variation was allocated between species (F(PT)), which suggested that most of genetic variation was shared between two species. On the basis of results from analysis of genetic relationships among populations, 2 populations of A. koreana (Mt. Halla and Mt. Deogyu) were genetically distinct from the populations of A. nephrolepis but a population of Mt. Jiri was allocated within a group of populations of A. nephrolepis. Populations of both species seemed to have undergone genetic drift due to gradual decrease in population size induced by global warming after the last glacier, which resulted in increase of homozygotes by inbreeding. It could be also postulated that these species might be diverged recently and It is likely that the two species have not fully speciated yet.

      • KCI등재

        ISSR 분석에 의한 전나무 집단의 유전변이

        김영미 ( Young Mi Kim ),홍경낙 ( Kyung Nak Hong ),이제완 ( Jei Wan Lee ),양병훈 ( Byeong Hoon Yang ) 한국임학회 2014 한국산림과학회지 Vol.103 No.2

        ISSR 표지를 이용하여 전나무 6개 집단의 유전다양성과 유전구조를 분석하였다. 6개 ISSR primer로 유전다 양성을 추정한 결과, 집단별 다형성 유전자좌의 비율은 평균 85.6%, 이형접합도 기대치(He)는 0.288로 나타났다. AMOVA 결과, 전체 유전변이에서 5.6%는 집단간, 94.4%는 집단내 개체간 차이에 기인하는 것으로 나타났다. 베이즈 추론에 근거한 유전분화는 θII와 GST가 각각 0.045, 0.038로, 근연교배 정도는 0.509로 추정되었다. Mental 검증에서 집단간 지리적 거리가 멀수록 유전적으로 상이한 것으로 판명되었다(r = 0.74, P < 0.05). UPGMA 방법과 PCA 결과에 따라서 남원, 청도, 문경 집단을 한 군집으로, 인제, 홍천, 평창 집단을 다른 군집으로 나눌 수 있었다. 베이즈군집분석에서는 유전변이 분포에 따라서 남원, 문경 집단이 한 군집으로 인제, 홍천, 평창, 청도 집단이 다른 한 군집으로 묶여서 2개의 상위 군집으로 나뉘었다. 빈도주의 분석에 따른 ‘군집’을 반영한 AMOVA 결과에서 전체 유전변이의 3.9%를 군집의 영향으로 설명할 수 있었으며, 전나무 집단의 지리적 분포는 베이즈 분석보다는 UPGMA 방법에 의한 구분과 일치하는 것으로 나타났다. Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in six natural populations of Abies holophylla Max were investigated using ISSR marker system. From 6 ISSR primers, the average percentage of polymorphic loci was 85.6%, and the average expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.288. From the result of AMOVA, 94.4% of total genetic variation came from the differences among individuals within populations, and 5.6% was caused by those of amongpopulations. On the basis of Bayesian inference, genetic differentiation (θII and GST) and inbreeding coefficient for all populations were 0.045, 0.038, and 0.509, respectively. The correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance was highly significant at the Mental`s test (r = 0.74, P < 0.05). Six populations divided into two groups according to the results of UPGMA and PCA. One group included Namwon, Cheongdo and Mungyeong population. The other was Inje, Hongcheon and Pyeongchang population. Also, in Bayesian clustering analysis, 6 populations were divided into two clusters. But Cheongdo population was assigned into the other cluster unlike those of UPGMA or PCA. Taking the regions based on the results of the cluster analysis into consideration of AMOVA, 3.9% of genetic variation came from the regional difference. The dendrogram from UPGMA could provide the most genetically reasonable explanation for the distribution of Abies holophylla populations in South Korea.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        다래(Actinidia arguta) 신품종 심사를 위한 재배 및 특성조사방법 -매뉴얼 작성과정을 기준으로-

        안미연 ( Mi-yun An ),이로영 ( Ro-young Lee ),박제민 ( Je-min Park ),양병훈 ( Byeong-hoon Yang ),김기윤 ( Ki-yoon Kim ) 한국환경농학회 2023 한국환경농학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        The National Forest Seed and Variety Center aims to write a manual for cultivation and characteristic inspection of new seed varieties in Korea, serving dual purposes. The first is the enhancement of the test guidelines, particularly the distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) test, for new seed variety, where research and examination are conducted based on the test guidelines. However, if the crop-specific test guidelines are initially reorganized, the details are unclear. Therefore, it seeks to maintain a written record to prevent confusion when the person in charge is changed. The second is to encourage the development of new varieties. By incorporating general characteristics and cultivation techniques in the manual, it seeks to encourage breeders to develop new varieties. Additionally, it serves as an important chronological record of the creation process, thereby helping future manual authors. This article introduces the current status of new plant variety protection and outlines the significance of creating a manual for cultivation and characterization of Actinidia arguta for screening new varieties.

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