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        사회서비스 이용 및 이용권 관리에 관한 법률 제정의 의미와 과제

        박차상(Park, Cha-Sang Ph. D.) 사회복지법제학회 2012 사회복지법제연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to analyze present the state and problems, to propose reformative measures about Social Service Voucher under the Act on the Use of Social Services and the Management of Social Service Vouchers. The results of this research are summarized as follows. The first chapter shall raise that voucher providers offering social services through voucher system as a private person should understand the system from the perspective of current laws. The second chapter explained the overview of a voucher system. In modern society, governments pursue diversification of administrative functions. There have been apparent and notable changes in governments’ method for benefit administration-from direct provision through administrative authorities in a superior position to indirect provision through assigning or consigning administrative functions to private person. Voucher system initially started to promote the effectiveness of social welfare and service industry. However, the applicable area of the voucher system has been gradually increased in recent years. The characteristics of vouchers include diversity of form, a mix of public and private contracts, options for the beneficiaries, and limitations on the uses and transfer. The third chapter is the legal nature a right to apply for a voucher is beginning to be considered as the people’s rights, changing from a traditional perception that it is a benefit system of a country. Therefore the effect is that beneficiaries can receive services that suit them by choosing an appropriate social service voucher. The basic applicable Act for the social services voucher system is Social Welfare Services Act until February 5, 2012 ; after that it will be Act on the Use of Social Services and the Management of Social Service Vouchers. The forth chapter is how to improve the Act on the Use of Social Services and the Management of Social Service Vouchers. It is required to strengthen the legal stability as well as the protection of the people’s rights. A Framework Act on voucher should be enact, and the contents include an ideology and principles regarding the system and the policy. 본 연구는 사회서비스 바우처 제도를 규정하고 있는 사회서비스 이용 및 이용권 관리에 관한 법률 제정의 의미와 과제를 고찰하고자 한다. 이 연구의 내용을 요약하면 아래와 같다. 제 1 장에서 기존 복지서비스 지원방식인 공급기관 지원방식보다 수요자지원방식에 적합한 운영시스템으로서 바우처 시스템을 이해하길 강조한다. 수요자 지원방식은 서비스 대상범위를 서민 및 중산층까지 확대하고 이용자가 서비스를 선택할 수 있도록 하여 공급자간 경쟁을 유도할 수 있는 방식이다. 이러한 바우처 시스템의 관점에서 시스템을 이해하여야 한다. 2장에서는 사회서비스 바우처 제도를 규정하고 있는 사회서비스 이용 및 이용권 관리에 관한 법률 제정의 의미와 문제점 그리고 개선방안에 대하여 살펴보도록 한다. 이를 위하여 3장에서는 바우처 서비스의 질 향상을 위하여 수급자의 선택성을 증진시키는 방법을 제시한다. 정부의 사회서비스 이용 및 이용권 관리에 관한 법률 개정을 위한 정책방향은 수급자의 선택을 보다 용이하게 할 수 있는 방향으로 마련해야 할 것이다. 사회서비스 이용 및 이용권 관리에 관한 법률 제정으로 인하여 사회서비스 수요자가 국가의 시혜가 아닌 국민의 권리로 인식하게 되었고, 바우처라는 정책수단을 통하여 공급기관의 경쟁을 통한 양질의 서비스를 받게 되는 계기를 만들었다. 그러나 사회서비스 이용 및 이용권 관리에 관한 법률 제정의 의미가 지속가능한 효과를 확보하기 위하여 향후 지속적인 평가를 통하여 실효성을 확보하고 수요자의 욕구에 대응성있는 법이 되기 위하여 통일성을 가진 개념의 기본법 제정이 필요할 것이다.

