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        통일전선전술의 관점에서 중국의 종교통제에 대한 고찰

        마민호(Ma, Min-ho) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2014 인문사회과학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        사회주의 중국의 종교 정책은 단순히 사회주의 이념 실현을 위해서 진행되는 것이 아니라 현실적인 정치적 목적에 따라 협력과 통제를 선택적으로 실시하는 통일전선전술의 입장에서 진행되고 있다. 이러한 사회주의 중국의 종교 정책은 정치가 종교보다 우위에 있으며 정치적 목적을 위해 종교를 통제해 왔던 전통적인 중국의 정치와 종교 관계의 연장이다. 사회주의 건설 시기의 중국의 종교 정책은 근본적으로 종교의 존재를 부정해야 하지만 사회주의 건설 초기 단계이기 때문에 종교의 존재를 잠정적으로 인정하고 사회주의 건설에 유리한 종교 세력과는 협력하고 사회주의 건설에 위협이 되는 종교 세력은 강력하게 탄압히는 통일전선전술의 입장에서 진행되었다. 이후 문화대혁명 시기는 종교의 존재 자체를 인정할 수 없는 이념적 원칙이 강조되었기 때문에 종교 집단을 사회주의 건설에 해가 되는 세력으로 간주하여 정치적으로 철저하게 탄압하는 강경정책 일변도의 통일전선 전술이 사용되었다. 중국의 개혁개방은 통일전선전술의 입장에서 볼 때 사회주의 건설에 유리한 조건을 제공하는 해외 자본주의 세력과 종교 세력과 연합하여 사회주의 현대화를 이루려는 정책이다. 이 개혁개방 시기의 종교정책은 지금까지의 주요모순이었던 계급모순이 경제모순으로 바뀌면서 이 경제모순을 극복하기 위하여 부차모순인 종교 세력과 연합하는 형태의 통일전선전술을 사용하고 있다. 그러나 이 시기에도 법륜공(法輪功)에 대한 중국 정부의 통제에서 볼 수 있듯이 종교 세력이 정치에 불리하게 작용할 때는 강력하게 탄압하는 이중적인 통일전선전술을 사용하고 있다. 중국이 일관되게 사용하고 있는 통일전선전술에 입각한 종교정책의 관점에서 종교에 대한 정책을 전망한다면 중국은 여전히 주요모순을 극복하고자히는 정치적 펼요에 따라 강경정책과 옹건정책으로 정치적 상황에 맞게 선택되어 진행될 것이다. 이울러 종교에 대한 통제 방식은 기본적으로 동이타(動而打)방식에 의하여 정치적으로 위협을 주는 종교 활동이나 종교 세력에 대하여는 강력한 통제정책을 실시할 것이다. China is a socialist country which still conducts strong control over religion. The aim of the Chinese move is not to fulfill the traditional socialist ideology, but to tactically build "united front", which enables the government to selectively use 'alliance and control' depending on their political purposes. Religious affairs are highly politicised and are part of the continuing priority to maintain 'stability and unity' at all costs. That is, in terms of relationship between politics and religion, China's priority was traditionally politics, controlling religion for a political purpose. China's religious policy in socialistic nation building period should deny the existence of religion. However, since china was at an early stage of socialist nation buil이ng, they provisionally admit to the existence of Religion. United Front Tactics let the government form an alliance with religious group which is favorable to socialism building. On the other hand, other religious groups were roundly suppressed daring to oppose chinese communist party. During the Cultural Revolution, the ideological principle made the situation even more serious enough to threaten the existence of the Religion itself. In this period, China has become increasingly conservative, even reactionary, in its religious policies. At that time, religious groups were considered as harmful group to construct socialism, and were completely downtrodden. From the united front's point, China's reform and opening up is read as China's political strategy to form allied power with foreign powers and religious groups in order to seek to modernize socialism. However, even in this period, some religious groups such as 'Fa run gong(法輪功)' still find themselves circumscribed by a variety of regulations and prohibitions. This shows China's ambivalentㆍattitude towards religious groups. Therefore, the current socialist religious control is not a new policy raised by China's moving into socialist country, but an extension of traditional control policy of China, based on United Front Tactics. From this point, China is expected to selectively carry out both strong and mild policy as the political need arises. Also the religious control method will fundamentally be based on 'dong er da(動而打), Which tighten the control over religious groups that threaten the political system.

