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      • KCI등재
      • 대학의 중소·벤처기업 창업교육의 방향

        박삼식 대구산업정보대학 2001 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        Characterizing this 21C as area based on human brain, the distinction between employer and employee has now gradually disappeared, but the employed who has equipped with intelligence and information which can be means of production has appeared. Being highlighted superior intelligentsia and the importance of its non-shaped capital, the prevalence of the organization is declined and horizontal-divided organization and new area which has put the imphasis on the new intelligentsia who has creative power is now being emerged. For this trend and to put a new solution, we should teach them to have a management mind and make the students in college get knowledge for venture and small and medium enterprise. This study aims to analyze the reality of small and medium venture enterprise education and to direct the suitable way.

      • 중소기업의 조직특성이 경영성과에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        박삼식,심정숙 대한경영정보학회 2005 경영과 정보연구 Vol.17 No.-

        The aim of this study is to find out what kind of effect the management system of midium and small businesses like compensation, human resources management approach, employee benefit and service programs and managers’ leadership has on the company’s image which is a nonfinancial outcome and on its sale price which is a financial outcome.

      • POS 시스템이 소매점 매출액에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증적 연구

        박삼식,선태 대구산업정보대학 2000 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        In recent year, it is a real condition that the business in Korea meets a dark prospect without the type of industry and the size of firm. Under these business condition, the managements who are running the small retail like supermarket want to find the efficiency of management based on POS system as a active solution instead of a passive correspondence. Therefore, the objects of this study are as follows. Firstly, to investigate the basic concepts of the POS system in channel-industry, Secondly, to have a empirical research about the Influence of POS system for the department store for subjects which are lately using the POS system, And finally, to show the practical use and the introduce of POS system in order to maximize the increase of sale amount for the retail store. For the method of this study, I did a empirical study of the POS system based on both literature review and theoretical study. I used the frelquency and regression as a statistics. Especially, SPSS WIN 7.5 is used as a tools. In effect analysis of POS system, after introduction of POS system, soft merit and hard merit have influenced of the sale amount of the retail store. Moreover, sort merit and hard merit have had a positive effect on the sale amount of retail store, have moved the same direction. Therefore, Introduction of POS system have become a direct affect of increase of sale amount in retail store. In short, this study is a empirical research about the efficiency of POS system based on both literature review and theoretical study.

      • 勞使關係制度의 發展動向과 課題

        朴三植 대구산업정보대학 1989 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        There are five(5) basic stages in studying the growth, tendencies, and tasks involved in labor relations. First, we studied the history of a labor campaign using Korea and Sweden as models. Second, we reviewed the formation of labor relation systems. Third, reviewing the contracting parties in labor and management. We investigated the functions of labor campaigns, and the system of managing the labor campaign. Fourth, we reviewed a similar type of labor relation system, making a study of the collective bargaining system, a codetermination model. We studied two special types of unions: a company union and a self management type of union. Finally, we studied the subject of settling issues between labor and management. We think that resolving labor and management affairs is a pivotal point of solution of labor and mangement warfare to find optimum point that labor and management can do coexistence and coprosperity within their having not a bad influence upon growth of nation and social of the interested praties around company, economy, society, culture, etc., There are numerous methods for solving labor and management affairs. Basic concepts incluede 1. recognizing the value of life and a deep interest in human affairs, and understanding of compensation, that is the human need to recover expenses. 2. The ideology and precepts of labor and management relations are formed by labor management, policy planners, and other interested parties that accept labor and maagement relations are not resolved by fighting or confrontation. This inculudes maintaining organic and mutual assistant relatoins and resolving conflicts between labor and management by independent third parties. All people involved must be conscious labor relations of problem resolution, from the employees and front line supervisons to the chief executive manager, each must cultivate perseverance try gradual solutions to pending problems, continually try new methods and maintain a sincere attitude for collective bargaining. 3. Managing employees is more comples and more difficult than managing capital, and involves moral issues, emotional relations, confidence, trust fairness, and a continous spirit of cooperation between employees and management. 4. Conflict and opposition of labors and managements must become labors theirself progress and the way for growth, otherwise they must become managements improvement of productivity and momet of competence strength and be formed elasticity labor relations to vertical mutual action.

      • 行動科學의 發展過程과 動向

        朴三植 대구산업정보대학 1988 논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        This research studied the growth course and tendency of behavioral seience in sharing three parts largely (1) The formation side of behavioral science(Psychological, social organizational aspect) (2) The formative period of transitionary theory of behavioral science(Industry psychological, Industry Social, Organizational aspect) (3) The point at issue of behavioral theory of enterprise

