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      • 土地區劃整理事業 地區內 土地利用計劃 比較 硏究(I) -光州廣域市-

        都榮準 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 1997 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        本 硏究는 光州廣域市에서 施行하고 있는 13개 土地區劃整理事業 地區의 現況을 調査하여 土地利用計劃 특히 公共施設 用地에 대해 分析하였다. 그 結果 事業地區의 各種 平均은 面積 0.99㎢, 事業施行者는 光州廣域市, 換地方法은 面積式 換地, 公共施設用地率 33.4%, 道路率 28.4%, 公園率 1.8%, 減步率 38.5%를 보이고 있다. 土地區劃整理事業에서는 公共施設 用地率이 包含되는 減步率이 重要하므로 이 減步率을 適正化할 必要가 있다. 따라서 본 硏究는 Ⅰ段階 硏究로 이것들에 대한 總論的인 改善 方案을 提示한다. By serveying the condition of thirteen land readjustment areas which are carried out by Kwang ju city government, the landuse planning on public facility sites are analysed. The outcome of this study shows that average size of land readjustment area is 0.99㎢, the method of exchange land is area type, the ratio of public facilities areas, road areas and parks and reduction of land is 33.4%, 28.4%,1.8% and 38.5% respectively. The proper reduction ratio of land is required because it is included importantly in the ratio of public facilities areas. As a first step, the general improvemint measures are presented on this study.

      • 都市空間構造의 理論的 考察

        都榮準 호남대학교 1999 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.20 No.2

        Full-scale industrilization started progress of the manufacturing industry after Industrial Revolution. This process concentrated to cities many a population and industry on the ground of the urbanization, Metropolis the like of Seoul dwelling over 10 billions persons was born. Urban is formed a components of land·population·facility and activity. If it concentrated to many a population in a space, the housing problems occur, it is indispensable to solve for a large scale develop land for housing. After all, farming land transformed to a site and built-up areas are sprawled to develop land for housing. Namely, landuse transforming get accomplishing in urban have effect to transformed and sharp of urban structure. Urban structure become an important planning element, to presentation the urban pattern and physical of expansion a direction.

      • 경관시범지구의 지정 및 운영에 관한 연구

        도영준 호남대학교 2008 학술논문집 Vol.29 No.2

        This study is to designate and implement appropriate working medel for aesthetic improvement so that It can create businesses and expand measures for aesthetic improvement of Gwang-ju. In order to select an appropriate working model of aesthetic improvement, the study will explore existing literature and materials relevant to the project The study will consider the objectives of the government initiative and will provide a detailed strategy for the implementation of a district model within Gwangju and the subsequent aesthetic development of Gwang ju city as a whole. The project will involve the creation and maintenance of a working, viable regional model that will aesthetically improve a chosen district. This should involve cooperation between the public and private sectors. The project will set up an organizational and management structure that will be tasked with reproducing the improvements of the working model across other districts of Gwang ju. Ultimately, the project will need to create and maintain social systems that will improve the aesthetic landscape of Gwang ju. If the social systems are maintained, and their policies are effectively and consistently implemented then this should reduce problems that are commonly associated with an ugly and ruinous physical environment. Hopefully the project can provide residents and tourists within Gwang ju with a more comfortable and beautiful physical environment. This project will aim to create it’s own momentum for the aesthetic improvement of other cities within Korea, thus enhancing the nationwide reputation of Gwang ju and making Korea a more beautiful place to live!

      • 情報化 都市의 開發戰略에 관한 硏究

        都榮準 호남대학교 정보통신연구소 1998 정보통신연구 Vol.8 No.-

        The city of 21 century will be information towns supported by high technology. The purpose of this study is to formulate concepts of the informationalized city, and set up development strategies. Furthermore, the types of informationalized cities, such as New York, Amsterdam, London and Kumamodo etc, are classified by types of metropolis, new town and center for center for industry and information. This study takes aim at using this article as a fundamental data to achieve Kwang-Ju as a regional center of North-East area with quality of good environment oriented high technology.

