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      • 慶北地方의 뽕밭에 發生한 發芽不良現象의 原因 및 防除에 關한 硏究

        柳根燮,金圭來,金洛相 한국잠사학회 1986 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        This study was conducted to bring light on inducing factors for non-sprouting occured in the mulberry field of Kyungpook Province in 1983. The results are as follows; 1. In spring, winter buds were suddenly died during germination, necrosis appeared in phloem and cortex of non-sprouting stem and measles at the bottom of non·sprouting stem. 2. The depth of available of soil was more shallow in the non-sprouting field than in healthy field. 3. There was no significant difference between the healthy field and non-sprouting field in siol PH, the content of organic matter, available phosphorous and exchangeble cations. 4. Available boron content in soil was significantly more in healthy field than in non-sprouting field. 5. Boron content in leaf and bark was significantly lower in the non-sprouting tree than in the healthy tree. 6. The non-sprouting fields were completely controlled by the application of 6kg/10a borax. 7. Cold tolerance of the mulberry tree was higher in the mulberry tree with boron than in the mulberry tree without boron. 8. Mulberry tree in Kyungpook Province in 1983 may absorb water earlier compared with the average year because of high temperature at the end of March, 1983 and they had been damaged by frost injuary due to the lowest temperature (-6.4°c) on the grass at the beginning of April 1983. As the above results, non·sprouting bud in the mulberry field of Kyungpook Province in 1983 had been occured by low temperature and boron deficiency and boron deficiency of mulberry trees accelerared the frost injury.

      • 칼슘이 뽕나무 뿌리의 발육과 가지의 내동성에 미치는 영향

        류근섭,최영철 한국잠사학회 1997 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        Effects of calcium on mulberry growth and freezing tolerance were examined by water culture. Calcium was supplied by falar spray with the levels of 0, 5, and 40 ppm. Mulberry stems developed by 130cm at Ca2+ 40 ppm, 82 cm at Ca2+ 5 ppm and 23 cm at Ca2+ 0 ppm. Mulberry roots also developed vigorously at Ca2+ 40 ppm, but did poorly at Ca2+ 5 ppm and changed to brown in color, and died becoming necrosis at Ca2+ 0 ppm. Content of calcium in leaves and barks were increased at Ca2+ 40 ppm compared. with at Ca2+ 5 ppm. Total sugar, RNA, proline and phospholipid at Ca2+ 40 ppm were also more inreased than those at Ca2+ 5 ppm. Mulberry stems grown at Ca2+ 40 ppm showed a sufficient tolerance at -10 for 24 hours while stems grown at Ca2+ 5 ppm did a weak tolerance at the same conditions.

      • 뽕나무의 耐寒性에 關한 硏究(Ⅱ) : 短期高溫 및 低溫處理가 休眠枝條의 耐寒性에 미치는 效果 Rapid Effect of High and Low Temperature on the Freezing Resistance of Dehardening Stems

        柳根燮,朴基燦 慶北大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.52 No.-

        This study explored the rapid effect of low temperature on the freezing resistance of dehardening and hardening stems of mulberry cultivars. 1. The short low temperature treatment showed hardy freezing resistance to mulberry winter bud in early spring. 2. The high temperature treatment showed less freezing resistance to mulberry stems and the longer high temperature treatment, the lesser freezing resistance in early spring. 3. Mulberry stems treated at -5℃ for 24 hours during November were not showed any freezing damage and the more late November, the more hardened freezing resistance. 4. Yongchunppong was the most hardy freezing resistance cultivar.

      • 窒素 및 生長調節劑 處理에 의한 뽕나무의 蛋白質, 核酸含量 및 休眠의 變化

        柳根燮,南鶴祐,崔營哲 한국잠사학회 1993 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        Winter dormancy of the mulberry (Morus species) in Suwon was investigated with regards to mulberry varieties, such as Kaeryangppong, Daeryugppong, Yongcheonppong and Hongolppong application of fertilizers and growth hormone. In general, It initiated at late September and it subsequently became deeper and reached the highest degree through late October to early November. After that early November it gradually turned into the breaking state and was terminated by late November. Intensity and duration of dormancy were lower and shorter in Kaeryangppong. The standard application of N. P. K(30-13-18 kg/10a) affects it delayed, but terminated earlier. On the other hand, the double amount of nitrogen affects the dormancy fast, but terminated late. The treatments of GA3 at the early and termination stages increased the bad sprouting. The contents of RNA and protein in the bark gradually increased as the dormancy becomes deeper.

