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      • KCI등재

        淸代 朝鮮使館으로 본 淸ㆍ朝관계

        손성욱 동국대학교 동국역사문화연구소 2016 동국사학 Vol.60 No.-

        This article analyzes the change of Joseon’s legation in the Qing dynasty. Hoidonggwan(會同館) represented Joseon’s special status in international relations based on the tributary system that different from other tributary court. However, the 1882 Sino-Joseon regulations for maritime and overland trade opened a period in which the tributary system and modern treaty system co-exist. Under this regulation, the function of Hoidonggwan diminished, and Choson established the office of commissioner for commercial affairs in Tianjin(駐津公館), shifting the centre of the Choson power for foreign affairs away from the imperial capital. Three years later, in 1895, the Treaty of Shimonoseki signed between the two countries recognized the total and complete independence of Korea. In 1899, four years after the Korean independence, the two countries signed the Sino-Korean Commercial Treaty and established official diplomatic relationship between the two countries. The Korean Empire was to install its own legation in the old imperial capital Beijing, thus formally abrogated its long time subordinate status to the Qing, and started to move forward to establish its own standings abroad and beyond. But Korean Empire faced enormous financial difficulties, and Korean legation in Beijing eventually failed to play any role in diplomatic practices under the pressure from Japan. 본고는 청대 조선 사절이 머물던 조선사관의 변천 과정을 고찰하였다. 조선사관은 조공 사신이 머물던 회동관, 1882~1895년 전통적 관계의 변통 속에서 조선관원이 상주하게 되는 주진공관, 1899년 「한청통상조약」으로 세워진 주청공사관으로 변화하였다. 회동관은 청 중심의 국제질서 속 다른 조공국과 차별된 조선의 지위를 보여줬다. 그렇지만 1882년 청은 조선과 「조청상민수륙무역장정」 체결을 통해 조선이 청의 ‘속방’임을 명문화하였고 회동관은 이전과 달리 서구 열강의 공사가 주재하는 북경에서 조청 간 상하관계를 보여주는 상징적인 역할을 하였다. 이 시기 새롭게 만들어진 주진공관은 양국의 근대적 외교통상 관계를 강화하는 매개 역할을 하였다. 이들은 조선에 대한 청의 지배권을 강화하는데 일조하였지만, 근대적 외교통상 사무가 중요해지면서 조청 관계의 근간이라고 할 수 있는 종래의 ‘책봉-조공 관계’를 약화시켰다. 청일전쟁으로 조청 간 전통적 관계는 와해되고 1899년 「한청통상조약」으로 양국은 정식 외교 관계를 맺었다. 이로 인해 1903년 과거의 ‘황도’에 세워진 주청공사관은 ‘책봉-조공 관계’의 흔적을 지우고 조청관계의 새로운 변화를 나타내는 상징적 의미를 지닌다. 그러나 재정적 어려움으로 제대로 운영되기 힘들었으며 일본의 식민지 야욕으로 2년여 만에 폐쇄되고 만다.

      • KCI등재

        경고하는 언론 — 러일전쟁과 중국 저널의 보도 —

        손성욱 수선사학회 2024 史林 Vol.- No.87

        . Following the conclusion of the First Sino-Japanese War, and transitioning into the new century, the Russo-Japanese War precipitated significant geopolitical ramifications. This epoch was characterized by a discernible transformation in the global political landscape, an escalating discourse advocating reform within China, and the concurrent emergence of revolutionary movements. These transformative occurrences found tangible expression in the various media disseminated within China during this period. The Russo-Japanese War, in particular, emerged as a pivotal juncture, wherein the media assumed an instrumental role in disseminating information to the public and influencing perspectives on the imperative for reform. The discursive landscape within the Chinese media during the Russo-Japanese War exhibited limited disparities between central and peripheral regions. Antecedent to and following the outbreak of hostilities, attention was accentuated on sentiments of antipathy and resistance against Russia's unauthorized occupation of Manchuria. Furthermore, the alliance with Japan was underscored as an ethos of ‘shared literature, shared race’(同文同種), accompanied by critiques directed at the Qing government's proclamation of neutrality(局外中立). As the fortunes of the conflict swayed favorably towards Japan, apprehensions concerning Japan's assertive intentions surged. Concurrently, the rapidly evolving international milieu engendered a burgeoning demand for political reforms, espousing constitutionalism, decrying autocracy, and advocating transformative political measures to ensure national survival. Predominantly, those championing political reforms leaned towards constitutional monarchy, while a discernibly lesser cohort supported a republican constitution, primarily espoused by revolutionary figures. Editorial writings, distinct from the more factual war reports, conveyed cautionary messages that underscored the peril of imperialistic aggression by Russia and Japan. These editorials warned against autocratic governance and urged heightened consciousness of the national crisis. Such cautionary voices reached an acme during the Russo-Japanese War, persisting through the ascendancy of the New Tide Movement and culminating in the subsequent Chinese Revolution (1911–12).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        최근 중국학계의 전근대 종번과 변강 인식 문제

