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      • KCI등재

        아르누보 특성을 모티브로 한 아트 메이크업의 색채 분석

        안서영 ( Seo-young An ),신세영 ( Sae-young Shin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2012 미용예술경영연구 Vol.6 No.3

        By understanding the expressions of art nouveau and examining cases in which a motif of naturalism from the era of art nouveau was applied to the art make-up, the study focuses on analyzing color characteristics which have been presented as the natural beauty of plants and another natural beauty of a human body were combined. For the subject of the study, art nouveau styles were divided into field of abstraction, the organic, symbolism and geometry. The works used in the study were 96 art make-up works and they were all with art nouveau characteristics applied. They were works in 15 books published since 2000, works which won at beauty competitions and works updated on the Internet. References for the color analysis were collected by scanning and monitor capturing and, they were arranged as being categorized into a dominant color (over 60%) and an assort color (20~30%). To measure color difference, Adobe Photoshop was used and a gained value of L*a*b was converted into H V/C value by Munsell Conversion versionll. 10 colors in Munsell’ s color combination analysis were used as a standard for the color characteristics which were R (Red), YR (Ye11ow Red), Y (Y e11ow), GY (Green Ye11ow), G(Green), BG (Blue Green), B(Blue), PB(Purple Blue), P(purple) and RP(Red Purple). For color tone, PCCS (Practical Color Coordinate System) was applied which has come up with 12 colors tones in the end which were p (pale), ltg (light grayish), g (grayish), dkg (dark grayish), lt (light), sf (soft), d (dull), dk (dark), b (bright), s (strong), dp (deep) and v(vivid). According to the results from the analysis, R, YR, PB, P and RP appeared to be most concentrated while the color tones were examined mostly in lt, b, g, dkg, sf, ltg and d. This proves that the naturalism of art nouveau is found in various color areas and yet, it is mostly concentrated in the red which is considered to have a medium brightness with a low chroma, perfect for expressing a sense of soft sensitivity.

      • KCI등재

        국내 저가화장품 브랜드의 아이섀도우 색채특성

        안서영 ( Seo-young Ahn ),신세영 ( Sae-young Shin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2012 미용예술경영연구 Vol.6 No.1

        This study was to investigate color characteristic of low cost cosmetics brand based on eye shadow which expressed color characteristic best due to accounting for the most color gamut. The subjects were 4 low cost cosmetics brands such as Misha, The Face Shop, Skin Food, Etude and Misha-18, The Face Shop-18, Skin Food-27, Etude-21 all 84 were analyzed focusing on eye shadow proposed on the Website by February 2012. Lateral color was extracted using Adobe Photoshop on a computer monitor and then color values were extracted by measuring the RGB values, using Munsell Conversion version 11 and converting into HN/C values. Munsell color system was analyzed by 10 colors and colors were classified as 12 colors and colorless by PCCS. The findings indicated that there were differences among brands but eye show colors of low cost cosmetics had RP, YR in common, colors ere ltg, sf, It.

      • KCI등재

        메이크업 전공 관련 학위논문 연구 동향 분석

        조서영 ( Seo-young Cho ),신세영 ( Sae-young Shin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2011 미용예술경영연구 Vol.5 No.2

        This study analyzes the area and themes of domestic doctoral and master theses on the Make up. The purpose of this study is to understand the present situation of these theses and the trend of this field and to search for the future direction of this field. For this purpose we analyze 357 theses on the Make up. 357 theses is chosen from KERIS (Korea Education & Research Information Service) database. The temporal scope is from 1984 to 2011. As of July 2011 the number of university of awarding Make up diploma reaches to 60. Hansung University awards 65 diplomas, followed by Sookmyung Women’s University and Sungshin W omen’s University. The study object in terms of sex is almost the female, the study of the male begins in 2005, now 10 theses, 2.8 percent of the total 357 theses. The study object in terms of occupation is various. The study on movie star reaches to 20 (5.6%), in addition news anchor, nurse, hotelier and Korean male id이 star. The number of the these on consumer conduct is 35 (9.8%). The literary survey is 189 (52.9%), field survey 155 (43.4%), experimental study 13 (3.6%). The number of statistical analysis study reaches to 137 (38.4%), all using SPSS..

      • KCI등재

        디지털 문화에 나타난 뷰티 블로그 유형 분석

        유선미 ( Sun-mi You ),신세영 ( Seo-young Shin ) 한국미용예술경영학회 2010 미용예술경영연구 Vol.4 No.3

        The beauty blogs, which have often treated the topics on beauty, have increased gradually in terms of dissemination of information and influence. Nevertheless, relevant studies are still lacking. So it is necessary to study on this. Accordingly, this study is to analyze the characteristics of each and every beauty blog, classify them based on its type, and help to the close links between beauty industry and beauty blog. In research method, after blog-and beauty-related literature and case studies, researchers selected or collected beauty blog sample, and conducted four times of an in -depth interview with group of experts and beauty bloggers for verification. As a result, beauty blogs could be classified into four factors:openness and controlness (the degree of exposure) ;indirectness and directness (aggressiveness level in materials production and delivery. Based on these factors, it could be also classified into four types ‘aggressive cultural enjoyment' from openness and directness factors ‘active honor seeker' from controlness and directness factors; ‘Conspicuous self complacence’ from openness and indirectness factors; ‘negative self-contentment' from controlness and indirectness factors. The ‘aggressive cultural enjoyment' accounted for 47%, ‘active honor seeker' 33%, ‘negative self-contentment' 13%, ‘Conspicuous self complacence' 7%. In order to maximize the effect of marketing, ‘aggressive cultural enjoyment' should make the most of communication skills to offer bloggers with free products and wide range of benefits, ‘active honor seeker' should get some confidence from bloggers about the product, ‘negative self-contentment' should persuade bloggers to scrap entries for the product, ‘Conspicuous self complacence should offer free shooting opportunities with the products to encourage bloggers to post on the blog. By identifying these types of Beauty Blog, it would be possible to predict advantage of marketing in beauty industry and beauty industry trends.

