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      • KCI등재

        Estimation of residual stress in welding of dissimilar metals at nuclear power plants using cascaded support vector regression

        구영도,유쾌환,나만균 한국원자력학회 2017 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.49 No.4

        Residual stress is a critical element in determining the integrity of parts and the lifetime of weldedstructures. It is necessary to estimate the residual stress of a welding zone because residual stress is amajor reason for the generation of primary water stress corrosion cracking in nuclear power plants. That is, it is necessary to estimate the distribution of the residual stress in welding of dissimilarmetals under manifold welding conditions. In this study, a cascaded support vector regression (CSVR)model was presented to estimate the residual stress of a welding zone. The CSVR model was seriallyand consecutively structured in terms of SVR modules. Using numerical data obtained from finiteelement analysis by a subtractive clustering method, learning data that explained the characteristicbehavior of the residual stress of a welding zone were selected to optimize the proposed model. Theresults suggest that the CSVR model yielded a better estimation performance when compared with aclassic SVR model.

      • KCI등재

        Nuclear Reactor Vessel Water Level Prediction During Severe Accidents Using Deep Neural Networks

        구영도,안예지,김창회,나만균 한국원자력학회 2019 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.51 No.3

        Acquiring instrumentation signals generated from nuclear power plants (NPPs) is essential to maintainnuclear reactor integrity or to mitigate an abnormal state under normal operating conditions or severeaccident circumstances. However, various safety-critical instrumentation signals from NPPs cannot beaccurately measured on account of instrument degradation or failure under severe accident circumstances. Reactor vessel (RV) water level, which is an accident monitoring variable directly related toreactor cooling and prevention of core exposure, was predicted by applying a few signals to deep neuralnetworks (DNNs) during severe accidents in NPPs. Signal data were obtained by simulating the postulatedloss-of-coolant accidents at hot- and cold-legs, and steam generator tube rupture using modularaccident analysis program code as actual NPP accidents rarely happen. To optimize the DNN model for RVwater level prediction, a genetic algorithm was used to select the numbers of hidden layers and nodes. The proposed DNN model had a small root mean square error for RV water level prediction, and performedbetter than the cascaded fuzzy neural network model of the previous study. Consequently, theDNN model is considered to perform well enough to provide supporting information on the RV waterlevel to operators

      • KCI등재

        教育雑誌 『建国教育』 から見る『満洲国』期の『朝鮮族』教師について

        永嶋洋一(NAGASHIMA YOICHI) 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.33

        This research clarifies the actual situation of the “Japanese language education system” which is being provided at a one of “The Ethnic Koreans in China school” in Eastern‐North province of China according to the basics of “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese language education system during the Manchurian period. Especially the present research focuses on the teaching method of “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese teachers. Furthermore this research verifies according to the collected materials and interview investigations that the teaching methods such as “Direct method” or “intensive training ”which are usually insisted by Japanese language educators, were almost actually executed at “The Ethnic Koreans in China” school during the Manchurian Empire. The preceding researches related to “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese language education are still staying at general surveys degree and can’t go up from the present step of investigations. In short, view from the “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese language education point is equal to practically nothing. An author in this article approaches the Manchurian education system from “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese education position.

      • KCI등재
      • 「満洲国」期の「朝鮮族」による日本語教育について

        永嶋洋一(Nagashima Yoichi) 동북아시아문화학회 2012 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2012 No.10

        This research clarifies the actual situation of the “Japanese language education system” which is being provided at a one of “The Ethnic Koreans in China school” in Eastern-North province of China according to the basics of “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese language education system during the Manchurian period.. Especially the present research focuses on the teaching method of “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese teachers. Furthermore this research verifies according to the collected materials and interview investigations that the teaching methods such as “Direct method” or “intensive training ”which are usually insisted by Japanese language educators, were almost actually executed at “The Ethnic Koreans in China” school during the Manchurian Empire. The preceding researches related to “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese language education are still staying at general surveys degree and can’t go up from the present step of investigations. In short, view from the “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese language education point is equal to practically nothing. An author in this article approaches the Manchurian education system from “The Ethnic Koreans in China” Japanese education position.

      • KCI등재


        永嶋洋一(나가시마 요이치) 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.38

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the educational environment of “The Ethnic Koreans in China” school of “Manchukuo” term. In previous studies, they do not have the research about the educational environment in the school. By researching deeply about the educational environment of the school, I want to clarify the actual education in “The Ethnic Koreans in China” school, and I think that the place of education of “Manchukuo” term continues to the education of modern “The Ethnic Koreans in China”. I will clarify what the educational environment of “The Ethnic Koreans in China” school was by focusing on those school in “Manchukuo”. In this paper, I will clarify the educational environment of “The Ethnic Koreans in China” school by focusing the educational magazine “Kenkoku education”and the original field survey.

