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      • KCI우수등재

        한우개량을 위한 유단백질의 유전적 다형현상에 관한 연구

        한상기(S . K . Han),정의용(E . Y . Chung),양교석(K . S . Yang),신유철(Y . C . Shin) 한국축산학회 1991 한국축산학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Genetic polymorphisms of milk proteins, αs₁-casein (αs₁-CN) β-casein (β-CN), k-casein (k- CN) and β-lactoglobulin (β- LG), in milk samples from 175 Korean native cattle were analyzed by using starch gel elec-trophoresis. Their genotype and gene frequencies were estimated and their genetic relationships with other breeds were compared by using genetic distance and dendogram. The results obtained were summarized as fallows ; 1. Three genetic variants each were identified at αs₁-CN (BB, BC, and CC), k-CN (AA. AB and BB) and β-LG (AA, BB and BB) and nine genetic variants (A¹A¹, A²A², A¹A², A¹A⁴, A²A⁴, BA¹, BA², BA⁴ and BB) existed at β-CN. 2. Genotype distributions of the milk protein loci were as fallows: αs₁-CN BB 76% BC 21.1%, CC 2.9% β-CN A²A²40%, A¹A²38.3%, BA²11.4%, A¹A¹3.4%,, A²A⁴2.9%, BA¹1.7%, A¹A⁴1.1%, BA⁴0.6%, BB 0.6%, k-CN AB 52%, AA 37.1%, BB 10.9%, β-LG BB 76%, AB 23.4%, AA 0.6%. The distributions of genotypes in each milk protein locus were corresponded closely to expectations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. 3. Gene frequencies of the milk protein loci were: αs₁-CN^B 0.866, αs₁-CN^C 0.134; β-CN^A2 0.660, β-CN^A1 0.235, β-CN^B 0.080, β-CN^A4 0.025: k-CN^A 0.631. k-CN^B 0.369; β-LG^A 0.877, β-LG^B 0.123. 4. From the analysis of` the genetic distance values and the dendogram drawn from the genetic distances matrix, the results indicate that there was a close relationship between Korean native cattle and Japanese native cattle, especially Japanese Brown. Consequently, it is supposed that Japanese native cattle originated from Korean native cattle.

      • KCI우수등재

        제주재래마의 혈청 , 혈구단백질 및 효소의 생화학적 유전형질에 관한 연구 1 . 혈청단백질의 유전적 다형현상

        정의용(E . Y . Chung),한상기(S . K . Han),신유철(Y . C . Shin),양교석(K . S . Yang) 한국축산학회 1990 한국축산학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        By means of starch gel electrophoresis, the biochemical polymorphism of α₁-protease inhibitor, albumin, transferrin. Xk protein and slow α₂-globulin in a total 116 Che Ju native horses were examined. The analyzed result of phenotype, genotype and gene frequency was following; 1. In the α₁-protease inhibitor(Pi) locus, nine possible phenotypes, except heterozygous FI phenotype, FF, II, LL, SS, FL, FS, IL. IS and LS were identified and assumed to be controlled by four autosomal codominant alleles designatied Pi^F, Pi^I, Pi^L and Pi^S. The phenotype distribution was estimated to be 68.10% for LL type and 12.93% for It type and the others were below 10%. The Pi^L allele with the frequency of 0.741 showed the highest frequency, while the frequencies of Pi^I, Pi^S and Pi^F alleles with relatively low frequencies were 0.164, 0.078 and 0.017, respectively. 2. With respect to albumin(Al) locus, three diffrent Al phenotypes assumed to be controlled by two codominant alleles were identified as AA, AB and B13 and their phenotype distribution was 15.52%, 40.52% and 43.96%, respectively. The frequency of Al^B allele was markedly predominant(0.641) whereas in Al^A allele it was 0.358. 3. Concerning transferrin(Tf) locus, eleven different phenotypes DD, FF, RR, DF, DO, DR, FH, FO, FR, HR and OR were recognized. assumed to be controlled by five autosomal codominant alleles designatied Tf^D, Tf^F, Tf^H, Tf^O and Tf^R, but two homozygous type(HH and OO) and two Heterozygous type(DH and HO) were not found. The observed percentage of Tf phenotypes FR, FF and RR were found to be 29.31% 28.45% and 12.93% respectively, and the other phenotypes were below l0%. Of the total, Tf^F was the most frequent allele(gene frequency, 0.496), Tf^R was the second(0.345) and Tf^D, Tf^O and Tf^H were negligible(0.065, 0.060 and 0.034, respectively). 4. As for the Xk protein locus, two different phenotypes FK and KK were observed, whereas homozygous FF type was not recognized. The observed Xk polymorphism was assumed to be controlled by a pair of codominant alleles designated Xk^F and Xk^K at a single autosomal locus. The number of the KK phenotype was 93.10%, that of FK phenotype 6.90%. The significantly higher frequency of Xk^K allele(0.966) was obtained than that of Xk^F allele(0.034). 5. In slow α₂-globulin(Sα₂) locus, any individual variation was not found, therefore, this locus was defined to be monomorphic.

