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        학습부진 학생을 위한 대학수학 수업모델

        김병무 한국수학교육학회 1999 수학교육논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        실업계 고등학교출신, 직장을 다니다 뒤늦게 진학한 학생, 수학성적 때문에 야간학과를 택한 학생들의 수학학습능력이 대학수학을 공부하기에는 부족함을 그들의 의견과 기초학습능력 검사와 수업을 통해 확인해보고 그들을 위한 수업지도 방법과 심리적 치료법을 곁들여 좋은 수업환경을 만들고 수업에 대한 반응으로부터 그들만을 위한 방법을 개발하고 수준에 맞는 교재를 만들어 ‘99학년도 2학기부터 시행에 본다음 종합적인 분석을 하여 계속된 현장연구 결과와 함께 학습부진 학생을 위한 대학수학 수업모델을 만든다.

      • 실업계고교 출신 학생을 위한 바람직한 대학수학 학습

        김병무 忠州大學校 2003 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.38 No.1

        In this paper, we investigated the students' learning attitude in college mathematics classes and analyzed teaching materials for better learning environment. Especially, we put our focus on the ways to improve mathematical ability of the students graduating from technical high schools. We find that the students graduating from technical high schools get lower mark, compared with the students graduating from general high schools. Moreover, we find the evening class students graduating from technical high schools have problems in learning college mathematics. For them, better learning environment have to be prepared. In addition, we propose the following ways for more effective education of them; 1)Testing in advance their fundamental mathematical ability 2)Dividing the classes into some, each of which has the same level 3)Using scholarship students for private tutoring 4)Trying to find other facilities and methods which can be helpful for making better learning environment 5)Asking for assistance of the university authority.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 대학수학 학습에서, 적분의 응용

        김병무 忠州大學校 2011 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.46 No.-

        Integration in mathematics has a wide range of application, such as the calculation of area, volume, length of curves, and the moment of inertia. This paper, by showing the process of proving that e and  are irrational numbers and that e is a transcendental number and also several proofs of with the concept of integration, attempts to attract the interest of students in mathematics. In addition, this paper attempts to show that students develop interest in mathematics when they are encouraged to solve the problems by their own methods which are not mentioned in the texts. In this context, it was found that fresh teaching materials, mathematical games, extensions of text materials, and introduction of unknown facts of mathematics are the factors that can enhance the students's interest in mathematics. Finally, this paper suggests that the students also should be given the chances to participate in the development of instruction materials.

      • KCI등재

        대학수학 수업모델의 방향과 평가방법

        김병무 한국수학교육학회 1999 수학교육논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        대학수학 수업을 효율적으로 진행하면서 수업 성취도를 높일 수 있는 방법을 찾기 위해 3년간의 현장 연구 결과: 1996 학년도 “대학수학 수업 실태의 조사 분석”, 1997 학년도 “흥미 및 동기유발을 위한 대학수학 수업 자료와 평가”, 1998 학년도 “대학수학 학업 성취도에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석”에 근거하여 새로운 대학수학 교재(1999. 2월 출판)와 실습교재 미분적분학을 위한 Mathematica 연습(1999. 2월 출판)을 만들고, 수업 진행을 협동학습과 수준별 학습에 바탕을 두어 한 학과 40명의 학생들을 5명씩 8개의 그룹으로 나누어 역할을 분담하도록 하여 수준에 맞는 수업을 진행하고 그에 따른 평가방법을 개발하여 시도해보고 이 수업 모델이 학생들에게 효과가 있었는지, 호응을 얻었는지에 대한 비교를 1999학년도 1학기 말에 SPSS/PC+프로그램을 이용하여 조사하려고 한다.

      • Heron의 공식의 다양한 증명

        김병무 忠州大學校 2008 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.43 No.-

        In this paper, we introduced several proofs of Heron's formula to enhance the students' interest in mathematics. For this purpose, we employed various approaches and proofs of Heron's formula in some journals. The proof results show that students develop interest in mathematics when they are encouraged to prove the propositions by their own methods or new proofs which are not mentioned in the texts. In addition, it was found that fresh materials, extensions of text materials, and introduction of unknown facts of mathematics are the factors that can enhance the students's interest in mathematics. Furthermore, we think that the students also should be creative for the development of learning materials.

      • 여러 가지 평균과 부등식을 이용한 대학수학 학습

        김병무 충주대학교 2006 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.41 No.-

        It is generally assumed that providing students with the chances to solve the problem in various different ways is good for enhancing their motivation. In line with this assumption, we first attempted to introduce several means and inequalities, their relationships and the effective ways to explain them in college mathematics class. Next, we introduced diverse proofs of several mean equalities made by other mathematicians, including the ones using calculus concepts. The students learned diverse proof-methods and had chances to apply them to other theorems and projects. On the basis of this preliminary education, we tried to help the students to apply and use the acquired concepts in solving more challenging problems. From this, we could confirm that the attempt to develop new education materials and to give the students the opportunities to find out diverse solutions of a problem is a very effective education method in college mathematics classes.

      • 대학수학에서의 Fibonacci 수열과 Pell 수열 : A way to enhance the students' interest in Mathematics

        김병무 忠州大學校 2004 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.39 No.2

        In this paper, we introduce the ways to solve the general term of the Fibonacci sequence(FS) and Pell sequence(PS) by using generating function and another methods, and show that the PS has many interesting properties, some of which are analogous to the properties of the FS. In addition, we point out the close connection between the PS and Pell's equation and show that each pair of consecutive terms of the PS generates a primitive Pythagorian triple of a special type. Furthermore, we discuss some properties of the PS that involve ratios and sums. We introduced all these properties and implications of the FS and PS, because we think the FS and PS are very helpful topics for the development of the students' interest in Mathematics and for their appreciation of the elegant world of Mathematics.

      • KCI등재

        대학 수학 학업 성취도에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석

        김병무,규상 한국수학교육학회 1998 수학교육 Vol.37 No.2

        In the college mathematics learning activity, with the result of a great gap of the mathematics competence among the students according to their high school background (the high school for entering the university; human science and natural science, and the vocational high schools) and their departments in the college, I have got to begin this study because I felt the necessity for the proper instructional (teaching) methods for the students who have lost their interests in classroom activity. In this study, as a result of classifying what king of elements has played key roles in the achievement test of college mathematics learning by giving marks to the mathematics classroom participation attitude, approaching method, classroom participation and homework habits, preparation habits for mathematics exam, the basic competence test of class activity evaluation sheets, the self-diagnosis method of instructional objective, prerequisite learning competence, the mathematics preference degree, and the mathematics achievement degree, there has been shown a meaningful difference in the fundamental competence, in the prerequisite competence, and in the learning achievement degree. Accordingly, this study is to suggest methods which are certainly helpful in learning the college mathematics and in acquiring the fundamental competence of taking lessons which is effective for the major subjects, major mathematics, in college as followings: First, after checking out the fundamental competence and the prerequisite competence, we should distinguish the students who can be in the group of college mathematics procedure from those who can be in the group of major mathematics procedure, prerequisite-learning procedure. Second, after applying the tests to the students of two or three departments whom every professor is in charge of, we should divide them into the fundamental group and the high level group, college mathematics group according to their marks, and then lead individual lessons.

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