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        고령층 특성을 반영한 실감 영상 콘텐츠 개발: 멀티 디스플레이 영상 구현을 중심으로

        문대혁,Dae-Hyuk Moon 대한산업경영학회 2023 산업융합연구 Vol.21 No.7

        노인을 위한 문화·여가 활동 서비스에 대한 수요는 늘어나고 있다. 대표적인 문화·여가 활동 중 TV 방송과 온라인 미디어 시청은 빠르게 늘어나고 있으며 실감 영상을 이용한 양질의 서비스 요구도 커지고 있다. 고해상도 디스플레이 장치는 대중화 되어 가격이 예전에 비해 저렴해지고 있으며 다면 영상 구현을 위한 하드웨어도 쉽게 구성할 수 있다. 하지만 노인의 신체적, 정신적 특성이 반영된 고해상도 다면 영상은 보기 쉽지 않다. 이번 연구는 고령층 노인인구를 대상으로 멀티스크린을 이용한 콘텐츠 제작 모델과 접근성이 가능한 촬영 방법을 제시하였다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 실감 영상 기술을 활용한 노인 문화·여가 활동을 위한 다양한 콘텐츠를 적극적으로 개발함으로써 고령 친화 산업 육성에 크게 이바지할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Tc-99m DISIDA 간담도 신티그라피에서 간 실질의 분절형 배설지연의 임상적 의의

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),이희경(Hee Kyung Lee),류진숙(Jin Sook Ryu),김명환(Myung Hwan Kim),이성구(Sung Koo Lee),강도영(Do Young Kang) 대한핵의학회 1998 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.32 No.2

        N/A Purpose: Segmental parenchymal excretion delay on Tc-99m DISIDA scan is caused by intrahepatic bile duct obstruction. However, the diagmostic value for intrahepatic bile duct obstruction is unknown. We conducted this study to assess the positive predictive value of segmental excretiom delay for the diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct obstruction, and additional benefit over other noninvasive radiologic studies. Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of 43 patients (48 scans) Who showed segmental parenchymal excretion delay on Tc-99m DISIDA scan. The results of abdominal CT or ultrasonography, which was done within 1 month of Tc-99m DISIDA scan, were compared with scintigraphic findings. Results: The etiology of segmental parenchymal excretion delay was determined by ERC or PTC in 31 scans, and follow-up studies in 13 scans. No causes were identified in 4 scans. The positive predictive value of segmental parenchymal excretion delay for intrahepatic bile duct obstruction was 92% (44/48). On the other hand, 13% (5/38) of CT and 28% (5/18) of ultrasonography were normal. In 18% (7/38) of CT and 17% (3/18) of ultrasonography, only intraheipatic bile duct dilatation was noted without any diagnostic findings of intrahepatic bile duct obstruction. Conclusion: Segmental parenchymal excretion delay on Tc-99rn DISIDA scan had a high positive predictive value for the diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct obstruction. Tc-99m DISIDA scan may be useful for the diagnosis of intrahepatic bile duct obstruction, especially in patients with nondiagnostic CT or ultrasonography. The diagnostic usefulness need to be confirmed by further prospective studies. KW: Tc-99m DISIDA, Segmental parenchymal excretion delay, Intrahepatic bile duct obstruction.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        체외충격파 담석 쇄석술 전후의 담낭운동성의 변화

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),이명혜(Myung Hae Lee),김명환(Myung Hwan Kim),민영일(Young Il Min),석재동(Jae Dong Suk) 대한핵의학회 1991 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.25 No.1

