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      • KCI등재

        일의 의미와 진로결정

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2009 복음과 상담 Vol.13 No.-

        In this paper, we discuss the meaning of work, the relationship between occupation and calling, and the purpose of work that are consistent with Christian understanding. Everyone has his or her own view on the world of work. Understanding this view within each counselee and biblical point of view of work are the cornerstone of career counseling. Our primary calling is to a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Furthermore, God calls each of us not only to a self-actualization, but also to a life of stewardship. The Bible teaches that everything we have are gifts God has entrusted to us to manage and use wisely for the good of his kingdom. This paper briefly summarized a theoretical foundation for vocational decision making and practical skills for the career counseling process. Theories of occupational choice emphasis on assessing the interests, abilities, and character of the worker. Trait and factor theory and career development theory have been introduced. It is one thing to acknowledge the theory and skill for career decision making and another to discern what God wants us to do with our life and gift. Making our career decision is a partnership effort between human being and God. God is ready and willing to do his part to guide you into the work.

      • KCI등재

        목회지도력과 상담

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2012 복음과 상담 Vol.18 No.-

        This paper stresses the point that leadership and counseling, which play important role in pastoral ministry, are complementary to each other in many ways. When we learn how to best use these interdependant aspects, it will be helpful for congregation`s maturity and faith communities. To demonstrate this point, we try to examine the useful aspects of the approach based on counseling theory and practice to pastoral leadership from the Christian point of view. First, the outcome of some changes of general leadership theories in recent history and the main concept of Christian leadership emphasize on the leader`s role of caring and guiding for followers. Appling some methodologies of counseling and caring, the biblical naturel and function of Christian servant leadership will be well embodied in the faith community. Second, when we define leadership as “influence through relationship, ” leaders need to study and practice the theories of human motivation, traits, and relationship techniques in counseling. Third, some types of leadership can be applied to leaders of group counseling, and coaching and mentoring among leadership theories can be also utilized for Christian counseling. Fourth, leaders can take advantage of the counseling services for their spiritual maturity and mental health.

      • KCI등재

        복음주의 기독교상담의 과거, 현재, 그리고 미래

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2012 복음과 상담 Vol.19 No.-

        This article seeks the answer to the question, “What is the Evangelical Christian counseling?” Although the question seems to be obvious and theoretical, it will be a meaningful pursuit in order to figure out the current status of the Evangelical Christian counseling, keep its identity and restore correctly its significance. The first focus is upon the traditional understanding of evangelical theology, evangelical faith, and core values of the movement. Second, the article exams the definition and distinctives of Christian counseling accepting in the Anglosphere. It gives us far more clear understanding of the features of the Evangelical Christian counseling which need to be built and recovered today. In addition to the precedent study on this topic, evangelization, discipleship, sin, and the Scripture are emphasized. After setting up the category of the Evangelical Christian counseling, the article focuses more specifically on the relationship of Biblical counseling, Christian psychology, and integration view to evangelicalism. Third, the article suggests some areas of research and practice related to building up the Evangelical Christian counseling. And then, it discusses Christian counselor`s spirituality, spiritual resources from Christian sour care tradition, the necessity of integrating several topics from a Christian world view, and new framework of Christian counseling.

      • KCI등재

        폭력의 시작, 전개 그리고 대안

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2011 복음과 상담 Vol.16 No.-

        It is difficult for us to accept the fact that violence is rampant, But the evidence for this prevalence of violence is overwhelming and scripture and human history repeatedly bear out this horrible fact. All humans are born not morally neutral but sinfully depraved and have the potential to violate and overpower the weak with behaviors and tongues. In addition to human depravity, another factor which makes violence predictable is the role of Satan and his demonic legions. If violence is widely distributed throughout all areas of society, we need to offer the possible measures. To work out a solution to violence, we try to consider anger and aggression linked closely with violence. These two factors are powerful energy that has destructive potential. While destructive anger and aggression move us toward dysfunction, creative anger and aggression move us toward wellbeing. Since our emotions and behaviors are tied to our hearts, helping involves targeting the root cause. Thus, it’s particularly important that we sketch out a spiritual way for healing. We stress the need of the spiritual necessity of healing including repentance and forgiveness as a integration of power and love. Repentance is an important part of the healing process and forgiveness is a essential mean to reconcile a offender to a victim.

      • KCI등재

        상실로 인한 슬픔 이해하기

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2014 복음과 상담 Vol.22 No.2

        This article examines the resources derived from the general approach and Christian approach to grief and loss caused by death. In the general approach, clinical studies analysed the mourner’s grieving process and suggested the tasks of mourning for restoration within the context of Western social cultural trend typified by the death-denying. According to the Christian approach, Christian counselors emphasized the distinctive faith resources such as hope and the means of grace, the practical tools such as the liturgy, the Scriptures, and prayer, and the necessity to perceive the reality of loss and express emotions. Furthermore, this article concretizes three aspects in some insightful contents of the preceding research data, which can be available to apply for Christian care practices. Based on this understanding, the caregiver would help survivors to grieve appropriately their loss and take them through the grief work. First, emphasizing the necessity to perceive the several faces of grieving reactions and the importance of emotional expression. The appropriate understanding of the dynamics of grief can be the good first step to help the person who had experienced the loss. Second, suggesting the significance of releasing what’s happened and accept the reality as it is. Third, grasping not only the meaning of the hardships through the grieving process, but also the Lord who is an object of great reverence and give the grieving person the real meaning of loss.

