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        2001년 농작물 병해 발생개황

        김충희,Kim, Choong-Hoe 한국식물병리학회 2002 식물병연구 Vol.8 No.1

        2001년 기상의 특징은 3월부터 5월까지 계속된 극심한 가뭄과 생육기간 내내 계속된 고온현상 그리고 별다른 태풍의 내습 없이 9, 10월 수확기 맑은날의 지속으로 요약할 수 있다. 벼는 순조로운 기상 때문에 잎, 이삭도열병, 세균성벼알마름병, 흰잎마름병, 잎집무늬마름병의 발생이 예년에 비해 경미하였으나, 감비추진 정책에 의해 생육후기 깨씨무늬병이 발생하여 전국적으로 문제시되었으며 그동안 발생이 적었던 줄무늬잎마름병이 경기, 충청, 호남 서해안지역을 중심으로 많이 발생하였다. 고추는 생육기 비가 많이 왔던 전남북 지역에서 역병 발생이 심하였으며 토마토와 오이는 대부분 예년에 비해 병발생이 적었다. 수박의 경우는 꽃자리 부분이 썩는 푸른곰팡이병이 전국적으로 발생하였으며 CGMMV는 전년에 비해 상당폭 발생면적이 감소하였고 노지재배의 경우 탄저병 발생이 예년에 비해 심하였다. 참외와 딸기도 전년에 비하여 병발생이 경미하였으며 예년에 발생이 많았던 참외의 급성위조증상도 발생이 대폭 감소하였다. 마늘·양파의 흑색썩음균핵병은 봄철의 가뭄과 고온현상으로 병발생의 전년의 절반수준으로 감소하였다. 감자의 풋마름병은 발병포장이 증가하는 경향이었으며 고구마의 덩굴쪼김병도 발생이 감소하였다. 사과의 경우 전반적으로 병 발생이 예년에 비해 경미하였으며 배는 흰가루병이 많이 발생하였다. 맥류의 붉은곰팡이병은 예년처럼 거기 발생이 없었다. Climate in the year of 2001 could be summarized as severe drought from March to May, unusually high temperature in whole plant growth periods and clear weather condition especially in harvesting time of September and October without any typoons. In rice, major diseases such as leaf and panicle blast, bacterial blight, sheath blight and bacterial grain rot developed little due to unfavorable weather conditions, however, brown spot occurred severely due partly to the reduced use of N-fertilizer, Rice stripe virus infection was unusually high mainly in the west coast areas with four times more diseaseD area campared to the previous year, In pepper phytophthora blight was extremely severe in Cheonnam and Cheonbuk provinces, where had frequent rainfalls during growing period. Incidence of major diseases of tomato and cucumber in 2001 was relatively mild. In watermelon, penicillium fruit rot, one of the peculiar disease, spread over major production areas, whereas CGMMV, usually severe in every years was much reduced. Watermelon plants growing in open-fields were more severely diseased than those in plastic houses. Major diseases of chinese melon and strawberry occurred slightly and in particular, sudden wilt syndrome of chinese melon which was severe in 2000 showed mild infections in 2001. Incidence of white rot of garlic and onion was much lower unlike other years due mainly to spring drought and high temperature in the growing period. Infected area of potato bacterial wilt tended to increase in 2001 while fusarium wilt of sweetpotato was decreased. Apple diseases were generally mild, but powdery mildew of pear increased sharply. Barley scab was not severe as seen in other years.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내 살균제 저항성 문제의 현황과 전망

        김충희(Choong-Hoe Kim) 한국농약과학회 2000 농약과학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Fungicide resistance study in Korea is still in its infancy, and most of those resistance studies are largely limited to newness of the detected resistant strains. In future, detection of fungicide-resistant strains has to be based on sensitivity distribution of pathogen populations to certain fungicides, and standard levels of certain fungicides for resistance should be determined under the basis of this data. Most of the early research on fungicide resistance in Korea has overlooked this point, and resulted in inconsistency and confusion for monitoring sensitivity shift of pathogen population among individual researchers. Fungicide resistance detected in vitro tests has to be documented in field trials by examining control efficacy against resistant and wild-type pathogen populations. Resistance detection in vitro has to be correlated with lower activity in practice. Using this process, fungicide resistance will have a practical meaning. Fitness evaluation of resistant strains for survival is, in particular, of importance to determine the future stability of the resistance in the pathogen population. In fields, sensitivity change of pathogen populations should be carefully monitored with and without fungicide selection pressures to establish long-term management strategies against fungicide resistance. It is becoming an urgent task to provide information through research for designing and implementing successful counter-measures against fungicide resistance problems in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

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