        N/A Extracorporeal shock vave lithotripsy (ESWI.) with adjunctive oral ]itholytic therapy has proven to be a useful treatment in selected patients with gallbladder stones. To study the effect of ESWL on gillbladder dynamics, 99mTc-DISIDA hepatobiliary scintigraphy was done for 25 patients with symptomatic gallstones and 10 norrnal controls. Of these 25 patients, 15 were treated with ESWL and adjunctive oral litholytic agents (ESWL group) and 10 were treated only with oral litholytic agents (UDCA group). After overnight fast and gallbladder visualization on a routine hepatobiliary scintigra- phy with 7mCi of 99mTc-DISIDA, subjects were given fatty meal and imaged with a gamma camera interfaced to a computer (I frame/minute for i0minutes). A galibladder time-activity curve was generated and latent period (LP), ejection period (EP), ejection fraction (EF) ancl ejection rate (ER) v,ere calcutated, ESWL group were studied before, lday after and 2weeks after ESWL, and UDCA group were studied before and 2weeks after starting oral medication Mean basal EF was significantly reduced in patients but other parameters were not reduced. In ESlVL group, mean EF and mean ER at 1day after ESWL were reduced. In 3 of them, gallbladder was not visualized at all. Two weeks after ESWL, however, all parameters were recoverd to basal level. In UDCA group, all parameters were not changed significantly during medication. We can conclude that ESWL has such immediate adverse effect on gallbladder dynamics as reducing contractility ancl nonvisuaiization of gallbladder but it has no long-term effect.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        [ I - 123 ] IPT SPECt를 이용한 정상인과 파킨슨환자의 도파민 운반체의 영상화 및 단순화된 정량분석 방법들의 비교연구

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),양승오(Seoung Oh Yang),이희경(Hee Kyung Lee),김희중(Hee Joung Kim),류진숙(Jin Sook Ryu),천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon),임주혁(Joo Hyuck Im),봉정균(Jung Kyun Bong),남기표(Ki Pyo Nam),권수일(Soo Il Kwon) 대한핵의학회 1996 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.30 No.3

        N/A The purpose of this study was to compare the specific binding ratio method with model based methods in estimating the transporter parameter k3/k4 in normal controls and Parkinson's patients with [I-123]IPT SPECT and to evaluate the usefulness of [I-123]IPT SPECT. 6.5±1.1 mCi (239.0±40.3 MBq) of [123]IPT was intravenouly injected as a bolus into six normal controls(age:45±13) and seventeen patients(age:55±8) with Pakinson's disease(PD). The transporter parameter k3/k4 was derived using the Ichise's graphical method(Rv) and Lassen's area ratio method(RA) for the dynamic IPT SPECT data without blood samples. Then, the relationships between the transporter parameter Rv, RA and the ratio of (BG-OCC)/OCC at 115 minutes were evaluated by linear regression analysis. Rvs by Ichise's graphical method for NC and PD were 2.08±0.29 and 0.78±0.31, respectively. RAs by Lassen's area ratio method for NC and PD were 1.48±0.16 and 0.65±0.24, respectively. The correlation coefficients between (BG-OCC)/OCC and Rv, (BG-OCC)/OCC and RA, and RV, and RA were 0.93, 0.90, 0.99 and their corresponding slopes were 0.54, 0.34, and 0.65,respectively. The Rv and RA of NC were significantly higher than the ones of PD. That is, the k3/k4 Of NC was clearly separated from the one of PD. k3/k4 showed a good correlation with the ratio of (BG-OCC)/OCC. The results indicate that the noninvasive simplified quantitative methods may be useful to measure the transporter parameter k3/k4 and the specific binding ratio method can be used for quantitative studies of dopamine transporter with [I-123]IPT SPECT in humans brains.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        신장 이식후에 발생한 무혈관성 골괴사 - 발생 빈도 및 골 SPECT의 유용성에 관하여 -

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),양승오(Seoung Oh Yang),최윤영(Yun Young Choi),이희경(Hee Kyung Lee),류진숙(Jin Sook Ryu) 대한핵의학회 1995 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.29 No.4