      • 한국 醫療福祉서비스 傳達體系에 관한 硏究

        박차상 東亞大學校 大學院 1990 大學院論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        The social welfare of Korea was promoted cetnteral government centered after the 1945 Liberation. For Korean government had to solve the social problem in short time by the limited finance through the 1945 Liberation and the Korea War. And local govermnent was unable to settle the social problem for financial shortage. Moreover centeral government enforced the National Health Insurance System initiatively on July 1.1989. This political will performance through the administrative organization. Therefore this article is designed to investigate the centeral departments involved health care and examine the problem and propose reform measures. The first, since the centeral departments involved health care are pluralistic, the health polcy is lacking consistency. The alternatives is to organize tentativerly named "the centeral council" and this mechanism coordinate the health polcy among the centeral departments involved health care and make a health plan and control a program and evaluate an effect. The second, since the centeral departments involved health care operate the public medical institutions, the efficiency and self-control go down. The alternatives is that the public medical insitutions make to be a special corporation or a public corporation. Then the efficiency and self-control of the public medical institution will enhance. The third, since absence of the health plan of community is a grave question, the alternatives is to expand community health system. Then even if a local autonomy put into operation in future, the health care of community will be no problem. Additionly Health care delivery system is pointed as a problem. For instance, it is that the role and function of a hospital and a clinic, a medical specialist and a medical generalist is not divided in addition to confusion of patient referral system. The alternatives is to divided the role and function of a hospital and a clinic, a medical specialist and a medical generalist into primary, secondary and ternary medical institution.

      • 수요자 중심의 노인복지 인사행정을 위한 방안 연구 : 제주도내 노인복지 인력을 중심으로 On the emphasis on the Personnel for the Old in Jeju

        박차상 제주한라대학 2002 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The professionalism of personnel for the old is necessary to improve the welfare of the old. In spite the importance of personnel administration in necessity to operate social welfare services, in fact, we do not settle the problems for the establishment of the professionalism of personnel for the old. The task, which should be most urgently solved for the establishment of the professionalism of personnel for the old, should be debated by the three dimensions of civil servants, employese of welfare facilities and volunteers. And it continue their activities more actively. In this context, this research has performed about the employment extension, vocational training and their institutional mechanism. By exploring their case, I will develope the alternatives for the improvement the welfare of the old. The purpose of this research is to analyze the personnel administration for the old in Jeju and propose alternatives or reformative measures for developing the alternatives for the welfare of the old. The structure of the implementation of this research objective is as follows : Chapter one shall raise the social problem of the old. The rate of the old had increased, so the importance of personnel administration for the old should increase. But the citizens did were not recognize the importance of it. Moreover the members of personnel for the old have not been increased. Chapter two shall addressed the method about this research. It was divided into two parts ; literature and interviewing the three dimensions of civil servants, and employees of welfare facilities. Chapter three and four shall addressed the research findings in term of the practice. It investigated the rate of the member of civil servants, employee of welfare facilities compared with the old and cases of motivating volunteers. I will propose the alternatives for the importance of personnel administration for the old. Chapter five shall be the concludeon. The significances of this research encourages the successive reformative to affect the improvement of personnel administration for the old by the result of this research. We have to develop the potential energy of the Jeju community for the old in terms of short and long tern perspectives. It means to ensure the instruments and sources for enhancing the quality of life in Jeju.

      • 자원봉사활동의 지속성 확보방안 조사연구

        박차상 제주한라대학 2001 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        The maintenance of volunteerism by recognition and rewards are necessary to support volunteerism. Inspite of volunteerism's importance in necessity to operate social welfare services, in fact, we do not solved the problems for the maintenance of volunteerism. The task, which should be most urgently solved for the development of the volunteerism, is preventing the dropout of volunteers and inducing them continue their activities more actively. In this context, this research has performed about the satisfaction, the dropout and the expectancy of volunteers. By exploring the consciousness of volunteers about recognition and rewards and the cases of them, I will develope the alternatives for the maintenance of volunteerism. The purpose of this research is to analyze the satisfaction, the dropout and the expectancy of volunteers in Jeju and propose alternatives or reformative measures for developing the alternatives for the maintenance of volunteerism. The structure of the implementation of this research objective is as the follows : Chapter one shall raise the problem of the dropout of volunteers. The environment of social welfare was changed, so the importance of volunteerism increase. But the citizens were not recognized the importance of it. Moreover the dropout of the volunteerism is not solved. Chapter two shall addressed method about the satisfaction, the dropout and the expectancy of volunteers in Jeju. It was divided into two parts ; the consciousness of volunteers about recognition, rewards and an activity of volunteers. The visitation and interviewing have been conducted from August 6 to August 12. The samples collected from 1066 questionnaire. Chapter three and four shall addressed the research findings in term of the theoretical foundation on maintenance of volunteerism by recognition and rewards such as expectancy theory, exchange theory. It investigated cases of motivating volunteers. The interpretation and summary of the research findings have been enumerated as follows : 1. It has been revealed that 32.5% of the volunteers agree that the volunteer service activities should be reflected in terms of recognition and rewards. 2. It has been revealed that 54.4% of the volunteers agree that the reason of the volunteer dropout is the shortage of their times. 3. It has been revealed that 50% of the volunteers agree that the satisfaction of the volunteer is the middle level. 4. The volunteers regard that the most importantly acting factor on the recognition and rewards is the psychic benfits such as concern and consideration by the person in charge. Chapter five shall conclude. I will propose the alternatives for the maintenance of volunteerism. The significances of this research encourage the successive research to affect the performance of volunteer's activities by the result of this research. We have to develop the potential energy of Jeju community for volunteerism in terms of short and long perspectives. It means to ensure the instruments and sources for enhancing the quality of life in Jeju.

