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      • KCI등재

        금대중기(金代中期) 군마자원(軍馬資源) 유입감소(流入減少)에 대(對)하여

        朴世完 중국사학회 2022 中國史硏究 Vol.- No.136

        軍事強國金朝的軍事力量源自于軍隊主力騎兵的優勢. 但是建國後不到一百年, 金軍在對抗蒙古的入侵時, 騎兵的弱化被暴露出來. 筆者認為其原因在於金朝軍馬的供應不足. 金朝建國不到十幾年便滅亡了契丹, 征服北宋, 損耗了大量軍馬, 以及海陵王入侵南宋的失敗, 導致境內的馬匹資源幾近枯竭. 金朝通過多種措施, 努力自行恢復軍馬保有量. 但由於遼代以後, 農業的迅速發展導致境內牧場大幅縮小, 並且金朝對女真·契丹人實施鼓勵農耕的政策, 所以只憑自身的努力難以解決缺馬問題. 因此, 大量的軍馬資源只能依靠外部流入. 但是該時期外部軍馬的流入也逐漸陷入困境. 北方的蒙古高原為實現統一進入總力戰狀態後, 喪失了向外部流出軍馬的餘力. 西夏也不知何故從北宋後期開始陷入了比金朝更嚴重的缺馬狀態, 因此也沒有餘力向金朝出口軍馬. 吐蕃雖向難以從蒙古進口軍馬的金朝出口了幾次馬匹, 但並不是連續性的事件. 這可能是因為財政貧困的金朝並沒有能力比南宋支付更多的馬匹進口費用. 南宋和高麗不是大量生產馬匹的地方, 在回紇的對金出口品中, 也沒有馬匹. 儘管不是金朝的境外, 但國家成立以前曾大量生產馬匹的金源內地, 也在建國之後因為人口大量流出以及馬匹需求的大幅減少, 所以應該無法生產大量的馬匹. 總而言之, 金朝受內外環境的影響而難以確保足夠的軍馬. 這也是海陵王的入侵南宋之後, 因缺馬而採取的各種措施在入侵南宋十六年之後仍然持續實施的原因. 章宗時期由於北方部族的入侵與契丹德壽·陀鎖之叛亂·乣人的騷亂以及南邊的開禧北伐, 導致金朝再次損耗大量軍馬, 在這種缺馬狀態無法得到恢復的情況下, 三年後遭到了蒙古的入侵. 因此金軍不得不在缺馬的狀態下出兵, 軍馬不足成為金朝軍事力量弱化的重要原因之一.

      • KCI우수등재

        金代中期 騎步編制의 변화 및 그 영향에 관하여

        박세완 동양사학회 2022 東洋史學硏究 Vol.158 No.-

        建国时期,金朝的军事编制由猛安谋克军户构成的骑兵作为主力,这种军户由女真人、契丹人与奚人组成。步兵主要由汉人、渤海人等民户编成,他们在金朝军事力量中仅承担辅助作用。建国之前,女真人住在马匹产量比较丰富的金源内地,建国之后,随着灭亡契丹以及征服北宋,缴获了两国大量马匹,因此拥有了可以将全部军户都编制为骑兵的马匹,但是随着战争长期化,战线向难以找到军马的漠北与江南地区扩大,逐渐面临缺马问题。特别是,海陵王时期推进的正隆伐宋与因此导致的契丹窝斡撒八之叛乱使得金朝境内的马匹资源几乎枯竭,所以金朝在此后很长一段时间内无法解决军马不足的问题。世宗时期国家长期维持稳定,因此在一定程度上缓解了军马不足的状态,但仍然无法完全復苏。此外,金代中期出现的军户贫困化使得军户难以保有军马,章宗时期在南北边境发生的北方部族的入侵与契丹德寿、陁锁之叛乱、乣人骚乱以及开禧北伐,使位于南北边境的官营马场再次遭受了巨大损失。通过相关史料可以确认,如此长期缺马的状态对金朝的军事编制产生了影响,金朝将作为单位军的骑兵规模从前期的数万骑减少到中期以后的数千骑以下。另外,单位军内的骑兵减少在金朝军事编制上以军户步兵出现的形式呈现。据推测,在金代中期以后,承担金军主力的军户兵力在无法保有军马时,作为步兵进行活动,在保有军马后作为骑兵服役。 尽管金代中期的军马不足导致了金朝军制编制中骑兵的减少(以及因此产生的作为步兵服役),但这并没有立即表现出金朝军事力量的弱化。因为与金朝相对抗的各种势力也存在各自的问题。南方的南宋军是几乎没有骑兵,以步兵为主的军队,兵力也被细分,因此金朝仅以少数的骑兵就能够应对。北方的蒙古高原部族虽然保有熟练的骑兵,但也处于长期分裂的局面中,因此金朝通过与他们敌对的部族联合起来,以少数兵力就能够控制他们。但是,如果出现像北方部族一样拥有熟练的骑兵,同时像南宋一样能够动员大规模兵力的势力,金朝在南北边上的这种相对优势很容易被击溃。成吉思汗领导的蒙古统一势力就是这种势力。成吉思汗率领蒙古统一势力的本队攻击金朝时,金朝也动员自己的主要兵力在野狐岭-会河堡应战。可是金朝在国家中期因军马不足将作为单位军的骑兵缩少至数千骑以下之后,约五十年间没有与数万骑以上的大兵力打仗的经验。根据相关记载,在这五十年中,金朝作为单位兵力运作的最大兵力是“兵三万、八千骐”而已。因此无法对抗大概十万骑的蒙古骑兵。仅通过会河堡的一次骑兵会战,金军就被全军覆灭,当代人认为金朝遭受了毁灭性的损失,它的灭亡在这场战役中已成定局。这是金朝在世宗、章宗的盛世时期炫耀自己的军事实力后,仅时隔三年,与蒙古进行一次会战后,最终走上了亡国之路的原因之一。

