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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        분만시 회음의 소독처치 와 그가치

        강신명(SM Kang),이순배(SB Rhee),박기영(KY Park),김인숙(IS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.3

        Aseptic technique or reduction of the bacterial flora on the pudendal area in delevery preparation still requires constant re-evaluation. In this paper a new class of disinfectant, the amphoteric surface active agent, hygiene(TEGO 1 03 G) is applied to prepare the perineal area and it`s effects were compared with other varies con- ventional agents and were evaluated clinically by the incidence of transient episotomy fever or sub- clinical infection of clean surgical incision-episiotomy(Showing transient elevation of body tempe- rature orally up to 37`c. or more, lasting less than 4 hours any time in postpartum 3 days period but excluding all othe febrile sources) as well as in vitro study. The data to be presented are based on 169 primiparas deliveried in Ewha Womans University Hospital, Seoul, Korea(33 suing Hygiene, 15 with Mercurochrome, 13 with Cresol, 30 soap and water, 29 soap and water plus prophylactic systemic antibiotics). From this study following conclusions have been reached. 1.The effect of pudendal perineal aseptic technic or disinfectant best can sharply be compared and evaluated clinically by the incidence of transient episiotomy fever or subclinical infection of clean incision-episiotomy(Showing transient fever of 37`c. or more orally in any time of postpart- um 3 days period, but excluding all other febrile sources) rather than by gross episiotomy wound infection which is often encontering many different criterias or even by in vitro biocides effect alone which is also proven to be incorrect unless using serial basin bethod or neutralizing, reducing age- nts. 2.The transient episiotomy fever(Subclinical infection) is strongly correlated with quantitative bacterial innoculation as well as it`s types. It suggested that the most responsible pathogens were staphylococcus aureus and some Streptococcus. On the other hand E. coli appeared to be relatively non-causeative one in the pudendal perineal area; probably female perneum resistant particularly to the normally inhabiting enteric microorganisms. 3.1% Hygiene(TEGO 103G) was superior to a rapid physol wash, Mercurochrome or Cresol wa- sh in reducing subclinical infection of clean episiotomy(tranisent fever) mostly acused by Staphyloc- occus aureus. It seemed also sensitive to Streptococcus. 4.Routine prophylactic antibiotics reduced some transient dpisiotomy fever, but not all of the inc- idence of higher temperatures presumably caused by massive bacterial innoculations. Proper aseptic perineal technic will prevent the clinicl infection of episiotomy wound and subclinical transient episiotomy fever as well. The corection of low hemoglobin level should also be considered in this aspect.

      • KCI등재

        처녀막패쇄에 의한 Hematometrocolpos의1예

        서상전(SJ Huh),김인숙(IS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.9

        An imperforate hymen is a rare congenital malformation. Author report a case of imperforate hymen with hematometrocolpos in a 17 years-old girl who had an appendcctomy, by mistake, a year prior to the discovery of the imerforate hymen. Patient was treated satifactorily by simple crucial incision with excision of the quadrant of the hymen.

      • KCI등재

        임신중독증의 임상적 고찰

        천기순(KS Chon),김인숙(IS Kim),차경섭(KS Cha) 대한산부인과학회 1964 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.7 No.9

        1. 입원분만한 산모 7488예중 2990명의 임신중독증환자를 진료하였고, 그 발생율은 39.93%이다. 2. 자간환자는 71명으로 임신중독증 환자의 2.38%에 해당한다. 3. Preeclampsia severe는 36주에 제일 많고, Eclampsa는 39주, Preeaclampsia mild는 40주에 많았다. 4. 초산의 51%, 경산의 33%에서 중독증이 이환되었고 초산에선 44명 즉 1.79%가 자간에 이환되었다. 경산에선 22명 즉 0.44%에서 자간이 발생하였다. 5. 쌍태임신부의 이환율은 67.6%이며 자간발생율은 7.6%이다. 6. Hemoglobin 치는 12.87 gm%이며 본원 입원환자의 평균 Hemoglobin 치는 11.62gm이다. 7. B.U.N. 및 N.P.N.은 정상치역내에 있다. 8. 태아의 체중은 2701 gm 로 본원 통계 3240 gm 보다 339 gm 적다. 9. 계절과 관계가 있고 동기에 임신중독증이 많았다. 10. 태아 사망율은 Preeclampsia 에서 3.1%, Eclampsis 에서 20%였다. 11. 자간에서 7명의 산모 사망예가 있었다.

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