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      • KCI등재

        <담배노래>의 노랫말 구성 양상과 의미-대상에 대한 경험, 의미망의 확장과 관련하여

        길태숙 ( Kihl Tae-suk ) 국제어문학회 2004 국제어문 Vol.32 No.-

        This paper looked through the framework and the meaning of < Tobacco song > in 『Complete works of Korean Oral Literature(한국구비 문학대계)』. < Tobacco song > is composed of `question and answering about introduction of tobacco`, `growing tobacco`, `making pipe tobacco` and `impression of smoking`. `Question and answering about introduction of tobacco`, `growing tobacco`, and `making pipe tobacco` is a process for understanding an object called tobacco. < Tobacco song > is made up of sequential process to know an object, and each expression of < Tobacco song > depends on experience of singers. Experience is one of singers to farm or singers` literary one. Singers have seen to make songs on the basis of experience and the framework of < Tobacco song >. Desire for knowing an object originates from interest about an object. Interest about an object comes up at `impression of smoking`, excitement of smoking in < Tobacco song > is `lightening heaviness of life`. Exactly excitement of smoking raises desire for understanding tobacco and is reason for enjoying songs. But, image to communicate through `impression of smoking` enlarged to `lighting that a body grows dim`, `lightening heaviness of life`, and `an action for escaping from heaviness of life`. The meaning network is structurized on the basis of variety experience. There are songs in < Tobacco song >, that are followed the words of song of `make him son-in-low` and `calling Okdanchun` being continued on `impression of smoking`. < Tobacco song >`s construction that is included the words of song of `make him son-in-low` and `calling Okdanchun` is able to be account for a metaphoric thinking system. < Tobacco song > is constructed on connecting rings of images between the tobacco in < Tobacco song > and the words of song of `make him son-in-low` and `calling Okdanchun`. Namely, a metaphoric thinking system that structurizes the meaning network through the chaining takes part in the framework of folk song.

      • KCI등재

        동양 철학에서의 소리의 속성과 감성 유형 -중국의 악론과 조선의 천기론을 중심으로

        길태숙 ( Tae Suk Kihl ) 한국감성과학회 2010 감성과학 Vol.13 No.1

        This paper is designed to investigate the attributes of sound and emotion resided in traditional Eastern thought by looking into acoustic theories such as Sunguarakron (聲有哀樂論) in Akgi(樂記), Sungmuaerakron(聲無哀樂論) of Haegang(혜康) and Akhakgebum(樂學軌範), Chongiron(天機論) in Choson(朝鮮) dynasty. Six types of emotions, namely sadness, pleasure, happiness, anger, respect, and, affection (哀心, 樂心, 喜心, 怒心, 敬心, 愛心) which is related with sounds was closely reviewed through Akgi(樂記). Also attributes of sounds such as loudness, sharpness, pitch, roughness, fluctuation strength and pleasantness was corresponded with plain & complicated(單複), pitch(高비), good & bad(善惡) slow & fast(舒疾), loud & quiet(猛靜) respectively. In addition to this, this paper is narrowed down that the basic ideas about sound and emotions of Choson(朝鮮) confucian scholar was based on theory of music and rhythm on Akgi(樂記). Furthermore, the relationship between expressed sound and emotions which was revealed in Chongiron(天機論) has been examined. Finally, various applied research and studies will be promoted through this study, because this study will provide foundation which supports sounds and emotions of Eastern.

      • KCI등재

        Funology Body: Funology와 몸의 철학 이론을 바탕으로 한 어플리케이션 분류 검색 체계 연구

        길태숙 ( Tae Suk Kihl ),장준호 ( Jun O Jang ),주현선 ( Hyun Sun Ju ),권지은 ( Ji Eun Kwon ) 한국감성과학회 2010 감성과학 Vol.13 No.4