      • KCI우수등재

        부유식 파력-해상풍력 복합발전 플랫폼의 운동저감장치 개념설계

        박세완,김경환,홍기용 한국해양공학회 2018 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        The present study deals with the conceptual design of a motion reduction device for a floating wave-offshore wind hybrid power generation platform. A damping plate attached to the bottom of a column of a large semi-submersible is introduced to reduce the motion of the platform. Performance analyses on various shapes and configurations of damping plates were performed using the potential flow solver, and the appropriate configuration and size of the damping plate were selected based on the numerical results. In order to see the effect of viscous damping, a small scale model test was performed in a 2D wave flume. The performances of five different damping plates were measured and discussed based on the results of free decay tests and regular wave tests.

      • KCI우수등재

        금조 동원체계의 시배열적 분석 ― 동원준비기간의 문제를 중심으로 ―

        박세완 동양사학회 2023 東洋史學硏究 Vol.164 No.-

        The Jin dynasty operated a mobilization system in which he prepared for small-scale conflicts with a few standing troops during peacetime and mobilized reserve troops to respond to emergencies such as the outbreak of large-scale war. Since the mobilization system was the system that the Jin dynasty requisitioned personnel engaged in production activities in peacetime as troops in emergencies, it is difficult to confirm its operation in the early and late period of the Jin Dynasty, which were always in the state of war. Therefore, the process of mobilization measures was analyzed through four cases: attack on the Southern Song in Zhenglong years(1160-1161), northern expedition in Mingchang(明昌)-Cheng'an(承安) Years (1195-1199), counter-attack against the Kaixi Northern Expedition (1204-1207), and the disputes with Western Xia, when the transition from peacetime to wartime occurred during the middle period of the Jin dynasty. Researching the historical materials related to the attack on the Southern Song in Zhenglong years, it is confirmed that the mobilization force was requisitioned in April of the 6th year of Jeongryong, and that the expeditionary force was launched in September of the same year and would invade the Southern Song in October. Surveying the circumstances surrounding the northern expedition between Mingchang-Cheng'an Years, it is confirmed that at the beginning of Zhangzong's reign, the number of standing troops on the northern border of the Jin dynasty fighting against the invasion of the northern nomadic tribes was not sufficient. therefore, it can be seen that the period during which the large expeditionary force was organized was from January to June in the 6th year of Mingchang. Because Southern Song started the Kaixi Northern Expedition without a declaration of war, the Jin dynasty had no choice but to issue a mobilization order only after the war started in earnest. So, until the mobilization order was given and the actual mobilization took place, it can be confirmed that the standing troops in the south of Jin were insufficient to fight the Southern Song's northern expedition army during peacetime. It is also confirmed that a mobilization order was issued in April of the 6th year of Taihe(泰和) for the counterattack against the Kaixi Northern Expedition, and the troops that were summoned as a result started counterattack from October of the same year. Examining the dispute between the Jin dynasty and Western Xia, despite frequent invasions by Western Xia , the Jin dynasty did not take clear military countermeasures, which is also presumed to be due to insufficient standing troops. After discussing punishment for Western Xia in May of the 3rd year of Zhenyou(貞祐), it is confirmed that it was after the battle of Keron fort(克戎寨) and Shuyang Fort(熟羊寨) in November of the 3rd year of Zhenyou that the Jin dynasty began an active offensive using mobilization forces. Through this, the following interpretation can be derived. First, the mobilization system required a mobilization preparation period before the requisitioned reserve forces were used as the military, and in the case of the Jin dynasty, this period was generally five to six months. Second, defense during the mobilization preparation period was carried out by a fewwstanding troops, who were in charge of delaying operations and blocked the enemy's advance in order to secure a preparation period for mobilization in emergencies such as large-scale wars. This defense system was able to successfully prevent the invasion of the Southern Song, because the Jin dynasty had a long-depth from the southern frontier to its capital. but the Southern Song had an infantry-oriented army. However, it was difficult to secure sufficient mobilization preparations from the northern nomadic tribes, beacaus the Jin dynasty had a short distance from the border to the capital and the northern nomadic tribes had great mobility. Therefore, in the 3rd y...