        손성욱 동북아역사재단 2022 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.78

        2021년 동북공정의 ‘마지막’ 결과물이 나왔다. 동북공정은 2007년 사업이 종료되었지만, 2006년 출간 예정이었던 댜오수런의 『고대 중조 종번관계와 중조 변계사 연구(古代中朝宗藩關係與中朝疆界歷史硏究)』가 한중관계를 고려하여 출간이 연기되었고, 2021년이 되어서야 나온 것이다. 동북공정은 주지하다시피, ‘통일적 다민족국가론’을 강화하고 민족 통합과 영토 통합을 확고히 하여 변강의 안정을 도모하고, 내외부의 위협에 대한 대응 논리를 만들기 위해 추진되었으며, 변강 문제는 주변국과의 관계를 포함하고 있다. 『고대 중조 종번관계와 중조 변강사 연구』에서 주목할 점은 전근대 한중관계를 동북공정 당시에는 주류 개념이 아니었던, ‘종번(宗藩)’으로 설정하고 있다는 점이다. 이는 이전 비판에도 불구하고 최근 전근대 중국의 대외관계를 설명하는 틀과 변강을 인식하는 시각으로 ‘종번’이 활발하게 논의되고 있다는 점에서 주목할 필요가 있다. 특히 ‘종번관계’는 조공관계보다 위계성이 드러내기 때문에 현재 중국의 대외정책과 맞물려 논의의 귀추가 주목된다. 하지만 중국학계의 목소리가 획일적인 것은 아니다. 다양한 목소리가 존재하며, 쑹녠선 등 일군의 학자들은 “변강”은 하나의 “중심”에 대응하는 개념이 아니라, 변강과 변강, 변강과 외부 세계 간 복잡성, 다층성, 다면성이 긴밀하게 상호 작용한 것으로 역사 속 변강의 유동성을 강조한다. 이 글에서는 동북공정의 ‘마지막’ 결과물에서 시작해 ‘종번’까지 전근대 중국의 대외관계 이론 논의를 개략적으로 살펴보고, ‘동북공정’ 중심의 논의와는 결이 다른 중국 내 다양한 변강 논의를 통해 한중학계 건설적 토론의 가능성을 모색했다.

      • KCI우수등재

        ‘外交’의 균열과 모색: 1860~70년대 淸·朝관계

        손성욱 역사학회 2018 역사학보 Vol.0 No.240

        This paper examines the background against which modern 'diplomacy' was introduced into the Qing-Joseon relation when, in the 1860s and 1870s, the principle of inshinmuwoegyo (the subject cannot establish diplomatic relations) broke down due to limitations in traditional methods of negotiation. At the height of the Western ascendancy in the East, an active request by the Joseon envoy led to the contact between him and the minister of rites of the Qing who had traditionally been in charge of governing Joseon. At this time, the minister of rites of the Qing Man Cheong Ryeo had violated the principle of inshinmuwoegyo . But this was not to introduce modern diplomacy into the Qing-Joseon relation but was a conservative stance that tried to address the Joseon problem from within the traditional order. But when Britain, France and Japan exerted pressure on Qing in relation to Joseon, the problem left the hands of the ministry of rites of the Qing and involved the Zongli Yamen. Disagreement occurred between the Zongli Yamen and the ministry of rites of the Qing in this process. After the Japan-Korea Treaty of 1876, the superintendent of trade for the northern ports Yi Hong-jang, a subject of the Zongli Yamen, formed personal relations with Joseon's Yi Yuwon and sought to transform negotiation methods for a more modern way of conducting duties even while maintaining traditional ties with Joseon. 본고는 1860∽70년대 淸·朝관계에서 전통적 교섭 방식의 한계로 ‘인신무외교(신하된 자는 외교를 하지 못한다)’의 원칙이 균열되면서, 근대적 ‘외교’가 어떤 배경 속에서 양국 관계에 유입되었는지 살펴보고자 한다. 서세동점의 파고 속에서 조선 사신의 적극적인 요청에 의해 전통적으로 조선 사무를 관할해 온 예부상서와 조선 사신의 접촉이 이루어졌다. 당시 예부상서 만청려는 ‘인신무외교’ 원칙을 위배했지만, 청과 조선 관계에 근대적 방식을 도입하려고 했던 것이 아니라, 전통적 질서 안에서 조선 문제를 해결하고자 하는 보수성을 보였다. 하지만 영국, 프랑스, 일본 등이 조선 문제로 청을 압박하면 조선 문제가 예부를 넘어 총리아문과 관계되기 시작하였다. 이 과정속에서 총리아문과 예부 간 의견 차이가 발생했으며, <강화도조약> 이후 총리아문과 상명하복 관계에 있는 북양대신 이홍장은 조선의 이유원과 사적 네트워클 맺어, 조선과의 전통적 관계를 유지하면서도 근대적 사무 처리를 위한 교섭 방식의 변화를 모색했다.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 지속된 전통적 朝・淸 관계의 의미

