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        베트남 마을의 정치체제에 관한 연구

        송정남 ( Song Jung Nam ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2020 東南亞硏究 Vol.30 No.3

        베트남 최저 행정단위 社에는 공조직으로의 인민위원회와 인민회동, 사조직으로의 정치-사회단체 외에 정치조직으로의 베트남공산당이 있다. 본 연구는 이들 조직에 관한 연구와 이들 조직간 상호관계를 통하여 社의 정치체제를 연구하였다. There is People’s Committee and People’s Council as a public organization, Politicial-Social organization as a private organization, and Communist Party of Vietnam as a political organization in commune which is the smallest administrative unit of Vietnam. This study is about political system of commune through the study of these organizations and mutual relationship between them.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 응우옌 왕조의 과시(科試) 일고찰(一考察)

        송정남 ( Song Jung Nam ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2019 東南亞硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        본고는 베트남 마지막 왕조인 응우옌(Nguyen) 왕조의 과거제도를 다루었다. 유교를 국교로 하였던 응우옌 왕조의 과거제도는 여러 면에서 발달하였다. 응우옌 왕조의 과거제도는 왕권강화와 교육 발전에 크게 기여하였다. 하지만 최초 통일왕조였던 것과 프랑스의 침략과 같은 여러 요인에 의하여 과시는 매번 불안전하게 시행되었고 마침내 1919년을 기점으로 폐지되었다. This article is about the imperial examination of the Nguyen dynasty which is the last dynasty of Vietnam. The imperial examination of the Nguyen dynasty that its national religion was Confucianism developed in many ways. The imperial examination also contributed to strengthening of royal authority and development of education. However the imperial examination had been effect unsafely because the dynasty was the first united dynasty and there were other reasons such as invasion of France. In the end it abolished since 1919.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 응우옌 왕조의 과시(科試)에 관한 연구(硏究): 시장 구조, 시관, 채점, 부정행위, 보임을 중심으로

        송정남 ( Song Jung Nam ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2019 東南亞硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        Vietnam’s imperial examinations existed from 1075 to 1919. This paper includes the Nguyen dynasty’s examination focusing on structures of test sites, examiner, grading, cheating, appointment. The last dynasty of Vietnam, the Nguyen dynasty, was able to hold an examination in a safe way based on various accumulated expreriences from the former dynasty, test legislation and its strict enforcement. However, Vietnam became a French colony and modern education has started so the examination as a government official hiring process disappeared in history.

      • KCI등재

        전통시대 베트남과 태국의 관계 : 베트남의 『大越史記全書』등을 중심으로

        송정남(Song Jung Nam) 한국태국학회 2012 한국태국학회논총 Vol.18 No.2

        As the historical experience tells that "the relationship has never been friendly between neighboring countries," Vietnam-Thailand relationship has not been a cordial one. One of the reasons why Vietnam's relationship with neighboring countries including Thailand has not been friendly was its so-called little Sinocentrism. Fortunately, confrontation between the two could have been regulated because both Champa and Cambodia has played buffer roles. However, with the decline of both Champa and Cambodia the relationship between Vietnam and Thailand has become more confrontational and fallen into the courses of collision. Since the early days southward advance of China which had political as well as economic objectives and the northward advance of Champa has made the Vietnamese history as the one which is full of struggles. Under the circumstances of continuing conflict and collision with Myanmar and Cambodia which was aimed at regional hegemony, Thai history has also been studded with various struggles. In order to overcome these problems the two countries has respectively pursued Southward and Eastward advance policy. As such, the bilateral ties between Vietnam and Thailand has been affected by Champa and Cambodia on the one hand and expansionist policy on the other. Both the Southward and Eastward advance of Vietnam and Cambodia has affected on the two countries' relationship, too. Nonetheless, it has not been so bad as the ones between Vietnam and Cambodia, or Thailand and Cambodia. It was because there were Champa and Cambodia as buffer zones. But then, of course it was not a friendly one because the two were both expansionist countries.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        베트남 북남조(北南朝)의 과시(科試) 일고찰(一考察)

