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        기초자치단체 정당공천제의 폐해와 대안

        김순은 ( Soon Eun Kim ) 동의대학교 지방자치연구소 2014 공공정책연구 Vol.31 No.1

        지방선거에 적용되는 정당공천제의 장·단점에 대한 측정·비교의 결과가 본주제에 대한 해답이다. 물론 장·단점을 계량적으로 측정할 수 있다면 간단하게 해결될 것이지만 본 논문에서 논의한 바와 같이 이는 쉽지 않다. 결국 질적인 방식에 의존할 수밖에 없다는 결론에 이르게 되고 그렇다면 전문가들의 정당공천제에 대한 의견이 매우 중요하게 수용되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 필자는 전문가들의 과반수가 정당공천제의 폐지에 동의하고 있는 것으로 조사되었음을 강조한다. 이 점은 최근 실시된 설문조사에서도 확인되었다. 동시에 현실적인 측면에서 정당의 긍정적 측면도 무시할 수도 없다고 생각한다. 정당 이외에는 정치를 수행할 대안이 없는 상황 하에서 정당의 완전배제는 상기에서와 같은 단점을 노정시킬 수 있다. 따라서 일본의 사례를 참고로 하여 지방선거에 있어서 광역지방선거와 기초지방선거를 대분하여 전자에는 정당공천을 허용하고 후자에 대해서는 정당공천을 배제하기보다는 우리도 미국에서와 같이 정당표시금지제도를 도입할 것을 제안하고자 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the merits and demerits of partisan election in Korea. If it is possible to measure them in an quantitative way it is easy to draw a conclusion. Just because quantitative measures are not available qualitative measures are alternatively used in this study. This study confirms that professional experts on election strongly disagree with partisan election at the lower-tier local governments in Korea. At the same time, from a practical point of view, the importance of political party in the election process cannot be ignored. No other organizations can take a position of political parties at this point. In the light of realities and cases of local election in Japan, non-partisan election which is used in the USA may be useful for a while in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        도시공동체의 주민자치와 사회자본: 입주자대표회의의 사례분석을 중심으로

        김순은 ( Soon Eun Kim ),권보경 ( Bo Kyung Kwon ) 한국지방행정연구원 2016 地方行政硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the status of commissions of representative tenants of apartments from a perspective of residential autonomy and to examine whether or not commissions of representative tenants of apartments can contribute to revitalizing urban communities. This study shows that commissions of representative tenants of apartments do not remain just as managerial organization of apartments but embrace major features and status as residents’ autonomous organizations. On the basis of two case analyses, this study shows that if commissions of representative tenants of apartments could play a key role in cultivating social capital in the apartment, social capital acted as key factors which contributed to revitalize urban community, with the result in regional development. In the process of generating social capital, it is confirmed that leadership of chair of commissions of representative tenants of apartments is essential and his/her role of brokage in the network concerned is very remarkable. It is very important to elect a chair of commissions of representative tenants of apartments who holds high level of dedication and leadership, which works as a foundation to enhance trust among residents and autonomous groups, etc. It can be said that commissions of representative tenants of apartments as residential autonomous organization can contribute to pile up social capital which subsequently works as factors which revitalize urban communities with the result in regional development.

      • KCI등재

        주민행복과 창조적인 지방정부3.0의 이론적 토대

        김순은 ( Soon Eun Kim ) 한국지방행정연구원 2013 地方行政硏究 Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of this study aims to discuss requirements for local government 3.0 in order to strengthening local autonomy for promote the level of residents` happiness. Several suggestions are made including collaborative partnership between the central government and local governments on the basis of mutual trust, creative governance between the local council and the executive bodies at the local level and civic engagement stemmed from the concept of resident`s sovereignty. In particular, major concern should be related to soft-ware for increasing citizen participation rather than hard-ware under the mode of local government 3.0. No doubt that digital participation based on the advanced level of information and communication technology is very important factor affecting the effective establishment of local government 3.0. Towards the higher level of citizen participation new Saemaeul Movement should be reinforced because the Saemaeul Movement provided us with considerable legacies of diligence, self-help, and co-operation which are essential for creating participatory governance. On the basis of diversities and differences in residents` preferences it is very difficult to address their demands and needs with an uniform standard and central policies. It is local governments being familiar with local situations which can increase the happiness of residents. The notion of local government 3.0 should be developed in order to maximize the happiness of residents through the full-fledged local autonomy.

