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      • KCI등재

        소방용 AVL 시스템 개발

        김동용,문상호,Kim, Dong-Yong,Moon, Sang-Ho 한국정보통신학회 2010 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.14 No.4

        무선 통신과 모바일 단말기의 발달로 언제 어디서든 무선 통신을 할 수 있게 되었다. 이로 인하여 AVL 시스템의 활용의 폭이 넓어져 상황관제, 물류관리, 택배, 택시, ITS(Intelligent Transportation Systems) 등에 활용되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 구조, 구급 등과 같은 소방 활동에서 활용하기 위한 AVL 시스템을 설계 및 구현하고자 한다. 세부적으로 AVL 관련 기존 연구 및 시스템을 분석한 후에 긴급구조, 구급에 이용할 수 있는 AVL 시스템을 설계하고 구현한다. 이를 위하여 먼저 AVL 서버와 클라이언트를 구현하여 무선 통신을 이용하여 서버와 클라이언트의 안정적인 통신을 실현하고자 한다. 그리고 AVL 시스템을 이용하여 출동차량이 신속하게 재난 위치까지 찾아갈 수 있도록 설계하며, 차량의 위치정보를 이용하여 본부 상황실에서 차량 위치를 실시간으로 확인하여 효율적인 관제가 이루어질 수 있도록 개발한다. It is possible to use wireless communication any time in every place because of well-developed wireless networks and mobile devices. The AVL(Automatic Vehicle Location) system, therefore, has made practical use in situation control, distribution industry, home delivery service, and ITS(Intelligent Transportation System) area. In this paper, we design and implement an AVL system in order to use for fire fighting activities such as emergency rescue and relief. To do this, first, we investigate and analyze the existing researches and systems related to AVL system. In details, we develop an AVL server and clients to support stable communication each other using wireless networks. Using AVL system, calling cars find the position of accidents quickly and the fire defense headquarters control unforeseen accidents efficiently because the state of calling cars are confirmed in real time by their GPS data.

      • KCI등재

        T.S. Eliot의 Four Quartets의 구조(構造)

