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        付希亮(Fu, Xiliang),최창원 중국학연구회 2014 중국학연구 Vol.- No.68

        Archaeology of Neolithic era proved that Chinese civilization originated diversely and developed independently. Archaeologist Su Bingqi divided Neolithic culture into six parts: Yangshao, Hongshan, Liangzhu, Dawenkou, Majiayao and Qujialing cultural districts. By the Longshan culture period, social development of each cultural district had reached to a very high level. Global cooling and flood, drought triggered by it in 4200-4000 ago brought enormous disaster to five cultural districts except for Yangshao. The tribes in these five districts started to migrate to the middle reaches of the Yellow river. Finally, a huge tribal alliance-the five emperors’ league was established through mutual compromise. Then Chinese civilization changed form “starring night” to “the YellowRivercivilization”stage. 4200—4000前的全球降温及其引发的洪水、旱灾给 仰韶之外的五大文化区带来了巨大灾难,这些地区居住的部落向黄河中游地区迁徙。这些部落与 居住在黄河中游原住部落之间爆发了冲突,最终通过相互妥协得到了解决,建立了一个庞大的部落联盟,这就是五帝联盟。中国文明 由此由“漫天星斗”转为“黄河文明”阶段。

      • KCI등재


        부희량 ( Xi Liang Fu ),최창원 ( Chang Won Choi ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2014 中國硏究 Vol.61 No.-

        The surname Ji is the family name of both the rulers of Zhou Dynasty in Chinese history and the ancestor of Huaxia - the Yellow Emperor. Inspecting the tribal totems of Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji is of great importance to get to know the origin of Zhou Tribes, the early Zhou history and Huaxia formation history. With respect to the tribal totems of Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji, predecessors put forward quite many views that include bears, turtles, millet and earthworms etc., which are sort of reasonable but contain huge one-sidedness. Starting from the auspicious sign during Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty’s crusade that is claimed by Zhou Dynasty, this paper ascertains that the tribal totem of Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji is a kind of red bird - Chiwu, also known as Yuezhuo. Judged from the document like <The Book of songs·Epics·The Birth of People>, the tribal totem which has marriage link with Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji are cattle, sheep, snakes and fishes etc. Bears, turtles, millet and earthworms which are put forward by predecessors are just marriage totems of Zhou Tribes with the surname Ji or related cultural characteristics, but not the totems of Zhou Dynasty people.

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