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      • 전동화 모터용 10㎾급 모터 다이나모 개발

        김용태(Yongtae Kim),이상훈(Sanghoon Lee),한창수(Changsu Hahn) 한국자동차공학회 2011 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2011 No.11

        When developing motorized motor, validation of product performance and durability characteristics is very important. In this study, 18000rpm, 10kW class motor dynamometer was developed for the evaluation of the performance characteristics. The motor dynamometer consisted of machine bass parts, measurement data parts, and program control parts, and then was developed motor dynamometer control program based on Delphi7. In addition, a motor / inverter combination testing was automated for the evaluation of performance and durability characteristics, and increased reliability of data.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영국 초기 근대 사회의 대중 극장 무대의 여성, 그리고 바이올라 / 세자리오

        김용태(Yongtae Kim) 한국셰익스피어학회 2000 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.36 No.3

        This article sets out to consider the changes of gender ideology and its social and sexual complications represented on the stage of public commercial playhouses in Renaissance England. In early modern England the public theatres aroused the antitheatrical sentiment in the City Fathers or Protestant Church leaders who sought to uphold established social order. They rendered the playhouses subversive, especially in terms of gender identity, focusing on the practice of cross-dressing on the stage in which boy actors take female roles or, more alarmingly for the patriarchs, female characters put on men's garments. Cross-dressing was not merely a matter of public stage but that of problematic cultural ideology. This theatrical practice was not wholly unfamiliar to those who encountered transvestism on the streets of London. Such occurrences both on the stage and in the streets were the very source of misogynist anxiety in antitheatricalists who regarded cross-dressing as a virulent assault on the patriarchal cultural system and a violation of the law of God. At the same time, cross-dressing prompted a reconsideration of such issues as ambiguous sexual relationships, erotic androgyny, and sexual discipline. This is the very case of Viola in Twelfth Night who finds it the best way for survival in an alien environment to transform herself into a man, Cesario. Viola's cross-dressing and her sexual indeterminacy cause ambiguous erotic responses from both Olivia and Orsino, and expands the space of erotic relations among the characters or between the (female) characters and the audience. Cross-dressed like a man, Viola endorses both the traditional and presently emergent views on gender: while seeking every way to be convinced of and reawaken her given feminity, she attempts to forge her gender identity according to her own will and thus repudiate sexual difference, for example, by dressing-down as an eunuch to castrate her exterior masculinity and by dressing-up as a man to assume male prerogatives. Viola's cross-dressing helps to make obscure the gender boundaries, give rise to the confusion of gender roles, and provide anxiety against and fantasy for the disruption of the established gender fixity. In Twelfth Night the practice of cross-dressing is not simply intended for comic resolution of sexual entanglements by the way of patriarchal marriages but rather for representing the ambiguous relationship of erotic desires caused by the confusion of gender identity. The public theatres in early modem England, therefore, were not merely artistic places but the special sites for the exploration of social problematic issues and the cultural contestation to look into the society in the state of flux.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 黙庵 最訥의 화엄교학과 불교사 인식

        김용태(Kim Yongtae) 보조사상연구원 2017 보조사상 Vol.46 No.-

        黙庵 最訥(1717-1790)은 松廣寺를 본사로 한 浮休系의 적전이자 18세기 화엄교학의 종장이었다. 최눌은 『華嚴品目』, 『諸經會要』등의 저술을 남겼는데 그의 사상에 대한 본격적인 연구는 아직 이루 어지지 않았다. 본고는 묵암 최눌의 활동과 교학 이해, 불교사 인식 에 대한 종합적 연구를 시도한 것이다. 鞭羊派 蓮潭 有一과 불교 心 性을 둘러싼 논쟁을 펼쳤던 최눌의 삶과 유불교류의 양상, 일본 승려 와의 교신, 『화엄품목』과 『제경회요』의 판본과 구체적 내용, 三 處傳心 이해와 부휴계 중심의 불교사 인식에 대해 검토해 보았다. 비 록 기초적 정리의 수준에 머물고 말았지만, 최눌의 『화엄품목』과『제경회요』의 구성 내용을 검토한 결과 그가 화엄학에 정통한 교 학자였음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 토대로 승려교육과정인 이력과정의 불서에 대해 私記를 남긴 18세기 교학자들의 사상을 폭넓게 조명하 고, 華嚴 및 교학, 禪관련 주석서의 내용을 분석하여, 향후 조선후기 불교사상의 특징과 지향점을 새로운 차원에서 접근해 볼 수 있을 것 이다. Mugam Choenul 黙庵 最訥 (1717-1790) was a leader of the Korean Hwaeom studies in the eighteenth century as well as direct descendant of the Buhyu 浮休 lineage whose main temple was Songgwangsa 松廣寺. Choenul left such writings as the Hwaeom pummok 華嚴品目 and the Jegyeong hoeyo 諸經會要. A full-scale research on his thought, however, has not been carried out. This article aims at comprehensively exploring Chonul’s life as well as his understanding of Buddhist history and philosophy. In particular, the article examines the following: the debate with Yeondam Yuil 蓮潭有一 of the Pyeonyang 鞭羊 lineage on Buddhist theories of the mind-nature, the interactions with Confucian literati, the correspondence with a Japanese monk, the different editions of the Hwaeom pummok and the Jegyeong hoeyo and their concrete contents, and the understanding of “samcheo jeonsim” (three places of 50 / 보조사상 46집(2016.8) mind-transmission 三處傳心) and the Buddhist history. Although the article is rather introductory, it can demonstrate that his understanding of Hwaeom and Buddhist doctrines reached a significant level by analyzing his Hwaeom pummok and Jegyeong hoeyo. This article contributes to the extensive investigation of the eighteenth-century doctrinal exegetes who left personal notes (sagi 私記) on the Buddhist texts of the monastic curriculum. It also paves the way for exploring the features and direction of the Buddhist thought of the late Joseon from a new perspective on the basis of the analysis of doctrinal (including Hwaeom) and Seon exegeses.