      • KCI등재

        주민주권론과 지방자치의 발전

        김순은 ( Soon Eun Kim ) 한국지방행정연구원 2012 地方行政硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        Under the trend of decentralization the concept of residents sovereignty is recently attracting considerable attention from the academic field of political sciences and public administration. While we are familiar both with popular sovereignty and prince sovereignty, the notion of residents sovereignty is not well-known. Even though it may be conceivable to find out a substantial aspect of the notion of residents sovereignty, it can be used to a large extent since the late 21 century in Japan. For the purpose of enhancing vitality of residents-based autonomy a new concept of sovereignty is needed in Japan in which the notion of popular sovereignty has been closely something to do with the local government based on institution-based local autonomy. In addition, owing to the newly emerging environment characterized by importance of sustainable development and disappointment with decentralization reform so far in Japan a new local political system based on citizen participation has been suggested as a tool to make the system more accountable to residents in the process of dealing with local matters. The concept of residents sovereignty has rooted in the circumstance in Japan. Put in anther way, the notion of residents sovereignty functions as a theoretical basis for developing a political system featured by the principle such as of residents, by residents, and for residents. It can said that the notion of residents sovereignty should be sound and solid enough to vitalize local autonomy from a perspective of residents.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 자본의 관점에서 본 주민자치 시범실시 사례 분석: 역촌동을 중심으로

        김순은 ( Soon Eun Kim ) 한국지방행정연구원 2014 地方行政硏究 Vol.28 No.3

        Experimentation of residents autonomy was conducted in 31 lower administrative bodies, namely, eup, myon and dong in July1, 2013 in Korea some of which was assessed as successful in terms of the performance they made and the process in which several actors involved showed well- cooperative attitudes towards common issues. The purpose of this study aimed to analyze the factors which have them different from social capital perspective in terms of trust, reciprocal norm, nerwork broker, social inclusion and cooperation, and the relations between the government and residents by way of case study of Yeoukchondong. This study shows that Yeoukchondong is distinct in terms of a high level of social capital. On the basis of traditions which have been characterized by cultivation of local leaders several key actors including chief of administrative agency, president of residents autonomy organization, and other local leaders are mutually dependent, bilaterally complementary and reinforced one anther. In particular, broker’s role of chief of the lcoal agency, namely Dong office, is outstanding. Other studies based on the cross-sectional data should be followed in order to prove the generalization of this study.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고령화에 따른 지방행정의 영향과 향후 대책

        김순은 ( Kim Soon Eun ) 한국지방행정연구원 2017 地方行政硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        The speed of ageing society in Korea is so fast that it is very difficult to find comparable countries. Rural areas including agricultural and fishery villages are already in the super-aged society. Emigration of people to cities may lead to extinction of localities. The ageing society together with decreasing population sheds considerable problems on local administration. Despite of increasing financial difficulties, administrative demands are on the increase due to diversity of the elderly. Besides, reduction of rural population may endanger the future of local communities. In order that we may make longevity blessing local governments and local administration as well as the central government ought to prepare the ageing society to the letter. Local administration is expected to establish long-term comprehensive planning in which included are employment and income support for the elderly, housing, health, medicare and welfare, social participation and life-time learning, and life environment, etc. Besides, community design should be remade from a scattered model based on a even-development perspective to a compact city model. It is also important to enhance capacity of local administration to provide public services by way close cooperation with the private sector including the civil society. Finally, several administrative measures for decreasing lower-tier local governments should be considered. For instance, city-county consolidation, enhancement of cooperation between lower-tier local governments, and reduction of administrative functions are taken into account for options.

      • KCI등재

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