      • KCI우수등재

        등전점전기영동법에 (等電點電氣泳動法) 의한 제주재래마 Hb 단백질의 유전적 다형현상에 관한 연구

        한상기(S . K . Han),정의용(E . Y . Chung),신유철(Y . C . Shin),양교석(K . S . Yang) 한국축산학회 1992 한국축산학회지 Vol.34 No.6

        Genetic polymorphism of Red cell Hemoglobin protein in 114 Che Ju native horses was analyzed by IEF and genetic constitution of native horse population was investigated. Six different phenotypes, AI/AI, AI/BI, Al/BII, BI/BII and BII/BII, in this system were observed and the frequencies in these Hb phenotypes were 0.88, 11.40, 8.77, 37.72, 35.09 and 6.14%, respectively. Observed and expected phenotypes showed the Hb locus to be in genetic equilibrium, according to Hardy-Weinberg law. Therefore, the Hb phenotypes were shown to be controlled by three haplotypes designated AI, BI and BII. However the AII haplotype was not recognized in the present study. The BI haplotype with the frequency of 0.6096 showed the highest frequency, while the frequencies of BII and AI haplotypes with relatively low ferquencies were 0.2807 and 0.1097, respectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        제주재래마의 혈청 , 혈구단백질 및 효소의 생화학적 유전형질에 관한 연구 3 . 혈구효소의 유전적 다형현상

        정의용(E . Y . Chung),한상기(S . K . Han),신유철(Y . C . Shin),양교석(K . S . Yang) 한국축산학회 1990 한국축산학회지 Vol.32 No.10

        Genetic polymorphisms of erythrocytic catalase. carbonic anhydrase and acid phosphatase enzymes were analyzed by the method of starch gel electrophoresis in 116. Che Ju native horses, and phenotypes and gene frequencies for loci controlling these biochemical traits were determined. The results obtained from the present study were summarized as follows; l. At the catalasc(Cat) isozyme locus, all three possible phenotypes were observed, each designated F, M and S, and shown to he controlled by two codominant autosomal alleles, Cat^F and Cat^S. The phenotype distribution was 19.83% for FF, 42.24% for FS and 37.93% for SS. Gene frequency of Cat^S allele(0.591) was slightly higher than that of Cat^F allele(0.409). 2. In the case of the carbonic anhydrase(CA) isozyme locus, all three possible phenotypes FF, FS and SS were observed and assumed to be controlled by a pair of codominant autosomal alleles, CA^F and CA^S . The phenotype distribution was estimated to be 4.31%, 17.24% and 78.45%, respectively, for the FF, FS and SS. At the distribution of the alleles controlling the synthesis of CA isozyme, the overwhelmingly predominant allele was CA^S with a frequency of 0.871, whereas CA^F allele was in low gene frequency(0.129). 3. For acid phosphatase(AP) isozyme locus, two different AP phenotypes FS. SS except for FF homozygote were identified, which considered to be controlledby means of two codominant alleles, AP^F and AP^S at a single autosomal locus. The SS phenotype(98.28%) showed a very high frequency, but the occurence of FS phenotype(1. 72%) was extremely rare. In the gene frequency, th AP^S allele(0.991) was overwhemingly predominated, while the AP^F allele(0.009) was encountered infrequently.