      • KCI등재

        2개의 고종실록 편찬을 둘러싼 궁내성·이왕직의 갈등

        나가시마 히로키(永島廣紀) 고려사학회 2016 한국사학보 Vol.- No.64

        韓日合邦에 따라 형식적이나마 국권이 ‘移讓’되면서 大韓皇帝인 순종은 새로 李王으로, 太皇帝(고종)는 李太王으로 각각 ‘冊立’되었다. 즉, 일본에 의한 한국 병합이란 무엇보다 옛 대한제국 황실을 포섭함으로써 가지게 된 儀典的 의무가 주어진다는 것을 의미했다. 그리고 이것을 가장 가시적으로 구현한 것이 바로 궁내성안에 李王職이 신설된 것이고, 또 대한황제(이태왕/이왕)의 薨去에 따른 실록편찬이었다. 그런데 朝鮮總督府는 韓國統監府시절부터 조선왕조/대한제국에 유래되어온 도서들 지방사고에서 반출하여 서울(경성) 경복궁 안에 있던 규장각에 집약하고 그 목록을 만들었다. 이에 따라 각 王代 실록들과 더불어 국가 의례에 관한 매뉴얼인 각종 의궤, 혹은 王統에 관한 系譜類들이 어떻게 보존되어 왔는지에 관해서 그 내용이 밝혀졌다. 이 정리 작업의 진전을 바탕으로 宮内省圖書寮는 이태왕이 薨去(1919년)함에 따라 조선총독부에 이태왕실록편찬을 위한 기초자료로서 의궤를 비롯하여 여러 기록들의 양도를 요청했다. 그러나 이 궁내성판 실록은 결과적으로는 稿本단계에서 1923년에 편찬이 완료되었지만, 공식적으로는 끝내 공개되지는 않은 채 작업이 끝났다. 사실상 이렇게 중단되었던 자세한 이유는 아직 밝혀지지 않은 채 연구과제로 남아 있다. 이왕직측은 궁내성 도서료가 주도했던 실록편찬방침에 큰 불만을 가지고 있었다. 그래서 皇室令 개정에 의한 ‘王公族軌範’제정(1926년)이나 王公族審議會 설치에 따른 제도적인 기반정비가 이루어짐에 따라 이왕직이 실록편찬에 관해서도 주도권을 잡으려 했던 움직임을 엿볼 수 있다. 그리고 그 결과로 나타나게 된 것이 이왕직에 의해 1930년에 개시되고 1935년에 완료되었던 『高宗太皇帝實錄』과 『純宗皇帝實錄』이다. 이 이왕직에 의한 실록편찬의 중심이 되었던 인물이 바로 오다 쇼고(小田省吾, 1871~1953)이다. 그는 第一高等學校교수에서 대한제국학무관료로 이동하여 조선총독부 학무국 근무를 거쳐 京城帝國大學 예과부장/법문학부 朝鮮史學講座 교수를 역임했던 인물로, 역사교과서 편찬, 수사사업, 고적조사 등 그가 맡은 사업 전체를 살펴보면 대부분 조선반도에서 실시된 문교정책임을 파악할 수 있다. 오다는 경성제대 정년퇴임 후 숙명여전교장을 맡으면서 궁내성(이왕직)의 촉탁으로 근대자료수집을 지휘하였는데, 궁내성 도서료와는 또 다른 사관, 내지는 사학연구법으로 고종/순종실록을 완성시켰다. 본고에서는 이러한 ‘2가지의 실록’이 작성된 경위와 과정을 역사학적으로 복원하면서 식민지시기 조선에 있어 동양의 역사서술을 둘러싸고 어떤 종류의 갈등이 있었는지에 대해 검토하고자 한다. After the Japanese annexation of the Korean Empire, former emperor Gojong and emperor Sunjong were newly designated as the Yi Household’s King. In addition, the Japanese Government established the Yi Household section under the Japanese Imperial Household Ministry. The Japanese Government then recognized the need to compile veritable records after the death of a Yi royal family member. The Government General of Chosen gathered several kinds of Korean historical materials, and some documents concerning the Korean royal family’s records were transferred to the Japanese Imperial Household to edit Gojong’s veritable records. However, Gojong’s veritable records were unfinished and the editing project was terminated in 1923. Meanwhile, in order to establish the Rules of the Yi Royal Family in 1926, the Yi Household Office started to compile their original veritable records about Gojong and Sunjong, which was finished in 1935. Gojong’s and Sunjong’s veritable records were compiled by Shogo Oda, professor of Keijo Imperial University and who later became the principal of Sookmyung women’s college. He was also a supervisor of Yi Loyal Household. This article aims to clarify the meaning behind the TWO VERITABLE RECORDS compiled by Japanese Imperial Household and Yi Household by comparing one another.

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