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      • LID 개념 적용으로 인한 유출 감소 특성 가능성 분석 및 바이모달 트램 전용노선에서의 적용성 검토

        박준호(Junho Park),박영곤(Youngkon Park),윤희택(Heetaek Yoon),유용구(Yonggu Yoo),김종건(Jonggun Kim),박윤식(Younshik Park),임경재(Kyoung Jae Lim) 한국철도학회 2008 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Changes in land uses at urbanizing areas are causing flooding, increase in NPS pollutants. Thus, Low Impact Development (LID) concept is now being employed in urban planning for sustainable development. Compared with the conventional BMPs, the LID is a new concept in urban planning to minimize the impacts of urbanization for site-specific LID IMPs. The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of LID adoption in study watershed in peak rate runoff and runoff volume reduction perspectives. The analysis revealed that the peak rate runoff and runoff volume decreased significantly with the LID adoption. This indicates that the Bimodal tram route with grass installed at the center of the road will contribute reduction in surface runoff and peak rate runoff, and also in NPS pollutant generation from the Bimodal tram route.

      • SWMM 모형을 이용한 홍수시 바이모달 트램 운행 노선에 대한 침수 면적 산정 모듈 개발

        김종건(Jonggun Kim),박영곤(Youngkon Park),윤희택(Heetaek Yoon),박윤식(Younshik Park),장원석(Wonseok Jang),유동선(Dongseon Yoo),임경재(Kyoung Jae Lim) 한국철도학회 2008 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Urban flooding with surcharges in sewer system was investigated because of unexpected torrential storm events these days, causing significant amounts of human and economic damages. Although there are limitations in forecasting and preventing natural disasters, integrated urban flooding management system using the SWMM engine and Web technology will be an effective tool in securing safety in operating Bi-modal transportation system. In addition, the integrated urban flooding management system can be linked with general and transportation-related disaster management system in the future. In this study, With simulated values by the SWMM, which is a core engine of the Bi-modal disaster management system, flash flooding area estimation module was developed. Thus, the SWMM system codes were modified and new module was developed and integrated with the existing SWMM interface using the Delphi programming language. The flash flooding area estimation module is fully integrated with the SWMM interface, thus the area is estimated on-the-fly inside the system.

      • 겨울철 융설을 대비한 바이모달 트램 재해관리 시스템의 SWMM 모형 적용성 평가

        김종진(Jonggun Kim),박영곤(Youngkon Park),윤희택(Heetaek Yoon),박윤식(Younshik Park),장원석(Wonseok Jang),유동선(Dongseon Yoo),임경재(Kyoung Jae Lim) 한국철도학회 2008 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Increasing urban sprawl and climate changes have been causing unexpected high-intensity rainfall events. Thus there are needs to enhance conventional disaster management system for comprehensive actions to secure safety. Therefore long-term and comprehensive flood management plans need to be well established. Recently torrential snowfall are occurring frequently, causing have snow traffic jams on the road. To secure safety and on-time operation of the Bi-modal tram system, well-structured disaster management system capable of analyzing the urban flash flooding and snow pack melt/freezing due to unexpected rainfall event and snowfall are needed. To secure safety of the Bi-modal tram system due to torrential snowfall, the snow melt simulation capability was investigated. The snow accumulation and snow melt were measured to validate the SWMM snow melt component. It showed that there was a good agreement between measured snow melt data and the simulated ones. Therefore, the Bi-modal tram disaster management system will be able to predict snow melt reasonably well to secure safety of the Bi-modal tram system during the winter. The Bi-modal tram disaster management system can be used to identify top priority area for snow removal within the tram route in case of torrential snowfall to secure on-time operation of the tram. Also it can be used for detour route in the tram networks based on the disaster management system predicted data.