        金東龍 ( Kim Dong-yong ) 현대영미어문학회 1987 현대영미어문학 Vol.5 No.-

        The structure of T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets has the same patterns as cloth which is woven with vertical and horizontal threads. In this study, my aim is to identify both the vertical threads and horizontal threads rooted everywhere in Four Quartets, I also plan to chart the complete structural diagram of this work. In ‘The Music of Poetry’, one of his critical essays, Eliot mentions two ideas about the structure of Four Quartets. The two ideas are: first, ‘there are some possibilities for verse which bear some analogy to the development of a theme by different groups of instruments,’ and second, ‘there are some possibilities of transitions in a poem comparable to the different movements of a symphony or a quartet.’ The organization of Four Quartets is interesting. Many critics designate the first idea mentioned above as the vertical threads and the second idea as the horizontal threads in Four Quartets. In Four Quartets, there are two themes, time and timeless, and Eliot’s own four voices which are comparable to the sounds that musicians make when they perform a quartet with different kinds of instruments. Also in this work there are analogies, thought content which is repetitious, contrapuntal arrangements, wordplays, parodies and stress metres which are also repetitious. In Four Quartets, the poet has four symbols, four seasons, and four places. The symbols in Four Quartets are Burnt Norton symbolizing air, East Coker symbolizing earth, The Dry Salvages symbolizing water, and Little Gidding symbolizing fire. The seasons in Four Quartets are Burnt Norton which represents spring, East Coker which represents summer, The Dry Salvages which represents autumn, and Little Gidding which represents winter. The places in Four Quartets are Burnt Norton which represents a manor in Gloucester, East Coker which represents the poet’s birthplace in Somersett, The Dry Salvages which represents the sunken rocks in Dry Salvages, and Little Gidding which represents the Little Gidding Church in Huntingdonshire. In the vertical threads in BN, Eliot has two kinds of voices. One is extremely dismal and the other is extremely rapturous. Both the themes of time and timeless in BN represent the performance of the first violin through the 1, 2, 3,4, and 5 movements of a musical composition, and also represent the performance of the sounds which symbolize two kinds of air, the impure air which is extremely dismal and the pure air which is extremely rapturous during his staying in Gloucester, one spring day. In the vertical threads in EC, Eliot has two kinds of voices. One is extremely somber, and the other is extremely fascinating. Both the themes of time and timeless in EC represent the performance of the second violin through the 1,2,3,4, and 5 movements of a musical composition, and also represent the performance of the sounds which symbolize two kinds of earth, the infertile earth which is extremely sad and the fertile earth which is extremely fascinating during his staying in Somersett, one summer day. In the vertical threads in DS, Eliot has two kinds of voices. One is extremely mournful, and the other is extremely beatific. Both the themes of time and timeless in DS represent the performance of the cello through the 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 movements of a musical composition, and also represent the performance of the sounds which symbolize two kinds of water, the wild water which is extremely mournful and the still water which is extremely beatific during his staying in Dry Salvages, one autumn day. In the vertical threads in LG, Eliot has two kinds of voices. One is extremely sorrowful and the other is extremely delightful. Both the themes of time and timeless in LG represent the performance of the viola through the 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 movements of a musical composition, and also represent the performance of the sounds which symbolize two kinds of fire, the unpurifying fire which is extremely sorrowful and the purifying fire which is extremely delightful during his staying in the Little Gidding Church, one winter day. In conclusion, the vertical threads in Four Quartets are Eliot’s four kinds of voices which are extremely sad (time theme) and extremely ecstatic (timeless theme); weeping in BN, appealing in EC, resenting in DS, and attaching in LG and unweeping in BN, unappealing in EC, unresenting in DS, and unattaching in LG. In Four Quartets, Eliot gives a performance that makes such a vertical transitions as mentioned above, using the extremely sad voices and the extremely ecstatic voices. His performance includes the first violin in BN, the second violin in EC, the cello in DS, and the viola in LG. The horizontal transitions in all the first movements take place when the poet develops all the first movements in BN, EC, DS, and LG horizontally, using the horizontal threads. As a result of this, the prosody and thought content in all the first movements have the repetitious analogies that make musical transitions. This is also true in the second, the thrid, the fourth, and fifth movements. The horizontal transitions obtained from the horizontal threads in Four Quartets are listed below. Ⅰ. a) Prosody. BN, EC, DS, and LG are composed of blank verse of approximately 50 lines. b) Thought content. In the first sections, the poet gathers the materials that he had experienced from nature and human life, and meditates in order to know the significance between time and timeless in BN, EC, DS, and LG. In the second sections, dramatizing time and timeless, the poet touches on the immortal vision momentarily in BN, and LG. The poet tastes the experiences that have transcendented space and time in EC. The poet tastes the eternal creative time that has transcendented the time of human beings in DS. Ⅱ. a) Prosody. The first sections in BN, EC, DS, and LG are composed of lyrics full of metaphors and symbols that closely resemble conventional poems. Both BN, and EC are composed of lyrics that have keynotes of 8 syllables rhyming irregularly. DS is composed of a poem which has 6 stanzas symplifying sestina. LG is composed of a poem that has various long and short lines and 3 octava stanzas. The second sections in BN, EC, DS, and LG are composed of verse written in very long colloquial speech. b) Thought content. The first section in BN, shows the harmony between the universe and all creation, but the first section in EC, shows the inharmony between the universe and all creation. The first sections of both DS, and LG show the mutability of human life. The poet goes into more detail in the second sections than in the first sections. Ⅲ. a) Prosody. BN, EC, DS, and LG, are composed of blank verse, the number of lines closely resembles that of lines written in the first movements, but the lines communicate to us in more prosaic style. b) Thought content, In the first sections, the poet comments on the world of The Waste Land, but in EC, and DS, the poet compares his life with a voyage, and describes the significance between life and death. In the second sections, the poet introduces the thought of the past’s greatest thinkers, such as St. John of the Cross’ in BN, and EC, Krishna’s in DS, and Lady Juliana Norwich’s in LG. Ⅳ. a) Prosody. BN, EC, DS, and LG are composed of very short lyrics full of metaphors. b) Thought content. The movements of BN, EC, DS, and LG are composed of spiritual meditations. In BN, the poet wishes to get salvation, in EC, he describes the meaning of the red cross allegorically, in DS, he gives his prayers to Maria, and in LG, he urges his soul to take a new birth. Ⅴ. a) Prosody. The first sections in BN, EC, DS and LG are composed of long lines written in colloquial speech, but in the second sections, increasing the number of the lines, the poet shortens the length of line, and changes his poetic tone to a lyrical or a meditative tone. b) Thought content. In the second sections, turning back to the themes of time and timeless written in the head paragraphs of the first sections, the poet meditates on the meaning of time and timeless and tries to attain higher truths of time and timeless. I do not hesitates to say that if the structure of EN in Four Quartets is analized and compared to the structure of the other three poems (EC, DS, LG), one will discover that they have the same structural patterns as BN has. There is no doubt for me that T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets has the same structual patterns as cloth which is woven with vertical threads and horizontal threads.

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