      • KCI우수등재

        제주재래마의 혈청 , 혈구단백질 및 효소의 생화학적 유전형질에 관한 연구 2 . 혈구단백질 및 혈청효소의 유전적 다형현상

        정의용(E . Y . Chung),한상기(S . K . Han),신유철(Y . C . Shin),양교석(K . S . Yang) 한국축산학회 1990 한국축산학회지 Vol.32 No.10

        Genetic polymorphisms of hemoglobin protein, serum esterase. amylase, ceruloplasmin enzymes were analyzed by the method of starch gel electrophoresis in 116 Che Ju native horses, and phenotvpes and gene frequencies for loci controlling these biochemical traits were determined. The results obtained from the present study were summaritzed as follows; 1. In the hemoglobin(Hb) locus, three different phenotypes AA, Aa and as were founded, presumed to be controlled by two codominant alleles, Hb^A and Hb^a at a single autosomal locus. The distributions of phenotypes were AA type 87.93%, Aa type 11.21% and as type 0.86% It was observed that the frequency of Hb^A allele(0.935) was remarkably higher than that of HP allele(0.065). 2. Considering esterase(Es) isozyme locus, four phenotypes FF or F0, II or IO, FI and OO were demonstrated, and these isozyme could be explained by the action of three autosomal alleles, two codominant alleles, Es^F and Es^I and one recessive allele, Es^O lacking a detectable gene product. The phenotype distribution was 23.28% for FF or FO, 34.48% for II or IO. 38.79% for FI and null phenotype OO was lower than 5%. At the gene frequencies for locus controlling Es molecular form, the Es^I with a frequency of 0.470was the most common allele. Secondly. the Es^F allele frequency was 0.374 and the silent Es^O allele frequency was 0.156 and the Fs^S allele was not recognized. 3. The amylase(Am) and ceruloplasmin(Cp ) loci were observed to lack any individual variation. Therfore, these loci were defined to be monomorphic.

      • KCI우수등재

        제주재래마의 혈청 , 혈구단백질 및 효소의 생화학적 유전형질에 관한 연구 4 . 유전적 변이성 및 유록관계 (類綠關係)

        정의용(E . Y . Chung),한상기(S . K . Han),신유철(Y . C . Shin),양교석(K . S . Yang) 한국축산학회 1990 한국축산학회지 Vol.32 No.11

        On the basis of the gene frequencies of the marker traits at blood protein and enzymes, the genetic variability within populations of Che Ju native horse was evaluated, then the genetic relationships and the genetic distance between Che Ju native horses and east Asian native horses were analyzed. The conclusions were drawn as follows; 1. Of the 13 genetic loci examined, 9 were defined as polymorhpic(Pi, Al, Tf, Xk, Hb, Es, Cat, CA and AP) and 4 as monomorphic(Sd2, Am, Ch and Cp). Thus the proportion of polymorhpic loci(Ppoly) at the 99%, level was estimated to be 0.6923±0.1280. 2. The expected heterozygosity per locus estimated for the Tf, Es, Cat, Al, Pi, CA, Hb, Xk and APloci was 0.626, 0.615, 0.484, 0.460, 0.418, 0.224, 0.122, 0.066 and 0.018, respectively. The expected average heterozygosity for 13 loci combined was calculated as 0.233±0.071. 3. The effective number of alleles per locus for the Tf, Es, Cat, Al, Pi, CA, Hb, Xk and AP were 2.674, 2.597, 1.938, 1.852, 1.178, 1289, 1.139, 1.071 and 1.018, respectively. The average effective number of alleles calculated over the nine loci was 1.649. 4. In the gene frequencies of each locus between the Che Ju native horses ad improved horses statistically significant differences in the gene frequencies of all loci except for Al locus were observed. From the above results, it could be considered that the gene constitution of the Che Ju native horses differed markedly from the improved horses. 5. From the results of comparison of five biochemical polymorphic loci with the Nei`s identity of genes, genetic distance and gene substitution calculated from the gene frequencies between the Che Ju native horses and east Asian native horse breeds (Tokara, Misaki, Tsushima, Miyako, Yonaguni, Kiso, Philippine, Sabah-Sarawak,Thailand and Hokkaido native horses), it was supposed that the Che Ju native horses and the Japanese native horse breeds with the exception of the Tokara native horses had a common ancestry and the Japanese native horses originated from Korean native horses.

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