      • 바이모달 트램 재해관리 시스템 입력자료 구축을 위한 AV2SWMM 모듈 개발

        김종건(Jonggun Kim),박영곤(Youngkon Park),윤희택(Heetaek Yoon),박윤식(Younshik Park),장원석(Wonseok Jang),박준호(Junho Park),임경재(Kyoung Jae Lim) 한국철도학회 2008 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        With unexpected torrential rainfall, flash flooding is occurring frequently and its impacts are tremendous. Thus proper natural disaster management plans are required. The disaster management system of the Bimodal tram utilizes the SWMM as a core engine to simulate runoff and urban sewer networks for flooding simulation. To develop the efficient Bimodal tram disaster management system, very detailed subcatchment boundaries and flow networks have to be developed in a GIS data format. Thus the objective of this study is to develop ArcView GIS based module (AV2SWMM) for easy preparation of model input for the tram disaster management system. With the AV2SWMM module, very detailed subcatchment boundaries and flow networks can be developed for accurate simulation of flash flooding at the study site, which were not/hardly possible with SWMM 5.0 interface. The AV2SWMM can be used in developing accurate model input for other regions where the Bimodal tram system is expected to be introduced.

      • Development of Prototype Web-based Disaster Management System for Safe Operation of Next Generation Bi-Modal Tram

        김종건(Jonggun Kim),박영곤(Youngkon Park),윤희택(Heetaek Yoon),박윤식(Younshik Park),장원석(Wonseok Jang),유동선(Dongseon Yoo),임경재(Kyoung Jae Lim) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.5월

        최근 들어 한국철도기술연구원 (KRRI) 에서는 자동운행이 가능한 바이모달 트램 시스템을 개발하고 있다. 이 바이모달 트램 시스템은 노선에 설치된 센서를 자동으로 인식하여 자동 운행을 하며, 재해 발생시 수동으로 운행될 수도 있다. 바이모달 트램 시스템이 노선에 설치된 센서를 인식하여 자동운행을 하기 때문에, 기후패턴 변화에 따른 집중강우로 인해 예기치 않은 홍수 발생시 바이모달 트램 시스템 승객 및 차량의 안전이 확보되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 Web GIS 기반의 트램 재해관리 시스템 (Bi-modal Tram Disaster Management System: BTDMS) 프로토타입 버전을 개발하였다. 이 BTDMS 시스템은 US EPA에서 개발한 SWMM 모형을 핵심 엔진으로 활용하여 지표면 유출 및 관거 해석을 수행한다. 본 연구에서는 기상청 예측 강우량 자료를 이용하여 실시간 내수침수 예측을 수행할 수 있는 모듈, 지표면 유출수의 흐름을 고려할 수 있는 모듈, 그리고 지역별로 유출심을 산정하여 바이모달 트램 시스템 운행 판단의 기준자료로 활용할 수 있는 모듈을 개발하여 BTDMS 에 추가하였다. 이러한 모듈을 이용하여 예측된 자료는 바이모달 트램 시스템의 운행 속도를 늦추거나 우회노선을 선택하는데 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서 개발한 Web GIS 기반의 BTDMS는 2009년 상반기 밀양 지역에 설치될 바이모달 트램 시범지역에 적용되어 그 적용성이 평가될 것이다.

      • 바이모달 트램의 안전성 확보를 위한 웹기반 재해관리 시스템의 개선

        김종건(Jonggun Kim),박영곤(Youngkon Park),윤희택(Heetaek Yoon),박윤식(Younshik Park),장원석(Wonseok Jang),임경재(Kyoung Jae Lim) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.11월

        The Bi-modal Tram system, now being developed by KRRI, is an upgraded transportation system in order to provide better transportation environment. The Bi-modal Tram system provides mass-transportation service with environment-friendly, human-centered transportation system so that safety needs to be secured in operating Bi-modal Tram system. In Korea, significant amounts of human and economic damages were caused by unexpected torrential storm events in summer season as well as snowfall in winter season. So, there are needs to develop disaster management system to secure safety of passengers and the Bi-modal Tram itself. For these reasons, the prototype version of Web GIS-based Bi-modal Tram Disaster Management System (BTDMS) was developed in previous study. However, the current BTDMS is insufficient to be connected with Bi-modal Tram operation systematically, and it has limitation to simulate snow melting considering diurnal changes in Bi-modal Tram route. Thus, in this study, the BTDMS was enhanced for supporting the accurate decision making processes with indicating the location of Bi-modal Tram in BTDMS while flooding simulation is running. Also, it is possible to simulate the snow melting considering a change of sunny and shady area by obstacles around the tram route. In addition, it can simulate flash flooding Bi-modal Tram route using automated rainfall retrieval system in the BTMDS.

