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      • KCI등재

        귀족의 탄생?: 단체협약상 산재 유족 특별채용 조항은 과연 불공정한 것인가 - 대상판결: 대법원 2020. & 27. 선고 2016다248998 전원합의체 판결-

        박천우 ( Park¸ Chunwoo ) 민주주의법학연구회 2021 민주법학 Vol.- No.77

        산업재해로 인해 사망하거나 심각한 장해를 입게 되어 더 이상 일할 수 없게 된 경우, 그 산업재해 피해 노동자 대신 그의 직계가족을 대신 고용하기로 노사가 합의한 단체협약을 ‘단체협약상 산재유족 특별채용 조항’이라 한다. 이 같은 조항이 민법 제103조에 반하여 반사회질서에 해당하는지 여부가 지난 8년간 격렬히 다퉈졌다. 1심과 2심은 산재유족 특별채용 조항이 “귀족 노동자 계급” 내지 “고착화된 노동자 계급”을 출현시킬 수 있으므로 불공정하며, 따라서 사회질서에 반하여 무효라고 보았다. 반면 대법원 전원합의체 다수의견은 이 같은 하급심 판결을 정면으로 뒤집으며 산재유족 특별채용 조항은 ‘실질적 공정성’의 관점에서 불공정하지 않으며, 따라서 사회질서에 반하지 않아 유효라고 보았다. 필자는 이 같은 법정의견과 김선수, 김상환 두 대법관의 보충의견을 지지한다. 본 글은 8년여 간의 지난한 소송 과정을 반추하며 하급심 판결과 대법원 판결들 각각에서 음미하고 고찰해야 할 지점들을 하나씩 검토한다. 이 글을 관통하는 핵심적 문제의식은 과연 이 사건 산재유족 특별채용 조항이 불공정하여 사회질서에 반하는 것인지 여부에 대한 탐구다. 일련의 분석을 통해 필자는 노동과 자본을 대하는 법원의 관점 및 태도가 드러내는 노골적 불공정성과 이중잣대야말로 사회질서에 정면으로 반하는 것임을 주장한다. There was a collective agreement between labor and management to hire an immediate family member instead of the injured worker in the case of death or serious disability due to an industrial accident. Whether this provision is anti-social order contrary to Article 103 of the Civil Act has been fiercely debated for the past eight years. The first and second trial held that the provision of special employment for survivors of industrial accident was unfair because it could create a “noble working class” or “established working class,” and therefore was invalid against the social order (Civil Law Article 103). The majority opinion of the court overturned the judgment of the lower court head-on, and considered that the provision of special employment for survivors of industrial accident was not unfair from the point of view of ‘substantial fairness’, and therefore was valid because it did not go against the social order. I support this court opinion and the supplementary opinions of two Supreme Court Justices Kim Sun-soo and Kim Sang-hwan. This article reflects on the eight-year litigation process and examines the points to be considered and considered in each of the lower court decisions and the Supreme Court decisions one by one. Although each of the judgments of the first instance, the second instance, and the Supreme Court judgments each have their own issues, the core issue that runs through this article is the investigation of whether the special employment provision for the survivors of the industrial accident in this case is unfair and contrary to social order. Through a series of analyzes, it is argued that the blatant unfairness and double standards of the courts' views and attitudes toward labor and capital are directly against the social order.

      • [소음·진동] 프로펠라 샤프트의 진동특성이 구동계 NVH에 미치는 영향 연구

        이철희(Chulhee Lee),박천우(CHunwoo Park),서기출(Kichool Seo),유영일(Youngil You) 한국자동차공학회 1999 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.1999 No.11_2

        This study describe typical NYH phenomena in SUV type ~-wheel driveline caused by vibration behavior of propeller shaft. The equations of motion for the multibody driveline consisting of interconnected rigid and flexible bodies are derived by employing Lagrange's equations and take computational evaluation with the Wehages algorithm. Effects of the engine excitation and the unbalance of propeller shaft to the various mount components in drive line are simulated by obtaining the transfer function. The influencing factors to the natural frequencies of drive line are investigated with the variance of the design parameters and tube material of the propeller shaft. The effects of rubber coupling to the bending vibration are evaluated by comparing both the simulation and experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        두 가지 상용 교미교란제의 야외 복숭아순나방(Grapholita molesta (Busck)) 수컷 유인교란 효과 비교

        정성채(Sungchae Jung),박천우(Chunwoo Park),박만웅(Manwoong Park),김용균(Yonggyun Kim) 한국농약과학회 2007 농약과학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        In this study, two commercial mating disruptors were compared in terms of disruption of Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, male orientation, in which a new dispenser type, SPLAT<SUP>ⓡ</SUP>, was compared with a current dispenser type, Isomate<SUP>ⓡ</SUP>-M ROSSO. For this assessment, the last three year field monitoring data were analyzed for the efficacy of Isomate type dispenser. Then two commercial dispensers were compared in different localities with sub-locality replications during identical monitoring period from mid February to late August. There appeared to be four adult population peaks, in which the overwintering population size was positively correlated with the following reproductive population sizes. Isomate type dispenser effectively suppressed G. molesta populations during all growing seasons with some annual variation in its efficacy. Between two dispensers, SPLAT type was much effective. The difference in their efficacy may be caused by the difference in composition of major pheromone components.

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