        This article focuses on Funology and a new classified application system based on concept of language and thought which are formed by body experience. It is defined by Funology Body as that. Funology Body is classifying and searching system which are consisted of a body, world (environment), and device tool. The body is sectioned by Brain, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Hand, Torso, Feet, and Heart according as parts of the human body. This allows intuiting and experience searching as making classified system connected to the application relationship with concept of an each part of body. The Brain of the body is sub-classified by Book, Account, Business, Memory, Education, Search, and Aphorism to imply the application with thought. The Eyes take Video, Photography, and Broadcast for visibility. The Ears is categorized as Music, Instrument, Audio, and Radio for hearing. The Nose gets Perfume, Smell for olfactory sense. The Mouth is sectioned by Food, SNS, Chatting, Email, and Blog for eating and communication. The Hand sorts into Games, Kits, and Editing to handle, create, and play. The Torso is grouped by Health, Medical, Dance, Sport, Fashion, and Testyuorself related by protecting internal and meaning of the body core. The Feet is classified by Travel, Transportation, Map, and Outdoor for moving and concept of expanding the terrain. The Heart is consisted of Fear, Anger, Joy, Sadness, Acceptance, Disgust, Expectation, and Surprise for a human feeling. Beyond that, the World takes News, Time, Weather, Map, Fortune, and Shop, and Device tool gets Interface, Utilities. The Funology Body has a unique characteristic of giving intuitive and sensuous pleasure and reflection of users` attitudeand taste for changing application flexibly.

      • KCI등재

        「베틀노래」의 의미 체계: 달 여성 직조 죽음의 상징

        길태숙 ( Kihl Tae-suk ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2007 국제어문 Vol.40 No.-

        「베틀노래」는 여성의 베짜기와 관련하여 불린 노래이다. 현재 전하는 「베틀노래」는 네 가지 유형의 노래가 있다. 이중 이 논문에서는 베틀의 비유를 중심으로 한 「베틀노래」를 대상으로 노래에 나타난 달, 여성, 직조, 죽음의 의미체계에 대해 주목하였다. 여성의 현실의 삶을 반영하고 베짜기를 여성의 노동으로 인식한 여러 각편의 「베틀노래」가 있다. 반면 베틀의 비유를 담고 있는 노래 중 특히 신랑이 죽어서 칠성판에 실려 돌아온다는 노랫말이 불린 「베틀노래」에서는 달, 여성, 베짜기, 죽음의 이미지가 유기적으로 구성되어 달의 상징과 관련한 순환론적세계관을 전달하고 있다. The < Loom Song > is related to women`s weaving. Four types of Loom Songs have been handed down until now. In this article I discuss the meaning of the < Loom Song > variant in which the loom becomes a metaphor of mythical symbolism for the moon, woman, weaving, and death. We find many versions of < Loom Song > which are adjusted overtime to deal with women`s real life by using one of the women`s most laborious jobs, so we have usually try to interpretate them as a realistic experience. The < Loom Song > variant with the lyrics relating the husband`s death include the metaphor of the loom composed structurally of the moon, woman, weaving, and death. This structure of the moon, woman, weaving, and death in the < Loom Song > presents a world view of regeneration concerned with lunar symbolism. We need to interpretate these songs not only as realistic experiences but also an aspect of their transmission through the generations.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        다차원 가상세계 모델 개발을 위한 연구

        길태숙(Kihl, Tae-Suk),장준호(Chang, Ju-No),백형목(Baek, Hyoung-Mok),이대웅(Rhee, Dae-Woong) 한국게임학회 2009 한국게임학회 논문지 Vol.9 No.4