      • KCI우수등재

        金代 前中期 軍馬공급 여건의 악화에 따른 調達 시스템의 변화

        박세완 동양사학회 2022 東洋史學硏究 Vol.161 No.-

        In the period of the establishment of the Jin dynasty, wars were carried out by mobilizing horses of individual military households along with government horses. As the wars against the Song and Liao dynasty continued since the founding of the country, the Jin dynasty seemed to have taken the method of supplying horses captured from the battlefield to individual military households and mobilizing their horses to carry out the war in case of emergency. However, as the wars prolonged, the horses in Jin's precincts were gradually depleted, and the Jin dynasty faced a serious shortage of military horses due to the invasion of the southern Song by the Prince of Hailing (海陵王) and the rebellion of the KItai Wowo・Saba (窩斡・撒八). Because of this shortage of military horses, it became difficult for the Jin dynasty to directly pay military horses to military households, so it tried to secure military horses by paying bumaimaqian (補買馬錢) instead of military horses to allow individual military households to purchase horses on their own. However, the poverty of military households, which emerged after Shizong(世宗) period, made it extremely difficult for them to maintain military horses. In addition, the Jin dynasty needed to expand its military spending owing to the wars that occurred during the reign of Zhangzong (章宗), and the over-currency by this situation caused the prices of the Jin dynasty to soar. Therefore, it became virtually impossible for military households to purchase military horses and organize cavalry. Since then, many military households were provided horses from the state-owned horse ranches such as Qunmusuo (群牧所) in case of emergency, having to be organized into cavalry. These state-owned horse ranches were located in the northwestern border area of the Jin dynasty where good horse ranches were traditionally located, and in the southern border area where few people lived as it became the border with the Southern Song. The problem of the military horse shortage caused by the wars during the Jin dynasty's early period seemed to have eased to a certain extent by the late reign of Shizong. However, the expedition to the northern people during the reign of Zhangzong, Deshou・Tuosuo (德壽・陁鎖) rebellion, and Jiu people (乣人)'s affray which broke out at the same time, damaged very badly the state-owned horse ranches in the northern border area. The Southern Song's Kaixi Northern Expedition (開禧北伐), which occurred in six years without giving the Jin dynasty any time to recover from this damage, also caused great damage to the state-owned horse ranches area on the southern border of the Jin dynasty. As a result, it became difficult for the Jin dynasty to procure military horses needed by cavalry even with the horses of the state-owned horse ranches, and it had to requisition Cilvilian horses and supply them to the army. However, it seems that the quality of the military cavalry deteriorated because the private horse did not receive the rigorous training for the military horse and did not have the quality that the military horse should have. The Mongolian side underestimated the military horse level of the Jin cavalry during the Jin-mongol War, saying, “Their horese's gait is unruly, so they are not to be feared(彼馬足輕動,不足畏也).” It was natural that such Jin cavalry could not counteract Mongol cavalry when it encountered the skillful Mongolian cavalry which was said, “Even though a thousand horses were in a group, Nobody could hear the cry because they were silent(千馬爲群, 寂無嘶鳴).” This can be said that it was an important reason for Jin dynasty's calvary to be annihilated in the battle of Yehuling(狐嶺會) and Huihe Fortress(會河堡). Aizong(哀宗), The last monarch of the Jin dynasty, appreciated Mongolia's military horse, saying, “The reason why the North Army [Mongolia] was always able to win was simply because it relied on th...

