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      • 허프변환을 이용한 캐리어테이프의 사각 포트홀 검사

        박석희 ( Suk Hee Park ),정규원 ( Kyu Won Jeong ) 충북대학교 산업과학기술연구소 2015 산업과학기술연구 논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        Image processing is widely used in various industries because that it has an advantage such as non-contact measurement method. In the electronics industry many kinds of job are performed based on the mesurement results. These days the electronics parts become smaller due to the miniturizing trend. Such small parts are packaged in the roll shaped carrier tape. In order to keep the small parts in the the paper carrier tape, the tape is punched in series to make potholes. In this paper an image procesing algorithm was proposed and tested.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        산림치유의 사회심리적 편익 척도 개발과 타당화

        박석희(Park, Suk-Hee),신원섭(Shin, Won-Sop),최종환(Choi, Jong-Hwan),신창섭(Shin, Chang-Seob),연평식(Yeon, Poung-Sik),이주영(Lee, Ju-Young) 한국산림휴양복지학회 2020 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 산림 이용으로 인한 사회적, 심리적 편익에 대한 유용한 척도를 개발하고자 하였다. 이전의 많은 연구들은 숲과 직접 또는 간접적으로 접촉하는 것이 다양한 영역에서의 사회적, 심리적 편익을 제공한다는 것을 보여주었으나 종합적으로 사회심리적 편익을 측정할 수 있는 척도는 거의 없다고 할 수 있다. 설문 문항의 타당도를 높이기 위하여 전문가 의견과 사전 파일럿 조사, 산림치유프로그램 참가자 437명을 표본으로 한 현장조사가 진행되었다. 최종적으로 35개 항목, 5개 하위요인(주관적 안녕, 행복, 사회적 건강, 우울-불안, 활력-낙관)으로 구성된 산림치유의 사회심리적 편익 척도(SPBS)가 개발되었으며, 높은 내부 일관성과 타당성을 보여주었다. 아울러 산림치유프로그램 참가자 331명을 대상으로 확인적 요인분석을 통한 구인타당도와 공인타당도 검사에서 개발된 척도의 5개 하위요인에 대한 요인구조는 괜찮은 모형으로 보인다. 또한 개발된 척도는 주관적 행복감 척도(SHS), 정신적 웰빙 척도(K-MHC-SF)와도 높은 정적 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 산림 이용으로 인한 사회심리적 산림치유 편익을 측정할 수 있는 한국형 척도 개발의 계기가 마련되어 향후 산림치유 연구에 기여할 것으로 사료된다. The aim of this study was to develop a psychometrically sound measure of the social and psychological benefits from forest use. A large volume of previous studies indicated that contact with forests directly or indirectly provide various ranges of social and psychological benefits. However, there were few psychometrically sound scales available to measure the comprehensive socio-psychological benefits. Expert opinion and pre-pilot surveys were employed for the refinement of the item pool. A field study was conducted using a sample of 437 visitors to forests. The final 35 items of the socio-psychological benefits scale (SPBS) exhibited good psychometric properties. The scale demonstrated high internal consistency and sound validity. This study also explores five factors on the scale: ‘subjective well-being’, ‘happiness’, ‘social health’, ‘depression and anxiety’, and ‘vigor and optimism’. In addition, it was tested for construct validity and concurrent validity through confirmatory factor analysis using 331 participants in the forest therapy program. As a result, the factor structure for 5 factors of the SPBS was proved to be a reasonable fit model. It also showed that the SPBS has a high positive correlations with the Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and Korea Mental Health Continuum Short-Form (K-MHC-SF). The results of this study indicate that the SPBS will provide an opportunity for the development of Korean-style scales, contributing to the research of socio-psychological benefits from forest uses.

      • KCI등재

        숲해설가의 자원봉사 참여동기와 활동내용이 활동만족도에 미치는 영향

        박석희(Park, Suk-Hee),장인영(Jang, In-Young) 한국산림휴양복지학회 2016 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        본 연구는 2015 숲해설 자원봉사 활동에 참가한 숲해설가 192명을 대상으로 숲해설가 자원봉사 활동의 참여동기와 활동내용, 활동만족도에 대해 알아보고, 참여동기와 활동내용 및 활동만족도와의 관계를 규명하였다. 숲해설가 자원봉사 참여동기에 대한 요인분석 결과 자기중심적 마음, 이타적 마음, 자기만족, 주위권유 4개의 요인으로 그리고 활동내용은 대인관계와 교육, 활동내용과 평가, 업무부하와 시간 3개의 요인으로 구성되었다. 산림교육 관련 자원봉사 경험이 없는 집단이 경험이 있는 집단보다 자원봉사 활동만족도가 유의미하게 높게 나타났다. 아울러 참여동기와 활동내용이 활동만족도에 미치는 영향을 분석한 결과, 참여동기 요인의 이타적 마음과 활동내용 요인의 대인관계와 교육, 업무부하와 시간 요인은 활동만족도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This study aims to analyze the relationship among volunteering motivation, voluntary contents and volunteering satisfaction of 192 forest interpreters participated in 2015 Forest Interpretation Volunteering Work. The results are follows. Firstly it was found that factors of volunteering motivation are self-centered mind, altruistic mind, self-satisfaction and recommendation by others, factors of voluntary content are personal relationship, activity content and work overload. Second, it showed that the group who did not experience a forest education voluntary activity was significantly higher in activity satisfaction of voluntary activity than the group who experienced. Third, as a result of analyzing the impact of volunteering motivation and an activity content on the activity satisfaction, it showed that altruistic mind among the factors of volunteering motivation and personal relationship and work overload among the factors of voluntary content had positive effects on the activity satisfaction.