      • 필리핀 벤규트의 고지대 뽕밭현황 및 개선방안

        류근섭 慶北大學校農業科學技術硏究所 1996 慶北大農學誌 Vol.14 No.-

        필리핀의 잠사업은 그 역사가 매우 짧다. 1974년 일본의 잠업기술을 도입하면서부터 양잠에 관심을 갖기 시작하였다. 그 후 1990년 한국의 잠업기술자의 도움을 받아 뽕밭을 조성하고 잠실을 지어 양잠을 본격적으로 시작하게 되었다. 따라서 이 나라의 잠업역사가 짧은 것 만큼 뽕나무 재배기술도 몹시 낙후되어 잇는 실정이다. 필리핀 고지대의 뽕밭의 현황 및 그 개선책을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 강우량, 기온, 일조시간 및 습도 등은 뽕나무가 자라는데 큰 무리가 없어 보인다. 다만 12월부터 3월까지의 건기에는 뽕밭에 관수를 하거나 뽕밭 주위에 무진장으로 자생하고 있는 풀을 베어서 뽕밭에 피복하여 토양수분을 보존한다. 대부분의 뽕밭이 급경사지에 조성되었는데 등고선에 따라 계단을 만들거나 승수로의 설치등이 되어 있지 않기 때문에 강우시에는 토양의 침식 및 유실이 심하였다 따라서 계단 사면에는 초생재배를 실시하고 계단면에는 유기물을 피복하여 토양의 유실을 방지해야 할 것이다. 토양의 pH 4.7, 유기물함량 1.6%, 유효인산함량은 6ppm이었다. 즉 유기물 함량이 낮은 강산성토양이며 유효인산함량이 극히 낮은 토양이었다. 석회와 유기물을 다량 사용하여 토양을 개량하고 인산비료를 증시해야한다. 소나무 밑에서 재배하고 있는 뽕밭에서는 햇빛이 잘 쪼일 수 있도록 소나무의 곁가지를 전정해주고 석회를 증시한다. 현재의 ha당 시비량 질소-46kg, 인산-18kg은 너무 적은 양이므로 ha당 질소-250kg, 인산-120kg, 칼리-120kg을 사용한다. 전체 뽕밭의 70%에 해당하는 뽕나무가 뽕나무 잎말이 나방피해를 받고 있는 실정인바 DDVP 및 KAFIL 등의 약제 방제를 실시한다. 우기에 많이 발생하는 적삽병은 이병된 뽕잎과 새순은 조기 제거하고 Topsin-M을 살포한다. The Studies were conducted to provide the state of mulberry cultivation and it's development in Banguet province (high land) of Philippines. Philippines initiated the sericulture industry with the technical asistance of Japan in 1974 and established mulberry field and sericultural facilities with technical asistance of Korea in 1990 and 1995. The required average of 100 to 150㎜ per month is not available during the dry season from December to March. Therefor mulching with grass which is available abundantly in the Philippines should be established to conserve moisture, to control soil erosion, surface ran-off and also to increase the humus content in the soil. In chemical properties of mulberry field, the pH value of soil is 4.7, organic matter 1,6%, and available phosphorus 6ppm. Therefore, all fields should do liming and be applied compost. To improve leaf yield for mulberry planted under partial shade area of pine trees, more pruning of pine tree should be done for good sunshining of mulberry, more liming and compost should be applied to improve acidic soil. To control the leaf roller, DDVP and KAFIL are able to be used. When spraying insecticides to control mulberry insect pests, care should be taken to consider the residual effects of chemicals on the leaf. Leaf should be fed to silkworms only after the leaves are free of any residual effects.

      • 상수지(桑樹枝)의 내한성(耐寒性) 증대(增大)에 미치는 억제제(抑制劑) Maleic Hydrazide의 살포효과(撒布效果)

        류근섭 ( K. S. Ryu ),오준식 ( J. S. Oh ) 한국잠사학회 1971 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        추잠기 수확직후 가지의 선단 잔엽에 MH (Maleic hydrazide) 살포가 내한성 증대에 미치는 영향을 시험하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다. 1. 0.25% 이상의 농도로 살포하면 저장전분이 증가되고 이듬해 봄에 가지의 선단고사비율이 낮아졌다. 2. 중부지방에서의 살포적기는 9월 중순 경이다. 3. 우량 뽕나무인 일지뢰, 개량서반, 노상, 수원상 4호는 MH의 살포효과가 인정되었다. 4. 품종간의 내한성 정도는 수원상4호>개량서반>일지뢰>노상 순으로 강하였다. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of maleic hydrazide upon the winter hardness on leaves spraying after harvesting of autumn rearing season. The results obtained are as follows; 1. Spraying over 0.25% increased starch in all tissues of the twig than that in the not-sprdyed control twig. 2. Spraying time of central district was the middle ten days of september. 3. There were effect on spraying of all the treatment variety Suwon No. 4. 4. Winter hardiness by variety was strong in the order of Suwon No. 4, Gae Ryang Su ban, Il Jire, Rosang.

