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송우영 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 2005 産業科學硏究 Vol.23 No.1
This paper shows that the small antenna array can be replaced the microstrip patch antenna (MPA) array when the space is not enough for MPA array. Varying the distance between element much shorter than half wavelength, the side lobes are located outside the visible region. So the main beam shape and width can be controlled. By comparing the radiation patterns of 2 elements microstrip patch antenna array with 8 elements of small antenna array, I could find that both antennas have similar radiation pattern. So small antenna array can be replaced the MPA.
송우영,이봉수 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 1996 産業科學硏究 Vol.14 No.-
In this paper, commensurate and stepped impedance lowpass filters have been designed on micorstrip substrate which relative pemittiviter is 2.25, thickness is 15875[㎜], and loss tan δ = 0.0032 On designing of microstrip line, in the case of commensurate filter, filters have been designed by parallel stub which has been simply implemented, and Richard's transformation and Kuroda's indentities have been used. Filters have been designed using of center frequency 2㎓, and theoretical value through ABCD matrix have been compared with simulation result using supercompact. In the result, in the case of stepped impedance lowpass filter, there are difference of 0.2㏈ in the passband, but in the case of other microstrip filters, theoretical value nearly equaled to simulation result.
슬롯트 패턴에 따른 마이크로스트립 평판 안테나의 특성 연구
송우영 청주대학교 2013 産業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.1
Circularly polarized single feed compact microstrip patch antenna (MPA) has been studied in this paper. And different shaped slot patterns are embedded on the finite size of patch for reducing the antenna size. For the cases of the square slot, the rectangular slot and rotated rectangular slot, the return loss and axial ratio are simulated and compared in this paper. These are designed on the microstrip substrate of 1.6mm thickness, εr=4.4. Simulation results show that the square slot is the most suitable slot for a circularly polarized single feed compact antenna among the square, the rectangular and rotated rectangular slot.
송우영 청주대학교 2017 産業科學硏究 Vol.34 No.2
In this paper, I have studied the near-field radiation pattern analysis method of array antenna for applying to the hyperthermia treatment of the tumor cells. Because the tumor cells are located close to the antenna system, a near-field radiation pattern analysis method of the array antenna is needed. In this paper, 11 isotropic antennas are arranged linearly at equal distance of half wavelengths, and the radiation pattern are calculated and compared by the conventional far field analysis method and by the near field analysis method. As a result, if the location of the tumor cell is located within 10 times of the length of the array antenna, it should be applied the near-field analysis method.
송우영 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 2007 産業科學硏究 Vol.24 No.2
In this paper, the closed form for distributed element circuit matching network with only a component has been derived. The length and characteristic impedance of the matching network can be determined from this fointula. For proving this closed form is correct, I have designed matching network and simulated. As a result, the network designed by the new formula is matched exactly.
수치해법에 의한 Dolph-Chebyshev배열 안테나의 전류 계산에 관한 연구
송우영,이명호 淸州大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.18 No.2
This paper shows a method for calculating the currents of Dolph-Chebyshev array antennas using the first order simultaneous equations by numerical methods. In order to solve the first order simultaneous equations, Gauss-Jordan Elimination with Scaled Column Pivoting method is used. And we derive the relations between matrix elements and array factor. As a results, this method is a useful method for calculating the currents of Dolph-Chebyshev array antennas.
곡률 반경 변화에 따른 원형배열 안테나의 방사패턴에 관한 연구
송우영 청주대학교 2015 産業科學硏究 Vol.33 No.1
In this paper, the radiation patterns of circular array antenna has been calculated with different radius of curvature. For example, seven isotropic point antennas are arranged on the arc of a circle. In order to study the effects of a curvature of the circular array antenna, the array factors are calculated by varying the radius of curvature and angle between antennas. For the case of circular array antenna, it is very important to decide an appropriate antenna spacing for achievement the desired radiation pattern of the antenna.
원편파 특성을 갖는 마이크로스트립 소형 안테나에 관한 연구
송우영 청주대학교 2009 産業科學硏究 Vol.26 No.2
A small compact and circularly polarized antenna has been studied in this paper. A corner truncated square patch is used for the circularly polarization. And four bent slots are embeded on the finite size of ground plane for reducing the antenna size. It is designed on the microstrip substrate of 1.6mm thickness, =4.4. Simulation results show that center frequency of designed antenna is lower than the center frequency of a corner truncated antenna without bent slot, which means that the size of antenna can be reduced. And CP performance is also developed. So, this compact antenna can be used for the circularly polarized UHF RFID antenna.
마이크로 콤퓨터을 이용한 이중 스터브 정합에 관한 연구
송우영 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 1984 産業科學硏究 Vol.2 No.2
An analytical solution and a program are provided for double stub impedance match using microcomputer. Results of program are in good agreement with those of Smith chart. And results of program can be obtained much more quickly and accurately than those of Smith chart.