      • 세시풍속의 농촌관광 자원화 가능성과 방법

        박석희(Park Suk-hee) 한국농어촌관광학회 2004 농어촌관광연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this paper are to find the characteristics of the times and seasons' customs(TSC), to analysis the possibilities of the TSC as rural tourism resources, and to suggest ways of the TSC to make tourism resources for rural tourism. Main findings are as follows : first, the TSC have the characteristics of pray to and enjoy with god, their own local color, and many elements of art and fun, etc. Second, the TSC have great possibilities to be tourism resources : the want to see, to participate, and to learn the performance of the TSC is very high, the performance of the TSC is very funny, enthusiastic and nostalgic, the TSC is very easy and valuable to be played on stages, many of the TSC are to make some elements to see be elements to play by the participating of the visitors, the performance of the TSC intensifies the authentic images of the place and increases the value of the existing space. Third, there are many ways of the TSC to make tourism resources. Main of them are as follows : to use existing space, to arrange several tourism resources, to perform on the stages, to make something to see be something to play, to enlarge the scale, to make the TSC internationalize, to use the able consultant.

      • 산촌생태마을 기본계획수립에 대한 비판적 고찰

        박석희(Suk-Hee Park),오순환(Soon-Hwan Oh) 한국농어촌관광학회 2009 농어촌관광연구 Vol.16 No.3

        The line of policy of rural development was changed to support village not farm since 2001. A number of village are on the process of developing for rural tourism in Korea. There are too many development plans for these. The reasonable plans are necessary for the success of this policy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the basic development plans on the point of reasonableness of the local planning. For this 9 plans of Mountainy Eco-Village were collected and the table of contents and the contents were analyzed. Main findings are as follows: the planning was done on the general frame, but the survey might be poor and the discussion on the process of planning might be insufficiency. The embossing of the distinction of this project and the villages is lack and the vision is confused with objects. There are also many problems on the analyzing the natural and cultural environment, on the local planning process, and on the creation for the eco-tourists’ destinations.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        성인의 주관적 스트레스 인지수준에 따른 산림치유프로그램 구성과 공간요구도

        박석희(Park, Suk-Hee),전은정(Jun, Eun-Jung),김세경(Kim, Se-Kyung),박종승(Park, Jong-Seung) 한국산림휴양복지학회 2021 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구는 개인의 주관적 스트레스 수준에 따라 선호하는 산림치유프로그램의 구성과 치유공간에 대한 요구도를 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 2019년 9월부터 2020년 8월까지 국립산림치유원을 비롯한 일부 치유의 숲(대관령, 산음, 양평, 정남진편백)에서 자발적인 참여의사를 밝힌 20세 이상의 성인을 대상으로 표집하였다. 총 1,481부의 설문지를 회수하였으나 사전점검을 실시하여 부실 응답 129부를 제외하였다. 모두 1,352부를 최종분석에 사용하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 고스트레스군과 저스트레스군 모두 실외와 실내 활동, 동적과 정적 활동 비율이 50:50인 프로그램을 가장 선호하였고, 전반적으로는 60:40 이상의 실외와 동적 활동 비율이 높은 프로그램을 선호하였다. 둘째, 두 그룹 모두 응답자들은 산림치유지도사가 진행하는 프로그램에 참가하는 것을 가장 선호하였으며, 조용히 나만의 시간을 갖거나 정해진 프로그램에 선택적으로 자율 참여하는 방식도 선호하였다. 셋째, 고스트레스군과 저스트레스군 모두 숲속 오솔길(흙길) 등의 자연적인 공간을 데크로드가 설치된 인공적인 공간보다 더 선호하였으며, 스트레스 수준에 따른 활동공간의 선호도에는 큰 차이가 없었다. 넷째, 두 그룹 모두 응답자들은 실내 활동으로 디퓨저, 테라리움, 편백볼주머니 등 공예품 만들기를, 실외 활동으로는 숲길산책, 맨발걷기, 노르딕워킹 등의 신체활력 프로그램을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구가 치유의 숲 등에서 활동하는 산림치유지도사들이 산림치유프로그램을 개발하고 운영하는데 활용될 수 있기를 기대한다. This study was conducted to find out people’s needs for preferred contents and spaces of forest healing programs based on personal subjective stress levels. The samples were collected from adults aged 20 or older who voluntarily participated in the study from September 2019 to August 2020 in some healing forests (Daegwallyeong, Saneum, Yangpyeong, and Jeongnamjin Pyeonbaek) including the National Center for Forest Therapy. A total of 1,481 questionnaires were collected, and 129 poor responses were excluded through the pre-inspection. 1,352 responses were used for the final analysis, and the results are as follows. First, both the high stress level group and the low stress level group most preferred programs having 50:50 ratio of outdoor and indoor activities, and dynamic and static activities. Overall, they preferred programs having higher ratio of outdoor and dynamic activities with ratio of over 60:40. Secondly, the respondents from the both groups most preferred to ‘Participate in programs that therapists run’, and they also preferred to ‘Have a personal time quietly’or ‘selectively and voluntarily participate in the programs’. Thirdly, the study shows that both the high and low stress groups preferred natural spaces such as footpath in the forest(dirt trail) to artificial spaces with wooden roads installed. There was no significant difference in the preference of the activity space according to the stress level. Fourthly, the study shows that the respondents from the both groups preferred ‘Making handcrafts’such as making diffusers, terrariums, and cypress ball bags for indoor activities and ‘Physical vitality’ such as forest walking, barefoot walking, and Nordic walking for outdoor activities. Therefore, the forest healing program should be run mainly focusing on dynamic activities in the forest, and activity spaces should be considered based on stress levels of participants to enhance effect of therapy. It is hoped that this study will be helpful for forest healing instructors to develop and run forest healing programs.

      • KCI등재후보

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