      • 어린이公園의 分布 特性에 關한 硏究 : Kwang Ju City 光州廣域市를 中心으로

        都榮準 호남대학교 1997 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.18 No.4

        The functional importance of children's parks is gradually increasing. Nowadays, the children's parks are considered as the necessary facilities in the residential area planning, so it has been setting up over 1,500m²per one children's park in the new development area. just as all public facilities, the children's parks also face many difficulties for development because of the restricted condition, such as land values and land use, in the built-up area rather than the new development area. It is necessary to change the consciousness that the children's parks, which are the concentric facility of neighborhood unit, must be taken into consideration as the quality side rather than the quantity side of whether it is installed over a certain dimentions by the standard of law or not. Thus, we must not persist 1,500m²by law but adjust the standard of law to gain the flexbility of dimentions. For starters, we should divide the area setting up the facilities and then operate flexibly the condition, such as the dimentions per facility and use population, based on the current standard in the new development area and establish the dimentions like 400m²,800m². considering the regional situation after defining the least dimensions-200m², the average dimensions of solo residential area, as the least establishment standard dimensions with relaxing it in the built-up area. It is also necessary to think the adjustment of establishment standard to use the function of childen's parks not only for children's parks but also for various neighborhood. Therefore, it is essential in adjusting and relaxing the urban parks laws-establishment standard to make proper use of it according to wind of change, regional condition and so on.

      • 창조도시 광주를 위한 전략과 과제

        도영준 호남대학교 2008 학술논문집 Vol.29 No.2

        Gwang-ju is drawing up a concrete road map for preparing a "culture centered" city , but the infrastructure for this fundamental art is slim. So, Gwang-ju needs to attract artists working abroad in the fields of art, design and music and to spare no expense or support towards encouraging them to attendand actively engage in the creative type activities that are required. As has been shown, the city's work environment must be suitable to create a 'creative city', requiring such things as the creation of work space and a comfortable city environment for artists, along with game rooms, the preparation of open space, good quality homes and educational environment for creative and artistic type classes, etc. all need to be addressed. As Gwang-ju is an eligible candidate for branding as a 'creative city', the development of symbolic resources, the creation of landmarks and remodeling of the city center as well as ruralproperty are all required. Since the project is still in its infancy and citizen interest in culture is low, Gwang-ju should start, first, with the development of international events and the like, in order to generate the image of and to meet its desired expectation of becoming a recognized 'creative city'. Subsequently, the rich cultural heritage and tradition must be firmly instilled as integral to the identity of Gwang-ju and projected to people from around the world by reminding them of Gwang-ju's history and culture through the above projects. It can be a turning point as a 'creative city'.

