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      • KCI등재

        위법운전자에 대한 정책수단 선택의 효과 비교

        명묘희 ( Myo Hee Myeong ) 한국법정책학회 2009 법과 정책연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The objective of this paper is to make comparison of policy means to find which one can ensure compliance to the traffic safety regulatory policies. The comparison among effects to ensure compliance among policy mean was done i)between punishment and incentive measures under the condition of strict punishment in case of future disobedience for the same act of disobedience and ii)between punishment and the persuasive mean of traffic safety education under the condition of relieving administrative measures. This paper aimed to analyze which policy measures are more effective, through a longitudinal research on the drivers` repeated violations of traffic regulations. In order to raise the credibility of analysis in both, two kinds of analysis methodology were used, which are first, analysis of covariance and t-test after sample matching, and second, analysis of covariance and logistic regression analysis. Regardless of the difference in analysis methodology, the same results were deduced. As a result of comparing effects between punishment measures and incentive measures, incentive measures were found to have higher effect. Also, in comparison of effect of securing obedience to traffic regulations between punishment measures and persuasive measures, persuasive measures were found to be more effective in the rate of violation of traffic regulations. Based on these findings, this paper suggested that compliance-friendly ways of regulations be introduced that have various and flexible strategies to help drivers to voluntarily comply to the policy, comprehensive strategies for regulations be established, regulation strategies that are divided by the character of regulation or types of noncompliance be established and be used and traditional punishment measures be changed to incentive measures or persuasive measures that have higher effect of securing compliance.

      • KCI등재

        교통수단의 구분 및 관리에 대한 도로교통 관계법령 개정방안 연구

        명묘희(Myeong Myo Hee) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2013 경찰학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        우리나라 도로교통법은 도로 이용자를 크게 차마와 보행자로 나누고 있으며, 차마에포함되는 교통수단들을 세분화하고 있다. 이러한 교통수단의 구분 및 정의는 1962년 제정 도로교통법에 근간을 둔 채 큰 틀을 유지하고 있는데 교통수단에 대한 관리 측면에서다음과 같은 문제가 제기되고 있다. 첫째, 교통수단의 구분과 각 교통수단별 정의와 포함범위 측면에서 제정 도로교통법 당시와의 교통환경 및 교통수단의 차이를 반영하지 못하고 있고, 각 교통수단을 구분하는 기준이 행정가의 시각에서 정해져 복잡하고 이해하기어려워 실제 이용자들은 이를 제대로 인지하고 있지 못하다. 둘째, 교통수단이 비정형화되어가고 다양해지고 있어서 국제협약이나 다른 나라의 법제는 이를 반영하기 위해 교통수단에 대한 정책의 패러다임이나 초점을 변화시키는데 반해 우리나라의 경우 여전히 전형적인 사륜의 자동차 중심으로 이루어져 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 교통수단의 구분과 교통수단별 도로이용방법, 비전형 교통수단의등록 및 운행이라는 두가지 측면에서의 우리나라의 규정내용의 연혁과 현황을 살펴보고문제점을 분석하는 한편 도로교통에 대한 국제협약과 주요 외국의 규정내용을 비교법적으로 고찰하였다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 도로교통수단을 구분하는 기준을 재정립하고 새로 도입될 교통수단을 포함하여 각 교통수단별 정의방식 및 이용방식에 대한 개선방안을제시하였으며, 비전형 교통수단의 등록 및 안전관리, 통행방법에 대한 특례규정의 신설에대한 방안을 제시하였다. Korea Road Traffic Act classifies road users vehicles - including animal served to transportaion - and pedestrians, and vehicles are subdivided several units. The classification and definition of transport modes arised from the First Road Traffic Act enacted in 1962, and has not changed fundamentally. As to the classification of transport modes and use of the each modes the following problems have been raised. First, the provision of current road traffic act in respect of the classification and definition of transport modes does not reflect the changes of traffic environment and transport modes during last 50 years, and it is difficult for road users to understand its meaning because administrator determined the criteria to distinguish each transport modes. Second, international treaties or laws of other countries change the policy paradigm and focus on transportation in order to reflect this, due to the means of transportation becoming more unstructured and diverse, whereas the case of our country still consists mainly of the typical four-wheel automobile. In this study, we look at the history and current status of the contents of the regulations of Korea, analyze the problems of our traffic act, and has been studied comparatively International Convention on Road Traffic and the regulation of major foreign country in terms of classification of transport modes and how to operate each modes on the road. We proposed redefining the criteria to distinguish transport modes and reforming definition and how to drive each transport modes including new transport modes. And we urged to established the exceptional clause about registration and safety management, way of traffic of unconventional vehicle.