      • 제주도 사회복지 행정조직의 실태분석과 개선방안 : 공적부조를 중심으로

        박차상 제주한라대학 1998 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of this study is the improvement of social welfare administration ways in relation to public assistance. Especially in the field of local government, rigid rules and excessive regulations of central government are strictly applied to the local level, and administrative system revealed the severe lack of administrative responsiveness and flexibility for maintaining the minimum standards of income, housing, public health, education, and employment on the vulnerable classes such as poverty-level families and the elderly. In this research, administration ways of improvement are suggested as follows : In relation to social welfare administration of public assistance, the first, as a long-range policy, the transfer of function from central government to local government to increase the autonomy of local government in the field of social welfare activities is needed. It also implies the clarification of functional allocation, for example the model of the Office of Social Welfare Service independent of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The second, as short-term alternatives, the role of personnel in social welfare administration of public assistance is very important to vitalize a field service, Therefore, it is needed to change the recruitment, the appointment, the promotion, the education and practice of manpower. In short, to guarantee the effectiveness and the efficiency of social welfare administration in public assistance in short-term alternatives, it is important to improve the quality of professional manpower. As a long-range alternatives, it is needed to change the service delivery system in the structure of social welfare administration.

      • 제주도 사회복지공동모금회 운영실태와 개선방향

        박차상 제주한라대학 1999 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        The purpose of this research was to analyze problems of the Community Chest of Korea in Cheju and propose alternatives or reformative measures of it. Chapter one shall raise the problem of the Community Chest of Korea , specially Cheju area. The environment of social welfare was changed, so the importance of Community Chest of Korea increase. But the citizens were not recognized the importance of it. Moreover the administration of Community Chest of Korea is not sufficient to control problems. Chapter two shall consider the theoretical foundation of Community Chest of Korea. The ideology of Community Chest of Korea are democracy, altruism, humanitarianism, social solidarity, equality, social justice. It requires the consideration of the history of Community Chest of Korea and the Community Chest of Cheju. And It investigated cases of advanced nations, the United Way of America and Japan. Chapter three shall analyze problems of Community Chest of Korea, specially Cheju area. It was divided into two parts ; a structure and an activity. The structure is composed of personnel, financial and organizational management, and the activity is fund raising and distribution. Chapter four shall propose alternatives or reformative measures of the Community Chest of Korea, specially Cheju area in terms of short and long perspectives. Chapter five shall conclude. We have to develop the potential energy of Cheju community for fund raising. It means to ensure the instruments for enhancing the quality of life in Cheju area.

      • 美國聯邦政府의 主要行政改革 : 1978년 카터行政府의 行政改革을 中心으로 With the Emphasis on Administrative Reform of Carter Administration of 1978