        N/A Avascular necrosis(AVN) of bone can be resulted from various causes that distrub vascular supply to bone tissue, includinrg steroid therapy after renal transplantation. In this study, we determine the prevalence of the avascular necrosis of bone after renal transplantation and compare the role of the bone scan, SPECT and MRI. In 301 patients with transplanted kidney, the prevalence of avascular necrosis was determined clinically. Site of bone necrosis was evaluated by clinical symptom, bone scan, SPECT and MRI. Bone scan was done in all patients with AVN. Bone SPECT and MRI were done in six cases; and MRI was done in two cases. The prevalence of AVN was 3.3% (10/301), and the site of AVN was 16 femoral heads in 10 patients (bilateral: 60%) and bilateral calcaneal tuberosity in one patient. Bone scan showed typical AVN (cold area with surrounding hot uptake) in 13 lesions, only hot uptake in three lesions (including two calcaneal tuberosities), decreased uptake in one lesion, and normal in one lesion. Decreased uptake and normal lesion showed an equivacal cold area without surrounding hot uptake on SPECT. A symptomatic patient with positive bone SPECT showed normal finding on MRI. The prevalence of AVN of bone after renal transplantation was 3.3%, and whole body bone scan showed multiple bone involvement. Two symptomatic hip joints without definite lesion on whole body bone scan or MRI showed cold defect on SPECT. Threfore, we conclude that bone SPECT should be perfomed in a symptomatic patient with negative bone scan or MRI in case with high risk of AVN after renal transplantation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Sturge - Weber 증후군의 뇌관류 SPECT 영상 : 자기공명영상과의 비교

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),양승오(Seoung Oh Yang),최윤영(Yun Young Choi),이희경(Hee Kyung Lee),류진숙(Jin Sook Ryu),고태성(Tae Sung Ko),유시준(Shi Joon Yoo) 대한핵의학회 1996 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.30 No.1

        N/A 자가면역성 갑상선질환에서의 혈청 Thyrotropin-Binding Inhibitine Immunoglobulin치 In order to evaluate the significance of thyrotropin-binding inhibiting immunoglobulin (TBII) in the patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases, the authors investigated 402 cases of Graves' disease and 230 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis comparing 30 cases of normal healthy adult at Kyung Pook University Hospital from February 1993 to August 1994. The TBII was tested by radioimmunoassay and assesed on the dynamic change with the disesase course, thyroid functional parameters, and other thyroid autoantibodies; antithyroglobulin antibody(ATAb) and antimicrosomal antibody(AMAb) including thyroglobulin. The serum level of TBII was 40.82±21.651(mean±SD)% in hyperthyroid Graves' disease and 8.89±14.522% in Hashimoto's thyroiditis and both were significant different from normal control of which was 3.21±2.571%. The frequency of abnormally increased TBII level was 92.2% in hyperthyroid Craves' disease, 46.7% in euthyroid Graves' disease or remission state of hyperthyroidism, and 23.9% in Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The serum levels of increased TBII in Graves' disease were positively correlated with RAIU, serum T3, T4, and FT4, but negatively correlated with serum TSH(each p〈0.001). The TBII in Graves' disease had significant positive correlation with serum thyroglobulin and AMAb, but no significant correlation with ATAb. In the Hashimoto's thyroiditis, the serum levels of TBII were positively correlated with RAIU, serum T3, TSH and AMAb, but not significantly correlated with serum T4, FT4, thyroglobulin and ATAb. Therefore serum level of TBII seemed to be a useful mean of assessing the degree of hyperthyroidism in Graves' disease and correlated well with thyroidal stimulation. The serum level of TBII in Hashimoto's thyroiditis is meaningful for the degree of both functionl abnormality reflecting either hyperfunction or hypofunction and the immunologic abnormality.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        역전사 중합효소 연쇄반응 ( RT-PCR ) 에 의한 HCV-RNA 의 검출 Biotin 및 방사성옥소 표지 Primer 로 구성된 Kit 의 이용

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),류진숙(Jin Sook Ryu),이영상(Young Sang Lee),정영화(Young Hwa Chung),천준홍(Jun Hong Cheon),정윤영(Yoon Young Chung),박흥동(Hung Dong Park) 대한핵의학회 1994 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.28 No.2

        N/A This study was performed to evaiuate the clinical applicability of the reverse t.ranscription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) kit of HCV-RNA using biotinylated and radioiodinat.ed primers. Study subjects were 118 patients with positive anti-HCV. HCV-RNA in patient.s serurn was ext.racted by guanidium thiocyanate method. After first amplification, the product. was reamplified by primers labelled with biotin and I-125. The final amplification product was de- tected by counting t,he radioactivity after incubation in avidin coated tubes. In 51 samples, t.he test was repeated for evaluation of reproducibility. This new method was also compared with conventional RT-PCR rnethods in 34 samples from patients with chronic liver disease. The results were as follows, 1) HCV-RNA was positive in 85(97%)of 88 patients with chronic liver disease, and in 23 (73%) of 30 pat.ients with normal liver function. 2) In comparison with conventional method, HCV-RNA was detected in 32(94%) of 34 patient.s with new method, whereas in 27(79% ) of the same group with conventional method, 3) Repeated test with new rnet.hod in 52 samples demonstrat.ed 82% of concordant result. In conclusion, new rnethod with biotinylated and radioiodinated primers was rnore sensitive than conventional method. However, great care must be taken for quality control because there were considerable interassay variat,ion and possiblity of false positivity and false negativity.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        복강경담낭절제술에서 수술전 간담도신티그라피와 경구담낭조영술의 의의