      • KCI등재후보

        개인형 이동수단의 도로이용에 대한 관계 법령 개정방안 - 비교법적 고찰을 중심으로 -

        명묘희 ( Myeong Myo-hee ),최미선 ( Choi Mee-sun ) 한국도로교통공단 2017 교통안전연구 Vol.36 No.-

        This study suggests the revision of act and subordinate statute related to road traffic on road permit and operation of personal mobility, which have been recently increasing in use and safety issues, through a comparative legal review. There is no clear legal definition for personal mobility in Korea, nor are there any restrictions or special benefits for their operation. However, it is the only safety standard that establishes the product safety standards as the safety issue of personal transportation is recently raised. In the international convention, personal mobility are classified as motor vehicles, but in principle, they are not allowed to use roads because they do not have separate type approval and safety standards. In recent years, the United States and Europe have amended the Road Traffic Act or enacted special laws in order to permit road operations and to prepare safety measures. However, it is different according to the local traffic environment and social consensus on the use of personal mobility by country. The enactment and amendment of act and subordinate statute related to road traffic was presented in three aspects; 1) personal mobility device safety aspects, 2) institutional aspects of road use, 3) other personal mobility use and safety aspects.

      • KCI우수등재

        교통단속 강화가 교통사고에 미치는 효과 분석

        명묘희(Myeong Myo-Hee),김광식(Kim Kwang-Sik) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2003 國土計劃 Vol.38 No.7

        This article evaluates the effect of traffic enforcement measures such as the seat belt use, installing tachometers or speed limiters, reinforcing drinking-driving punishment, rewarding for reporting traffic offenders on the number of accidents, fatalities and injuries. Intervention analysis of time series is used to compare the monthly accidents, fatalities and injuries with the before and after the reinforcement policies. The results indicate that no significant impacts of the traffic enforcement measures on reducing the number of accidents, fatalities and injuries.

      • KCI등재

        첨단교통 단속장비와 도로교통법 개선방안

        김만배 ( Man Bae Kim ),명묘희 ( Myo Hee Myeong ),김성규 ( Seong Gyu Kim ) 한국법정책학회 2009 법과 정책연구 Vol.9 No.1

        In Korea, online-based advanced traffic enforcement equipment was installed and used with 32 units, but the number of units currently reaches 3,299 as of the end of October, 2008, by means of which a traffic accident is greatly reduced. When regulation violation behavior is found by means of advanced traffic enforcement equipment, almost violators are sentenced with negligence fine whereas the violators found by police officers are sentenced with a fine, which results in an unbalanced sentence to the same violators. The advanced traffic enforcement equipment is managed by means of a contracted company in order to promote the reliability of equipment, which has poor basis of law, as compared to a legal designation contract like in a central government organ. So a stable contracted management is impossible. It is an object of the present research to propose a method for improving a judicial and administrative management method with respect to a traffic regulation violation enforced by advanced traffic enforcement equipment and a method for improving a contracted management of the equipment based on search and descriptive researches. As a result of the present research, the traffic regulation violator improvements are proposing three methods: a simplified fine system, a vehicle owner penalty score system, and a simplified negligence fine system. In these systems, a vehicle owner penalty score system is most preferred since it can be applied instantly when examining its theoretical basis and actual practice. In a contracted system method, it is needed to make the basis of such system in the road traffic law for a short term measure, and it is needed to add some regulations in a legal definition and installation management basis of advanced enforcement equipment for a long term measure.

      • KCI등재

        운전자 속성과 처벌경험이 교통법규 준수기간에미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        최윤영(Choi Yoon Young),고승영(Kho Seung Young),명묘희(Myeong Myo Hee),김동규(Kim Dong Kyu) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2015 경찰학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        A scientific analysis on the behaviors of drivers who have violated traffic laws is one ofthe essential elements to secure the traffic safety since most traffic crashes result from thetraffic violations. This paper aims to analyze the influences of individual driver’scharacteristics on the abidance duration of traffic laws using the Cox proportional hazardsmodel. To this end, the data on traffic law violations of the drivers who have newlyacquired their drivers during the recent five years were collected. Then, two abidanceduration models of traffic laws were estimated based on overall drivers and habituallyviolated drivers, respectively. The result from the former model shows that male, teenagerand fifties, first class special (trailer, wreck car) and motorbike license are more hazardousto violate the traffic law. The latter model, which was based on the data from habituallyviolated drivers, included the cumulative number of punishment and the cumulativenumber of license cancellation as the independent variables with regular offender cases. Asa result, the current the cancellation of license corrects the violating behavior while thelevel of punishment fails to correct the habitually violated drivers. The findings and resultsfrom this paper show the traffic violations should be more certainly and severely punishedand a variety of types of punishment, such as incentives, educational services, and penaltymanagement, should be introduced.

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