      • KCI등재

        성경적 목회적 돌봄을 위한 청교도의 자원

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2015 복음과 상담 Vol.23 No.1

        Pastoral care has the old and rich historical resources. Although there are some societal and cultural differences, it will be useful research work for today to search for the content and tools of pastoral care until now in the Christian history. The resolution reached in the study will be the necessary resources for the pastoral care and counseling of our time. To find the historical resources, first, this paper focuses on the pastoral care in Puritan times after summing up the precedent study on Christian care in history. Its work mainly chronicles the historical shift in pastoral care from a focus on Christian approaches to a focus on psychological approaches. And we find the fact that biblical counseling has passed on traditional pastoral care and some Christian counseling has looked for Christian care resources from the history. The Puritans’ care has a unique feature that help people with concrete ways of applying the word of God emphasizing on Christian care resources. Second, this paper gives a general overview of the Puritans’ theological position and the critical issues in pastoral care. The public application of the Bible was accomplished through preaching and its private application was done through counseling. They also had interests in various field for spiritual and mental healing such as sin, repent, hope, imagination and meditation.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 상담에서의 칭의와 성화의 관계성 연구

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2015 복음과 상담 Vol.23 No.2

        In order to build Christian counseling upon a firm and sound foundation, this paper traces biblical themes. Exploring the order of salvation which can be said the core of the Christian view of human nature, especially it focuses on justification and sanctification. It demonstrates the indivisible connection between justification and sanctification of a vast body of theological research to apply them to Christian counseling, First, justification and sanctification have the common goals which is to achieve our salvation. Second, faith, the Holy Spirit, the union with Christ all play important roles simultaneously in the whole process of justification and sanctification. Third, these two words are virtually interchangeable in the Bible. A field application of Christian counseling needs to be considered not comprehensively, but as an individual due to each person’s various problems and situations. However, Christian counseling has to be oriented towards sanctification making sure justification and powered by justification practicing sanctification. This approach as a absolute and valuable resource for Christian counseling influences all the spheres of Christian life. While this paper argues the need for a more balanced approach to these two themes in Christian counseling as possible, it shows that the foundational biblical truth helps Christian be conformed into Christ’s image.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 상담과정의 독특성

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2016 복음과 상담 Vol.24 No.2

        This paper intends to study the Christian counseling process. In order to develop Christian counseling, counseling process as well as theories has to be much more apparent and really put to use. First, pointing out that the Christian counseling process has a lot in common with general counseling process, we analyze the usual contents to be accepted in those processes. We obtain the general flow and frame of the process by studying main textbooks for practicing and training. Second, although it has a surface similarity to the other processes, Christian counseling process has some different factors in prerequisite and attitude. The real differences of the counseling practices are caused not only by theories, but also the biblical viewpoints on main topics. Christian counseling has a biblical stand on human beings, psychopathology, diagnostic criteria, aim of recovery, etc., as most counseling practices already have idealogical foundations. Moreover, it is important for the Christian counselors who have Christian personality and spirituality to have servant attitude in counseling and clients. Third, we clarify its specific approaches in relationship, exploration, assessment, and intervention. We suggest several spiritual resources and furthermore apply biblical counseling and a few spiritual approaches. Christian counseling will stand firm when the actual counseling process is practiced and trained on the base of Christian approach.

      • KCI등재

        성경적인 성정체성의 회복: 하나님의 형상을 중심으로

        안경승 ( Kyung Seung Ahn ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2017 복음과 상담 Vol.25 No.2

        Christian Counseling emphasizes that the endowed image of God when He created human-being has been corrupted and needs to be restored. As a result, the main purpose in the field of counseling should be to restore the image of God. This paper claims that the specific sexual identity of male and female in the image of God should be studied in detail, and needs to be main goal of counseling. It stresses the holistic nature of sexuality, and the reality and causes (spiritual, socio-cultural, family, education & counseling) of how sexual problems develop into human problems. In order for studies about sexuality to be utilized in the field of counseling, the idea of “we” in the image of God has to be studied. The biblical understanding of Trinitarian and “we” is based on male, female, and their relationships. First, men and women are distinct sexual beings, but become one. Second, men and women are equal as partners. Third, men and women relate to each other with their way of relation; sexual differences allow this to happen. The paper, then, discusses the main points of manhood. God’s original intention in creation of men was to build up men who remember and take responsibility, and men who have strength and courage.

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