        본 논문에서는 디지털매체의 복합적 특징을 포괄적으로 활용할 수 있도록 기존 가상세계 모델에 시간축을 부여하여 확장하는 방안을 제안하였다. 시간축이 부여된 가상세계의 구현은 현재의 공간정보가 포함된 전 세계의 맵을 기반으로 하여 형성된 가상세계 시뮬레이션에 시간축으로의 정보를 부여함으로써 가능하다. 시간축을 적용한다는 것은 그 시대에 맞는 정치, 경제, 문화, 사회의 제도가 적용된다는 의미이며 이에 사용자들은 시대에 적합한 행동을 함으로 가상세계인으로서 생존할 수 있고, 또한 시대 커뮤니티를 형성할 수 있다. 본 논문에서 제시한 시간축이 부여된 가상세계는 사용자의 상호소통과 참여를 유도하여 계속적인 유지 확장이 가능하며, 이에 궁극적으로는 전세계 시공간적 콘텐츠 내에서의 사용자 스토리텔링을 지원하는 것을 지향한다. In this paper, we present a model of a virtual world that incorporates different time periods, in contrast to current popular virtual worlds like Second Life, to utilize the digital space fully. The construction of a virtual world in which we include historical information in the virtual life simulation utilizing the world map and current space information is proposed. The reason for incorporating time is that the virtual world varies according to the politics, economics, society, and culture of a particular time period, so users are able to play in a distinct virtual world as a resident and make their communities of their own free will. Like the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the model proposed in this paper is a project designed to be maintained by and expanded through the interactivity of users, but unlike Wikipedia, users of this virtual world will be able to live and interact in a world of their own creation in addition to contributing real information.

      • KCI등재

        ADHD 아동의 집중도 유지 및 읽기이해를 위한 기능성게임 디자인

        박승이(Seung ie Park),박경은(Kyung eun Park),길태숙(Tae suk Kihl) 한국컴퓨터게임학회 2017 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.30 No.2

        This study designs an interactive serious game for children with ADHD to sustain attention concentration and improve their reading comprehension skill. This serious game enables to read fairy tale interactively. The fairy tale consists of 6 sequences and the game assigns tasks for concentration training to 2, 4, 5, and 6 sequences. Executing concentration task, MindWave BCI is used to measure brain waves and to judge success of failure of the task with that measurement. Game play data and concentration data were stored in a sever real time. As the experiment progressed, the concentration levels of the participants are sustained stable. The results of paired t-test on pre- and post- reading ability, short reading comprehension, and story understanding are significant. It is expected that this study will help game design for children with ADHD as well as reading disability.

      • KCI등재

        A Case Study of the Effect of Feedback and Repeatability of Game Storytelling on Overcoming Fear of Failure of a ADHD Child

        장석진(Seok Jin Chang),박승이(Seung ie Park),길태숙(Tae suk Kihl) 한국컴퓨터게임학회 2018 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.31 No.2

        본 논문은 반복적인 읽기와 실패 및 성공에 대한 실시간 피드백이 포함된 동화 게임 읽기가 실패 두려움의 특징을 보인 한 ADHD 아동의 실패 두려움 극복에 효과적이었음을 관찰하고 이 사례에 대해 보고한 것이다. 본 연구의 실험에 사용된 동화 게임 <어부와 지니>는 읽기 스크립트와 BCI와 모션센싱 기술을 활용한 행동과 집중력 미션을 포함하고 있으며, 이를 통해 사용자가 콘텐츠와 인터랙션 하도록 하고, 아동이 책읽기 도중에 실패할 경우 포기하지 않고 미션을 완수해 줄 것을 독려하여 동화를 끝까지 읽고 이해하기의 목표에 성공하도록 디자인되었다. 동화읽기 실험은 참여자 아동을 대상으로 준비기 1회, 중재 4회의 총 5주 동안 실행되었다. 참여자가 콘텐츠를 읽는 과정 동안 데이터가 수집되고, 참여 관찰을 통해 아동의 읽기태도와 행동을 살펴보고, 사후 보호자 인터뷰를 하였다. 실험 결과, 아동에게서 실패의 두려움을 극복하는 모습이 발견되었다. 이는 아동이 동화 게임 <어부와 지니>를 읽으며 반복적으로 경험한 재미있는 실패가 수행에 참여하는 아동의 수치심 경험으로 작용하지 않고 자기가치감을 손상하지 않는 실패로 경험됨으로써 그 결과 아동이 실패를 효과적으로 극복하도록 도운 것으로 생각할 수 있다. This paper reports the case study which examines that reading fairy tale games, including repetitive readings and real-time feedbacks on failure and success, has been effective in overcoming an ADHD child’s fear of failure. The fairy tale game The Fisherman and Genie , used in the experiment of this study, includes action and attention mission by utilizing scripts, BCI and motion sensing technology. Through this, the user can interact with the contents and the child was encouraged to complete the mission without giving up, and finally achieve the goal of reading and understanding the fairy tale to the end. The experiment of reading fairy tales was carried out for a total of 5 weeks: the first week of preparation session and four weeks of intervention sessions. The data was collected during the participant s reading process. The child s reading attitude and behavior were examined through participant observation and interviews were conducted after the intervention. As a result, it was found that the child could overcome the fear of failure. This is because the positive failure that a child experience repeatedly by reading fairy tale game The Fisherman and Genie is not considered as a shameful experience, but a failure experience that does not impair one s self-worth, and as well as to help the child to overcome failures effectively.