      • KCI등재

        고려・거란 전쟁 시기 동북아 국제질서가 女眞에 미친 영향에 대하여

        박세완 만주학회 2024 만주연구 Vol.- No.37

        고려-거란전쟁 시기에 대한 기존의 연구는 주로 고려 초기의 고구려계승의식에 따른 대 거란 적대정책과 북진정책이라는 국내정치적 문제나고려-거란관계라는 단선적인 국제관계의 문제에 집중해왔다. 하지만 이전쟁은 고려와 거란만이 아니라 중원의 오대와 송나라, 서부의 몽골, 서하, 동부의 발해, 정안국, 여진과 같은 동북아시아 여려 세력들의 입체적인 역학관계를 통해서 바라보지 않으면 안 된다. 그 중에서도 군마라는전략물자를 가지고 있지만 아직 독자적인 통일세력을 형성하지 못하고있었던 여진의 역할은 이후 여진이 거란을 물리치고 동아시아의 패권자로 성장한다는 점을 생각해보면 그 중요성을 무시할 수 없을 것이다. 거란은 고려를 복속시키기 위해서, 고려는 고구려의 고토인 북방영토를 획득하기 위해서만 서로 간에 30년에 가까운 기간 동안 대립과 전쟁을 벌였던 것이 아니라, 다양한 세력들이 공존하는 동북아의 국제 관계 속에서 각자의 외교적, 군사적 그리고 경제적인 이익을 위해서 전쟁과 협력을 병행해왔다. 그리고 그 안에서 여진은 중요한 변수로 작용하였다. 거란은 고려와 압록강을 경계로 서로 접촉하게 되면서 송과 여진의 연결루트를 차단하였고 이를 통해 적국인 송으로 들어가 송의 기병을 육성하는데 쓰였던 여진 마필을 자신들의 기병을 육성하는데 쓰며 군사적인 이익을 취하였다. 그리고 고려와 여진을 복속시켜 동방에서의 후고지우 없이 대송전쟁에 집중하여 송나라에 대해 유리한 위치에서 전연의 맹약을 맺으며 이후 동아시아 국제질서를 주도하게 되는 외교적인 성과를 누릴 수 있었다. 한편 고려는 거란이 송과 여진 사이를 차단하는 것에 협조한 후, 송-여진사이의 교역을 중개하여 경제적인 이익을 취하였다. 또한 거란과의 전쟁기간 동안, 송과의 교역을 중개하는 것을 통해 이를 필요로 하는 여진부족들의 귀부와 협조를 이끌어낼 수 있었고, 반대로 송나라에는 여진사절을 대동한 사절단을 파견하여 송나라에 여진 마필을 획득하기 위해서는고려의 협조가 필요하다는 인식을 심어주어 자신의 외교적 가치를 제고할 수 있었다. Existing studies on the period of the Goryeo-Khitan War have mainly focused on domestic political issues such as Goryeo’s hostile policy and northward policy towards Khitan based on the consciousness of Goguryeo’s succession in the early days of Goryeo, or the problem of the Goryeo-Khitan relationship as a unilateral international relations problem. However, this war should not be viewed only between Goryeo and Khitan, but rather through the three-dimensional dynamics of various Northeast Asian forces such as the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty of China, Mongol, Xixia in the west and Balhae, Jeongan-guk, Jurchen in the east. Among them, the role of Jurchen, which had strategic materials such as war horses but had not yet formed an independent unification force, cannot be ignored when considering the fact that Jurchen later defeated Khitan and grew into a hegemon of East Asia. Khitan fought against Goryeo not only for the purpose of subjugating Goryeo, and Goryeo did not fight against Khitan only for the purpose of acquiring the northern territory of Goguryeo, its homeland for nearly 30 years. Instead, they had been fighting and cooperating with each other for their respective diplomatic, military, and economic interests in the international relations of Northeast Asia, where various forces coexisted. And within that, Jurchen played an important role as a variable. Khitan came into contact with Goryeo across the Yalu River, blocking the connection route between Song and Jurchen, and used Jurchen war horses, which had been used to cultivate Song’s cavalry, to cultivate their own cavalry and gained military benefits. And by subjugating Goryeo and Jurchen, it was able to concentrate on the war against the Song in the east without any obstacles and concluded Chanyuan Treaty with Song on advantageous position, leading to diplomatic achievements that led the East Asian international order thereafter. On the other hand, Goryeo cooperated with Khitan in blocking the connection between Song and Jurchen, and mediated the trade between Song and Jurchen to gain economic benefits. During the Goryeo-Khitan War, Goryeo was able to lead the submission and cooperation of the Jurchen tribe which needed it by mediating the trade with Song, and on the contrary, Goryeo dispatched envoys who led the Jurchen delegation and was able to enhance diplomatic value by instilling the awareness to Song that Goryeo’s cooperation was necessary to gain Jurchen horses.

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