      • 골프장의 난이도 설계 사례 연구 : 세계 100대 골프장 중심

        도영준 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2012 녹색산업연구 Vol.18 No.2

        세계 100대 골프장을 설계한 골프장설계가는 맥켄지가 8개로 가장 많다. 골프장 입지는 내륙형 48개소에 해변형 52개소, 운영은 회원제골프장 73개소, 대중골프장 27개소로 분석되었다. 골프장 위치는 지역중심도시에서 평균 약 73㎞ 정도 떨어져 있으며, 개장연도는 가장 오래된 골프장이 1850년이며, 1920년대에 개장한 골프장이 가장 많게 나타났다. 코스길이는 평균 약 6,921야드로 가장 짧은 골프장은 약 5,952야드, 가장 긴 골프장은 약 7,585야드로 분석되었다. 코스난이도와 슬로프난이도는 미국에서 주로 사용하였으나 오늘날에는 전 세계에서 공통적으로 사용하고 있다. 코스난이도는 74.0∼74.9 스트로크대가 26%로 가장 많으며, 가장 낮은 곳은 69.0, 가장 높은 곳은 77.3, 슬로프난이도 평균 139에 최소 120, 최대는 155로 분석되었다. 2008년 현재 전 세계 골프장은 약 35,000개소로 220개 국가에 개발되어 있으며, 미국, 영국, 일본 순으로 차지하고 있다. 우리나라는 2011년 말 현재 330개소가 운영되고 있다. 인구대비 골프장이 많은 국가는 영국의 스코틀랜드로 약 9,500명 당 1개, 국토 면적에 비해 골프장이 많은 국가는 싱가포르로 약 26 ㎢당 1개가 개발되었다. 우리나라는 2011년 말 현재 인구대비 약 15만 명 당 1개, 국토면적 대비 약 303㎢ 당 1개가 개발되어 있다. 주요어 : 코스난이도, 슬로프난이도, 스크래치골퍼 Modern Golf in literature was started for the first time at St. Andrews in Scotland, UK. After 20C, USA overwhelmed UK and as a result, 51% of top 100 golf courses in the world was located in USA. Golf became a popular sports in the world. An analyzed results for development feature of top 100 golf courses in the world is as follows. Mac -Kenzie, one of in the golf course architects has designed excellent 8 golf courses, and after then his colleagues and juniors have improved them. Most of golf course designers succeed by job changing to architects from an amateur or professional player. Golf course was analyzed as 52 seaside courses and 48 inland courses in location, and as 73 private courses and 27 public courses in management. Golf courses and regional central city are 73 ㎞ apart on the average, and extremely long distance is 400 ㎞. Year-built of oldest golf course is from 1850 and it is extremely numerous in 1920's. Course length was analyzed as 6,921yd on an average, and the shortest is 5,952yd and longest is 7,585yd. Most of course length has become longer rather than first design because golf tournaments. The course rating was analyzed as 74.0∼74.9 on the average, max rating 77.3 and min rating 69.0. And the slope rating was analyzed as about 139, max rating 155, min rating 120. Golf course per population is the most in Scotland and it has developed for 9,500 persons per course. Country area per golf course is the least in Singapore and its course has developed in 26㎢. In Korea it has developed for 152,000 persons and in 303㎢. Key Word : Course Raring, Slope Rating, Scratch Golfer

      • 골프장 계획 및 개발사례 연구 : 세계 100대 골프장 중심

        도영준 호남대학교 산업기술연구소 2012 녹색산업연구 Vol.18 No.2

        골프장 명칭은 골프클럽, 컨트리클럽이 대부분이고 리조트에 포함된 대중골프장이 많이 분포하고 있으며, 1920년대에 개장한 골프장이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 골프장 규모는 대부분 18홀, 파-72로 구성되어 있고 평균코스길이는 약 6,944야드로 분석되었으며, 각 골프장의 코스길이는 각종 골프대회 때마다 길어지고 있어 점점 어려워지고 있는 실정이다. 코스난이도(course rating)는 평균 74.3, 슬로프난이도(slope rating)는 평균 139.9으로 나타나고 있어 일반적으로 어려운 골프장이 많음을 알 수 있으며, 각 골프장에서 자랑하는 대표적인 홀 또는 핸디캡 1인 홀은 5번 홀이 가장 많은 것으로 분석되었다. 우리나라의 골프장은 미국과 달리 적은 국토면적, 농지의 보전, 토지가격 등으로 대부분 산지나 구릉지를 이용하고 있으며, 한편으로 자연훼손을 동반하고 있는 실정이다. 골프장의 대중화를 위해 많은 골프장의 건설이 필요하나 더불어 자연훼손을 복원하는 녹색기술개발과 사업자의 인식 전환이 필요하다. 우리나라의 경우 회원제골프장은 많은 사업비가 소요되어 분양가와 그린피가 비싸기 때문에 대중화에 걸림돌이 되어 향후에는 국민체육공단 등 공공기관이 주도하는 대중골프장의 공급 활성화가 절실한 실정하다. 주요어 : 골프클럽, 컨트리클럽, 코스난이도, 슬로프난이도 Golf course name is most of golf club and country club. Public golf course are included in resort. Lots of golf course were opened at 1920's. Golf course size analyzed an average course length 6,944yard, par-72, 18hole. Course length was lengthened at the same time golf championships. Course rating was an average 74.3, slope rating 139.9 and a difficult most of golf course. It was taking a pride in golf club was most of 5th hole. Golf course of Korea developed most of hilly districts or mountainous region considered to land price, preservation of agricultural land, national land area but took with a damage of nature. Construction of golf course is necessary for popularization of golf course and for awareness conversion of a business proprietor, technique development, ets. Private golf course of Korea was expensive for green fee and sale price, accordingly Nation supply with public golf course is earnest to actual circumstances. Key words : Golf Club, Country Club, Course Rating, Slope Rating