      • KCI등재

        한국교회의 선교사자녀 캐어와 동원에 관한 연구 : H대학 선교사자녀 사례를 중심으로

        마민호 ( Ma Min Ho ),강병덕 ( Kang Byung Deok ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2021 복음과 선교 Vol.54 No.-

        A discussion of caring Missionary Kids (MKs) which has been mostly discussed in the context of school-age childcare is now drawing new attention from the Korean missionary societies. The principal objective of this paper is to explore a comp-rehensive and long-term care plan for the MKs and furthermore the MK’s potential to be a Christian missionary resource for the Korean church. Through the empirical studies on the challenges of college-aged, repatriated MKs and the effectiveness on the current caring program, the paper suggests that the caring program for MKs should be extended to college students with a systematic and long-term approach as the choices made in their college year have life-long ramifications. This study also suggests that segmenting MKs on the basis of various attributes and tailoring the caring efforts to fit the need of each group through a continuous research and data management would be crucial. The findings of the study also indicates that missionary kids in colleges have a great potential and willingness to be a missionary, which addresses the fundamental research question on the needs of systematic missionary training and Christianity education with the close cooperation with the Korean missionary societies and the related organizations.

      • KCI등재

        기독교 삼자의 중국과 한국 토작화 과정에서 본 국가적 상이성 연구 - 네비우스 전후 종교 국가 사회관계의 변화를 중심으로

        박만준 ( Park Man Jun ),마민호 ( Ma Min Ho ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2021 복음과 선교 Vol.56 No.-

        In Modern History, although the Three Self Formula Mentioned in Korean Peninsula and Mainland China is in general same word use, but it have different meaning and order between their Two countries. if so, What kind of historical contexts have caused them these national differences? and in these years What kind of historical implications They have? In Korea Three-Self Formula is widely used in Christian Missinary purose, but in Mainland China it is generally used in foreign Christian Power getting off their back for Chinese church management, so called the independent self-management of Chinese church. so to speak, in modern history Korean Three-Self Formula have purpose of foreign Christian missionary usage, Mainland China’s Three-Self Formula have purpose of blocking foreign powers’ interferes about Chinese Christian Problems. for That reason Chinese Government and Three Self Patriotic Movement Committees use Three-Self Formula to that legal order. in the order named, Self-Government, Self-propagation, Self-Support. This paper is aimed at the reseach of These Two national differences before and after Nevius ministry.

      • KCI등재

        홍콩 일국양제 변화에 관한 연구 : 일국양제에서 탈-일국양제로의 전환

        김지현 ( Kim Ji Hyun ),마민호 ( Ma Min Ho ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2021 中國硏究 Vol.87 No.-

        Focusing on NPC’s legislation of China’s Hong Kong National Security Law in May 2020, this research claims that it is beginning of Post-OCTW era in that OCTS can no longer cover China’s Hong Kong policy. Security law had been sharp conflict between Chinese central government and many of Hong Kong citizens since it is about restricting anti-Chinese activities. Since retreating legislation of the law in 2003, Chinese central government has actively practiced Hong Kong Mainlandization policy in various sectors which caused discontents on shrinking of political freedom and social-economical mainalandization especially among youth. In Extradition bill protest in 2019, accumulated anti-Chinese sentiment intensified to violent conflict and protesters demanded Hong Kong independence. This became crucial momentum for coming NPC’s legislation of Hong Kong security law bearing resistance of Hong Kong social sectors and international society claiming it is breaking the core value of OCTS about Hong Kong’s legal independence. Nevertheless since legislation Hong Kong’s anti-Chinese activities lost driving force and China’s political dominance on Hong Kong has accelerated, which is why this research argues that Post-OCTS era just began with legislation.

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