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      • KCI등재

        드라마에서 나타난 오리엔탈 퓨전스타일의 벽지 디자인에 관한 연구

        백은영(Eun Yung Baek),김선미(Sun Mee Kim) 한국디자인문화학회 2008 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Products with a variety of designs are being actively developed as consumers` lifestyles and aesthetic needs change. As new wallpaper designs appear in TV soap operas, which are accessible by the public, new consumption trends are being created. Consumers` interest in wallpaper began as the Oriental style became popular in the late 1990s. From that time to the early 2000s, Zen style, the main trend of Oriental style, was very popular. Recently, the Oriental fusion style with splendid and flashy colors of the West combined with patterns of the Orient has been very popular. In line with these social tendencies, the purpose of this study is to propose the future direction of wallpaper design in Korea by researching the trends and characteristics of wallpaper in the Oriental fusion style shown on TV soap operas. As for the methods of this study, the Oriental fusion style that attracted attention as culture and environments changed was researched. The background of its popularity in Korea as well as the examples of wallpaper shown on TV soap operas, which are the main type of mass media able to display the latest trends, were described. How designs are growing and evolving in relation to wallpaper in the Oriental fusion style currently on sale and their characteristics were analyzed in order to propose the future orientation of wallpaper design in Korea. The Oriental fusion style in wallpaper emerged as the constantly evolving Western civilization and culture combined with the independent sense of design in the Orient. It displays the splendid image of the West, the sensitivity of the Orient, and, recently, the Korean sense of aesthetics. Due to the effects of national branding to ensure national competitiveness, a global trend since 2000, Mix & Match, and fusion historical dramas, which have continued to emerge since 2002, wallpaper design diversified and attracted the public`s attention. On the TV soap operas that aired between 2005 and 2007, wallpaper with modern, natural, small patterns and soft colors were popular; however, recently, wallpaper with diverse, bold, large patterns and flashy colors have appeared. In the future, wallpaper design should grow by focusing on the following: First, in addition to the current patterns or subject matters of folk paintings, new patterns should be created from the long history of Korea. Secondly, in addition to the current bold colors, more colors should be created in order to suit the sentiment of Koreans and to publicize that sentiment to the world. Third, the current full-width wallpaper should be replaced by small adhesive wallpaper, which is more easily accessible, and, furthermore, more able to meet artistic needs. In addition, many kinds of wallpaper more easily available to consumers should be developed. A variety of subject matters should be used. Finally, Oriental thought should be combined to display mental well-being. The constant research and development of wallpaper design with more creative Oriental fusion style need to be performed for the successful development of wallpaper designs and for Korean designs to be outstanding in the global market.

      • KCI등재

        유럽 인테리어 직물에 나타난 오리엔탈 디자인의 특성 연구

        김선미 ( Kim Sun Mee ),김성달 ( Kim Seong Dal ),백은영 ( Baek Eun Yung ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2009 한국디자인포럼 Vol.23 No.-

        오늘날 인류 사회는 활발한 동서교류에 의해 생활 전반에 걸쳐 서구 유럽과 다른 정신세계인 동양 사상과 문화에 대한 관심이 어느 때 보다 고조되고 있다. 이러한 시대적 흐름 속에 20세기 이후 점차 세계화 되어가는 디자인 분야에서 `오리엔탈 디자인(Oriental Design)`은 끊임없이 화두가 되고 인기를 얻고 있으며 많은 관심과 함께 꾸준히 연구되어 오고 있다. 지금까지 오리엔탈 디자인에 관한 다양한 선행 연구가 있었으나 인테리어 텍스타일 분야에서 이를 분석한 연구는 미미한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 현재 유럽인의 관점에서 본 오리엔탈 디자인이 유럽 인테리어 직물에 어떻게 나타나고 사용되는지를 연구하여 앞으로 우리의 디자인이 나아갈 방향과 의도를 설정한다. 연구 방법과 범위는 이론적 배경으로 오리엔탈 스타일에 관한 선행 연구와 발전 과정에 대해 살펴본다. 그리고 현재 유럽 인테리어 직물에서의 오리엔탈 디자인의 경향을 분석하기 위해 해외 유명 인테리어 잡지인 홈스 앤 가든(Homes & Gardens)과 국내 전문가들이 집필한 인테리어 프로덕트 1(Interior product 1)에서 언급된 주요 유럽 직물 회사들을 중심으로 2007년 3월부터 2009년 3월까지 각 브랜드의 인터넷 사이트에 게재된 디자인을 조사한다. 이 중 최근 3년간 홈스 앤 가든의 Fabric Award에 선정된 유럽의 다섯 개 회사를 선별하여 문양을 위주로 한 오리엔탈 디자인의 특징을 조사·분석한다. 이를 바탕으로 우리나라 전통 문화의 특징이 배어나는 오리엔탈 인테리어 텍스타일 디자인을 제안한다. The purpose of this study is to propose a unique oriental interior textiles by researching how oriental design is represented in interior textiles from the viewpoint of Europeans. According to active exchange between the Orient and the West, the human society has interested in the ideas and culture of the Orient which is a different spiritual world from Western Europe. Under these circumstances, `Oriental Design` has been researched continuously and be popular gradually in globalization since the 20th century. A variety of previous studies have been performed, however, the studies of interior textiles are rare. As for the method and range of this study, the previous studies of Oriental style are described as the theoretical background. In order to research the trends and characteristics of Oriental Design in the current European interior textiles, companies were researched from the reputable interior magazine `Homes & Gardens` and `Interior product 1`. These were analyzed from the website of famous brands by focusing on patterns among the designs released from March 2007 to March 2009. For detailed analysis and classification, five European textile companies are selected which were awarded from `Fabric Award` for the past three years. Based on the results, an Oriental interior textile designs and methodology with an essential character of Korean traditional style are proposed.

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