        손성욱 중국근현대사학회 2022 중국근현대사연구 Vol.93 No.-

        The South Korean academia generally views the Qing Dynasty’s policy toward the Joseon Dynasty, ranging from the Sino-Korean Regulations for Maritime and Overland Trade to The Treaty of Shimonoseki, as an imperialization or “suzerainty” policy, which deviates from the traditional relationship of not interfering with the subordinate country’s internal affairs and diplomacy of the subordinate country. On the other hand, Chinese academia understands it as strengthening traditional sovereignty, and argues that it is based on a traditional tributary subordinate relationship, which is different from imperialism without denying the Qing Dynasty’s involvement in Joseon's internal affairs and diplomacy unlike before. If the Qing Dynasty’s Joseon policy is seen as “suzerainty”, the Qing Dynasty becomes the “perpetrator” who hindered Joseon's modernization. If it is understood as “strengthening of a traditional tributary state,” the status of the “victim” who did not have much choice but to improvise under the thrall of the imperialistic powers will be maintained. Interestingly, the conflicting views of “suzerainty” and the reinforcement of traditional “tributary state” are all centered around the modern phenomena that appear differently in traditional relations as regards the Qing Dynasty’s dealing with the Joseon policy of the late 19th century. In order to figure out whether the Qing Dynasty’s policy toward Joseon is “traditional” or “modern,” it is necessary to examine the “traditional” part maintained until 1894, which focuses only on the “modern” phenomenon. Earlier, a chinese historian Quan He-xiu pointed out the importance of unchanging relationships in the era of change, and Sun Yan-shu tried to present the continued relationship through evidence-based demonstration in a paper titled a Detailed Review of Tributary Relations in the Mid-term of the Dynasties of Qing and Ming. Through the consideration of Joseon's regular and irregular envoy dispatch patterns, tributes, and the Qing Dynasty’s responsive trades and favors in return, his paper revealed that there was no significant difference from the previous period from the first opium war to the demolition of traditional relations, and it explained that citing reasons such as implementing stricter regulations on the number of Joseon’ envoys and its trade activities and increasing the Qing Dynasty’s envoy dispatches to Joseon, the Qing Dynasty placed all the more ceremonial emphasis on the Qing-Joseon relationship and strengthened their traditional relationship of visiting each other, so that their tributary framework rather seemed to temporarily get strengthened. However, as seen in the evidence that Qing Dynasty’s imperial guest banquets that was expanded to the envoys of tributary countries in year Qianlong 46 started to dwindle each year and fizzled out after the 2nd opium war, the explanation maintaining that the tributary framework was maintained as before and even strengthened does not conform to actual history. Sun Yan-shu analyzes only public records such as the Royal Records of the Qing Dynasty, Daqing Huidian (collected statutes of the great Qing), Dongmunhwigo, etc., and yet it was recorded in Yeonhangrok (a record written by Joseon envoys who visit the Qing Dynasty) that there are many loose appearances in ritual activities, which are the basis for forming the tributary framework. There is a significant gap between the public records and actual operation regarding the tributary framework, and the loosening of the framework is not something caused by the imperialistic powers, but what had been started from the late 18 century, and the implementation of the tributary relationship through ceremonies continued to weaken.

      • KCI등재

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