        송정남 ( Jung Nam Song ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        Compared to the Northern dynasty, holding 22 times of Confucian exams in 65 years of its era, the Southern dynasty was only able to have 7 Confucian exams in 60 years of its period. The most distinctive feature of the Northern dynasty’s Confucian exam is that it precisely carried out the exams every 3 years despite having sharp conflicts with the South. However, the conflict between the two dynasties resulted in poor education systems and also weakened the exam’s purpose which was to select outstanding individuals. In a situation where the North and the South were fighting over their existence, they were also pitting against each other on which dynasty has more legitimacy. Meanwhile, they both inherited the system of the early Le dynasty. Therefore, the regulations of the Confucian exams in both dynasties were exactly the same as those of the early Le dynasty. The Jin-Sa stele, a stele which recorded the names of graduates in the Confucian exam, could not be put up at that time because of the small space of the Confucian shrine and Guk-ja.gam (Vietnam’s first university) in Thang Long. The long term conflict between the two dynasties was also one of the reasons why the stele could not be put up at a proper time and gave credibility to the argument that the United Southern dynasty damaged some of the Northern steles later on. Since the Northern dynasty was established after the downfall of the later Le dynasty, its legitimacy was evidently not firm enough. To overcome this disadvantage, the Northern dynasty used Ha Noi’s political, economical, social, cultural, educational and geographical merits to their advantage and achieved a great improvement in the Confucian exam system. On the other hand, the southern dynasty surely was more superior in its legitimacy by restoring the later Le dynasty. However, its Confucian exam system could not develop as fully as the North because it was a local government lacking in many aspects. The superiority of the Confucian exam system of the North did not lead to its triumph over the South. Yet, we cannot affirm that the Confucian exam system is related to the North’s downfall. The reason why the North collapsed despite having a lot of good traits and conditions of its own was because the leader was careless about governing, indulged in sensual pleasures and luxurious parties.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 리왕조의 법(法) 일고(一考)

        송정남 ( Song Jung-nam ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2007 외법논집 Vol.28 No.-

        This research deals with the legal system of Ly Dynasty(1009 - 1225) in Vietnam, based on King's order special law, particularly focusing on criminal and civil suit. Laws of Ly Dynasty was under a heavy influence of Sui and Tang dynasty. However, on its base there were conventional law and tradition as well as Buddhism and Confucian effect. Specially, during the Ly Dynasty private ownership was well developed. This was possible because there were strong backings of law. There are several principles that are still kept in today such as the principle of not reopening a settled case, statute of limitations and levels of graded authority, etc. One of the many factors that made possible the first-ever long rules of Vietnamese dynasty was development of law. It was because centralism was firmly established and it was again backed by law. But, as a means of realizing just society, there was certain limitation in it because the Ly Dynasty was a strict class society and it overly put governing country or reinforcement of sovereign power as the target of law enactment

      • KCI등재

        베트남 당 응와이의 과시(科試) 일고찰(一考察)

        송정남 ( Song Jung Nam ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2017 東南亞硏究 Vol.27 No.2

        1075년부터 시작되었던 베트남의 과거제도는 유교를 국교로 삼았던 후레왕조의 레초에 가장 발전하였다. 그러나 후레왕조가 북남왕조로 나눠졌다가 다시 통일 왕조로 회복됐지만 당 응와이(đang Ngoai)와 당쫑(đang Trong)이라는 두 개의 지역으로 분열되면서 과거제도에 많은 영향을 받았다. 무엇보다 한 왕조에서 북남이 각각 다른 과시 종류와 시법의 과시를 시행하는 형태가 되었다. 이 중 당응와이는 외형상 황제가 국정을 운영했던 것 때문에 과거제도 역시 후레왕조의 전통이 유지되었다. 본 주제는 당 응와이의 과거제도를 과시 종류, 시법(試法), 과시 부정행위를 중심으로 다뤘다. Vietnam’s imperial examination, which started from the year of 1075, flourished at the beginning of Le dynasty. However, the unification of North and South dynasty, which were divided from Hau Le dynasty, had a large impact on the imperial examination, because its territory was Split into Dang Ngoai and Dang Trong. Most of all, Northern and Southern regions placed different types and disciplines in imperial examination. In Dang Ngoai, where the emperor apparently ruled the government, the imperial examination also followed the tradition of Hau Le dynasty. This paper deals with the imperial examination of Dang Ngoai, putting emphasis on its types, principles, and wrongdoings of the test-takers.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 후레왕조의 영토확장

        송정남 ( Jung Nam Song ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2012 東南亞硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        Territorial expansion of Vietnam is one of the examples that shows the history of mankind has been governed by the law of the jungle. Due to the logics of power and geopolitics Vietnam`s territorial expansion has been made mainly toward the South. Just like its long history, Vietnam`s territorial expansion has been pursued over the long haul. Vietnam`s territorial expansion started from the Ly Dynasty(1009-1225). This study is aimed at analyzing territorial expansions during the Late Le Dynasty which has pursued the objective most actively. Historically Vietnam has been the target of Chinese territorial expansion policy on the one hand and at the same time pursued its own version of territorial expansion policy towards the weak Champa and Cambodia. As a result, its history has been characterized by the ambilaterality of struggling nationalism and aggressive nationalism. In its territorial expansion into the South, Chinese immigrants` contribution was decisive factor. It was because the Chinese, by supplying the much needed labor, has accelerated the commercial development and made Vietnam as a multi-racial and multi-cultural society. On the other hand, Vietnam`s territorial expansion validates the historical experience that "the relationship has never been friendly between neighboring countries." It is true in the cases of Vietnam-China relations and Vietnam-Cambodia relations. Ties between Vietnam and Thailand in which the two countries has hotly contended for the domination of Cambodia was unfriendly, too. Despite some exceptions Vietnam-Laos relations was also the case.

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