      • 개간지상전(開墾地桑田)에 발생(發生)하는 지조고사현상(枝條枯死現象)의 원인구명시험(原因究明試驗)

        류근섭 ( K. S. Ryu ) 한국잠사학회 1972 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        최근 우리나라 각지의 신개간지상전에 원인불명의 지조고사현상이 발생하고 있어 그 원인을 구명하기 위하여 대표적인 피해상전을 택하여 토양의 물리성조사와 토양 및 식물체내의 붕소함량을 분석한바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 피해증상의 특징은 발아도중 즉 탈포~연구기까지 개엽하다가 갑자기 말라 죽는다. 2. 피해상전은 화강암모재에 사양토(암쇄토)로 되어 있으며 건전상전은 화강암모재에 양토로 되어 있었다. 3. 유효토심은 피해상전이 10∼20cm, 건전상전이 40∼50cm로서 유의 있게 깊었다. 4. 표층토양의 토양반응과 유효붕소함량간에는 상관관계가 없었다. 5. 표토층의 유기물함량과 유효붕소함량간에는 유의한 회귀관계를 보였으며 고도로 유의한 정상관계 수를 얻었다. 6. 토양 중 유효붕소함량은 피해상전이 0.13∼0.20ppm, 건전상전이 0.39∼0.49ppm으로서 피해상전보다 유의 있게 많았다. 7. 토양 중 아연함량은 피해상전이 0.95∼1.67ppm, 건전상전이 0.78∼1.23ppm으로 유의성이 없었다. 8. 피층 내 붕소함량은 피해상전이 10.63∼12.99ppm, 건전상전이 18.42∼21.02ppm으로 피해상전보다 유의 있게 많았다. 9. 피층 내 아연함량은 전자가 26.0∼33.8ppm, 후자가 25.2∼30.7ppm으로 유의성이 없었다. Recently, young mulberry trees grown in the reclaimed hill land are frequently attacted by the die-bark and the buds of the trees developed poorly. In order to learn the cause of the injury mentioned above available boron content in the soils and the bark of young shoots have been analyzed. The results are as follow; Available boron content in the soil of the damaged mulberry fold was 0.3-0.20ppm, against 0.39-49ppm in that of healthy mulberry field, and boron in the bark of the damaged trees was 10.63-12.99ppm, and 18.42-21.02ppm in that of the healthy trees. The organic matter content and available boron content in soils showed a highly significant possitive correlation. The moisture content in percent in the soil of the damaged mulberry held was 11.16 and 14.22 in that of healthy mulberry field.

      • Effect of Growth Regulators on the dormancy of Mulberry(Morus alba L.) Winter Buds in Taegu, Korea

        Mohammed, El Fezazi,Ryu, Keun Sup 한국잠사학회 1988 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        These experiments were carried out to define the rest period of mulberry by treating growth regulators in Taegu, Korea. Results obtained were as follows: It was recognized that the depth of rest in Taegu, Korea, was not deeper than that in Tokyo and Kagoshima, Japan. The rest of mulberry was begun at the end of September, subsequently became deeper throught the first October into the late October and then turned gradually into quiescence by the beginning of November. Buds sprayed by gibberellic acid (GA3) 10ppm and urea 0.5% were promoted to sprout, while naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) 0.02% inhibited strongly bud sprouting and abseisic acid (ABA) 20ppm had no effect on the rest of mulberry. Gibberellic acid 10ppm enhanced the rate of green color of bud after incubation for 10 days at 30°C. By the portion of mulberry stems, the depth of rest was different that the middle buds were less dormant than those lower. The optimal time required for the mulberry winter bud break is 15 days incubation at 30°C as treated with GA3.

      • 뽕나무 品種別 古條揷木에 있어서 揷穗內 貯藏物質의 經時的 變化

        崔營哲,柳根燮 한국잠사학회 1989 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        To investigate changes of dry weight, C/N ratio, carbohydrate, protein and nucleic acids in the barks of the hardwood cutting of mulberry plants, the barks of the hardwood cutting were taken every 10days from the cutting day to 40 days after cutting. Results were summarized as follows: Growth of new shoot and root in Keomseolppong(Morus bombycis Koinz.) after cutting was better than that in Kaeryangppong(Morus alba L. ) and Daeryugppong(Morus Lhou(SER.) Koinz.). Dry weight in the barks of the hardwood cutting decreased up to 40 days after cutting (decrease percentage of dry weight: about 14%) and Keomseolppong showed the highest decrease prcentage of dry weight. Change of C/N ratio decreased in the initiation, whereas that from 10 days after cutting increased with the growth of new shoot, C/N ratio was the highest in Keomseolppong and the lowest in Kaeryangppong. Total sugar showed decreasing tendency up to 40 days after cutting the increase from 10 days to 20 days. Reducing sugar increased in the first 20 days, followed gradually decrease up to 40 days after cutting. Starch levels decreased up to 40 days. Change in the content of starch closely paralleled to that of dry weight of bark of the hardwood cutting. Content of total sugar and starch in Keomseolppong was the highest, and was consumed more than that in the rest of varieties. Crude protein and soluble protein increased up to 10 days after cutting, followed decrease up to 40 days. Protein content of Keomseolppong was smaller than that in the rest of varieties. RNA content showed the same tendency with that of protein content, but Keomseolppong showed always the highest. Content of DNA, did not show any change and diffrence among three varieties.

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