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),양승오(Seoung Oh Yang),이희경(Hee Kyung Lee),원경숙(Kyoung Sook Won),류진숙(Jin Sook Ryu),한동복(Dong Bok Han),박철민(Cheol Min Park),이문규(Moon Gyu Lee),박광민(Kwang Min Park),이승규(Sung Gyu Lee) 대한핵의학회 1997 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.31 No.1

        N/A 131I-6β-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol(NP-59) has an advantage to assess adrenal dysfunction caused by adrenal cortical disorders. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical usefulness of NP-59 scintigraphy in each adrenral disease. Ten patients who did eleven NP-59 adrenal scintigraphies at Dong-A University Hospital from March 1990 to December 1996 were selected as the subject. Among the subject there were 5 cases of Cushing's syndrome, 2 cases of incidentaloma, 1 case of metastatic adrenal tumor, liver cirrhosis with hirsutism and hypertension respectively. Among 5 case of Cushing's syndrome, there were 2 cases of Cushing's disease, 2 cases of adrenal adenoma and 1 case of adrenal carcinoma. There are no disagreement between clinical diagnosis and scan finding in Cushing's syndrome. In 2 incidentaloma cases, even though one is interpretated as a functioning tumor, both of 2 cases could avoid unnecessary biopsy according to scintigraphy result. One case of hirsutism, clinically adrenal originated, revealed the normal scintigraphic hirsutism was extra-adrenal origin. One case of hypertension took the study to exclude the possibility of primary aldosteronism. Normal suppression scan finding revealed that primary aldosteronism did not exist in this case. In conclusion, NP-59 scintigraphy was very useful in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome and it could avoid unnecessary biopsy in the incidental adrenal tumor.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        뇌종양의 재발과 방사선 괴사의 감별을 위한 탈륨 SPECT의 역할

        문대혁(Dae Hyuk Moon),양승오(Seoung Oh Yang),이희경(Hee Kyung Lee),원경숙(Kyoung Sook Won),류진숙(Jin Sook Ryu),이정교(Jung Kyo Lee),권병덕(Byung Duk Kwun) 대한핵의학회 1996 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.30 No.4

        N/A Following radiation therapy for brain tumors, patients often have clinical deterioration due to either radiation necrosis or recurrent tumor progression in the treatment field. The distinction between these entities is important but difficult clinically or even with CT or MRI. T1-201 has been known to accumulate in various tumors and be useful to grade, predict prognosis or detect recurrence of glioma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of T1-201 SPECT in the differentiation of recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis. Of 67 patients who did T1-201 brain SPECT imaging with clinically suspected recurrent tumor or radiation necrosis, 20 patients underwent histopathological examination and constituted the study population. T1-201 uptake indices on T1-201 brain SPECT imaging were calculated and correlated with histopathological diagnosis. Of 20 patients, 15 were histopathologically confirmed as recurrent original tumor or malignant transformation of benign tumor and 5 were diagnosed as radiation necrosis. On T1-201 SPECT, 18 of 20 had T1-201 index above 2.5 which was regarded as positive indicator for the presence of tumor. Seventeen cases showed concordance, which consisted of 15 true positive and 2 true negative. Discordant 3 cases were all false positive. There was no case of false negative. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of T1-201 SPECT were 100%, 40%, 83% and 100%. In conclusion, T1-201 brain SPECT is a sensitive diagnostic test in the detection of recurrent tumor following radiation therapy and is useful in the differentiation of recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis. Relatively low specificity should be evaluated further in larger number of patients in consideration of sampling error and referral bias for pathologic examination.

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