      • 都心空洞化와 都市再生에 대한 小考

        도영준 호남대학교산업기술연구소 2008 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.14 No.-

        The changes in the various conditions faced with the growth-type Urban development policies with regard to the out-lying areas of the city is nowadays leading development toward a common area inside the cities. Especially, sustainable cities , environmentally friendly cities, and changes in the traditional city paradigm have opened up opportunity for turning urban development policies into city regeneration as people are moving back into the city center. Businesses related to the moving back into the city center actually contributed a lot to the improving/refurbishing of older houses. But, the creation of standardized houses and overcrowding, development of gentrification based on the views and best interests of Big Business have helped to promote slums in the downtown area caused by the deterioration of natural beauty in the city and an excess of city infrastructure and public services. Therefore, the regeneration of our cities aimed at returning population and businesses to the city center should be conducted with the aim of improving the housing environment as well as the capacity of the infrastructure and public services, in conjunction with the effort to supply rental units and national housing for the low-income groups and to ensure the revitalization of communities. The regeneration of our cities can be accomplished by securing the infrastructure and through the improvement of our public services such as our parks, green areas, cultural facilities , roads, and public transportation. The maintenance not at the level of urban block but at the level of conurbation is necessary for this. The formation of an urban space design suitable for inhabitants as a ‘life environment' and a plan for development needs to be realized. Also, location for facilities needs to be considered to ensure city safety, in addition to the improvement in functionality of our houses, and facilities for leisure and self-improvement that will meet the residents' lifestyle. In addition to new development, city regeneration requires a long term effort for 10 or 20 years, still guarding our traditional identity but supplementing that with new functions. In this view , first of all, sustainable cities and environmentally-friendly cities will be established by achieving a systematic approach which can secure a proper time for maintenance, continuity and suitability on a basis of urban growth. 도시외곽지역으로 확대되던 기존의 도시개발정책은 제반 도시여건의 변화로 이제는 도시 내부의 공동화 지 역으로 개발방향을 전환시키도록 유도하고 있다. 특히, 지속가능한 도시, 친환경적인 도시 등 21세기 도시 패러다임의 변화는 도심회귀를 통한 도심재생으로 도시개발정책을 전환시키는 계기가 되었다. 기존의 도시회귀 관련 사업들이 노후한 불량 주거지역의 개선에 일조를 한 것은 사실이나 사업적 측면에 치중하다보니 공동주택 위주의 획일적 도시공간을 창출하고 있어 초고층 아파트 위주의 과밀개발은 도시미관 악화 및 기반시설·공공서비스 용량 초과에 따른 도심 재 슬럼화를 조장할 우려가 있다. 따라서 인구와 사업을 도심으로 회귀시키기 위한 도시재생은 주거환경의 개선뿐만 아니라 기반시설 및 공공시설의 수용용량 법위 내에서 이루어져야 할 것이며, 저소득층을 위한 임대주택 및 국민주택의 공급과 커뮤니티 활성화 방안등 정주성(定住性) 확보를 위한 노력이 수반되어야 할 것이다. 도시재생은 공원·녹지, 문화시설, 도로, 대중교통수단 등 기반시설 및 공공시설의 확보를 통하여 이루어질 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 기존의 블록별 정비가 아닌 광역적 차원의 정비가 필요하며, 생활환경으로서 주민 거주에 유리한 도시공간구조 형성과 개발계획이 실현되어야 하며 도시의 안정성을 확보하고 주민의 생활양식에 부합되는 주거기능과 여가·자기개발 관련 기능의 강화를 위한 시설의 입지를 고려하여야 한다. 도시재생은 신규개발과 달리 커뮤니티의 정체성을 유지하면서 새로운 기능의 보완이 요구 되므로 10년 혹은 20년 의 장기간의 노력을 필요로 한다. 이 시점에서 볼 때 무엇보다도 도시성장적인 측면에서 적정한 정비 시기와 연속성 및 적합성을 담보할 수 있는 계획적 접근이 이루어짐으로써 지속가능한 도시, 친환경적인 도시를 구현힐 수 있을 것이다.

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