      • 인공둥지(Artificial Wood Box)의 입구크기에 따른 번식조류의 경쟁구조 분석

        노선호 ( Sun-ho No ),고준서 ( Jun-seo Go ),신세영 ( Se-young Shin ),이정은 ( Jeong-eun Lee ),최한이 ( Han-yi Choi ),채주리 ( Ju-ri Chae ),신규철 ( Gyu-cheol Shin ),유영한 ( Young-han You ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2016 No.2

        둥지의 입구크기에 따라 번식조류의 경쟁구조를 확인하고자 2015년에서 2016년까지 조류의 번식기간(4-7월) 동안에 주 2회 인공둥지를 모니터링 하였다. 인공둥지는 2015년과 2016년 2월에 충청남도 공주시, 금산시, 부여군, 충청북도 영동군, 옥천군 일대에 총 60개를 설치하였으며, 각각입구지름 40㎜(가로150×세로150×높이250㎜) 12개, 70㎜(가로250×세로250×높이350㎜) 12개, 80㎜(가로250×세로250×높이350㎜) 12개, 90㎜(가로250×세로250×높이350㎜) 12개, 입구지름 100㎜(300×300×400㎜) 12개를 설치하였다. 연구기간 동안 인공둥지에서 번식한 조류는 참새(Passer montanus), 박새(Parus major), 곤줄박이(Parus varius), 딱새(Phoenicurus auroreus auroreus), 파랑새(Eurystomus orientalis), 소쩍새(Otus sunia), 원앙(Aix galericulata)총 7종이였다. 입구의 크기 별로 살펴보면 지름40㎜에서 참새, 박새, 곤줄박이, 70㎜에서 참새, 박새, 곤줄박이, 파랑새, 소쩍새, 80㎜에서 박새, 곤줄박이, 딱새, 90m에서 곤줄박이, 딱새, 100㎜에서 박새, 곤줄박이, 소쩍새, 원앙이 각각 번식하였다. 번식실패요인은 다양하게 확인되었다. 주요 번식실패요인으로, 박새는 곤줄박이와 원앙, 소쩍새에 의한 둥지강탈, 곤줄박이는 원앙에 의한 둥지강탈, 소쩍새는 미부화, 원앙은 둥지포기와 미부화가 있었다. 결과적으로, 인공둥지에서 번식하는 조류의 생태적 지위는 원앙이 가장 높았으며, 크기가 상대적으로 작은 조류는 입구가 큰 둥지를 선택하였을 때 상대적으로 큰 조류에게 둥지를 강탈당했다. 따라서 나무구멍에서 번식하는 조류에 있어서 입구의 크기를 달리 제작한 인공둥지를 설치함으로 조류의 종간 경쟁을 최소화 하며, 번식성공률을 높일 수 있는 대체 산란지를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

      • 두꺼비(Bufo bufo gaugauizans) 주요 산란지인 섬진강 일대 저수지의 보전과 관리에 관한 연구

        정진석 ( Jin-seok Jeong ),노선호 ( Sun-ho No ),고준서 ( Jun-seo Go ),신세영 ( Se-young Shin ),이정은 ( Jeong-eun Lee ),최한이 ( Han-yi Choi ),채주리 ( Ju-ri Chae ),신규철 ( Gyu-cheol Shin ),유영한 ( Young-han You ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2016 No.2

        조섬진강 일대에 서식하는 두꺼비 및 두꺼비서식처의 보호방안을 모색하고자 두꺼비 모니터링을 실시하였다. 연구지역은 하동군 악양면 일대로 총 14개의 습지가 발달해 있다. 그 중 노전소류지, 정서제, 입석상제 등 6개 지점에서 두꺼비가 산란하였다. 텃개소류지, 중간소류지 등 3개 지점은 매립되어 산란지 기능을 상실하였다. 용정소류지, 신대제 등 2개 지점은 두꺼비의 번식기인 2~4월 동안 일정수준의 저수량을 유지하지 못하여 두꺼비가 산란하지 않았다. 봉대천 하류, 동정호, 입덕하제 등 3개 지점은 일정수준의 저수량을 유지하였으나, 두꺼비가 산란하지 않았다. 연구결과 두꺼비의 주요 위협시기는 성체 두꺼비의 이동기인 2월과 아성체 두꺼비의 이동기인 5월로 분석되었으며, 이는 로드킬로 인한 피해가 컸다. 한편, 두꺼비 산란의 주요 위협요인은 산란지의 감소 및 축소이다. 두꺼비는 이동성이 낮고, 생태특성상 산란지의 환경변화에 크게 영향을 받았다. 두꺼비가 산란할 수 있는 저수지가 매립되거나, 두꺼비의 주요번식기동안 일정수준의 수량을 유지하지 못하는 경우, 그해에는 두꺼비의 번식이 불가능했다. 따라서 이를 해결할수 있는 근본적인 방안으로 두꺼비의 산란지로서 저수지의 보전과 관리가 필요하다.

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