      • KCI등재

        Research on the Relationship of Narrative Emotions and Reading Attitudes in Playing Fairy Tale Game of ADHD Children

        박승이(Seung ie Park),박경은(Kyung eun Park),길태숙(Tae suk Kihl) 한국컴퓨터게임학회 2018 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구에서는 4명의 ADHD 아동을 대상으로 동화 게임 읽기를 5주간 시행하고, 이야기 감정이 아동의 읽기 태도에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 본 연구에 활용된 동화 게임은 아라비안 나이트의 <어부와 지니>를 인터랙티브 동화로 개발한 것으로, 모션센싱 디바이스로써 마이크로 소프트(Microsoft)사의 키넥트(Kinect)와 BCI(Brain Computer Inface)로써 뉴로스카이(NeuroSky)사의 마인드웨이브(MindWave)를 Unity 3D 게임엔진과 연결하여 사용자가 읽기, 행동, 집중력을 사용하여 플레이하도록 디자인된 것이다. 본 연구에서는 <어부와 지니> 게임 동화를 읽는 동안 아동이 감정적인 텍스트를 읽을 때 보인 집중도를 추적하고, 보호자의 아동의 읽기 태도 변화에 대한 인터뷰와 비교하였다. 그 결과 상위 75%의 집중도를 보인 텍스트 중 다양한 이야기 감정 텍스트를 포함하고 있는 아동이 그렇지 않은 아동에 비해 읽기 태도에서 긍정적인 변화를 보였다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. This research examines the effect of the narrative emotion on children s reading attitudes through the experiment which four children with ADHD have read a fairy tale story game, five times for five weeks. The narrative contents applied to this research are based on the well-known fairy tale story, “The Fisherman and the Genie” from The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night. The behavior treatment game system was designed to get users to play by reading the story, behaving appropriately, and keeping concentration on top of Unity 3D game engine. It uses two types of sensor devices including brainwaves and motion sensors, NewroSky’s MindWave biosensor BCI (Brain Computer Interface) and Micorsoft’s Kinect, respectively. This research kept track of players’ attention in parallel with the scripts containing many emotional points from the fairy tale story. For further analysis, the monitored attention was compared with the interview results in terms of the changes on reading attitude. According to the analysis result, a child whose attention increased higher than 75% at the emotional text scripts showed positive changes on his reading attitude compared with other players who did not have meaningful increase in their attention at the text.

      • KCI등재

        효율적인 응답속도를 위한 로그 데이터 분석 기반 모바일 게임 사용자 계정 관리

        김민재(Min Jae Kim),허정만(Jeong man Heo),박소영(So Young Park),길태숙(Tae Suk Kihl),김석규(Seok Kyoo Kim),이대웅(Dae Woong Rhee) 한국컴퓨터게임학회 2014 한국컴퓨터게임학회논문지 Vol.27 No.2

        As the users continuously play the mobile game, the mobile game service requires a method to manage their information such as their game play score and their own game items. For the purpose of responding to the user requests in real time, the proposed method reduces the size of the database by separating the information of inactive users from the main database. Considering the construction cost, the proposed method moves the information of the inactive users to the file instead of another secondary database system. In order to minimize the effect of the system environment such as CPU or memory, the proposed method depends on the response time to the user request rather than the last login time or the number of the user accounts. For the safety and consistency of the database, the proposed method utilizes a traditional RDBMS rather than NoSQL.

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