      • [가솔린엔진부문] Bench Test에 의한 가솔린직분식 인젝터 선단면의 Deposit 누적에 대한 온도와 Ni코팅의 영향

        김용태(Yongtae Kim),김병수(Byeongsoo Kim),배재일(Jaeil Bae),백승국(Seungkook Baik),최승연(Seungyeon Choi) 한국자동차공학회 2000 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Recently, gasoline direct injection (GOD engine was developed for increasing of its power, fuel economy and decreasing of engine emissions. It requires high-pressure fuel supply system because fuel is directly injected into combustion chamber with high pressure. Previous authors reported soot and deposit formation on the wall of combustion chamber and injector tip surface because of its injector exposed into combustion chamber. Specially deposit formation on the injector tip surface induced fuel spray pattern change and fuel quantity fluctuation, therefore it is generated unstable combustion.<br/> High-pressure injection injector's performance is very important because directly affect to performance of GDI engine. In this study, we tried panel coking test method for investigate of deposit accumulation on the injector tip surface<br/>

      • KCI등재

        이언 맥컬린의 〈리처드 3세〉: 성적 능력의 환타지의 실패

        김용태(Yongtae Kim) 한국셰익스피어학회 2010 셰익스피어 비평 Vol.46 No.2

        Shakespeare’s Richard Ⅲ has been generally regarded as a history play which supports the political ideology of the Elizabethan period called “Tudor myth.” Tudor myth, in a way or another, has formed every aspect of Richard's deformed body and character. But Richard's history is a fiction and it is deformed from the outset. This might testify that his history has been calling forth a desire for reconstruction from anyone who has interest in him, and Ian McKellen is one of them. In his film Richard Ⅲ, adapted from Shakespeare’ original play, setting its historical background in 1930s fascist England, he chooses to anchor his filmic interpretation on the psychological and sexual cause of Richard’s evil doings. McKellen places his Richard in the middle between his wishful sexual self-image and undeniable sexual impotence, and lets him fill the empty space with will for power. The opening scene in which Richard's tank with its giant gun breaks through the wall of Henry Ⅵ’s headquarters seems to display his hyper-masculinity with the symbolic phallus of warlike soldier. Iin the following scene of the royal ball his withered left hand hidden in the pocket also seems to arouse an expectation for a fantasy of a giant phallus. In his public address of the “summer of York,” however, the camera closes up his face that is distinguished with exaggerated deep circles and tarnished uneven teeth which underscore his pass over the age of sexual virility. In men’s room scene, while looking down at his urinating penis, he comments on his frustration with “Love.” His frustration with love has come from disfunction of his sexual organ as he has no sex with Anne to whom once he approached in a fantasy of romantic lover. He is a man of political ambition who is not able to produce and continue linear royal line. Richard's fascist ideology and exclusive devotion to his career as a full-time soldier are associated with homosexuality which prevents him from enjoying heterosexual relationship with women. While endeavoring to display his masculinity in sexual fantasy, his sexual incapacity threatens the patriarchal order of royal reproduction. The film proposes Richmond as Richard’s opposition in possession of masculine sexuality, as seen in the scene of the first night of the newly married couple of Richmond and Prince Elizabeth. The final victory of Rivers over Richard in the Bosworth field battle is the victory of one who authorizes himself to be worthy of throne since he can make royal succession possible.

      • [가솔린엔진부문] 성층화 혼합기의 연소 모델링

        김용태(Yongtae Kim),배상수(Sangsoo Pae),민경덕(Jyoungdoug Min) 한국자동차공학회 2000 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        To simulate the combustion process under stratified charged conditions, like GOI engines, the new combustion model is proposed, which is based on Weller's FAE model and Peters' PDF model for considering primary reactions. In addition to these models, the new laminar burning velocity correlation and diffusion flame model are also included in the proposed model. The former can be applicable to much wider range of equivalence ratio, pressure and temperature than the others, such as Keck's and Guider's models, and the latter has been derivred from water-gas shift reaction and hydrogen oxidation, by which the secondary reactions can be considered after primary reactions.<br/> 3-D computation has been performed by using STAR-CD v3.05 in the simple cylindrical geometry under stratified charged condition. Judging from the calculated results, the present model proves to be reasonable to simulate the characteristics of name propagation and concentrations of products in burned regions.<br/>

      • KCI등재

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