      • 경영혁신운동의 패러다임이 기업의 경쟁력 강화와 노사관계 개선에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        朴三植 대구산업정보대학 1998 논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        We can not forecast the speed of an enterprise's alteration in 21C. As agricultural or industrial societies into information oriented societies, the speed of alteration is faster than ever. Therefore, as stated by J.A.Schumpeter, the management which doesn't reform is a mere manager, in the enterprise administration of 21C, we do not need a mere manager, but a leader who can innovate administration to increase competitive power. So, for the purpose of investigating the effects that the administration innovation paradigm brings to the reinforcement of competitive power and the improvement of relations between labor and management in this thesis, I researched the processes of innovation campaigns in about 40 companies from October 1st, 1997 to December 10th, 1997 in Daegu city and Kyungpook province. I intended to investigate, analyze, and research the performance, success, and failure of the innovation campaigns by analysis, interview and questionnaire. Unfortunately, because the administration suddenly requested relief funds on December 3th, 1997 and the nation and enterprise were in bad situations, I did not attain my stated goal. Therefore I presented only the investigation of the causes for the successes or failures of general innovation campaigns.

      • 中小企業經營과 人的資源管理上의 諸問題點과 그 對策

        朴三植 대구산업정보대학 1993 논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        This thesis addresses research and analysis on the various problems and solutions faced by the small to medium industrial enterprises in our country. The small to medium industrial enterprises are primarily responsible for the present and future national economy and form 97 per cent of the total industry, but receive less governmant support than the large industrial enterprises that are economically self-sustaining, have progressive exportation, follow national policy and receive financial support from the government. This research was done through records and analysis gathered through questionnaires and interviews with the small to medium enterprise managers, who directly confront the problems at their work place and consider solutions and alternatives. The thesis addresses problems and solutions concerning administration and control of human resources for the future small to medium industrial enterprises, which would not be subcontracted to any large enterprise, but would be an independent organization, free from outside influence so as to promote its own growth. The enterprises which are susceptibly affected by economic, social, technical, marketing, and international environment would inevitably encounter various problems between labor, management and interested praties. The problems may be caused by material or human resources, or be administrative, This thesis primarily addresses the problems which may be caused by the latter.

      • KCI등재

        둔상에 의한 외상성 횡격막손상의 임상적 고찰

        박삼식,강재구,정제명 대한응급의학회 1997 대한응급의학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Objective: Sixteen cases of blunt diaphragmatic injury were clinically reviewed during 10 years from Oct. 1987 to Jun. 1996 at the Kangdong sacred heart hospital. The age and sex distribution were ranged from 3 to 67-old-years. The most common age range was between third decades to fifth decades in 10 cases(62.50%) and occurred predominantly in male, the sex ratio was 4.3:1.(M:F 4.3:1) The modes of blunt diaphragmatic injury were due to motor vehicle accidents(MVA), motor cycle accidents(MCA), fall down(FD) and others. Most common injuries were responsible for MVA, MVA were pedestrian traffic accidents 5 cases(41.7%), driver 4 cases(33.3%) passenger 3 cases(25.0%). In the blunt diaphragmatic injury sites, the left-sided diaphragmatic injury had predominant[left-sided cases 10(62.50%), right-sided cases(37.50%)]. Cost common symptoms and signs were chest pain or chest discomfort(81.25%) and dyspnea(68.75%), abdominal tenderness(50.00%), decreased bowel sound and breath sound(50.00%) and others. All of 16 cases in blunt diaphrahmatic injury were associated with other injuries. The associated injuries were hemopneumothorax 14(87.50%), hemoperitoneum 7(43.75%), liver injury 7(43.75%), orthopedics fracture 14(87.50%), head injury 5(31.25%) and others. The diagnostic methods were used with simple x-ray ultrasonogram and computed tomogram. The preoperative diagnosis of blunt diaphragmatic injury were suggested in 10 cases(62.50%) and others were confirmed during operation. The thirteen cases of all of sixteen cases were performed emergency operation within eight hours. The herniated intraabdominal organs through ruptured diaphragm were presented in 10cases(62.5%)[stomach 7 cases(43.75%), spleen 6 cases(37.50%), colon 3 cases(18.75%), liver 3 cases(18.75%), small bowel and omentum 2 cases(12.50%), respectively] The mean size of blunt diaphragmatic injury were 7.7㎝, right-sided mean size were 6.9㎝. The most common site of blunt diaphragm-atic injury were presented in anteromedial site 7 cases(43.75%). Simple chest x-ray revealed abnormal finding [hemothorax 10 cases(62.50%), pneumothorax 4 cases(25.00%), herniated organ into thorax 8 cases(50.00%), diaphragm elevation 3 cases(18.75%)and others]. The postoperative complication were associated in 10 cases(62.50%)out of 16 cases. Common complications were pleural effusion 6 cases(37.50%) and atelectasis 3 cases(18.75%). Injury severity score(ISS) value of 16 cases in the blunt trauma ranged from 10 to 59. It was presented with mean value of ISS(35.5), mean value of ISS survivors(35) nonsurvivors(55.5). Revised trauma score(RTS) value ranged also from 4 to 12. There were revealed with mean value of RTS(9.7), mean value of RTS survivors(10)and nonsurvivors(6.5). All of the blunt traumatic injury, mortality rate was related to the values of ISS and RTS.

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