      • KCI등재

        보강된 접속부를 갖는 일체식 철도교량의 해석적 평가

        김대상(Kim, Daesang),김만철(Kim, Mancheol),김태훈(Kim, Taehoon),박영곤(Park, Youngkon) 한국도시철도학회 2021 한국도시철도학회논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 시멘트 및 토목섬유로 보강된 접속부를 갖는 일체식 철도교량의 온도변형량 등을 평가하여 타당성을 확인하는데 있다. 교량과 접속부 불연속구간에서 침하가 최소화되는 새로운 일체화 철도 교량시스템의 해석적 평가를 수행하였다. 해석에서 매개변수는 교대 배면의 뒷채움 강성 및 바닥 경계조건을 다루었다. 궤도-교량 상호작용 해석 등의 타당성 평가 결과 보강된 접속부를 갖는 일체식 철도교량의 구조적 합리성 등을 확인하였다. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the temperature deformation and others of integral railroad bridge with cement and geosynthetic reinforced transition. This paper performs the analytical evaluation of new railway integral bridge systems to decrease settlement at discontinuous zone between bridge and reinforced transition. Among the numerous parameters, this analytical study concentrates on the backfill stiffness and boundary conditions of foundation. As a feasibility evaluation with track-bridge interaction analysis results, the proposed integral railroad bridges with reinforced transition were identified in terms of structural rationality and so forth.

      • KCI등재후보

        BIM 기반 설계안전성검토의 업무 절차와 활용 방안에 관한 연구

        황재웅(Jaewoong Hwang),윤희택(Heetaek Yoon),배준현(Junhyun Bae),박영곤(Youngkon Park) LH토지주택연구원 2024 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.15 No.2

        설계안전성검토(DfS)는 설계상의 잠재적인 위험요소를 선제적으로 제거하기 위해 도입되었으나, 위험성 평가 및 위험요소 발굴이 2D 설계도를 기반으로 수행되어 피상적이고, 업무 절차가 비효율적이라는 한계가 지속적으로 제기되고 있다. 본 연구는 기존 설계안전성검토의 한계를 극복하고자 Building Information Modeling(BIM)을 활용하여 업무 효율을 향상시키고 실질적인 안전관리 효과를 얻을 수 있는 BIM 기반 설계안전성검토 방법론을 제시한다. 제안된 BIM 기반 설계안전성검토의 업무 절차는 설계 단계에서의 위험성 평가와 시공 단계에서의 안전관리 활동과 같은 사례 연구를 통해 실무 적용성을 보완하고 검증하였다. 특히, 설계안전성검토 업무 절차의 핵심 과정인 위험성 평가 프로세스를 BIM 기반으로 전환하여 제시하였으며, 구조물 설계를 비롯하여 건설장비 운영이나 공법 및 공정 순서에 대한 설계안전성검토에 BIM 기반 위험성 평가 프로세스를 적용한 사례 분석을 통해 설계 실무의 적용성을 검증하였다. 또한, Common Data Environment (CDE) 기반의 일일 안전 브리핑을 비롯하여 가상현실(VR) 기반 안전교육, 증강현실(AR) 기반의 위험요소 저감대책 점검과 같은 현장의 안전 관리 활동에 BIM 기반 설계안전성 검토 기법을 적용하여 현장 적용성과 업무 효율성이 우수함을 확인하였다. A conventional Design for Safety (DfS), introduced to eliminate potential hazards in the design phase proactively, has encountered persistent challenges, such as perfunctory risk assessments and hazard identifications based on 2D drawings and inefficient workflow processes. This study proposes a BIM-based approach to Design for Safety (DfS) to address the limitations of conventional methods, aiming to enhance efficiency and achieve practical safety management benefits. The proposed workflow process for BIM-based DfS has been refined and validated for on-site applicability through various case studies, including risk assessments during the design phase and field applications for safety management activities during the construction phase. Specifically, the critical process of risk assessment within the DfS methodology has also been transitioned to a BIM-based approach. This BIM-based risk assessment process has been evaluated through case studies, encompassing safety reviews for structural design, construction equipment operation, and construction methodology with sequence in design projects. Additionally, the proposed BIM-based DfS has demonstrated exceptional on-site applicability and efficiency, as validated by the application of a BIM deliverable embedded in DfS information for CDE-based daily activity briefing, VR-based safety training, AR-based mitigation measures inspections, and other safety management activities in the construction phase.

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