        朴且尙 東亞大學校 大學院 1988 大學院論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        This article is designed to serve two ogjectives. The first objective, as the title indicates, is to overview the administrative reform of Rederal Government in U.S. with historical approach. The second objective is to provide with some suggestions in administrative reform of Republic of Korea. Administrative Reform is not made in avacuum. The motivation of administrative reform is molded to be interrelated among historical background, economy, politics of the state and the contemporary national consciousness. The characteristics of administrative reform of Federal Government in U.S. is summarized as folows: 1)Under the administrative state, the scale of U.S. Government continued to be enlarged. That is conflicted with ideology of administration, efficiency and economy. Therefore, Reforms originated fro both within and without the bureaucracy to maintain appropriate scale and found acceptance with equanimity. 2)As one of this effort, the committees(the commissions) were established to survey and analysis for the administrative reform to cope with periodic demand. After the goal of the committees is achieved, the committees is disjointed. 3)To be a deep and wide reform, the committees were composed of all walks of life. Especially, relationship among the Executive, the Legislative, the Academc World, the Enterprise was to maintain a harmonious intercourse by expanding the memeber of an affiliated body and the span of participation. Thereupon, reforms was able to aquire support power, and in the lack of these relstionship, the performance of reform is faintness. In short, reforms had to reconcilable wiht the role of the bureaucracy in the political process: administrative rationality alone was insufficient. 4)The report recommended by the committees was contributed to developedment in each branch of administration. 5)Whenever the administrative reform is performed, American tradition was innovative and experimental, stressing mobility and expectation of change, not stability and caution. In the moderntimes, administration becomes incresingly complex in from, specialized in role, integrative in function, and professional in outlood. Consequeltly, in providing with a professional and technical service, administration have to anticipate the future of the service, and not only manage appropriately but also superintend future-oriented service. On the point of performing administative reform toward the 21th century by means of establishing Administrative Reform Committee on May 13, 1988 with the departure of the 6th Republic of Korea, we have to appreciate the past administrative reform correctly and repreparate involvement degree of government. Tehreupon we have to achieve democratic administration, and pursue social development through development of administration with development of politics and economy.

      • 제주노인의 소득보장 정책개발 연구

        박차상 제주한라대학 2003 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to analyze problems of the poverty of the elderly and propose alternatives or reformative measures of the income security policy of the one. Chapter one shall emphasize the importance of the welfare policy of the elderly in Korea. specially Jeju area. Because it is a rapid aging speed and a high level of the elderly populations ratio to the whole ones. And I shall raise the problem 'of the poverty of the elderly. Chapter two shall consider an economic poverty among the four major factors of the elderly problems in Korea. The characteristics of the Korean aged populations is a rapid aging speed. The main problems of the elderly as the social problem are an economic poverty, the sickness. the loneliness, an alienation. I shall analyze the present situation of the elderly life of Korea. It was divided into two parts : an economic poverty and the life style of the elderly in Korea. specially Jeju area. Chapter three shall propose alternatives or reformative measures of the elderly welfare policy in Jeju area in terms of the income security perspectives. The main contents are following : ①the fullness of the pension. ②the induction of the emergency protect institution ③extension of the opportunity of employment. such as. the strengthen of a community senior club. the effective maintenance of employment assistance center. to guarantee a social participation. and to expand voluntary activity of the elderly. and to ensure joint workshop and self-support project. ④the expansion of a budget of the government for the elderly welfare policy. Chapter four shall conclude. We have to solve the poverty of the elderly. For these, we concentrate the potential energy of Jeju community for raising the quality of life of the elderly. It means to ensure an instruments for changing the quality of the whole inhabitants life in Jeju area.. Because the quality of life of the elderly is the quality of life of the family.

      • 韓國 醫療保障制度에 나타난 老人福祉

        朴且尙 東亞大學校 大學院 1989 大學院論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        This articleisdesignedtoservetwoobjectives. ThefirstobjectiveistoanalysisKoreanmedicare.The national medical insurance on July 1, 1989 is practiced. This is the will of the government which is to expand the welfare of the nation. Thus I analysised the existing institution which was med ical insurance and medical aid. I found the problems of the existing institution and proposed the improved alternatives. The second objective is to serve medicare policy to improve the welbare of the old. The medicare is defined to secure medical service for nation in need which is cheap, easy, optimal service. For the medical cost of the old, then, is expensive, the burden of such a cost must be accompany with co-operative work to bear it. The central and local government are responsible to the welfare of the old in our law. They have respect for the old who bring up the descendant and contribute to development of the state and community. Therefore they have to secure the good life. These Ideology have to practice in our life. Especially the medicare of the old must be established by the central and local government. That is health examination, prevention, early cure, rehabilitation, after care.

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